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“Unto two thousand and three hundred days; [years] then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Not a word is said about the “host” [God’s true worshippers] being delivered at the end of the 2300 days; only that the Sanctuary should then be cleansed. To Daniel is given two measuring rods, one 2300 years long, the other, a short rod, which is the time of cleansing the Sanctuary. The short rod is the waiting time, since the termination of the 2300 days, in which time the saints must patiently wait the return of their “Lord from the wedding.” Paul calls this short rod “a little while,” during which we “have need of patience.”SATDSD 8.2
Advent believers agree that the seventy weeks [490 years] were cut off from the 2300, therefore, if we can find out where the seventy weeks begin, we can show where the 2300 days terminate. Here I will give a very important extract from a “Lecture on Chronology,” “Advent Herald” for March 2, 1850.SATDSD 8.3
“The Bible gives the data for a complete system of chronology, extending from the creation to the birth of CYRUS, a clearly ascertained date. From this period downwards we have the undisputed Canon of PTOLEMY and the undoubted era of NABONASSAR, extending below our vulgar era. At the point where inspired chronology leaves us, this canon of undoubted accuracy commences. And thus the whole arch is spanned. It is by the Canon of PTOLEMY that the great prophetical period of seventy weeks is fixed. This Canon places the seventh year of ARTAXERXES in the year B. C. 457; and the accuracy of the Canon is demonstrated by the concurrent agreement of more than twenty eclipses. The seventy weeks date from the going forth of a decree respecting the restoration of Jerusalem. There were no decrees between the seventh and twentieth years of ARTAXERXES. Four hundred and ninety years, beginning with the 7th, must commence in B. C. 457, and end in A. D. 34. Commencing in the 20th, they must commence in B. C. 444, and end in A. D. 47. As no event occurred in A. D. 47 to mark their termination, we cannot reckon from the 20th; we must, therefore, look to the 7th of ARTAXERXES. This date we cannot change from B. C. 457 without first demonstrating the inaccuracy of PTOLEMY’S Canon. To do this, it would be necessary to show that the large number of eclipses by which its accuracy has been repeatedly demonstrated, have not been correctly computed; and such a result would unsettle every chronological date, and leave the settlement of epochs and the adjustment of eras entirely at the mercy of every dreamer, so that chronology would be of no more value than mere guess-work. - As the seventy weeks must terminate in A. D. 34, unless the 7th of ARTAXERXES is wrongly fixed, and as that cannot be changed without some evidence to that effect, we inquire, What evidence marked that termination? The time when the apostles turned to the Gentiles harmonizes with that date better than any other which has been named. And the crucifixion, in A. D. 31, in the midst of the last week, is sustained by a mass of testimony which cannot be easily invalidated.”SATDSD 9.1
I am glad that the “Herald” has given this testimony on time. A school boy, that can add and subtract, can see that if the seventy weeks commenced B. C. 457, as shown by the “Herald,” the 2300 days certainly terminated in 1844. It was oft repeated in 1843, “FIGURES WON’T LIE.” This is as true in 1850, as it was in 1843.SATDSD 10.1
Jesus caused the “sacrifice and oblation to cease” in the “midst” [middle] of the seventieth week by “nailing it to his cross” in the spring of A. D. 31. To this add three years and a half, the last half of the seventieth week, and it brings us to the autumn of A. D. 34 for the termination of the seventy weeks, [490 years.] Then add 1810 years, the last part of the 2300, which reach to the cleansing of the Sanctuary, and it brings us to the Autumn of 1844. Amen.SATDSD 10.2
At that point of time the Midnight Cry was given, the work for the world was closed up, and Jesus passed into the Most Holy Place to receive the kingdom, and to cleanse the Sanctuary.SATDSD 10.3
With these facts before us, it seems strange that any one should contend that the 2300 days are not ended. A singular period indeed that has extended already five and a half years beyond its real length, and has not ended yet!SATDSD 10.4
The “Watchman,” (a paper which advocated the termination of the 2300 days in the Spring of 1850,) says - “There is manifestly a great lack of faith on time.” It seems perfectly unreasonable to expect much faith on any time that might be set for the ending of the 2300 days, as we are more than five years this side of where the true calculation that aroused the world, run out. Since 1844, so many times have been published, with little or no evidence to sustain them, and have had so little effect upon the people, and have passed by, that we may naturally expect the people to be disgusted with any set time for the 2300 days to end in the future, and we may reasonably expect that those who have published these false times will be ashamed of their past course in removing the “landmarks.”SATDSD 10.5