December 16, 1886
“Items from the General Conference” The Signs of the Times, 12, 48.
E. J. Waggoner
The past week has been a busy one for those attending the Conference, yet we have but few items of interest to the General reader. The election of officers of the General Conference has taken place, resulting as follows: President, Elder Geo. I. Butler; Secretary, Elder U. Smith; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. M. J. Chapman; Treasurer, A. R. Henry; Executive Committee, Elders G. I. Butler, S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, O. A. Olsen, R. A. Underwood. Following this election, the Constitution was so amended as to call for seven members of the executive board, instead of five, and the Nominating Committee were instructed to recommend two persons to complete the required number.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.1
There was probably never before a session of the General Conference in which so much attention was given to the work in foreign countries as has been in this one. This is what we should naturally expect; for since the Third Angel’s Message is to be preached “in all the world, for a witness unto all nations,” it would be natural that the nearer we come to the end, the more extensively will the message be preached. Provision has been made in this Conference for England, Scandinavia, Central Europe, South America, South Africa, British Honduras, and Australia. The additional items voted by the Conference, according to the recommendation of the Committee on Distribution of Labor, are as follows:-SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.2
1. That ...bles and wife, of Vermont, go to Indianapolis, to take charge of the mission in that city.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.3
2. That R. M. Rees, Tennessee, spend what time he can in looking after the work in North Carolina.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.4
3. That W. C. Sisley and wife, of Michigan, go to California. Sister Sisley to conduct the missionary class in Healdsburg College.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.5
4. That E. W. Farnsworth remain in Battle Creek until he goes to England with Elder Haskell, and that Sister Farnsworth take charge of the missionary work in the College filling the place hitherto filled by Sister Sisley.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.6
5. G. W. Anglebarger and wife, of Ohio, go to Atlanta, Georgia, to superintend the mission to be established in that city.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.7
6. Richard Coggeshall, now at Basel, Switzerland, is to go to the publishing house in Christiania, Norway, as soon as consistent, to spend several months giving instruction in printing and press work.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.8
7. Ludwig Henricksen, of Iowa, goes to Norway to instruct and assist in the Bible-reading work.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.9
8. Sisters Fannie Bolton and Hattie Annes are to go to Washington, D. C., to work in the mission there.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.10
9. Elder F. D. Starr, of Illinois, after spending a few months in obtaining all information possible about city mission work, colporteur work, etc., is to go to Basel, Switzerland, to devote himself especially to the German work.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.11
10. Elders S. S. Smith and C. W. Olds, of Wisconsin, are to labor in Alabama and Mississippi.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.12
11. Elder T. H. Gibbs, of the New Orleans Mission, is to spend some time in British Honduras, looking after the cause there, and baptizing those who are ready for that ordinance.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.13
12. Geo. A. King, of Michigan, accompany Elder Rupert on his trip to British Guiana to assist him by selling publications.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.14
13. Chas. F. Curtis is to go to Atlanta, Georgia, to work in connection with the mission to be established there.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.15
14. Elder M. C. Wilcox is to return to England, to edit the British paper.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.16
15. Sister Mary Heilsen, of Battle Creek, will go to Christiania, Norway, to labor in connection with the publishing work.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.17
The Sabbath-school Association, after adopting a revised constitution, elected the following officers:-SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.18
President, C. H. Jones; Vice-President, A. R. Oyen; Secretary, Winnie Loughborough; Executive Committee, C. H. Jones, A. B. Oyen, W. C. White, J. E. White, G. H. Bell, D. M. Canright, Winnie Loughborough.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.19
The Committee on Contributions brought in a recommendation that the contributions for the coming year be given to the following missions:first quarter, South Africa; second, Norwegian; third, Central European; fourth, British. This report was, after some remarks, amended so as to recommend that during the coming year the Sabbath-school of the United States support the South African Mission. This proposal was heartily supported, and was adopted with enthusiasm. We believe that in carrying out this recommendation our Sabbath-school will experience more of the blessing of God than ever before. W.SITI December 16, 1886, page 758.20