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The Seventh Day Sabbath Not Abolished - Contents
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    DEAR READER — My object in this review has been to expose error by the light of sacred truth. I hope that you will lay aside all prejudice (if you have it) against the observance of the fourth commandment of the “royal law.” “Take heed that no man deceive you,” is the admonition of our Lord Jesus Christ; and it is as important now as ever. O, may God assist you by his Holy Spirit to “search the Scriptures,” and thoroughly investigate the Sabbath question for yourself. Let the truth with all its weight of importance bear upon your mind, and move you to action. Remember that “not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the DOERS of the law [of God] shall be JUSTIFIED.” Romans 2:13.SDSNA 2.1

    “So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.” James 2:12. The ten immutable commandments, which Jehovah wrote upon two tables of stone, are the “royal law” of “liberty,” given you to live by, and by it you will be “judged” at the appearing and kingdom of Christ. Let me inquire, — how will you feel in the judgement, while standing before the great white throne, if you violate the fourth commandment in God’s holy law?SDSNA 2.2

    In presenting this little work to the scattered flock, I have discharged my duty to them, in this respect, and may God add his blessing. Amen.SDSNA 2.3

    Oswego, N. Y. May, 1850.

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