- About the Author
- Contents
- The Promise of the Spirit, January 1
- The Comforter, January 2
- The Nature of the Spirit: A Mystery, January 3
- The Spirit: A Witness, January 4
- Christ's Representative, January 5
- The Heavenly Dove, January 6
- Unseen as the Wind, January 7
- Oil in Your Vessels, January 8
- A Constant Flow of Oil, January 9
- Leaven in Our Heart, January 10
- Living Water to Be Shared, January 11
- Life-giving Sap, January 12
- The “New Wine” of the Kingdom, January 13
- A Burning Fire, January 14
- Tongues of Fire, January 15
- Giver of a New Life, January 16
- Showers of Grace, January 17
- The Spirit Helps Us, January 18
- The Spirit Intercedes for Us, January 19
- The Spirit Leads Us to Become God's Children, January 20
- The Spirit Moves Among Us, January 21
- The Spirit Visits Us, January 22
- The Spirit Speaks to Us, January 23
- The Spirit Enlightens Us, January 24
- The Spirit Can Be Grieved, January 25
- The Spirit May Depart, January 26
- The Sin Against the Spirit, January 27
- Willfully Rejecting the Spirit, January 28
- Now Is the Time for Repentance, January 29
- The Spirit Patiently Waits, January 30
- The Spirit Is Ever Waiting, January 31
- Born Again, February 1
- Chosen to Be Saved, February 2
- A Temple for the Spirit, February 3
- Partakers of the Divine Nature, February 4
- Clay in the Hands of the Potter, February 5
- Dry Bones Vivified, February 6
- Weak Souls Strengthened, February 7
- Divine Image Restored, February 8
- The Heart Changed, February 9
- Lips Are Sanctified, February 10
- The Mind Renewed, February 11
- Self Crucified, February 12
- Thoughts Transformed, February 13
- Tastes Are Changed, February 14
- Temper Is Subdued, February 15
- Pride Is Broken, February 16
- The House Cleansed, February 17
- A Christlike Character, February 18
- Having the Mind of Christ, February 19
- Abiding in Him, February 20
- Beholding Him, February 21
- Complete in Him, February 22
- Resting in Him, February 23
- Conformed to His Image, February 24
- In Cooperation With the Spirit, February 25
- Free From the Curse of Sin, February 26
- Sanctified but Not Sinless, February 27
- Always Growing, February 28
- Step by Step to Victory, February 29
- A Holy Fragrance, March 1
- Repentance, the First Fruit, March 2
- Love, March 3
- Joy, March 4
- Peace, March 5
- Long-suffering, March 6
- Gentleness, March 7
- Goodness, March 8
- Faith, March 9
- Meekness, March 10
- Temperance, March 11
- Self-control, March 12
- Kindness, March 13
- Charity, March 14
- Contentment, March 15
- Thankfulness, March 16
- Harmony, March 17
- Unity, March 18
- Oneness, March 19
- Brotherly Love, March 20
- Generosity, March 21
- Benevolence, March 22
- Purity, March 23
- Outward Neatness, March 24
- Obedience, March 25
- Confidence, March 26
- Godliness, March 27
- Holiness, March 28
- Humility, March 29
- Dependence, March 30
- Christlikeness, March 31
- Enlightened Through the Spirit, April 1
- The Spirit Essential for Understanding Truth, April 2
- Ways in Which the Spirit Leads Us, April 3
- Going to the Source of Light, April 4
- Developing Spiritual Discernment, April 5
- Looking for Treasures, April 6
- Searching for Truth, April 7
- Knowing the Unknown, April 8
- Digging Deeper Into the Mine, April 9
- With Humble Hearts, April 10
- With a Teachable Disposition, April 11
- With Empty Vessels, April 12
- With a Prayerful Spirit, April 13
- Trusting in His Illumination, April 14
- Believing in His Guidance, April 15
- Meditating on God's Word, April 16
- Rejoicing in the Word, April 17
- Sanctified Through the Word, April 18
- Guided Through the Written Testimony, April 19
- Illumination Not Given Apart From the Word, April 20
- Not Relying on Our Own Imagination, April 21
- Not Guided by Emotions, April 22
- Not Trusting in Impressions, April 23
- A Clear Voice Amid Other Voices, April 24
- Ready to Give Reason of Our Hope, April 25
- Capable to Distinguish False Theories, April 26
- Able to Discern Truth From Error, April 27
- Separating the True From the Fictitious, April 28
- Laying a Firm Foundation, April 29
- Building Upon the Rock, April 30
- Always With Us, May 1
- In Times of Trial, May 2
- Surrounded by a Divine Shield, May 3
- In Moments of Despair, May 4
- Still Loved Though We Err, May 5
- In the Darkest Hour, May 6
- With Concerned Parents, May 7
- Beside Mothers Leading Their Little Ones, May 8
- Answering Prayers for Divine Help, May 9
- Directing the Sanctification of the Family, May 10
- Very Close to the Children, May 11
- The Spirit Loves to Work With Children, May 12
- With the Younger Members of God's Family, May 13
- Youth Receiving Power to Be Overcomers, May 14
- Helping to Build Up a Character for Heaven, May 15
- Moving Among the Students, May 16
- Eager to Help Teachers, May 17
- Going House to House With the Gospel Worker, May 18
- Making Lasting Impressions Through the Canvasser, May 19
- Directing the Publishing Ministry, May 20
- Impressing Minds Through the Books, May 21
- Traveling With the Missionaries, May 22
- Dispelling Darkness, May 23
- Encouraging the Heralds of the Gospel, May 24
- Working Through Humble Instruments, May 25
- With Consecrated Men and Women, May 26
- Divine Help in Doing Samaritan Work, May 27
- Pity and Compassion: God's Spirit at Work, May 28
- Earnest to Give the Final Warning, May 29
- The Time Is Near for the Spirit's Departing, May 30
- The Spirit Finally Withdrawn, May 31
- The Greatest Work on Earth, June 1
- The Light of the World, June 2
- The Salt of the Earth, June 3
- Ambassadors for Christ, June 4
- Witnesses for the Cross, June 5
- Cooperating With the Divine Power, June 6
- Laborers Together With God, June 7
- Human Cooperation Essential, June 8
- Instrumentalities for the Saving of Souls, June 9
- Unworthy but Useful, June 10
- All Members Called to Be Missionaries, June 11
- God May Choose and Fit Anybody, June 12
- Even Children May Share Their Faith, June 13
- Global Mission: The Spirit Opens Doors, June 14
- The Cities: Fields White for Harvest, June 15
- The Neighborhood: A Large Field of Work, June 16
- Filled With the Spirit, June 17
- Touched With Sacred Fire, June 18
- The Spirit Gives the Right Words, June 19
- Human Voice a Channel for Divine Voice, June 20
- Love: The Best Advertisement for Truth, June 21
- Earnest Work: A Recipe for Lessening Burdens, June 22
- Human Work Made Effective by the Spirit, June 23
- Keeping Total Dependency on God, June 24
- Following the Captain's Orders, June 25
- Keeping the Watchers Awake, June 26
- All Heaven Interested in Saving Souls, June 27
- Heavenly Agencies Waiting for Us, June 28
- No Time to Lose, June 29
- A Prayer for the Outpouring of the Spirit, June 30
- Beauty in Diversity, July 1
- To Be God's Instrumentalities, July 2
- To Become Agents of Salvation, July 3
- Used as a Power for God, July 4
- A God-given Faith, July 5
- Faith That Works, July 6
- The Gift of Speech, July 7
- The Gift of Singing, July 8
- The Gift of Healing, July 9
- Healing Power Through the Great Physician, July 10
- Healing Gift Does Not Replace Institutions, July 11
- Not All Healing Comes From the Spirit, July 12
- True Miracles Will Happen Again, July 13
- The Gift of Tongues: Fluency in Foreign Languages, July 14
- Tongues: To Preach the Gospel, July 15
- Preaching Christ: More Important Than Tongues and Miracles, July 16
- Looking for a More Excellent Way, July 17
- God Can Use Common Skills, July 18
- Common Individuals Gifted to Serve, July 19
- No Gift Superior or Inferior, July 20
- More Gifts: More Responsibility, July 21
- Youth Gifted to Be a Living Channel, July 22
- Women Gifted to Benefit Humanity, July 23
- Mothers Gifted to Nurture Their Children, July 24
- Students Gifted to Be Witnesses, July 25
- The Canvasser Gifted to Testify, July 26
- Pastors and Teachers to Pursue Unity, July 27
- Every Man, Woman, and Child Is Responsible, July 28
- Asking for the Gifts, July 29
- Guidance Promised to Find Your Gift, July 30
- Feeling the Need for the Spiritual Gifts, July 31
- Given by Inspiration of God, August 1
- Variety in Styles, August 2
- Writers Impressed by Different Aspects, August 3
- Divine Message in Human Language, August 4
- Theophanies: Divine Presence With Humans, August 5
- Diverse Ways of Inspiration: The Visionary, August 6
- The Historian: Using Secular Sources, August 7
- The Eyewitness: Inspired to Give Testimony, August 8
- The Counselor: Giving Inspired Advice, August 9
- The Leader: Calling for Commitment, August 10
- The Writer: Publishing by God's Orders, August 11
- Reasons for the Gift: To Define Truth, August 12
- To Establish Bible Truth, August 13
- To Build Upon the Foundation, August 14
- To Meet Fanaticism, August 15
- To Prevent Fanaticism, August 16
- To Avoid Doctrinal Errors, August 17
- To Warn About Future Deceptions, August 18
- God's Plans for the Work of the Church: Educational Work, August 19
- The Medical Ministry, August 20
- The Publishing Work, August 21
- Welfare Ministry, August 22
- The Health Food Ministry, August 23
- The Support of Missions, August 24
- Advice for the Leaders, August 25
- Divine Counsel for Parents, August 26
- Encouragement for the Erring, August 27
- Directions for the Youth, August 28
- Closing Message Addressed to Youth, August 29
- Light Lasting Until the End, August 30
- The Proper Attitude, August 31
- Enoch, September 1
- Noah, September 2
- Abraham, September 3
- Joseph, September 4
- Moses, September 5
- Joshua, September 6
- Deborah and Barak, September 7
- Gideon, September 8
- Samuel, September 9
- David, September 10
- Solomon, September 11
- Elijah, September 12
- Elisha, September 13
- Isaiah, September 14
- Jeremiah, September 15
- Josiah and Huldah, September 16
- Daniel, September 17
- Esther, September 18
- Ezra and Nehemiah, September 19
- Zerubbabel and Zechariah, September 20
- John the Baptist, September 21
- Jesus Our Lord, September 22
- The Disciples, September 23
- Stephen, September 24
- Philip the Deacon, September 25
- Dorcas, September 26
- Paul, September 27
- Timothy, September 28
- Aquila and Priscilla: Self-supporting Missionaries, September 29
- John the Revelator, September 30
- The Greatest Need, October 1
- The Greatest Gift, October 2
- A Thorough Reformation, October 3
- Heart Searching and Self-examination, October 4
- With One Accord, October 5
- Seeking Harmony, October 6
- Feeling Our Spiritual Need, October 7
- Placing Self Aside, October 8
- Opening the Heart, October 9
- Emptying the Vessel, October 10
- Windows Wide Open, October 11
- The Sun of Righteousness Purifies the Soul, October 12
- Eyes Looking Heavenward, October 13
- From Scarlet to White, October 14
- Garment Changed, October 15
- The Will Surrendered, October 16
- Self Subdued, October 17
- A Mind Submissive, October 18
- Removing Every Hindrance, October 19
- Accepting the Spirit's Influence, October 20
- Expecting Great Things, October 21
- Asking for His Blessing, October 22
- Trusting His Promise, October 23
- A Permanent Connection, October 24
- Real Appreciation, October 25
- More Preaching, October 26
- More Commitment, October 27
- More Consecrated Members, October 28
- More Charity, October 29
- More Earnest Praying, October 30
- A Prayer in Behalf of God's People, October 31
- Revival at Pentecost, November 1
- Unlimited Supplies of Missionary Spirit, November 2
- A New Pentecost, November 3
- A Special Bestowal of Spiritual Grace, November 4
- Full Impartation of the Spirit, November 5
- No Specific Time, November 6
- Without Excitement, November 7
- In Unexpected Ways, November 8
- To Unexpected People, November 9
- As God Pleases, November 10
- At Times, Human Machinery Set Aside, November 11
- Often Rejected, November 12
- Beware of Resisting, November 13
- Not an Emotion or Rapture, November 14
- Neither Excitement Nor Sensationalism, November 15
- Not Looking for Originality, November 16
- No disorder or Fanaticism, November 17
- God's Work Characterized by Calmness, November 18
- A Spiritual Revolution, November 19
- The Spirit Brings Peace and Joy, November 20
- It Calls for a Joyful Praise, November 21
- Fraternal Love Expressed, November 22
- Liberality and Benevolence Shown, November 23
- Prejudice and Racism Destroyed, November 24
- Selfishness and Dishonesty Swept Away, November 25
- Fear of Witnessing Gone, November 26
- Satan's Wrath Awakened, November 27
- True and Counterfeit Revivals, November 28
- Strength for the Time of Trouble, November 29
- Now Is the Time for Preparation, November 30
- A Spiritual Fight, December 1
- Soldiers for Christ, December 2
- Happiness in Serving Our Captain, December 3
- Trials and Opposition Bring Benefit, December 4
- The Enemy Does Not Give Up Easily, December 5
- Uncovering the Enemy's Devices, December 6
- Not in “My Own Way,” December 7, December 7
- Prayer Brings Strength, December 8
- There Is Always an Open Door, December 9
- Looking for a Daily Victory, December 10
- Each Victory Makes the Following Easier, December 11
- Supernatural Strength Promised, December 12
- Closer to Jesus, December 13
- Victory Brings Joy to Heaven, December 14
- Nothing More Invincible, December 15
- A Brand Plucked Out of the Fire, December 16
- Victory on the Battlefield, December 17
- Eating of the Tree of Life, December 18
- Wearing the Victor's Crown, December 19
- Walking With Him in White, December 20
- Having Our Names in the Book of Life, December 21
- Kept Safe in the Hour of Temptation, December 22
- A Pillar in God's Temple, December 23
- A Seat Upon His Throne, December 24
- Victory Through Christ, December 25
- By the Blood of the Lamb, December 26
- Following the Pattern, December 27
- Victory Assured, December 28
- The Church Triumphant, December 29
- Heirs of the King, December 30
- Victorious at Last, December 31
More Gifts: More Responsibility, July 21
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Matthew 25:14, 15.YRP 211.1
To every man is given his work. One man may not be able to do the work for which another man has been trained and educated. But the work of every man must begin at the heart, not resting in a theory of the truth. The work of him who surrenders the soul to God and cooperates with divine agencies will reveal an able, wise workman, who discerns how to adapt himself to the situation. The root must be holy, or there will be no holy fruit. All are to be workers together with God. Self must not become prominent. The Lord has entrusted talents and capabilities to every individual, and those who are most highly favored with opportunities and privileges to hear the Spirit's voice are under the heaviest responsibility to God.YRP 211.2
Those who are represented as having but one talent have also their work to do. By trading, not with pounds, but with pence, they are diligently to employ their ability, determined not to fail nor be discouraged. They are to ask in faith, and depend upon the Holy Spirit to work upon unbelieving hearts. If they depend upon their own capabilities, they will fail. Those who faithfully trade upon the one talent will hear the gracious commendations spoken to them with as much heartiness as to those who have been gifted with many talents, and who have wisely improved them, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things” (Matthew 25:21).YRP 211.3
It is the spirit of humility in which the work is done which God regards. He who had but one talent had an influence to exert, and his work was needed. In perfecting his own character, in learning in the school of Christ, he was exerting an influence that helped to perfect the character of those who had larger responsibilities, who were in danger of building themselves up, and of neglecting some important little things, which that faithful man with his one talent was regarding with diligent care.—Notebook Leaflets, vol. 1, 129, 130.YRP 211.4