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The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 - Contents
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    December 18, 1844

    Vol. VIII. No. 19. Boston, Whole No. 189

    Joshua V. Himes


    VOL. VIII. NO. 19. Boston, Wednesday, December 18, 1844. WHOLE NO. 189.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.1



    J. V. HIMES,

    J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, & A. Hale, Editors.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.2

    Terms.—One Dollar per Volume, of 26 Numbers. Five Dollars for 6 Copies, Ten Dollars for 13 Copies.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.3

    All communications for the Advent Herald, or orders for Books or remittances, should be directed to “J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass,” post paid.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.4

    Post Masters are authorized by the Post Office Department to forward free of expense orders for, or to discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the sameHST December 18, 1844, page 145.5

    Subscribers’ names with the State and Post Office should be distinctly given when money is forwarded Where the Post Office is not given, we are liable to misdirect the paper, or credit to the wrong person, as there are often several of the same name, or several Post Offices in the same town.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.6



    There is a land, a better land, 19Hebrews 11:16.
    To which our souls aspire;
    Each token of a Savior’s love
    Increases each desire.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.7

    Beyond these fleeting things of sense,
    Which bind our longing hearts,
    We view, O! Lord, by faith those joys
    Which love divine imparts.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.8

    We long to view those golden streets, 20Revelation 21:21: 15:3.
    And tune our harps to Thee;
    We long to chant the heavenly song,
    When we thy face shall see.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.9

    From this vain world we glad would flee,
    And gain the promised rest; 21Hebrews 4:9. Deuteronomy 1:35.
    Where we shall purer offerings bring
    With thine own favor blest.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.10

    We long to view those heavenly plains
    Where flowers will ever bloom;
    While fragrant o’er those pleasant scenes
    They’ll send a rich perfume.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.11

    No sickness, pain Lor death is there;§ 22Isaiah 25:8.
    No sorrows there abound;
    But ever blooming health is given
    On Canaan’s happy ground.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.12

    And there the crystal waters flow,
    Proceeding from the throne, ¶ 23Revelation 22. 1 John 4:14.
    Whose living fountains ever bless
    Our long, long wished for home.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.13

    The tree of Life, with golden fruit,
    There yields its precious store; 24Revelation 2:2: 22:2. *
    Whose “leaves” possess a healing power
    The “nations” to restore.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.14

    There may we all, in proper time,
    Supported by thy grace,
    Rejoice, with humble hearts, to see
    Our Savior face to face.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.15

    Then in the New Jerusalem,
    Led by their Shepherd’s hand, 25John 10:14. Hebrews 13:20.
    His “little flock” shall evermore
    Dwell in——the Better Land. D.
    Portsmouth, N. H.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 145.16



    A Sermon preached in the Baldwin Place Church, Boston, Sabbath, Oct. 27, 1844, by Rev. Baron Stow, the Pastor.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.17

    co ntinued.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.18

    2. The spirit of the age—The period in which this heresy has arisen, and flourished, has been distinguished for excitement. This whole nation has been intoxicated with it. From the Lakes to the Gulf, from the forests of the Aroostook to the westernmost prairie, the country has reeled and staggerred under political excitement, commercial excitement, moral-reform excitement. The churches have been infected with the spirit of the times, and, like the speculators in politics, trade, and agitation, have too often practised upon the odious doctrines of expediency, and availibility, and even of repudiation. They have too often depended upon temporary expedients to accomplish a permanent good.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.19

    The end proposed may have been pre-eminently important; but too little regard has been had to the character and ultimate tendency of the means. The result has been, that thousands have been brought into the churches under influences unfavorable to consistency and stability of Christian character. These are mostly of the class just described—the ready servants of every varying impulse. Born in a whirlwind, they can breathe in no other state of the atmosphere. Nursed by excitement, they can live on no other aliment.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.20

    The doctrine of “the Second Advent near,” was proclaimed just at the time when these circumstances favored its ready reception. Other excitements were dying away, and this came opportunely in their place. Multitudes promptly embraced it without inquiry, for it promised a large supply of the element in which they lived and moved and had their being. And now, unless they shall be provided with something newer and more exciting, they will perish of atrophy.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.21

    3. The errors of some Commentators.—From the days of the apostles to the present time, there have arisen men who have imagined themselves able to explain the unfulfilled prophecies, and have ventured to designate the times when their fulfilment will occur. These expositors have supplied principles of interpretation in accordance with their favorite theories, and upon these principles their successors have wrought out other theories equally fanciful and equally false. There has been a succession of writers who have presumed to fix the time of Christ’s second coming, and every age has witnessed delusions like that which has recently disgraced our own.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.22

    A faithful record of this form of fanaticism, during the last thousand years, would furnish a most instructive, though a most humiliating chapter in the history of the human mind. The man whose miscalculations have in our day perpetrated so much mischief, is but one in the series of these unqualified expounders of mysteries. Others before him have pretended to know what God has not revealed. Others after him will doubtless commit the same folly.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.23

    4. Spiritual pride.—A large proportion of the deluded have regarded themselves as posessing more spirituality than others; and as therefore better qualified to understand mysteries. Taking that proposition in Daniel—“The wise shall understand”—and another in the New Testament—“He that is spiritual judgeth all things,” as applicable to themselves, they have constantly asserted that, as they were the “wise” and the “spiritual,” God had revealed to them what he had withheld from others. “Our eyes have been opened,” said they, “and we can see. You are blind.” That is, “we have so much piety as to be able to fix dates with accuracy, and to correct the chronological tables of learned men who have given their whole lives to the study of history!”HST December 18, 1844, page 145.24

    Now that their calculations are proved to be fallacious, what will they do with their conceited assumptions of special illumination?HST December 18, 1844, page 145.25

    5. The influence of Satan.—When the malignant enemy of Christ and his truth wishes to do the greatest amount of evil, he gets good men to act as his agents. He deceives them with the idea that they will do great good, and under the influence of this deception, leads them on to the work of mischief. By starting the delusion which we are now considering, he sagaciously perceived that he could dishonor Christianity and destroy souls.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.26

    The result has shown that he calculated wisely for himself. He has drawn good men into his schemes, and made them do what bad men never could have accomplished. His malicious agency is obvious in every step of the process. His victims have uniformly boasted that they were under the special guidance of the Holy Spirit. This was his contrivance to make the illusion more perfect, and to render it more acceptable to the largest number. “We are not ignorant of his devices.”HST December 18, 1844, page 145.27

    Such are some of the causes which have originated and given currency to this sweeping heresy. No one of them by itself could have accomplished much; but all combined have had a tremendous force, leaving in their path only desolation and havoc. (To be continued.)HST December 18, 1844, page 145.28

    Remarks on the Above


    Mr. S. proceeds with his “review” of the heresy by considering the second cause of “the delusion,” viz., The spirit of the age. His description of the times is undoubtedly true. It needs a finish from the 3rd chapter of Timothy. “This knows also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come.” It is by no means wonderful that the churches should be affected by the spirit of the age, especially after having departed so widely from “the faith once delivered to the saints.” What a charge has Mr. S. laid upon the professed churches of Jesus Christ. Read it. “The churches have been infected with the spirit of the times, and like the Speculators in politics, trade and agitation, have too often practised upon the odious doctrines of expediency, and availability, and even of repudiation”!! Have the churches come to this? Will they bear such heavy rebukes? Will it be tolerated by the ministry? What if brother Miller had spoken thus in reference to the churches. That he would have spoken the truth Mr. S. certainly certainly admits, or he would not have made the charge. If an Adventist had delivered such a mesage from the pulpit in Baldwin Place, touching the churches, it would have been rejected at once as untrue, uncharitable, unpardonable.HST December 18, 1844, page 145.29

    But what has been the cause of the existing state of the churches? Compare the preaching of the apostles with the character of the preaching for the last half century. They went every where preaching the kingdom of God at hand, and exhorting men to prepare for the judgment of the great day. They proclaimed the blessed Hope. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness, and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:11-13. The coming of the Lord and the resurrection, as the hope of the promise made unto our fathers, characterized apostolic preaching.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.1

    A specimen of what the preaching of the gospel is—Luke 16:16.—“The law and the prophets were until John: since that time, the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.” Matthew 2:1, 2.—“In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Mark 1:14, 15.—After John was cast into prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, saying, repent ye, and believe the gospel. Luke 8:1.—And it came to pass afterwards, that he went throughout every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God.” Christ sent his disciples to preach the kingdom of God, and after his resurrection, spake of the things partaining to it. See Luke 9:1, 2. Acts 1:3.—“Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came unto him, preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.” Acts 28:30, 31. And he declares “though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”—Galatians 1:8. This is the kingdom foretold by David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel—an everlasting kingdom so declared by the angel to Mary, in connection with the reign of Christ upon the throne of his father David. The apostles believed it, and so proclaimed it with an angel’s earnestness. This is what brings the Advent near, for the coming and kingdom of Christ is understood by Paul to be identical—“who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom.”—2 Timothy 4:1, 2.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.2

    But the scale has turned, and the cry has been the conversion of the world, a millennium here. With this faith measures have been adopted to accomplished the work as once, apermanent good.” “For, little regard,” says Mr. S. “has been had to the character and ultimate tendency of the means.” Those means have been employed in the shape of protracted meetings, extra aid from Evangelists, “earnest impassionate appeals to the mass of the people; and the result has been, that thousands have been brought into the churches under influences unfavorable to consistency and stability of Christian character.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.3

    This being the case, it was certainly time to check such influences, and if possible to establish Christians in “the faith once delivered to the saints.” The state of the church called for sound doctrine. If her members were “born in a whirlwind,” and “nursed by excitement,” and could “live on no other aliment,” it was time the diet was changed, and that they be “nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, and be exercised unto godliness,” which “is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.4

    Surely, then, “the doctrine of the Second Advent near” was proclaimed in the right time. Circumstances may have “favored its ready reception.’ There were but a few, however, who would gladly hail the consolation of Israel in the glory of the Father. The popular opinion of the conversion of the world was the greatest obstacle in the way of its progress.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.5

    Mr. S. is doubtless familiar with the progress of the Advent cause. We will only glance at the circumstances under which the “heresy” came up. According to Mr. Stow’s statement, it came into notice under circumstances favorable to its reception, when other excitements were dying away. How then shall the almost universal rejection of the heresy for six years be accounted for. Mr. Miller was for this length of time laboring to obtain a hearing on the subject. He went forth at his own charge, (receiving two half dollars only for six years,) but who, thereby, believed in the Lord’s near coming?” They were “few and far between.” “The public excitement,” says Mr. Miller, “commenced some six years ago. Although I had been proclaiming the Second Advent for six years before there was not one of our churches that I visited, but what acknowledged the happy effects of the doctrine, and many were hopefully converted, who united themselves with the several sects, as their own judgment dictated. Certainly there was nothing very remarkable in Mr. Miller’s manner of address to excite the people. His appeals were far from being “impassioned.” It was something more than “a layman of limited abilities,” that aroused the people to the investigation of the Advent faith. What was it but the plain unvarnished truth which he presented from the Bible? What was the effect on the public mind? The people commenced studying the Bible? Those who had none, purchased them, brought them to the meetings, and referred to the scriptures which Mr. M. cited in proof of the doctrine. A spirit of inquiry arose among the people of all classes and of every name. When the people began to see and feel the force of the arguments, presented by Mr. Miller in favor of his positions, opposition commenced. Every weapon was employed, every engine was worked to stop the heresy in its progress. Then the excitement commenced. There were many. however, who did not consider the subject worthy of notice—others watch’d the progress of the cause, took neutral ground, and tearing lest it might be true, reserved their attacks against the heresy, until all the time had passed by. Now they can speak out decidedly, boldly, and without the least fearful emotion, as to the occurance of the event, perfectly convinced that God has set his seal of reprobation upon the whole fanatical delusionHST December 18, 1844, page 146.6

    Mr. S. states, as the third cause of the “delusion,” the errors of some commentators. The Adventists have had but little to do with commentators, to prove the doctrine of the “Advent near.” The opinions of some commentators concerning the whole question of the advent, have been given to the public to show that all of them had not entirely departed from the faith, and that there were many of the acknowledged lights in the church, who were far from viewing the doctrines held by Adventists as “heresy,” or a “fanatical delusion.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.7

    Mr. S. will admit that all commentators on prophecy have attempted to explain unfulfilled prophecies, whether they have imagined themselves able to explain them correctly or not. Will he sweep them all aside, and take the Bible without “note or comment,” and have the people read and understand it for themselves, or will he reject those only which favor the Advent faith? “A faithful record of this form of fanaticism” may be found among the writings of such “unqualified expounders” of prophecies, as the Newtons, Mede, Luther, Melancthon, Faber, Doddridge, Gill, Clarke, Scott, Benson, Henry, Wesley, and almost every protestant commentator, till those who have arisen within a few years past, “have ventured” to spiritualize the prophecies, and designate about the time when the Millennium would commence.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.8

    Spiritual Pride” is stated as the fourth cause of the “delusion.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.9

    It is to be regretted, that the Adventists have had the same difficulties to encounter, with which every evangelical denomination have been infected in their early history. Persons have arisen in every age, from the days of the apostles, pretending to “special illumination.” It would be remarkable if the Adventists were entirely free from such errors. But why does Mr. S. seize upon the frailties of some of their number, as an objection against the Advent faith? Is this an objection? Then it may be applied as well to the Baptists and Methodists, whose writings show that their ranks have been marked by “conceited assumptions of spiritual illumination.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.10

    But the “proposition in Daniel”—“The wise shall understand,” remains true. There are two classes of “the wise,” recorded in the Scriptures. “The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”—1 Corinthians 3:19. “He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.”—Job 5:13. “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”—Matthew 11:25. “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nought the understanding of the prudent.” “Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” “For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”—1 Corinthians 1:19-21. “But the wisdom that is from above, is first pure.”—James 3:17. “Not the wisdom of this world.”—1 Corinthians 2:6. “That ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”—Colossians 1:9. “Teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”—Colossians 1:28. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, and it shall be given him.”—James 1:5. “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the wisdom which God ordained before the world, unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” Paul speaks of things written in the prophets, which “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, things which God hath prepared for them that love him,” and says, “But God hath revealed them unto us, by his Spirit, for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” “Which things also we speak not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him.”—1 Corinthians 2:7-14. “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”—Ephesians 5:17. “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever: even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”—John 14:16, 17, 26.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.11

    Now the Adventists, as a body, make no pretensions to wisdom above what is written—they have believed what God has said in his word; and according to chronology as given, even by “learned men,” have expressed their faith in the Lord’s coming, about this time. They believe God’s declaration,—“The wise shall understand,” not the exact day, and perhaps not the exact year, but the “time of the end,” when “the words closed up and sealed” should be opened, and understood. “The wise shall understand,” and it is equally plain, that “none of the wicked shall understand.” We are not proving who are the wise and the wicked, but we believe what God declares concerning the class that shall, and shall not understand.HST December 18, 1844, page 146.12

    The fifth cause of the delusion Mr. S. ascribes to “the influence of Satan.” Mr. S. says, in the commencement of his discourse, that “it commenced with a layman of limited abilities and intelligence, whose sincerity of belief and honesty of purpose need not be questioned.” Here, then, Satan commenced his influence with the “layman.” Mr. S. is probably acquainted with the fact, that Mr. Miller was studiously and prayerfully examining the whole question of the Advent for twelve or fifteen years before he ventured to express his belief in the Lord’s near approach. From the age of 14 to 21 he was a devoted student of ancient and modern history. After his conversion, in 1816, he says, “the Bible now became my chief study, and I can truly say I searched it with great delight. I lost all taste for other reading, and applied my heart to get wisdom from God. I found, in going through with the Bible, the end of all things was clearly and emphatically predicted. I believed, and immediately the duty to publish this doctrine, that the world might believe and get ready to meet the Judge and Bridegroom at his coming, was impressed upon my mind.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.13

    Now, it is not in keeping with Satan’s movements to operate against himself, or to employ “laymen of limited abilities and intelligence,” (however good they may be) to do his work. Certainly he would not have started a man to preach the “Advent near,” for he must have known that it would strike a death-blow to his kingdom. Mr. Miller says, “The first time I ever spake in public on this subject, was in the year 1832. The Lord poured his grace on the congregation, and many believed to the salvation of their souls.” (See “Life and Views.”) In “starting the delusion” Satan lost a number of his subjects, to begin with, and he must have seen that he had mistaken his measures to accomplish the “greatest amount of evil.” Could he have cut the work short, at the onset, he would have done it. But we will follow him in his progress. Mr. Miller says, “In many, and I might say almost in every place, a revival of religion has followed, which has lasted for months. Infidelity, in many cases, has been made to yield her iron grasp on the mind of many an individual. Deism has yielded to the truth of God’s word, and many men of strong minds have acknowledged that the Scriptures must be of divine origin.” Now Satan will never employ agents to convert men to Christianity, or to acknowledge “the truth of God’s word.” His work is “to dishonor Christianity, and destroy souls.”HST December 18, 1844, page 146.14

    Again, there is evidence, in the progress of this doctrine, from the testimony of thousands who ascribe their conversion to the influence of the Advent that Satan had no hand in the work. That he has been faithfully at work, and employed every possible stratagem to stop the progress of the Advent cause, and to lull men’s consciences to sleep, there is no question. The Adventists “are not ignorant of his devices.” He has transformed himself “into an angel of light,” and “with all power and signs and lying wonders,” endeavored to “overthrow the faith of some.” But his career will soon end—his doom is fixed by the unchangeable word of God. Christ has pledged his word to this effect—“that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.” Hebrews 2:14. Then it will be proved what has “dishonored Christianity and destroyed souls.” (To be continued.)HST December 18, 1844, page 147.1

    Letter from Bro. Miller


    Dear Brn. Himes and Bliss.—I cannot sit down to write, without the reflection that this letter may never reach its destination.—Yet I believe in occupying until Christ shall come. Therefore, I still feel it to be my duty to occasionally drop you a line, to let you know how my soul prospers, and how my faith holds out. As it respects the soul,—I have never enjoyed more calmness of mind, nor more resignation to the holy will of God, and patience of spirit, than I have within a few weeks past. My soul, I think, is stayed on God, and I enjoy peace like a river. For years past I have often had a spirit of impatience for Christ to come, and 1 have felt grieved in soul because I found in my heart so much of what I called a spirit of fretfulness, and a mind full of impatience. But I bless God I have had but little of that recently. I have had great reason to thank God for his abundant goodness in this respect. My faith is stronger than ever; and this is somewhat remarkable, when I reflect on the disappointment I have met, in my former expectations.—But here, too, I see the good hand of God in my strength of faith.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.2

    I have read with much interest and great satisfaction your “Address to the Adventists.” And I am perfectly satisfied it is the right ground for you to take. I believe the ground we have formerly stood upon as it regards the chronology of prophecy, is the only ground we can take; and if the defect is in human chronology—then no human knowledge is sufficient in this age to rectify it, with any degree of certainty; and I see no good that can be accomplished, by taking a stand for any future period, with less evidence than we had for 1843—4. For those who would not believe, with all the evidence we then produced, we cannot expect will now believe with much less testimony.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.3

    Again, it is to me almost a demonstration, that God’s hand is seen in this thing. Many thousands, to all human appearance, have been made to study the Scriptures by the preaching of the time; and by that means, through faith and the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, have beeen reconciled to God. And those of us who have been familiar with the fruits and effects of the preaching of this doctrine, must acknowledge that he has been with us in so doing, and his wisdom has in a great measure marked out our path, which he has devised for such good as he will accomplish in his own time and manner; as in the case of Ninevah by the preaching of Jonah. If this should be the real state of the case, and we should go on to set other times in the future, we might possibly be found frustrating, or trying to, at least, the purposes of God, and receive no blessing. I think my brethren will all admit that God has been in the work, and he has tried our faith in the best possible manner.—The vision has been made plain on tables. We have had a tarrying time. And now we are having our time of patience unto the coming of the Lord. Then I say, let patience have its perfect work. I have great hope, and a good confidence. I think I may safely say, that the Lord will make his appearance yet, before this Jewish year shall terminate. And if so, and we should be looking for years to come, we should not do well. Therefore, the only safe measure for me to pursue under the best light I can now get, is to keep what light I have burning, and look and expect him every day until he comes. This is my present position, and the greatest danger which those are in, who take this position, will be the loss of patience, and a neglect of watching and prayer. To remedy this, I would advise that we keep ourselves as much as possible from worldly associations, vain and trifling conversation, wrangling or disputing on any subject; and when we do hold conversation, let it be with those whose conversation is in heaven, from whence we look for the Savior. And when we pray, remember God hears every word, and knows every motive which dictates our prayers; and be sure that we be honest before God.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.4

    If the experience which we have passed through, from the beginning of the present year,—the tarrying time from April until Oct. and the sanctifying influence of the seventh month, with the humiliation and patience of those who are evidently loooking for the redemption of the true Israel,—is not the beginning and preparation of the final cleansing of the sanctuary, then I will acknowledge I am deceived. The great fault with us who have been expounding the time of the fulfilment of prophecy, is, we have crowded all these things into a very unwarrantable short space of time, we have given no time for preparation, we were too impatient. Therefore, we are exhorted to be patient, and James says, “The Judge standeth at the door.” I am fully convinced the work has already begun. Let us then have patience, brethren, from this time until he comes: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.5

    We have erred in many things, and even the second advent brethren were not prepared for the coming of Christ; they had, many of them, left the work of the Lord, and had been doing their own work. The work of the Lord, which he had commanded us to do, was to make the vision plain, to write it on tables, to give the alarm, the midnight cry, and wake up the virgins; and while these things, and these things only were attended to, our work prospered, and God was with us. And now, my dear brethren, permit me to be plain: I hope all who are worth saving, are humble enough to bear my reproof, and I mean to give it with the sincerest of motives, and with the kindest affection of my heart.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.6

    The causes which required God’s chastizing hand upon us, were, in my humble opinion, Pride, Fanaticism, and Sectarianism. Pride worked in many ways. We ascribed our conquest in argument over our opponents to ourselves. We were seeking the honors or applause of men, more than of God We were some of us seeking to be leaders, instead of being servants: boasting too much of our doings. And Fanaticism: I know our enemies accused of this before we were guilty; but this did not excuse us for running into it. A thousand expressions were used, without thought or reflection, and I thought some times very irreverently, such as, “Bless God,” etc. I was afraid it was done in very many cases to the appearance of outward piety, rather than as the hidden manna of the heart. Sometimes our meetings were distinguished by noise and confusion, and, forgive me brethren, if I express myself too strongly, it appeared to me more like Babel, than a solemn assembly of penitents bowing in humble reverence before a holy God. I have often obtained more evidence of inward piety from a kindling eye, a wet cheek, and a choked utterance, than from all the noise in Christendom. Sectarianism: this is always produced by some private opinion of man, rather than by the plain declaration of God’s word. For years after I began to proclaim this blessed truth of Christ at the door, I never, if possible to avoid it, even alluded to sectarian principles; and the first objection my Baptist brethren brought against me, was, I mixed with, and preached unto all denominations, even to Unitarians, etc. But we have recently, my brethren, been guilty of raising up a sect of our own; for, the very things which our fathers did, when they became sects, we have been doing. We have, like them, cried Babylon! Babylon!! Babylon!!! against all but Adventists. We have proclaimed and discussed, “pro et con,” many sectarian dogmas, which have nothing to do with our message. May God forgive us. And now brethren, we have need of patience, that after we have done the will of God, we may receive the promise. Yours as ever,HST December 18, 1844, page 147.7

    Wm. Miller.
    Low Hampton, Dec. 3, 1844.

    Extract of a Letter from Bro. J. Litch


    Dear Bro. Himes.—“I am full of hope and courage. I expect yet to see the Lord’s work go forward, and his truth advance.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.8

    The cause, I believe, is safe, for it is the cause of God; let none, therefore, faint, by the way. We needed humbling, and the Lord has done it—I pray that it may profit us, so that we may be partakers of his holiness.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.9

    It is true, many scoff at our faith, and rejoice at what they hope will be our fall. But there are many of whom I hear, who now come out boldly and preach the coming of the Lord at the door, and exhort their people to prepare and watch for it. So that I hope none will feel like Elijah in the wilderness—“I am left alone.” The Lord, I believe, has more than “seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.” We gain nothing by dishonesty—nor yet by want of charity, and by supposing we are the only favorites of heaven. The Lord has jewels, both in and out of the church, who will yet be brought to see and understand the prophetic scriptures, and will look with us for the glorious appearing of our blessed Lord. Let us then be patient towards all men, and asist to teach. Yours in the blessed hope. J. Litch. Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1844.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.10

    Extract of a Letter from Bro. C. B. Hotchkiss


    We have a small band of believers in this place who feel that they have followed the Lord in the two cries of time, which have been heard in the land; and that now they can no more give up their blessed hope of Christ’s soon setting up his everlasting kingdom, than they can disbelieve that the natural sun will soon shine upon the darkness of the world, after the morning star has arisen, and the light from the east makes objects visible. We think our disappointment has been like the process of purifying of silver, and this trial of our faith was necessary to make manifest what every man’s work was. Some few, like Demas of old, may have forsaken us, yet the great body stand firm and unwavering in their confidence, that he that shall come, will come, and will not “tarry;” and that now, after having been led out of Egypt into the wilderness, God will not suffer his people to fail of the inheritance promised to the fathers.HST December 18, 1844, page 147.11


    No Authorcode

    “The Lord is at Hand.”

    BOSTON, DECEMBER 18, 1844.

    The Mystery of God


    “And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer; [or time shall be no longer delayed:] but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:5-7.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.1

    What are we to understand by the finishing of the mystery of God, as brought to view in our text?HST December 18, 1844, page 148.2

    There are various things which are called a mystery in the Scriptures. Christ told the twelve that it was given them to know the mystery of the kingdom,—Mark 4:11. Paul speaks of the mystery that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in,—Romans 11:25; and of the mystery, then made manifest through Jesus Christ, which had been kept secret since the world began,—16:25; and he spake the wisdom of God in a mystery,—1 Corinthians 2:7; he calls ministers, stewards of the mystery of God,—14:1; and speaks of the mystery of Christ,—Ephesians 5:32; and when he informs the Church that we shall not all sleep at Christ’s coming, but that then, we who are alive will be changed, and the dead be raised, he calls it showing them a mystery, etc.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.3

    It seems, therefore, that there is no one thing spoken of in the Scriptures which is prominently known above all others as the mystery, unless all the various allusions to this may be considered as parts of one great whole,—the plan of salvation; and that reference is made to it as a whole, or to any of its respective parts, under the general appelation of a mystery:—anything being in fact a mystery which is in any measure hidden from the understanding of mortals.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.4

    But when will the mystery be finished? If the above application is correct, it cannot be finished until God shall have consummated the great plan of salvation, which began in the earliest promise of a coming Savior, and which will not be complete until Eden is restored and the kingdom of God set up, when man will again have attained to that which Adam lost in the fall—the finishing of all the mystery not clearly unfolded in the Scriptures This is seemingly true whether it is applied to the great plan of salvation as a whole, or to its respective parts.—Thus, is the kingdom of God a mystery Mark 4:11? it will continue to be until it is established under the whole heaven. Is the blindness which in part has happened to Israel a mystery, Romans 11:25? it will not be finished until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in, when all that is written in the book of Daniel will be fulfilled. Has it respect to that which was made manifest through Jesus Christ, Romans 16:25? it will not be completed until he shall have delivered the kingdom from Satan up to God the Father, having effectually bruised the head of the great enemy of the human race. And to whatever in the Scriptures it may be applied, its completion reaches beyond this “dim obscure,” where we now see only through a glass darkly, but then “face to face:” for God will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations,” Isaiah 25:7.—This the prophet says is done by “swallowing up death in victory.” Then that which is now mysterious and obscure, will be unfolded in the pure light of heaven.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.5

    The context of the present subject, howevever, indicates that it must synchronize with 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52, where the apostle says, “Behold I will show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised, and we shall be changed.” As this is at the last trump, it is evident that it is the last of a series of trumpets; and from the similarity of events, it must necessarily synchronize with the seventh trumpet brought to view in our text. Thus, Paul shows us a mystery which will be finished at this trumpet, i. e. when it shall commence sounding. John informs us that when the seventh angel shall begin to sound, the mystery of God will be finished. Paul informs us that this mystery is the changing of all the righteous living, and the resurrection of all the righteous dead; John says that when the seventh angel had sounded the time of the dead had come that they should be judged. These coincidences identify as the same, the last trump of Paul and the seventh trumpet of John, as forcibly as any two portions of Scripture can be made to synchronize with each other; and it demonstrates, as much as any thing can, that the finishing of the mystery of God is the completion of the great plan of salvation which has been more or less hidden from mortals since the world began, but which, in the restoration of man to his Eden state by the swallowing up death in victory, will then be finished.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.6

    But it may be said that as the six preceding trumps were symbolical, so the “seventh” must likewise be, and that it therefore cannot be the “last trump” which shall wake the dead. It is true that the first six trumpets were symbolical, and that the seventh must be symbolical also; but that is no reason why the dead may not be raised at its sounding; for the “last trump” does not raise the dead, but they are raised when it shall begin to sound. And therefore, whether it be a literal trumpet or only symbolical, the order, or the nature of the events which shall then transpire will not necessarily be thereby affected.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.7

    Again, it is claimed that the “last trump cannot be the seventh, but must be the same as in Matthew 24:31, when “he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect,” etc.; and also the same as in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, when “the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch-angel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” That these all synchronise, is true; but there is less to identify the last trump of Paul with these, than there is to identify it with the seventh; and whether or not the trumpet referred to, are in each case the same, it is evident that they all transpire at the same time.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.8

    With regard to the symbolical nature of the trumpets, it is evident that they must all be symbolical. In former ages the movements of all armies were regulated by the sound of the trumpet, and all great events were noted in the same manner. God, in speaking to men of the end of the world,—the greatest of all events, makes use of language which will enable them to understand correctly the ideas to be conveyed. The trumpet, therefore,—the most expressive of all symbols, was used to convey to us the correct idea of the greatness of that event. When the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, the voice of an arch-angel and the trump of God, we cannot suppose he will use a literal trumpet; his shout, and the voice of the arch-angel being in themselves fitly symbolized as the trump of God. And the great sound which will then be given will doubtless be caused by the shouts of the attending hosts of saints and angels whose voices would rend the vault of heaven, and startle all animate creation.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.9

    Again, it may be said that as no sound was heard at the sounding of the first six trumpets, there can be none at the sounding of the seventh. This does not follow unless it can be shown that the events must be the same under the sounding of each. And as we know that the events under each have thus far been various and unlike, and as the events to transpire under the seventh, are still more unlike those which have preceded them, it does not follow that its sounding must be attended with the silence of the preceding one.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.10

    And finally, it is argued that as the mystery of God is to be finished in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, that this sounding may commence a longer or shorter time before the actual coming of the Son of man.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.11

    To this we reply that the days of the sounding of the seventh angel do indicate that it will sound for a period of time; but it has respect to its continuance, rather than to its commencement before any marked event. How long it will continue to sound after the Advent, we know not. The sixth trumpet sounded almost 400 years; there is therefore no impropriety in supposing that the duration of the seventh, the greatest of all the trumpets, may continue through the 1000 years to the destruction of Gog and Magog and the resurrection of the wicked. And this would be no more compared with the time of the sixth, than the time of its sounding, was, compared with the 150 years of the sounding of the fifth angel: indeed, the proportion is about the same. We, however, are positively assured what the events are which will mark its commencement. At the last trump, i. e. ‘when it begins to sound, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead will be raised, and the living be changed; and when the seventh begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished. We also learn by Revelation 11:15-18, that when the seventh angel sounds, it will be proclaimed in heaven, that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ. That will be the signal of his taking to him his great power to reign forever and ever.—That will be the signal when the time of the dead shall have come that they shall be judged, the saints be rewarded and the sinners destroyed. This also synchronizes with 1 Corinthians 15:23-28, when they that are Christ’s shall be made alive at his coming. Then, we are told, i. e. at that time, cometh the end when Christ will deliver, or as it is literally, will rescue the kingdom of this world from Satan, its present Lord, to God, its original possessor. Then the Father gives it to his Son, who will possess it under the whole heaven, having rescued it from the devil—having bruised his head, and redeemed the purchased possession, purchased with his own blood, and destroyed all the works of the devil. The saints being all raised or changed, death will be swallowed up in victory, and their last enemy, death, will be destroyed.—This destruction of death can only have respect to that of the righteous, for the wicked will never thus live: the first and second death will be their portion forever. But when the righteous thus triumph over the grave, then the covering cast over all people, the vail spread over all nations, will be destroyed. The people of God will then see eye to eye: they will have attained unto that which Adam lost, the plan of salvation will be complete, and the mystery of God will then be finished.HST December 18, 1844, page 148.12

    The Trial of our Faith


    It is always good to be chastened and afflicted before the Lord: for the trial of our faith worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed. The sky of the sojourner here, is ever subject to be overcast with clouds, and there are times when the enemy seems to come in like a flood; but God, at such times, is ever the more ready to succour. And though for a season the wicked may seem to triumph, yet their triumphing is short.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.1

    We have been enabled to say with the apostle, that, “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” There are moments which look peculiarly dark, when our flesh seems to have no rest, being troubled on every side, when without are fightings and within are fears. Nevertheless, God that comforteth those that are cast down, will comfort all who trust in him. And when the enemy may suppose that his triumph is complete, then is the time for God to appear to the joy of his children, and to the confusion of his enemies.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.2

    Let none, therefore, be discouraged; we are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses, who, through faith are become heirs of the kingdom. Wherefore, “let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons: for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless, afterward it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up, trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burneth with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard, entreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more: but ye are come unto mount Sion, unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven.” Hebrews 12:1-19, 22-25.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.3

    Bro. Charles Fitch


    The Charity of Our Opponents

    “Died, in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 16, Rev. Charles Fitch, formerly pastor of Marlboro’ Chapel Church, Boston.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.4

    Alas! my brother, thy sun has set; gone down at noon; gone down in darkness; gone without sending us back those much loved golden beams of sunset which we had confidently expected would break forth to assure us that in thee shone the light of heaven; gone down from the face of the world, that might have admired thee; gone from the vision of thy brethren, who might have been taught to honor and respect thee, and gone down from multitudes who have been led to love thee. The earth covers thy dust. Thy virtues lie hidden deep in the bosoms of thy friends, who knew thee best, but of which they scarcely dare speak, before a cold world. Thy frailties are known throughout our common heritage, over which frailties some of us weep, which others scorn, which some denounce, and which all thy best friends reject. Thou hast passed beyond the “dim obscure.” Thou hast gone to thy God whose face thou didst expect to behold on earth. And thou wast found looking for the Lord’s appearing even when he came for thee. Thou hast gone to the judgment which thou didst so confidently await on earth. Thou hast gone where all eyes are undimmed, where truth cannot be perverted, and where men must see eye to eye. Thou hast gone where the unbalanced mind will be adjusted by its Maker, its views and opinions corrected, its errors eradicated, and where its operations must accord with truth. “How are the mighty fallen!” fallen as a star that breaks from its orbit, fallen from the heights of Zion. But though we are compelled in truth thus to write, we hope not fallen forever. There is an arm able to save.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.5

    Rev. Charles Fitch was born in Hampton, Conn., where he spent the most of his youthful days. He was licensed by Windham County Association, without either a regular academical or theological education: a fact which may throw some light on his course. He was first settled in Abington, a parish in Pomfret, Ct., where his ministry was highly evangelical, searching, powerful, respected, and useful. From thence he went to Warren, in this state, where his labors were equally advantageous, and where we wish he had remained. He next removed to the Free Church in Hartford, and here, it is understood, his labors were not in vain. His fourth field of labor was in Boston, in the Marlboro’ Chapel. Here commenced his wanderings from soberness and truth. With a sensitive heart, with a mind very much undisciplined, he was easily led astray by the wild, the powerful influences which there operated upon it. From the Chapel ha removed to Newark, N. J. We next heard of him in Haverhill, Mass. His labors since, are on the records of fanaticism. We have no heart to look them up. We would that dark oblivion might hide them from the face of men. We will indulge the sweet hope, though the world may frown upon us for our charity, that a Saviour’s blood covers them from the sight of God.”—Boston Recorder.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.6

    We are often censured for a want of charity towards those who slander and malign us; but we have never seen anything that would begin to compare with the spirit of the foregoing article, on the death of our beloved and lamented brother Fitch. It breathes a spirit like that which scattered the ashes of a Wickliffe. Not satisfied with treating him with coldness and indifference while living, their contempt follows him even beyond the grave, and would, had they the power, deny him even the favor of his God. Yes, themen, who, while he lived, dared not meet him on the Scriptures and show him where he erred, are ready, the moment he is dead, to triumph over him and try to hide his sun in darkness. But has it thus set? No. It is a libel on the dead. His sun went down at noon but it went down in glory, encircled in living light—it set without a cloud; and the “much loved golden beams of sunset” did “break forth” assuring all around him that in him did shine “the light of heaven.” It has gone down from the face of those who fearlessly could scorn his hope, but there are those who did admire him, who did learn to honor and respect him, and multitudes whose hearts did love him. And while there are those who dare not speak his virtues, although they know them well, because the finger of cold scorn is pointed at all who love the Lord’s appearing, by the professed church of Christ, yet thousands of kindred hearts throughout our land are not afraid to speak his praise; his virtues lie deep in many bosoms, but they lie not “hidden” there, they are known and read of many, and many kindred souls rejoice that this loved brother was ever sent to break to them the bread of life; that he could count all things as loss in winning Christ, and thus become the humble instrument of their souls’ life. And, those who scorn his hope, weep over his frailties, or reject his faith, may spare their tears, and save their pity for their own soul’s safety: he needs them not. He has gone to rest a little while, departed hence to be with Christ, for whom he looked; but still he waits the resurrection morn, then to receive a crown that ne’er will fade, then to shine forth as the brightness of the firmanent, and having turned many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever. Yes, he will arise and shine forever blessed, a star of no small magnitude among the sainted host, while his traducers may occupy far humbler seats, or weep in vain to gain admittance there. But he has gone, taken in the midst of his usefulness; his work was done, and it was well done too. We only wish his mantle may be found, fallen on some one from the ranks he came, as meek, as pure, as holy, as devoted.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.7

    Bro. P. Alling will accept our thanks for his last communication. His wishes will be complied with. We should be happy to receive his views on the subject and object of modern missions.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.8

    Bro. Israel Damon’s letter is received. We have balanced his account on our books. We are glad that our Bro. is encouraged, and with the brethren in that vicinity, stands fast in the faith.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.9



    Bro. Geo. P. Martin writes us of the death of his little daughter, Emma Jane, aged two years, four months and twenty-two days. Her death was caused by falling into a tub of boiling water, the 11th inst. by which she was so severely scalded that the died on the evening of the 13th inst. Her father adds:HST December 18, 1844, page 149.10

    Farewell dear child, a short farewell,
    We bid thee not adieu forever,
    We’ll meet thee soon where pleasures dwell,
    Where death’s cold hand no more can sever.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 149.11

    Loved one, sleep on, in Jesus sleep,
    Till he a glorious body gives thee,
    This hope sustains us while we weep,
    That quickly he will come and raise thee.
    HST December 18, 1844, page 149.12

    “Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy works shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again front the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord that thy children shall come again to their own border.”—Jeremiah 31:16, 17.HST December 18, 1844, page 149.13

    Yours in the blessed hope, Geo. P. Martin.
    Lowell, Dec. 14, 1844.

    Second Adventism—We judge from the tone of the Advent Herald, that though its conductors now frankly acknowledge that they were mistaken as to the time of this world’s termination, they are endeavoring to rally their disappointed and disheartened followers, and prepare them for a new effort in that cause. We earnestly wish that they may have their eyes opened to see the delusions under which they themselves are laboring, and be led to abandon a theory to which the Bible lends no support, and which has already inflicted incalculable mischief on the temporal and spiritual interests of its advocates.—N. E. Puritan.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.1

    We judge from the tone of the N. E. Puritan, that though its conductors now frankly acknowledge that the world is not yet converted, they are endeavoring to rally their disappointed and disheartened followers, and prepare them for a new effort in that cause. We earnestly wish that they may have their eyes opened to see the delusions under which they themselves are laboring, and be led to abandon a theory to which the Bible lends no support, and which has already inflicted incalculable mischief on the temporal and spiritual interests of its advocates.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.2

    But, seriously, gentlemen, if you are convinced that we are in error, we should be very happy to be undeceived; and perhaps some of you may be willing to volunteer in the performance of so charitable an act. If you have the light, be so good as to communicate it to us. Take up what you consider to be our errors, one by one, and demonstrate their falsity. We have waited, lo, these many years for some of you to come forward and disprove our positions; but we have waited in vain; you have not so done. We admit you have expressed yourselves as dissatisfied with our arguments, but you have not given us better ones. If the Scriptures do not mean what we, in common with the primitive church, say they do, then what do they mean? Please to give us the word of God. The people are looking to the church, to see if any of you are able to present a harmonious view of the Scriptures in support of your modern theory, not two hundred years old. Shall they look to you in vain? If you have the truth, show us the Scriptures in support of it—not by isolated and disjointed passages, while the connection contradicts the doctrine you draw from them—but show us the harmony of the Scriptures. And we pledge ourselves that if you will disprove our faith from the Bible, we will renounce it before the world.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.3

    We wish, however, to add one word respecting our “disappointed and disheartened followers.” We know of none such. All from whom we hear are strong in the faith. We have no tears to shed over the failure of missions, the lack of zeal in the churches, the coldness of ministerial associates, etc. etc. No, we look to none of these. Our hope depends upon the unaided arm of the Almighty. On his word we rely. We have, therefore, none of those fears which dishearten our opponents.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.4

    Bro. John H. Kent


    We see by a late No. of the Christian Secretary, that this faithful and devoted brother, who was a Baptist clergyman, has had his license to preach taken from him by that denomination. Although he has been cast out of that Synagogue, for acting in accordance with his faith in Christ’s Second Advent, yet we learn by the following certificate that he is still in full and regular standing as a licensed minister of Christ.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.5

    City of Middletown, Dec. 4th, 1844.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.6

    This may certify to all it may concern that Bro. John H. Kent duly appeared before the Second Advent Association, this day, was heard in relation to his christian experience and call to the ministry, was approved by said Association and Council, and ordained by the laying on of hands by Brethren Prof. J. F. Huber, M. Stoddard and L. C. Collins, and is hereby recommended as a Preacher of the Gospel wherever God in his Providence may open the door for him to labor.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.7

    William Mitchell,
    Joel Spencer, Committee.
    Albert Jacob Roberts,
    Secretary of the Advent Association.

    Testimony Wanted


    We insert the following for the benefit of those therein referred to. We hope they will, individually, favor our neighbor of the Investigator, (who by she way, is a more candid and fair opponent than hundreds who profess more,) with the story of their religious conversion. Will they also, “gently as he can bear it,” give him their testimony respecting the numbers of Infidels, who, within their knowledge, have embraced the Advent hope?HST December 18, 1844, page 150.8

    “Shooting with a Long Bow.—Looking over the last Advent Herald, (the Miller paper of this city,) we found the following news:—HST December 18, 1844, page 150.9

    ‘Hundreds of Infidels have been converted.’HST December 18, 1844, page 150.10

    How many ‘hundreds,’ Br. Himes? Give us the sad story, gently, as we can bear it; but do let us know the worst—do.”—Investigator.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.11

    We will refer our neighbor for the particulars, to Bro. Snow, formerly an agent and a contributor to the columns of the Investigator, Bro. McMurray, once a warm supporter of Abner Kneeland, and Bro. J. Q. Adams, formerly the printer of the Investigator; but who are now looking for the Lord.—Advent Herald.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.12

    A very fair hit; but we cannot tell, as yet, how true it is. We will own up, however, if we are beaten, and that we may satisfy ourselves on this point, we would respectfully request “Bro. Snow” and “Bro. McMurray” to communicate through our paper the nature and extent of their Infidelity. They are both strangers to us, and therefore we make this request. We wish to hear from themselves on this subject, knowing that in this strange world, people are sometimes called by others and by themselves what in reality they are not. We will most cheerfully give them a hearing; and as we make the request from the kindes: motives, we trust they will comply.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.13

    As for “Bro. J. Q. Adams,” we are perfectly thunder struck, or struck with thunder. He “looking for the Lord”! Why, the last news we had of him, he was looking for the Wisconsin Territory, towards which he was rapidly travelling, to take up his residence there as a farmer. We can hardly think that he has become a preacher. But the West is a remarkable country, and we can’t tell how it may have affected him. We shall have to get his affidavit, also. So, “Bro. J. Q. Adams, formerly the printer of the Investigator,” come into Court, Sir, and tell the Jury, (our subscribers,) the process of your conversion.—Investigator.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.14

    Letter from Br. R. E. Ladd


    Dear Br. Himes,—Our hopes are not yet consummated. We have not yet entered the kinqdom. Our trials are not yet complete—the warfare is not ended. The appointed time of Jerusalem’s warfare seems to be past, and the work of the present is to comfort her people. I trust your faith is yet firm and unshaken, notwithstanding the efforts of Hell to overthrow you. Remember, brother, Jesus has prayed for you, that your faith fail not. Your brethren in bonds with you sympathise with you in your trials, and have unshaken confidence in your integrity, and your sincere desire to promote the glory of God. We suffer with you as one of the members of the same family; if one suffer, all suffer with it. I sincerely hope and pray that the kingdom may speedily come, and that the saints may receive their inheritance. Nevertheless, if the will of God be so, why, we will suffer on a little while. For yet a very little while, and the wicked shall not be. “Our band is now standing strong in the Lord, and the power of his might, looking more intensely and confidently than ever for our coming King. We were somewhat broken up, and our public meetings suspended for a few weeks during the seventh month movement, and I trembled for the result of it; but found very soon that God ruled the raging billows—and when he said, “Peace, be still,” all would be calm; and that it was the duty of his saints to “stand still and see his salvation.” We have now resumed public meetings, and are permitted to worship in peace; have preaching on the Sabbath, and prayer-meetings during the week. I think I can say unhesitatingly, that the Lord never was with us in greater power and glory than at the present time. A few have been reclaimed from a backsliden state within a few weeks. Some have fallen off and returned to their former state of blindness—but we are now constituting a part of the Philadelphia church in very deed, loving God and one another with pure hearts and love unfeigned. May the good Lord keep us faithful unto his appearing, which must be near.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.15

    Yours, waiting, R. E. Ladd.
    Cabotville, Dec. 9, 1844.

    Letter from E. C. Clemons


    Dear Brethren and Sisters:—Although we are yet on the rough sea of time, many are at the mast head, keeping a good look out for land. We have strong hopes that the old ship Zion will shortly get into port. We cannot suppose because we have been mistaken twice or thrice, that we never shall reach the shore, or that it is far distant; the indications that we draw nigh to the desired haven, lead to a different conclusion. The getting ready to leave the ship in consequence of “the cry” last made, has not harmed a soul on board. The right visions of home, and “rest” from wandering aroused thereby, have caused the hearts of the voyagers to beat high with rapture, and will not cease to cheer them until they reach the shore of the heavenly land. The Lord has been pleased to confound the wisdom of man, that no flesh might glory in his presence.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.16

    At the time of the end, when the time was to be unsealed, the prophet informs us that “many shall be purified, and made white and tried.” Time seems to be the agency by which this is effected. The receiving of time has ever tried us, like a furnace. The loving kindness and long suffering of the Lord is clearly seen in thus dealing with us. How could we in any other way so effectually be separated from the world, and fitted for the kingdom which is shortly to come, as by the course we have been led. Not that the Lord leads us into error, he simply permits us to be mistaken to try us, in order that “the trial of our faith being much more precious than that of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” Therefore we are not to think it strange concerning the fiery trial which tries us as though some strange thing happened unto us: but rejoice, inasmuch as we are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, [“if the world hate you” etc.] that when his glory shall be revealed, we may be glad also with exceeding joy. Peters first epistle.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.17

    In having anticipated the coming of our Lord, we can feel no condemnation, as we acted conscientiously, in the fear of God, according to the then present light. If it were sin to cherish the belief in the coming of the Lord on the tenth day of the seventh month, it cannot be that the Lord would have blessed us so abundantly. We trusted with the brethren going to Emmaus, that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel, and the Blessed One instead of frowning on us, has given us light in the darkness by opening our understandings more fully to understand the scriptures.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.18

    Nay, while we have no definite day for the Lord to come, we must still be “looking for and hasting unto the coming [hasting the coming, margin] of the day of God,” as the apostle exhorts. The striving to do this in time past, has been that which has brought upon us the censure of the church and the hatred of the world.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.19

    We read in the blessed Book that we have need of patience, that after we have done the will of God, we might receive the promise. Has not the will of God been done in sounding the cry, behold he cometh, which has caused us to see that our lamps are trimmed and burning? James’ exhortation seems to apply to this time. Be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord. Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient: stablish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” Patience, then, having her “perfect work” will carry us to the Lord’s appearing, exercising it, we shall hold fast that which we have received, that no man take our crown. In the parable of the ten virgins we seem to be brought to the trial which shows who are wise and who are foolish. It is evident that the Bridegroom came, (after the last disappointment) rather sooner than the wise supposed, for they directed the foolish to go and buy oil, which they would not have done had they known that there would not be time sufficient. In the parable of the importunate widow, we are brought to the time when “the elect cry day and night.” If so, then we may know that we shall be “speedily” avenged.HST December 18, 1844, page 150.20

    The fulfilment of the signs which were to herald the approach of the Son of Man, admonish us to “know that he is near, even at the doors.” The fact too that we are within the disputed points when the prophetic periods must end, teaches us the same truth. Ezekiel 12:22-28, teaches also that the effect of every vision is at hand, and that the proberb respecting the days being prolonged, and every vision failing, will soon cease.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.1

    “The wise shall understand,” they will, being watchful, “discern” the “time” so that the day of the Lord will not overtake them as a thief. These are they “that wait for their Lord when he will return from the wedding that, (Luke 12:36-36.) when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily, I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.” Now, [having no definite time in sight,] the just shall live by faith. They have nothing to fear, for the faith of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. As it is written, “if thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Yet, lest His people at this time should be tried beyond that which they are able to bear, the Lord caused to be recorded for their encouragement, the example of those who lived by faith in past ages. Hebrews 11. After saying, “Now the just shall live by faith,” the apostle throws in a list of illustrations of faith, plainly showing that unless we have the same, we are among those who “draw back unto perdition,” who will never see life. We have three tests by which we can try ourselves. Have we the faith of Enoch? “For before the translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Do we “believe God” as Abraham did? For they [only] which are of faith, are the children of Abraham. Finally, have we obtained a good report through faith, and have we “patience” sufficient to enable us to wait until we receive the promise! Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, we shall surely overcome, and sit down with him on his throne, Revelation 3:21. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” And now in this the waiting, watching hour, we will not be negligent to “comfort one another with these words,” but will exhort one another, so much the more as we see the day approaching. Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh, shall find giving the household meat in due season. The Lord is coming! Watch and pray. E. C. Clemans.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.2

    Worcester, Nov. 38, 1844.

    “Voice of Elijah.”


    I wish to say to the subscribers of this paper, that it will not be practicable to resume its publication. The press was purchased on credit, and has been sold since the 10th, to pay the sum for which it was purchased. I received, previous to the 10th, a sufficient sum to have paid it, but it was desired by the donors that it should be expended in proclaiming the “midnight cry,” and my faith led me gladly to appropriate it all in getting this cry before the sleepy virgins, with the exception of trifling sums used for present personal wants, and wants of poor brethren and others.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.3

    Some brethren have paid in advance for another volume. To such I can only say, I have appropriated, as a faithful steward, all your contributions, for the spread of what I confidently believe was truth, and came up to the 10th, without enough to take myself and family out of the reach of threatened violence. I presume you will not regret that your money has been thus used.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.4

    To those who are indebted for the paper, I would say, that having brought others to be dependent upon me, by my connection with the paper, having expended all as before stated, and having present need, I solicit the payment of the amounts due for the paper, in all cases where it can be done without dispossessing yourselves of what you absolutely need. Agents of the paper will confer a favor by making subscribers acquainted with these statements, and collecting amounts due. DirectHST December 18, 1844, page 151.5

    L. D. Mansfield.
    Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y.,

    Letter from Bro. Wm. Watkins


    (A Colored Bro. at the south.)HST December 18, 1844, page 151.6

    Dear Bro. Himes.—I have thought that a few lines from my humble pen, would not, at this time, be unacceptable. It cannot but be a source of gratification to you and your invincible coadjutors, amidst your fiery trials, to learn that there is in Baltimore a small, but firm band of colored Advent believers, who, notwithstanding their late grievous disappointment, still see cogent reasons for clinging, with unwonted tenacity, to the heaven-inspired hope of soon seeing “the Lord HIMSELF descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God.” But it is lamentable to say, such a Scriptural hope, is, by many professors of religion, derided, and regarded as a solecism. The world, and the great majority of the nominal church, seem, by the course which they have unitedly pursued, to be perfectly astounded to see that a class of Christians have arisen, in these last days, who can so far forget the things of time and sense, as to hope for an event, which, to them, is fraught with terrors unspeakably appalling. Knowing that the occurrence of such an event would utterly annihilate their deep laid plans of worldly prosperity—their ambitious and fondly cherished schemes of future denominational aggrandizement—and having no feeling in harmony with “the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,” they can more readily perceive how so tremendous an event can be the object of terror rather than that of hope. Hence, they reason, a priori, that the doctrine of our Lord’s speedy coming is calculated to drive men mad, and fill our lunatic asylums. Hence, too, the origin of the many reports of special cases of insanity, which never had any existence, but that to be found in the theories of the fabricators of those reports.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.7

    Again, it is a deplorable fact,—and an unerring indication of the moral degeneracy of the times,—that a man can scarcely take, in these days, a more effectual step to degrade himself in the eyes of the church and the world, than to declare that he loves the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ;—that he is “looking for, and hasting unto the coming of the day of God,” and believes, from the Scriptures of eternal turth, and the signs of the times, that the Lord is at the door. For a disciple of Christ to make such an avowal, in these days of Pharisaical formality, or popular Christianity, is to bring down upon his head the fiercest maledictions of the wicked—to secure for himself the unenviable reputation of being a fanatic and fool—to merit the contempt and scorn of Christendom—to be a hissing and a by word—and to be treated as one infected with the leprosy. Now, when one class of professed Christians can, for the most part, thus regard and treat another, and for such a cause, we are irresistibly brought to the conclusion that between them exists an essential difference of religious character—an irreconcilable repugnance of principle and action, which must lead to a separation: “Can two walk together except they agree?” On what principle then can those, who have driven some of us out of their pulpits, without trial, or a charge, or even the semblance of a crime, for proclaiming,—not that the Lord would come in ‘43 or ‘44, or in any other year,—but, simply, that he “is near, even at the doors;”—while they have thrust others out of the pales of their communions by separating them from their company—pursuing them with a relentless persecution—and treating them with ineffable scorn and unparalelled malignity:—how, I emphatically ask, can such persons now turn round and invite us back to their respective denominations, as asylums in which we may be fostered with maternal solicitude—assylums in which we may find a shelter from the popular indignation, which they themselves have so largely contributed to excite. Ah! my dear brother, they have yet to learn that our “wound is incurable,”—that “it refuseth to be healed,”—that for us, they “have no healing medicines,”—that they may come to us, but we cannot “return to them,”—that we have a living hope of seeing better days: “I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.”HST December 18, 1844, page 151.8

    But to return: I ask, on what principle can those whose tender mercies were so strangely exhibited to us during the extremity of our late unprecedented trial, expect us to re-enter their organizations? It is unquestionably on the assumption that we are now prepared to admit that we know nothing of the time of the Second coming of Christ, and, consequently, are ready to abandon a doctrine which has been the all-absorbing theme of our tongues, and a never failing source of joy to our hearts. And are we, indeed, prepared for such a concession and renunciation? When our opponents can prove that we have not been, at least, thirteen hundred years in the feet and toes, or last extremity of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, which symbolized the four great empires that were, successively, to bear rule in the earth until the setting up of God’s everlasting kingdom, which is to supercede all earthly kingdoms for ever;—when they can prove that the seventy weeks of the 9th of Dan. did not commence where the angel Gabriel said they did, namely, “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem;”—when they can show that these seventy weeks are not the beginning of the 2300 days mentioned in the 8th of Daniel, at the termination of which the end shall be;”—when they can prove that the eventful career and end of Bonaparte is not succinctly and graphically described, in the language of prophecy, in the closing part of the 11th of Dan. commencing at the 40th verse, in these words:—“And at the time of the end,” etc.; when they can show that the tremendous events predicted in the first two verses of the 12th of Daniel are not to take place during, or at this “time of the end,” or that the words, “and at that time thy people that sleep in the dust shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book, and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt,”—do not specifically refer to the eventful age in which we now live:—when they can prove that there is no clue to about the time of the commencement of the 1335 days at the end of which Dan. is to stand in his lot;—when they can prove that the portentous signs which the Savior gives us to understand were to precede his second personal coming,—and which he teaches, would as infallibly indicate his near approach, as the putting forth of the leaves presages the proximity of summer;—when they can prove that these signs have not taken place within this generation;—and, moreover, can show that the sixth trumpet did not cease to sound in 1840, and that the 7th is not about to begin to sound, when the mystery of God is to be finished,—and, finally, when they can demonstrate that the apostle Peter had not his prophetic eye upon them when he uttered the significant prediction: “There shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming,” etc.;—then, and not till then, shall we be prepared to concede that we know nothing of the time. Yet, more; before our opponents,—whose implacable hostility to the doctrine of the speedy coming of the Lord, has driven us to the position we now occupy,—can entertain a rational prospect of our returning to take shelter under the wings of their denominational protection, they must abandon, at least, the unscriptural, chimerical, and delusive notion of the world’s conversion, or a temporal millennium, prior to the Second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ;—a notion which, assuming the garb of an angel of light, is admirably adapted to lull men into a false security and peace, incomparably more to be dreaded than all the alleged delusions of what scoffers are pleased to designate as “Millerism.”—They must go further: they must furnish us, in the place of the precious, heaven-inspired truths which they would have us renounce, something better calculated to keep us in a watchful, prayerful, and truly devotional spirit;—something better calculated to produce that deadness to the world and the things of the world which should ever characterize those whose conversation is in heaven, and who are, professedly, but sojourners and pilgrims in this vale of sin and sorrow.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.9

    Until our opponents are prepared for these things, let them be less lavish of their present lachrymary demonstrations; they have no tears to spare: let them weep for themselves; for they have as effectually rejected the Lord of life and glory in his second, as did the unbelieving Jews, in his first coming.HST December 18, 1844, page 151.10

    We conclude this very long epistle by expressing our firm conviction that the cause in which you are engaged, is the cause of God. The evidences of this position shine most brilliantly upon the sacred page: they are seen in that generous renunciation of sectarian, non-essential peculiarities, and, in that love, and peace, and joy, so characteristic of the children of the Advent faith. Yes, they are written as with the pen of a diamond, upon the hearts, and are carried out in the lives of all who love the appearing of the Lord: who are looking for, and living with special reference to, that desirable consummation of their wishes. And though the cause has had its alternations of sunshine and gloom, and sometimes seems to have fallen to rise no more, yet it is as clear as the sun that there is about it an imperishable vitality—a recuperative energy that bespeaks the divinity of its origin, and proclaims, in thunder tones, its future, undying glory. Wm. Watkins.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.1

    Baltimore, Dec. 7th, 1844.


    No Authorcode

    BOSTON, DECEMBER 18, 1844.

    “The Time Again.”


    We have just read an article in the Voice of Truth, from our beloved brother Marsh, endeavoring to show that we are still in A. D. 1843. He however says, in speaking of the present year, “According to its numeral value, we can make only 1843. It is true, if we express the ordinal, we must say the 1844th year; just as we say, we are living in the 19th century, although there are some 56 years short of A. D. 1900.”HST December 18, 1844, page 152.2

    Now that is just it. It presents it in a nut shell. At the commencement of this year, we were numerically but 1843 years from the vulgar era; and yet if we express the ordinal, we entered, the first of last January, the 1844th year from that era, or as chronologers express it, A. D. 1844; not 1844 years, but the year of our Lord 1844, beginning last January, and ending next, when it will be numerically 1844 years, and the ordinal 1845 will begin. In speaking of the year, we always use the ordinal, as we do when speaking of the century, although neither are numerically complete, until another commences. The ordinal B.C. 1 spans an arch of one year from one year before the vulgar era to the era. A. D. 1 spans a like arch from the era which is a 0 to one year from that era. Our friends have some of them been mistaken in supposing that chronologers reckon one year when A. D. 1 commences. They do not, but use the ordinal A D. 1. They do not reckon 1 year until the end of that year when the ordinal A. D. 2 commences. This is therefore the true A. D. 1844, and not A. D. 1843, using the ordinal as ALL chronologists do use it.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.3

    The present is the year of the Julian period 6557 which ends the first of January. B.C. 677 corresponded with A. J. P. 4037. 2520 years from that year, bring us to the present A. D. 1844.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.4

    The vulgar era was January 1, A. J. P. 4714. 1844 years from that time brings us to next January, add those together, and we have A. J. P. 6558, which then commences. This proves that A. D. 1844 must then expire. Consequently, this is A. D. 1844 as correctly put down in our tables. Q. E. D.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.5

    It may be thought we speak too positively on this point; but it is a point on which we feel very familiar, on which we have spent much time and research, having access to the works of all the standard chronologers, and to the largest libraries in this section of the country. The error is not with the use of the year A. D., but in appreciating the use which chronologers make of it.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.6

    For the last few weeks, brother Himes has been visiting the Advent bands in various sections. He finds them every where greatly encouraged, and standing fast in the faith. The present indications show no disposition on the part of Adventists to turn back. On the contrary, there is every where a united determination to labor with redoubled energy and dilligence in every department of this work, until the Master shall appear. A spirit of prayer and interest for the recovery of backsliders and the conversion of sinners is increasing, and in many places there are indications of the revival of God’s work.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.7

    He returned on Saturday night, from a visit to the brethren at New York, Hartford, Cabotvill, etc; and left on Monday morning for Waterbury, Vt., to attend the conference there.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.8

    The Contrast


    The unchristian conduct of Professed Ministers of Christ Rebuked by an honest Infidel.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.9

    We understand that a warrant is out to apprehend J. V. Himes, the main pillar and support of the Miller humbug. It is on the ground of his getting the money of his credulous followers, under false representations, and of drawing honest and well meaning people from their business, thereby briingng upon multitudes poverty and misery. We hope when the leader of the humbug is secured, the silly delusion will go to the receptacle of things that were. We further learn that the Tabernacle is nailed up, and provisionally sold, that is, if the world stands after the 22nd inst. May Heaven shield us from another such a set of imposters or maniacs as the authors of the Miller mania. How must those monsters of cruelty feel when they look upon the objects whom they have deluded, and behold their poverty and misery, with minds weakened, and in not a few cases, insane, and even demented? Alas! we should rather be a dog than such a monster, called a man. Society has no greater enemy. The robber, whom we brand a felon, is a gentleman compared to these impostors, who destroy not only men’s means, but their reason, their souls. The memory of these cruel men will be utterly blotted out of existence long ages before the evils they have inflicted on society shall cease to act. Will not such men be reserved unto the day of judgment to be punished? Are there with God any thunderbolts red with uncommon wrath? then surely will they fall on the heads of these cruel men.—[Olive Branch.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.10

    The above article appeared in the Olive Branch, in the midst of the late excitement in Oct., and was evidently written for the purpose of exciting the mob spirit against us. The week following, the editor of the Investigator (with whom we are personally acquainted,) made the following remarks. Eds.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.11

    “How these Christians love one another!” A pirate could hardly manifest more malignity than is contained in the above paragraph, and yet after all, it is only on account of a difference of opinion. The Rev. Editor of the Olive Branch if he believes the Bible, as much believes in the destruction of the world as the man upon whom he pours out his wrath and bitterness. The only difference between them is in regard to the time of that event; and as Mr. Himes believes it is definitely fixed by the Bible, he is therefore “a dog,” “a monster,” upon whose head God’s “thunderbolts red with uncommon wrath” will surely fall. Such is Christian charity.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.12

    There can be no doubt, among reflecting people, that the course pursued by Mr. Himes has been productive of great misery; it is the unavoidable consequent of religious fanaticism; but the whole Christian public are participators in the work, and deserve as much blame as he does, if blame is to rest any where. For it was they who set him on; they raised the whirlwind upon which he has been riding, and now that its disasterous effects stare them in the face, they shift the responsibility that rightly belongs to themselves, upon the shoulders of their agent, and thus make him the scape-goat to bear the load of their own folly. Do they not declare the Bible to be the word of God? Yes, and here lies the foundation of this Miller fanaticism, and of every other religious mania, that has cursed this county; and as long as the Christian public holds up the Bible as Divine authority, which the people must believe or eternally perish, so long will people be made crazy in attempting to understand its crazy doctrines.—We must reap as we sow; and if we sow to the wind, we must reap the whirlwind. If the people will have crazy teachers, to teach crazy doctrines, they must expect to see crazy converts. But why persecute Mr. Himes, and let Knapp, Kirk, Beecher, Maffit, and the Rev. Methodist Editors of the Olive Branch, go unscathed, when they are all, according to their ability and degree of faith in the Bible, preaching the same doctrine, and in many instances producing the same deplorable results? This is a question for Christians to answer. Were we to attempt to reconcile their absurdities, we should soon become as crazy as themselves.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.13

    Investigator.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.14

    Letters and Receipts to Dec. 14th


    SB Tarbox $1 pd to end v 8; J K Marshall by pm $1pd to end v.8; C P Collins by pm $1 pd to end v 9; F E Canfield by pm $1 pd to 213 in v 9; A Rhodes by pm 1$ pd to 290 in v 9; L L Tuttle by pm $1 pd to 203 in v 9; A Y Culver by pm $1 pd to 179 in v 8; A Miller $1 pd to 214 in v 9; G W Whiting by pm $1 pd to 210 in v 9; Elder J Damon by pm $1 pd to 205 in v 9; D M Allen by pm $1 pd to end v 6; J B Ransom by pm $1 pd to end v 8; J B Cook by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; H Gibbs by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; H Benjamin by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; Mrs D J Robinson by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; Mrs S Rogers by pm $1 pd to 208 in v 9; G W Arnold by pm $1 pd to 185 in v 8; W Lampson by pm $1 pd to end v 6; Miss S Goodale by pm $1 pd to 210 in v 9; O Hewitt by pm $1 pd to end v 7; M L Bush by pm $1 pd to end v 8; C W Beckwith by pm$2 pd to 240 v10 and books sent; EG Allen and G Barrows $1 each pd to 207 in v 9, 1 A Cole by pm $2 pd to 215 in v 9; S K Baldwin by $1 pd to end v 8; D Libby by pm 1$ pd to 158 in v 7; A Given pm $2 pd to end v 8; Wm Small by pm $2 pd to end v 9; DLary pm $1 pd to end v 8; Eld T Sanborn by pm 50c pd to end v 8, books sent; C Stevens by pm $1 pd to end v8; Mrs Christie by pm $1 pd to end v 8; S S Gordon by pm 46c pd to 178 in v 8; N Cavis by pm 54c pd to end v 9; J Randlett by pm $1 pd to end v 8; Col G Smith by pm $1 pd to end v 9; E P Judkins by pm $2 pd to end v 8; J Clark by pm $2 pd end v8 books forwarded; S Williams by pm $1 pd to 211 in v 9; Miss Piper by pm $1 pd to 213 in v 9; C Gilman by pm $1 pd to end v 8; G Gould by pm $2 pd to 243 in v 10; Asa Robins by pm $2 pd to 240 in v 10; Calvin Priest J 7 by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; B Dudley by pm 1 pd to 177 in v 8; Mrs M Rogers by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; J Learned by pm $1 pd to 214 in v 9; B Dwelley; by pm $2 pd to 227 in v 10; J D Wheeler by dm $2 pd to end v 9; A Peare Jr by pm $2 pd to 178 in v 8; L D Moxley by pm $1 pd to end v 7; Polly Lee by pm $1 pd to end v 9; Henry Gray by pm $1 pd to end v 8; N C Wright by pm $1 pd to end v 7: Dea A Wing by pm $1 pd to end v 8; E L H Chamberlain by pm $3 pd to end v 8; John Nichols by pm $1 pd to end v 8; Benj Carter by pm $1 pd to end v 8.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.15

    TL Tullock; pm Greenfield Centre NY; pm Waldo Me; N Hervey; A Clapp; pm Charlton NY; Wm Watkins; pm Mobile Ala; J H Hall $3; pm Perry’s Mills NY; D F Wetherbee $6 50c; A Pierce; P Alling $5; Mary Neill; pm Malta O; pm Sandy Hill NY; pm Cincinnati O; RF Jennings $6 all right; J V Himes; pm North Haven Ct; pm Sun Cook NH; pm Livermore Falls; pm Gardiner Me; J A Cole $5; Luther Caldwell $10, books sent as directed; R E Ladd $10; E S Blakesbury $1; pm Hartford Ct; Elder T Sanborn $3; N Churchill 75c for Mid. Cry pm Bennington Vt; Timothy Cole; Betsy J Bishop; pm Mishawaka, Ind; pm Whitefield N Y; E Fainsworth paper paid to end v 8; L Kimbell; pm Waterbury Vt; pm Portland Me; pm Lee Ms; pm Newark O; E S Blakeley $1; pm Jackson Mich; Charles Clapp $1; Louis Barker $1; pm Montpelier Vt; Wm McDermott $1 pd to 214 in v 9; pm Lowell Ms.; H Bingham by pm $2 pd to 203 v 9.HST December 18, 1844, page 152.16

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