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December 1, 1887
“The Spirit of Antichrist. No. 2” The Signs of the Times, 13, 46.
The next point to be considered is what is actually involved in this claim that all men are by nature immortal. We state as a proposition, that the claim that man are by nature immortal actually implies nothing less than that they are equal with God, and independent of him. This proposition we shall now approved.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.1
1. Immortality belongs to God alone. Paul speaks of “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto.” 1 Timothy 6:15, 16. Christ, as the only begotten Son of God, shares this attribute with the Father: “For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26. Angels are immortal, but only because God has given them immortality; men may obtain immortality, but only as the gift of God, bestowed on them through Christ, only, however, to those who seek it by patient continuance in well-doing. Romans 6:23; 2:7. Now for a man to claim one of the attributes of God, is virtually to claim all of them. Especially is this true if the attribute claimed be immortality; for the possession of life involves everything else. To claim immortality is to claim the very highest attribute of a Deity. God’s most sacred name is Jehovah,-the One who is,-and when he would give Moses the highest possible credentials, he said, “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14. So for a man to claim immortality as his own by right is to claim for himself equality with God, or at least to claim that he is a part of God.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.2
2. The great, and, indeed, the only reason why we should serve the Lord with all our heart, and with all our power, is because he has created us, and we live only by his favor. Said the holy angels in Heaven, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things.” Revelation 4:11. And Paul, in proving to the Athenians that God alone should be worshiped, used only the argument that “he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things,” and that “in him we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:25, 28. Now if it were true that we are immortal, and that our life, either present or future, is not dependent on the special favor of God, but that we shall continue to exist for ever, no matter what our character or condition, then it would be true that we would owe no allegiance to God nor to anyone else but ourselves. The claim that man is by nature immortal is virtually a claim that he is independent of God. So again we see that for man to claim immortality for themselves is to make themselves gods, or, at least, a part of God.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.3
3. If man were immortal, like God, then, as stated above, he would be independent of God, owing no allegiance to anybody but himself; and in that case he would, necessarily, be his own law-giver and his own judge. Each man would determine for himself what his course of action would be, and right would be for each individual whatever his nature should prompt him to do. These conclusions are self-evident, and prove the main proposition, that the claim of natural immortality for man is a virtually a claim that men are gods, having all the attributes that the Bible ascribes to the one only true God. And this again shows that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is inspired by the spirit of antichrist, for Christ is God. John 1:1. Whatever dishonors either the Father or the Son dishonors the other.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.4
Having thus briefly but positively shown that the doctrine of the natural immortality of the soul is of the very essence of the spirit of antichrist, we shall proceed to show (1) that modern Spiritualism, the foundation-stone of which is continued existence for man, does most positively deny both God and Christ; (2) that all teaching having natural immortality as its basis has ever been opposed to God; and (3) that the teaching that man is by nature immortal always leads directly and surely to immortality,-that it is indeed because of all the wickedness that has ever disgraced this earth. We quote first the statements of leading Spiritualist writers.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.5
The editor of the Golden Gate, which is probably the ablest and most respectable Spiritualist journal in the United States, in his issue of November 27, 1886, said:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.6
“As Spiritualists repudiate the horrible doctrine of election, as taught by certain branches of the churches; as they believe in no Satanic personality, and have no use for an eternal hell in an orthodox sense, they would naturally be regarded by those who still adhere to those old traditions as outside the pale of redemption,-as indeed they are, vicariously, but not in reality; for they realize that if they ever attained happiness in this life or the next it must be through their own efforts, in response to the aspirations of their own souls.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.7
“When a man learns that the only Satan in the universe is his own ignorance and the evil propensities and appetites engendered thereof; and when he learns that in all of God’s great plan of creation there is no one but himself to answer for his own inequities, it would seem, if he stops to think, that he would ‘seek the better way,’ and cease to do evil.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.8
In this passage the editor makes reference to “God’s great plan of creation,” yet he claims for man absolute independence of God, making man and not God the judge of right and wrong. Again, in the Golden Gate of July 2, 1887, we find the following editorial statement:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.9
“The spirits also teach us that there is no atonement or remission of sin except through growth; that as we sow, so also must we reap. They have not found God, and never will, except as they find him in their own souls.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.10
Still more direct is a statement made by a correspondent of the Golden Gate, in the issue of September 10, 1887:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.11
“When the truth was made known to me that ‘God is life, love, truth, intelligence, substance, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, and there is no evil,’ I became glorified in myself as a part of that God.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.12
Light in the West, a spiritualist paper published in St. Louis, Mo., contained the following, August 14, 1886:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.13
“Man is a part of God, a spark thrown off from the Great Spirit.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.14
W. J. Colville is considered one of the greatest of Spiritualist lecturers. He lectures wholly by “inspiration,” and is held in as high esteem by Spiritualists as Christ is by Christians. In a lecture delivered in Oakland, Cal., June 19, 1886, he used the following language in answer to the question, “Where and what is Heaven, and where and what is hell?”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.15
“The mind of man is the original creator both of that heaven and that hell which your own individual mind or spirit may realize; and no matter what your theological premises may be, the creed you espouse or the doctrines you favor, you cannot obliterate human conscience; and so long as you cannot obliterate human conscience, you will know hell until you are reconciled with conscience, and as soon as you are reconciled with conscience you will know heaven. There can be no heaven unless there be a perfect reconciliation between the impulses of man’s highest soul and his outward life; there can be no heaven until your individual life is guided by the divine within you, that ever points out to you the road which is the perfect way.”-Golden Gate, September 3, 1887.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.16
In a lecture delivered by the “inspirational lecturerer,” J. J. Morse, at the Spiritualist camp-meeting held in Oakland, June, 1887, the following statement was made:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.17
“Truth is the voice of God speaking through the human soul.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.18
Now take the gist of all these statements, and we find it to be that man himself is God, and that every man is a law unto himself. Recall the statement of the Spiritual Magazine, that Spiritualism “recognizes a continuous divine inspiration in man;” the utterance of the editor of the Golden Gate, that man cannot find God except as they find him in their own souls; and that of Mr. Colville, that a man is in Heaven only when he is “reconciled with conscience,” and “guided by the divine within;” and the last one quoted, namely, that “Truth is the voice of God speaking through the human soul,” and what must we conclude? Simply that Spiritualism teaches that man must follow the impulses of his own nature, and that, wherever they may lead him, he is answerable for his actions to no one but himself. To show that this conclusion is warranted, we make a few more quotations. In a Spiritualist paper called Lucifer, published at Valley Falls, Kansas, in an article entitled “Marriage and Free Love” (July 15, 1887), we find the following:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.19
“I acknowledge the presence of a power which we call Nature, and whatever Nature approves I encourage, and whatever Nature punishes I tried to avoid, such rewards and punishments being measured by the increase or decrease of personal happiness. It matters little to me whether moralists or reformers approve or condemn free love or marriage; the only question before me is to find out if Nature rewards one more than the other.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.20
Hon. J. B. Hall, in a lecture reported in the Banner of Light of the February 6, 1864, says:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.21
“I believe that man is amenable to no law not written upon his own nature, no matter by whom it is given.... By his own nature must he be tried-by his own acts he must stand or fall. True, man must give an account to God for all his deeds; but how? Solely by giving the account to his own nature-to himself.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.22
Now in order to know the consequences that will result from holding that man is the sole judge of his own actions, and that a man’s natural inclinations are but the voice of God, and are to be followed, we have only to ascertain what is the nature of man. Christ, who “knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man; for he knew what was in man” (John 2:24, 25), spoke as follows concerning what men are by nature:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.23
“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness; all these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Mark 7:21-23.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.24
Solomon says of the heart, that “out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:2. Therefore when Jesus mentioned “all these evil things,” and said that they proceed “from within, out of the heart of man,” he meant that man naturally exhibit just such traits in their lives. The apostle Paul bore witness to the same thing when he wrote:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.25
“There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips; whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; their feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace have they not known; there is no fear of God before their eyes.” Romans 3:10-18.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.26
This is the uniform testimony of the Scripture concerning all men, for Paul simply quoted what had been written by other inspired men. One more quotation will suffice to complete the picture of the natural tendencies of mankind. The man who is unrenewed by the Spirit of God is said to be “in the flesh;” and the “works of the flesh” are thus enumerated:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.27
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.” Galatians 5:19-21.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.28
This is a picture of the natural impulses of the human heart. It is a description of what will be done by all who, unrestrained, follow the leadings of their own nature. And this is not spoken of one man or of any particular set of man, but of mankind universally. The king on the throne, the beggar in the hovel, the learned scientist, and the ignorant peasant, the pious Doctor of Divinity, and the blasphemous ruffian, all have one common human nature. The natural impulses of the heart are essentially the same. A godly ancestry will often give one less of evil to contend with than another, but this does not disprove the general statements; it is simply one of the restraints that God has provided, only the restraint operates before the individual is born, instead of after.SITI December 1, 1887, page 726.29
It is true that all who believe that they are their own judges do not exhibit in their lives all the vices above enumerated; but it is only because there are certain restraints imposed upon them. But let them be in a country where the authority of God was wholly disregarded, and where all believed in the following their own impulses, and they would prove the truth of the words of the Bible.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.1
Now let us trace our argument backwards: 1. The tendency of the human heart is evil, and only evil. 2. Spiritualism teaches that each man is to follow the leadings of his own nature, and is to be the sole judge of his own actions. 3. This teaching of Spiritualism is a legitimate and necessary consequence of its teaching that there is “a continuous divine inspiration in man,” and that man himself is God, or a part of God. 4. And the idea that man is a part of God, necessarily goes hand in hand with the idea that he is possessed of an immortal, indestructible nature. So we say that the natural tendency of the teaching that man is by nature immortal is toward unrestrained vice. When Spiritualists teach that all the god that men will find is in their own natures, they directly deify vice and crime.But Spiritualism is simply the doctrine that men have a continued existence without any break at what is called death. Therefore we repeat that the doctrine that man is by nature immortal, tends directly to immortality, and to that alone. If many who believe in that doctrine do love truth and right, and do live moral and upright lives, it is only because they have not yet followed that doctrine to its legitimate, ultimate results. God grant that such may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil before it is too late. W.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.2
“Items from the General Conference” The Signs of the Times, 13, 46.
The last edition of last week’s report was the election of the officers of the Conference for next year, which took place Sunday, November 20, the seventh day of the meeting. The next day the constitution of the Conference was amended so as to allow the election of a home missionary secretary, a foreign missionary secretary, and an educational secretary. These officers have not been elected at present writing. Their duties will be to have a general oversight of the work in their respective branches.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.3
A very interesting meeting of the International Sabbath-school Association was held on Sunday afternoon. At this meeting the following-named persons were elected officers of the association for the coming year: President, C. H. Jones; Vice-President, W. C. White; Secretary and Treasurer, Winnie E. Loughborough; Executive Committee, C. H. Jones, W. C. White, E. J. Waggoner, F. E. Belden, E. W. Farnsworth, Winnie Loughborough, R. S. Owen. At a subsequent meeting, the constitution was changed so as to make unnecessary the election of a Publishing Committee, and to allow of the election of a corresponding secretary. Mrs. Jesse F. Waggoner gave an interesting talk upon the subject of “Teachers and Teaching,” the following synopsis of which may be as interesting and profitable to the readers of the SIGNS as the talk was to those who listened:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.4
“A teacher,” she said, “is one who causes another to know something that he did not know before. A Sabbath-school teacher is one who causes another to know the way to Heaven; and the successful teacher will also cause others to walk in that way. But in order to do that, the teacher must himself be walking in the way to Heaven.” She suggested that some might be discouraged because of their imperfections, but said that we need not be discouraged. She said that while crossing the Sierras recently, she had noticed flumes for conducting water for mining and irrigating purposes. In many places these flumes were so imperfect that they leaked badly, and she wondered how any of the water ever reached the destination, but concluded that it was because it flowed so swiftly over the bad places. The application was this; though imperfect, if we receive the waters of divine truth fresh from the Fountain-head, and are constantly conveying them to others so that the stream does not become stagnant, we may by the blessing of God accomplish much good notwithstanding our imperfections. We must be constantly receiving supplies from the Fountain-head. We sometimes notice the hills when they are all dead and dry and there is scarcely a green spot to be seen anywhere, and again we see lawns that are constantly green; the former have not received a supply of moisture; the latter have water every day. Just so if we teachers would be green and fresh we must be watered by divine grace daily.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.5
Perhaps the most interesting facts presented were those upon the model teacher. The successful artist studies his model, so the successful teacher must study Christ, for he is the model Teacher. He was in love with his work, and so the successful Sabbath-school teacher must be in love with his work. Christ studied his scholars and knew all about them, and so we must study our scholars and learn all we can of their disposition and surroundings. All must not be treated alike. What would be good for one would spoil another, and if we would be successful we must adapt ourselves to each child and use illustrations which each will understand.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.6
Christ always had something important to say. The way for us to have something important to say is to read, study, think, and PRAY. Anciently the sacrifice had to be prepared before God would accept it, and so we must be prepared if we would have divine help and sustenance.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.7
Christ always gained the attention of his scholars; we, too, must follow our Model in this. To do this, we must be prompt, quiet, and reverent. The teacher should get close to his scholars, and make them feel that he is not afraid of them.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.8
Christ was careful to make himself understood. Just so the successful teacher must make himself understood. The teacher should crack the nuts at home, and bring only the kernels to Sabbath-school. Do not use big words, and do not use any words that the children do not understand. Sometimes very simple words have to be explained to children; for instance, a child who has always lived in the city may not know anything about wells, springs, and woods, while the country child knows nothing about those things that are familiar to those in the city. It was also suggested that care be exercised in asking questions. Questions should be plain and definite, and yet not leading. For instance, the question, “What was David?” would admit of a dozen correct answers, and yet no one of them be the one that the teacher had in mind and wishes to draw out, while the question, “Was David a good man or a bad man?” admits of but one answer, and yet requires the child to exercise some thought.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.9
Christ made use of all helps in his reach. He used illustrations and gave object lessons. The world is full of objects that may be used as illustrations. In every lesson have a point, stick to your point, and make your point.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.10
The following import resolutions were passed by the association at this and a subsequent meeting:SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.11
WHEREAS, The existence of many of our small churches depends largely upon the interest created by the Sabbath-schools; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.12
WHEREAS, Experience have shown that where earnest personal labor has been devoted to the schools, by some judicious, practical Sabbath-school worker, the interest has greatly increased; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.13
Resolved, That this association request each State Conference to employ some one of the officers of the Sabbath-school Association within its bounds, to devote the greater part or the whole of his time to building up the interests of the Sabbath-schools.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.14
WHEREAS, There has been a difference of custom in the different State associations, in the matter of tithing their contributions, some tithing the whole, and others tithing only one-fourth, and it is desirable that there should be uniformity in this matter; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.15
Resolved, That it is the sense of this association that, beginning January, 1888, every Sabbath-school should pay a tithe of all its contributions to the treasury of the State association with which it is connected, and that after paying the necessary running expenses of the school, it should donate the remainder to whatever mission may be recommended. But this resolution shall not be construed as shutting off the members of any school from paying a part or the whole of the running expenses of their school out of their own pockets, leaving all the contributions, less the tithe, to be donated to missions.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.16
Resolved, That we recommend that all the Sabbath-schools in the association make the London City Mission the recipient of their contributions for the year 1888.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.17
Resolved, That we recommend to our Executive Committee such a reconstruction of the system of primary lessons as will naturally lead the young mind to a knowledge of God, to our need of a Saviour, and to the compassionate love of God as manifested in the life and mission of Jesus Christ. This to be followed by lessons upon those portions of the Old Testament history which illustrate these all-important themes.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.18
Resolved, That it is the sense of this association that when ministers being tent-meetings in any locality, they should at once, whenever it is practical, begin a Sunday-school, which shall be continued until it can be converted into a Sabbath-school, and that a short series of lessons on the life of Christ should be prepared for use in such Sunday-school.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.19
Resolved, That we recommend that our State associations hold Sabbath-school Normals in connection with general meetings and camp-meetings, especially local camp-meetings, for the instruction of officers and teachers in the various branches of the Sabbath-school work; and further,SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.20
Resolved, That we request our Conference officers to provide opportunity, and to aid in procuring the necessary help, for such conventions.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.21
WHEREAS, In the providence of God we have in the past year seen a good work opened in South Africa, our workers have enjoyed the divine blessing and favor, and souls are already rejoicing in the truth, and a good prospect seems open for labor there; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.22
Resolved, That we express our sincere gratitude to God, under whose blessing and guidance all true success is attained.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.23
Resolved, That it is a satisfaction to us, as an association, that we have been permitted to be in a measure instrumental in forwarding this work during the past year, and that we would hereby assure the dead brethren in that far-off land of our continued prayers and interest.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.24
W. C. White, chairman of the Committee on Lessons, then submitted the following report, which was accepted:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.25
Your committee appointed to consider plans for future lessons recommend for the Senior Division of our schools-SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.26
1. That we have a series of lessons on Old Testament history, and that about six months, beginning with January, 1888, be devoted to the study of lessons from Genesis.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.27
2. That the remainder of 1888 be devoted to the study of doctrinal lessons, including the following subjects: “The United States in Prophecy,” and “The Third Angel’s Message.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.28
3. That the first six months of 1889 be devoted to a continuation of the study of Old Testament history.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.29
4. That the last six months of 1889 be devoted to the study of doctrinal subjects, selected by the Executive Committee. We also recommend-SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.30
5. That the lessons for 1888 be written immediately, and, after approval by the Executive Committee, that they be published in two pamphlets, of twenty-six lessons each, for the use of Sabbath-school officers and teachers.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.31
6. That the lessons for 1888 be written in time to be presented for examination at the next annual meeting of this association.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.32
7. That there be published a series of fifty-two lessons, on the leading doctrines of the Bible, for the use of those newly come to the faith.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.33
8. That a series of lessons for little children be prepared on the life of Christ.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.34
9. That the Executive Committee employ the best talent within their reach for the preparation of these lessons, at as early a date as possible.SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.35
On Monday afternoon, November 21, the second meeting of the International Tract and Missionary Society was held. The principal item of interest at this meeting was the election of officers for the ensuing year. Following is the list of officers with their addresses:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 727.36
President, Elder S. N. Haskell, Paternoster Chambers, 48 Paternoster Row, London, England.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.1
Vice-President, W. C. White, Pacific Press, Oakland, California.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.2
Secretary and Treasurer, Maria L. Huntley, Healdsburg, California.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.3
Assistant Secretaries:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.4
Anna L. Ingels, Pacific Press, Oakland, Cal.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.5
Mrs. F. H. Sisley, Battle Creek, Michigan.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.6
Jenny Thayer, 451 Holloway Road, Holloway, London N., England.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.7
H. P. Holser, Impremerie Polyglotte, Basel, Switzerland.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.8
Josie I. Baker, Bible Echo Office, Melbourne, Australia.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.9
Elizabeth Hare, Auckland, New Zealand.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.10
Mary Heileson, Christiania, Norway.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.11
Mrs. C. I. Boyd, Cape Town, South Africa.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.12
A. Swedberg, Battle Creek, Michigan.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.13
Executive Board:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.14
S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, O. A. Olsen, A. J. Breed, G. C. Tenney, W. C. Sisley, M. L. Huntley.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.15
On Tuesday, November 22, there were two meetings of the General Conference, at which the following recommendations of the Committee on Distribution of Labor were adopted:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.16
That we recognize the good services of Brother A. La Rue in the ship missionary work on the Pacific Ocean and its islands, and recommend that he continue the same.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.17
That Brother H. P. Holser go to Central Europe to act as Treasurer of the mission and publishing house, and to take charge of the book sales department and the counting-room; to teach canvassers, colporters, and Bible workers; and to help the German work in the field as he may have opportunity. Also to act on the mission board as alternate in the absence of Elder R. L. Whitney.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.18
That Brother A. Barry, of Kentucky, go to Michigan to labor in that Conference.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.19
That D. A. Robinson go to London to labor in that mission.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.20
That Elder I. J. Hankins go to South Africa, to take the place in the mission there made vacant by the removal of Elder D. A. Robinson.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.21
That William Arnold go to England to help in establishing the mission there.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.22
That Elder John Fulton and wife be requested to spend a year at the Rural Health Retreat, at St. Helena, Cal.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.23
That Elder Samuel Fulton take the place in the North Pacific Conference made vacant by the removal of John Fulton to St. Helena.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.24
That Elder D. T. Bourdeau go to New Orleans and spend the winter in labor in that city.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.25
The committee to whom the matter of a missionary ship was referred, have reported as follows:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.26
Your committee appointed to consider the matter of securing a ship for missionary work among the islands of the sea, would respectfully submit the following:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.27
We believe that such a ship is needed; we deem the enterprise a noble one, and well worthy the hearty support of all our people; but in view of the fact that some of our missions are now in actual distress, for the means which they must have to do the work properly which must be done;SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.28
In view of the fact that the International Sabbath-school Association has devoted its contributions for 1888 to the London Mission, and we think it would be most profitable to our people to have all concerned in the missionary ship when it is decided upon,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.29
We therefore recommend that the enterprise of setting afloat a missionary ship be postponed till the next annual session of the General Conference.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.30
We would further recommend that a committee of five, consisting of three brethren from east of the Rocky Mountains, and two from the Pacific Coast, be appointed to take charge of this matter during the year 1888, and report to the next annual session of this Conference. And further, that donations to this enterprise may be received during the year, from any who feel disposed to make such donations.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.31
Following are the principal resolutions passed in the meeting of the Health Reform Association:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.32
Resolved, That we see reason for devout gratitude to God that the efforts made in our various Conferences the past year to awaken a deeper interest in the cause of health and temperance, have met with such marked success, the tangible evidence of which is apparent in the greatly increased number of subscribers to Good Health, and the sale of so many thousands of health and temperance publications.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.33
Resolved, That we hail with delight the news which comes to us through our representatives from Scandinavia, that the Danish-Norwegian and Swedish health journals are so rapidly increasing their lists of subscribers through the efforts of canvassers, and that by this means our workers are gaining access to so many homes and hearts in those countries.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.34
Resolved, That we consider the cause of health reform as one the world over, and that we extend the hand of sympathy and good cheer to the Rural Health Retreat, at St. Helena, California, in which is inculcated the same principles as in the Sanitarium at Battle Creek, Michigan, and that we are greatly pleased to learn of the progress which the former institution has made since its opening in the spring of 1885.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.35
WHEREAS, The Health Retreat, though desirous to do all it can in giving charity treatment to the sick and worthy poor among us, cannot, while in its comparative infancy, do as is proposed by the parent Sanitarium, erect a charity hospital; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.36
Resolved, That in the sense of this body, it should be aided in its humanitarian work by raising a charity fund to be used for the benefit of the afflicted poor who shall be properly recommended to the care of the institution, such fund to be called for in contributions from those inclined to give for so worthy an object.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.37
WHEREAS, The two journals, Good Health and Pacific Health Journal, have each their mission to fill, and their appropriate sphere in which to work, the former being like an advanced reader and the latter a primer of simplified lessons; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.38
Resolved, That we deem it expedient that the circulation of both these journals be encouraged as a means of arousing investigation of, and stimulating perseverance in, the cause of health reform.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.39
At a meeting of the International Tract Society, the following resolutions of approval of our papers were passed:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.40
WHEREAS, The SIGNS OF THE TIMES is our pioneer missionary journal, and finds favor with the people, while it conveys to them the principles of the Third Angel’s Message; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.41
Resolved, That we recommend to State Tract and Missionary Societies to take as large clubs as they can use to advantage, and that we urge all ministers, colporters, and the members of local missionary societies, to make constant and strenuous effort to place the paper in the hands of the people.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.42
WHEREAS, The rapid growth of the National Reform Association, and its widespread evil influences, show how dangerously near it is to assured success; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.43
WHEREAS, We know the destructive consequences that will surely attend the success of that movement; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.44
WHEREAS, The American Sentinel is devoted to the work of exposing the evil that lurks in that movement; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.45
Resolved, That we deem it to be the duty of our State and local societies, ministers, missionary workers and our people generally, to bring the Sentinel to the attention of all classes of people, but particularly to lawyers, legislators, and other men of public affairs.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.46
Concerning the matter of the first resolution, Sister White related the circumstances under which the SIGNS was started, and why it was started. She stated that it has a work to do that no other paper can accomplish. The Review and Herald, which is a church paper, should be taken and ready by every church member; but the SIGNS OF THE TIMES is a missionary journal, and should go to every part of the world. She stated that our people could not get along without either one of these papers, but that every family should have them both.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.47
Concerning the Sentinel, it was stated that the publishers hoped to see the circulation increased to 500,000 copies during the year 1888. For the year 1887 there has been printed to total of 255,000 copies, which is nearly double the number printed during the previous year. One man, a total stranger to us and to our work, got hold of one copy of the Sentinel, and wrote to the office ordering nineteen copies of the November number to be sent to as many different addresses.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.48
Thursday forenoon, November 24, a meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational Society was held. This is the Battle Creek College Association, having no jurisdiction over other schools or colleges of the denomination. The following resolutions, which were adopted, will give the best idea of the work done:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.49
Resolved, That the increased facilities afforded by our College are a source of renewed gratitude to God, and this action of the managers of the institution deserves our hearty approval.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.50
Resolved, That we appreciate the efforts of the managers of the College to place it in a condition to better fulfill the object of its establishment, and pledge ourselves, and ask our people, to sustain our Trustees in their laudable efforts thus far made.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.51
WHEREAS, Efforts have been made by the managers of Battle Creek College and of our other educational institutions to organize a system of manual training in connection with these schools; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.52
WHEREAS, We regard this effort as being in harmony with the will of God in relation to these institutions, as well as in harmony with the conclusion reached by the most advanced scientific educators of the age; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.53
Resolved, That we express our approval of the efforts which have been made, and of the results which have already been attained, and urge that these efforts be continued in the same direction, and that advance steps be made as rapidly as experience and the development of this line of educational work may indicate as necessary; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.54
WHEREAS, There is general ignorance, and, on the part of many, an entire misconception of the aims and purposes of manual training in the education of the youth; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.55
Resolved, That the Trustees be requested to prepare for general circulation a pamphlet on this subject; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.56
Resolved, That when this pamphlet is prepared, the Trustees of this society shall make an effort to place a copy in the hands of every Sabbath-keeping family.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.57
WHEREAS, In some cases students, parents, and guardians feel a little inimical to the plan of working a portion of the time, either in domestic affairs or at some trade; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.58
WHEREAS, Its object is to better fit all students for the ordinary duties of life as well as the highest Christian culture; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.59
WHEREAS, This object can be attained in no better way; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.60
Resolved, That we entreat all our people and the students that may come to the institution to try to realize the great benefit to be derived from the manual training department, and encourage the good work by every proper means.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.61
WHEREAS, We recognize a healthy condition of the body as essential to the best mental and moral development; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.62
WHEREAS, It is a recognized fact that a large share of the causes which occasion disease and premature decay of the physical powers in adults originate in childhood and youth,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.63
Resolved, That we urge upon the managers of all our educational institutions the importance of giving special attention to the physical training of students under their charge, and that it be considered the duty of managers and teachers to secure as far as possible an improvement in the health and physical condition of the students as well as in their mental and moral conditions.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.64
Resolved, That the study of health and temperance principles and of hygiene as held among us should be introduced into all our schools and made compulsory upon all students pursuing a regular course of study and who are not already proficient in these branches.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.65
WHEREAS, Many of our people are located at long distances from any of our denominational schools, involving large expense in sending children to enjoy the advantages of these schools; and,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.66
WHEREAS, It is evidently unwise for parents to send young children away form their care, even though it be to our schools; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.67
Resolved, That we favor the establishment of local or church schools for the purpose of teaching the common branches, and that we recommend the managers of the College to give special attention to the training of teachers for such schools.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.68
The remaining items of interest will be given on the last page.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.69
The Committee on Distribution of Labor made the following additional recommendations at the last meetings, which were adopted:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.70
That Russel Hart, of Battle Creek, Mich., go to Norway to assist in the Publishing house in Christiania for a year or so, until efficient help be educated.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.71
That Sister Carrie Mills go to Portland to take a position in the school and Bible work.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.72
That Elder Oscar Hill and wife go to Alabama and Mississippi to labor.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.73
That furnishing labor to the Pacific islands be referred to the General Conference Committee, with the recommendation that someone be selected to supply the urgent wants of that field.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.74
The twenty-sixth annual session of the General Conference practically closed at midnight, November 27, although the last meeting, which closed at that hour, adjourned to Saturday evening, December 3, when some special matters will be discussed. The Conference session has been a most enjoyable season to the members of the Oakland church, who have felt it a rich treat to have the privilege of entertaining our good brethren and sisters from the East, and in listening to the proceedings of the various societies. The weather throughout has been most favorable for the meetings, no ran having yet fallen. The deliberations of the Conference and other associations were characterized by great harmony and good feeling, and the discussion on the various points that were considered demonstrated the fact that men may differ in opinion and still retain brotherly love for one another. We believe that the holding of the General Conference in California this year will prove to have been a wise move. We trust that, aside from the measures decided upon in the session, lasting good may accrue, not only to the California Conference, but to all the Conferences that were represented.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.75
The following important resolutions were passed at the General Conference:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.76
WHEREAS, Our growing publishing interests in different parts of the world are one in purpose, and should ever be united in action; therefore,SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.77
Resolved, That this Conference appoint a standing committee of thirteen persons for the coming year, to be known as the Book Committee, whose duty it shall be to labor for the improvement and wider circulation of our denominational literature.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.78
Resolved, That is shall be the duty of this committee to hold a meeting in the spring and another in the autumn of the year, at the most convenient place for the majority of the committee to meet.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.79
Resolved, That questions as to the necessity of establishing new printing offices, the duties and privileges of the smaller offices now in operation, and all questions that may arise between our publishing associations or general agents, shall be referred to this committee, whose decisions, after receiving the approval of a majority of the General Conference Committee, shall be considered as the voice of this body.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.80
This committee, as elected for the coming year, is composed of the following persons: Geo. I. Butler, U. Smith, W. C. White, J. H. Kellogg, C. Eldridge, F. E. Belden, C. H. Jones, E. J. Waggoner, E. M. Morrison, J. G. Matteson, F. W. Farnsworth, R. M. Kilgore, A. T. Robinson.SITI December 1, 1887, page 728.81
“Back Page” The Signs of the Times, 13, 46.
According to the credentials and licenses issued, there will be fifty-seven General Conference laborers in the field next year.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.1
It is the unanimous opinion of the religious papers of the East that the action of the Personal Liberty League in demanding open saloons on Sunday afternoons, has stirred the people in New York and Pennsylvania “as never before.” And with every stir the National Sunday-law movement is increased in power and influence.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.2
At the last meeting of the Conference the question was raised as to where the next session should be held. There was quite a lively competition over the matter, several States being anxious for the privilege of entertaining the delegates. After many propositions, and much discussion, it was finally voted to hold the next session at South Lancaster, Mass.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.3
Considerable space in this number of the SIGNS is devoted to the General Conference, but we do not believe that our readers will complain of this. The matter which we present is of general interest, and may be read with profit by all. There is, however, besides the Conference business, a large amount of interesting and valuable matter on Bible subjects; as much, perhaps, as the ordinary reader can well digest before the next issues of the paper.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.4
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union has decided to make it a special point in their public and private prayers, to pray that the 54,000 preachers in this country “may all become total abstainers and advocates of prohibition.” It is a most pitiable thing that there should be any room, and much more that there should be any need, for such prayers. Think of its being necessary to pray in private and in public, that the preachers of the gospel should practice the principles which they profess to preach.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.5
The managers of the Chautauqua studies have done themselves honor and the public untold good by placing upon their list of studies for the present class-year the “Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.” We heartily commend this action of the Chautauqua managers, and congratulate the students. The use and influence of that book can never be anything but an unmixed good. We wish it might be studied in every home in the nation, or in the world for that matter. We are glad of the increased circulation that will be given to the book and to its sublime philosophy through the work of the Chautauqua circles. The book has been issued in a new edition and smaller size, and is sold at the low price of sixty cents. It can be had at the Pacific Press, this city.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.6
Thanksgiving-day has come and gone. It was no doubt observed throughout the country as well as is usual on this annual occasion. The churches assembled in their usual places of worship, and gave thanks to God, and worshiped him from whom all blessings flow. The saloons got in their evil work, and did a flourishing business all day. Games, excursions, and festivities of all kinds went on with great elat. In San Francisco alone, 45,000 people attended the base-ball games. Yet with all this increased saloon traffic, and playing of games, and running to and fro, on this day specially appointed for worship and thanksgiving to God, we have heard not the slightest complaint of anybody’s worship being disturbed; while on Sundays there is not nearly so much of this noise, drunkenness, and festivity, and yet the complaints are almost universal from the leaders in the churches, that their worship is most sorely disturbed. Now why is this? Why is it that with all these things nobody’s worship is disturbed on Thanksgiving-day, while with not nearly so much of it on Sunday so many people’s worship is so much disturbed? Why is it that that which so greatly “disturbs” people’s worship on one day has no tendency at all in that direction on another day? We wish that somebody whose worship is disturbed on Sunday would enlighten us on this point. We have no idea, however, that any such will do it. The fact is that it is not at all Sunday worship, but is solely the Sunday doctrine that is disturbed. If the Sunday doctrine had any support in the word of God, there would be no complaints of disturbance of Sunday worship.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.7
“Where They Draw the Line” The Signs of the Times, 13, 46.
The New York Observer, in commenting on the Personal Liberty League Sunday contest, says that the League “has undoubtedly secured enough representatives of its kind to make it certain that an attempt will be made to have a law enacted in accordance with its wishes, that is, a law opening the saloons, museums, and concert gardens on the Sabbath.” Yet the Observer thinks the League will not succeed in getting such a law, because there are so many who, although they have no regard for Sunday as a religious institution, are “quick to come to the defense of the day when its existence is threatened by the rum power.” And then it confesses the very thing which we have often pointed out, that is, that is not the solution itself, but only the Sunday saloon that is opposed. The Observer says”-SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.8
“Many have said, in effect, that they will bear any thing from the saloon but this, the giving up of the Sabbath [Sunday]. They draw the line at that.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.9
Yes, they will bear anything from the saloon but this. They will bear the drunkenness, the murdering, the woe, the ruin, the devastation, and the universal deviltry generally wrought by the saloon. They will bear it day and night, year in and year out, they will bear it without a murmur or a word of objection or complaint. In the estimation of these people all these evils can be carried on entirely consistently with the principles of civil and moral right. But if the saloon shall attempt to carry on its work on Sunday, then the saloon, which is all right all other days, suddenly becomes a thing laden with iniquity, and totally unworthy of any place in the world-till Sunday is passed. With all this the opinion of the Independent also chimes. It says:-SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.10
“The people of this country want a quiet and orderly Sabbath [Sunday], and in order to have it they must shut up the groggeries.”SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.11
But they don’t propose to shut up the groggeries except on Sunday. “They will draw the line at that.” But why? Why? Why do they not draw the line at the right point of no solution at all? Ah! they want the saloon and Sunday too, and it is a very worthy companionship.SITI December 1, 1887, page 736.12