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    May 10, 1843

    Vol. V.—No. 10. Boston, Whole No. 106

    Joshua V. Himes


    Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in Advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.1

    J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors



    I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.2

    II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.3

    III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.4

    IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. AndHST May 10, 1843, page 73.5

    V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.6

    The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.7

    To the Public


    Friends and fellow Citizens

    God, in his providence, has permitted us at length to realize the accomplishment of this long hindered work,—the erection of our Tabernacle. The object for which it is specially designed, the plan and character of the edifice, together with the unforeseen, and of course uncontrolable circumstances, which have marked its history thus far. have combined to make it the subject of general public interest. We have no doubt, however, that more important purposes have been effected by its delay than could have been by its earlier completion. It has been the means of calling attention to the views intended to be promulgated in it, though mirth or malice may have employed the means, at the same time that the story of its varying fortune, as the representative of a most important cause, has served as a test upon the candor and Christian liberality of the public; and although a source of perplexity to its friends, we trust it has not been without some salutary influence upon them. Well, let God’s work be done in his own way, whether our plans succeed or fail. In this case, however, the work was begun with a view to the glory of God, as well as our own convenience in his worship. He has directed the circumstances of its history, and we would say as Solomon said of the more wonderful and imposing temple, at its dedication, “The palace is not for man but for the Lord God.”HST May 10, 1843, page 73.8

    Of our views as believers in the Second Advent doctrine as declared to the world by Mr. Miller, all certainly must have heard. And although they have been widely promulgated in accordance with the means God has given us, still, as we had reason to expect of a certain portion of the community, who are too indolent or self-conceited to read with candor that which has not the sanction of popular favor, or perhaps offended that the truth and reasonableness of what they have read, gave them everything to fear, and determined to oppose the doctrine as they must, if at all, with sophistry and falsehood, our views are not unfrequently misrepresented. It may not be amiss, on the opening of the Tabernacle, to give a brief exposition of our position.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.9

    With the Synopsis of Miller’s Views already published to the world, all Second Advent believers in the main agree. In the application of particular prophecies, there is often a variety of views, but which in no case affects the fundamental principles of our faith.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.10

    It has been generally supposed that the passing by of a mere point of time would test the truth or falsity of our views. This is by no means the case. Our views are based upon Divine truths, which will be none the less true, however great a lapse of time may intervene before their fulfillment. That much time will intervene, we do not believe; but till the fulfillment of the events for which we look, we shall even hope and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come quickly.”HST May 10, 1843, page 73.11

    We will not knowingly embrace any principles not plainly taught in the word of God; and if we cannot stand on the plain letter of that word, we choose to fall.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.12

    In believing that this earth, regenerated, is to be the eternal abode of the “Children of the resurrection;” and that the great and glorious promises of Isaiah and the other prophets which are applied to a millennial state, are to be then fulfilled, we are sustained by the belief of the church in its purest and best ages; and in proof of which we have the testimony of not a few divines and historians in every age.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.13

    In opposition to this view, there is no trace of any belief in the primitive church from the time of our Savior prior to Origen, who flourished in the middle of the third century.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.14

    Bishop Newton says “the doctrine of the millennium was generally believed in the first three and purest ages; and this belief, as the learned Dodwell has justly observed, was one principal cause of the fortitude of the primitive Christians; they even coveted martyrdom, in hopes of being partakers of the privileges and glories of the martyrs in the first resurrection.”HST May 10, 1843, page 73.15

    In the first two centuries there was not an individual who believed in a resurrection of the dead, whose name or memory has come down to us, that opposed it; nor does there exist any fragment of the writings of any author that denied it. The testimony also is, that it was received from those who saw our Lord, and heard of him respecting those days.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.16

    Thomas Burnet in his “theory of the earth,” printed in London, A. D. 1697, states that it was the received opinion of the primitive church, from the days of the apostles to the council of Nice, that this earth would continue six thousand years from creation, when the resurrection of the just and conflagration of the earth, would usher in the millenium and reign of Christ on earth.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.17

    As popery arose, it became less prominent, but was revived at the reformation, and was not supplanted by the doctrine of a temporal millennium till the time of Daniel Whitby, who died 1728. It is also admitted by all that this was taught by Barnabas, Papias, Polycarp bishop of Smyrna and disciple of John, Justyn Martyr, Irenaus, Turtullian bishop of Carthage, Cyprian, Lactantius, Methodeus bishop of Olympus, Epiphanius, Paulinus bishop of Antioch, etc, who were contemporaries and successors of the apostles. This belief was adopted A. D. 325 by the council of Nice, which consisted of 318 bishops from all parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. In the reformation this was the belief of Tyndel, Luther and Calvin. It was also the belief of the martyr Bradford, Good win, Gouge, Langley, Bunyan, Wesley, Burnet the learned Joseph Mede, Fletcher, Horsley, Bishop Newton, Sir Isaac Newton, Milton, Sterry, Cotton Mather, and a hosts of others. In asserting this doctrine, we therefore only comply with. The apostolic command, to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.18

    The accomplishment of this glorious promise must be the next great event in historical prophecy, when have been fulfilled all the events predicted, which were to precede the consummation; and be it remembered, that the only prophecies claimed by our opponents to be unfulfilled, are those which they claim belong to a temporal millennium, and the restoration of the Jews.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.19

    These predictions we have shown, by thus far unanswered arguments drawn from the word of God, to apply only to the eternal state of the righteous in the regenerated earth, and in the restoration of the true Israel of God to their everlasting state, according to the sure promise of God made to our father Abraham. As, therefore, no events of prophecy, now unfulfilled, precede the second advent, we shall not turn aside from the expectation of the immediate fulfillment of these glorious promises—even if there should be any seeming delay, until we can say, “Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, and he will come and save us.” We have no expectation of retiring from the contest till our King appear. We have enlisted for the war. Should time continue, the contest is well begun. Should the Savior come to-day, we intend to be at our posts. With regard to the time of that event, we expect it in the “fulness of times;” in the fulfillment of all the prophetic periods, none of which have yet been shown to extend beyond A. D. 1843. We are therefore looking for it at this time. Six thousand years from creation was the time when the primitive church was expecting the advent. And Luther, Bengel, Burnet, Fletcher, Wesley, and others, all had their, eye at about this period of time. But now the fulfillment of the prophecies, the end of the prophetic periods, and the signs of the times, admonish us that it is truly at the very doors.HST May 10, 1843, page 73.20

    The public have been deceived by the secular and religious press, with regard to particular days and months that it is said the Savior was expected. There are too many difficulties in the way of fixing with certainty on any particular day, to render it safe to point to such with any degree of positiveness, although, to some minds, more probable circumstances may seem to point to some particular days, than others. When these days have been named by our brethren, they have been only their own individual opinions, and not the opinions of their friends. The cause is therefore not responsible for any such limited views and calculations.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.1

    We occupy the same ground that we have always occupied, in accordance with the title, page of all Mr. Miller’s lectures, viz. that the second advent will be “about the year 1843.” The 23rd of April to which all of our opponents have looked, was never named by any of our friends, but only by our enemies. To maintain the belief of the coming of Christ now at the doors, to restore this earth to its Eden state, and restore to it the righteous, we claim the same right that any of our opponents have to present a contrary belief. And we mean to be put down neither by the spiritualzing of the word of God, and wresting its alphabetical and common sense meaning; or by the sneers, scoffs, sarcasms, or falsehoods of those who oppose us—the only forms of opposition with which we have to contend.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.2

    When it is shown by sound argument, and the sure word of God, that no second personal coming of Christ, and restoration of this earth to its Eden state, is taught in the Scriptures, then we shall cease to look for the coming of the Lord; and not till then. We are ready and anxious to meet any and all candid arguments which may appear to any to militate against these truths; and we claim an equal privilege to present, in return, the strong arguments and the promises of God upon which alone we stand. In the discussion of this great question, the truth or falsity of which vitally affects every son and daughter of Adam, we ask for a candid hearing, and are willing to abide an impartial examination.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.3

    In support of our positions we rest solely upon the testimony of the word of God, in its plain, obvious, and literal acceptation, and as understood by the apostles and their immediate successors. To the law and the testimony we appeal: for we expect none other things, but what Moses and the prophets have said shall come. We place no reliance whatever upon any visions, or dreams, mere impressions or private revelations. “We have a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well if ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.” “Search the Scriptures,” said our Savior; and from them we profess to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us, to every man that asketh us. Neither have we any confidence in the stability of those whose hopes are based upon impressions, and not upon the word of God; for when their impressions are gone, their hopes will disappear with them. But the word of God endureth forever, and those whose hopes are grounded upon it cannot be shakes, whatever may betide.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.4

    We have no sectarian designs; our sole object is to convince the churches and the world that the Bridegroom cometh, that all who will may prepare for his glorious appearing. We never have, nor do we now recommend that any leave their respective communions. We have no controversy with any of the religious sects of the day, or existing ecclesiastical organizations. Our standard of Christian character and fellowship, is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and strength, and mind, and our neighbor as ourself—walking soberly, godly, and righteously in this present evil world, doing good as we have opportunity.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.5

    Second Advent believers are found in all branches of the Christian Church; and when we come together we all meet on common ground. We therefore deem it highly improper that any professed Second Advent believer should make his peculiar individual or sectarian views prominent in his professed Second Advent labors. We claim no right to dictate to any one what shall be his individual belief, or in reference to his ecclesiastical relations. We have no ecclesiastical organization; and wish none. We permit all to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience; and expect the same privilege for ourselves. We have nothing to do with any of the contested doctrinal points that agitate the churches; nor have we approved the introduction of personal and private speculations, which may have led to unprofitable discussions.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.6

    It has been claimed by our opponents that the tendency of these views is to produce insanity. But it is questioned whether a single case can he produced where a believe has become insane on account of such belief. Those who cannot appreciate the truth may suppose them insane, as some of old were supposed to be full of new wine, and Paul was said to be mad; or those whose views only rest on dreams and impressions may exhibit insanity in their excesses; but these are not principles we advocate. It is also believed that fewer eases can be found of insanity, in connection with second advent views, in proportion to the believers, than can be produced in connection with ordinary religious teachings. The promises we present are so glorious and cheering, being none other than those the primitive church were told to “comfort each other” with, that to the humble inquirer after truth they would be much more likely to restore to sanity, than to render insane; and such it is believed have been their practical tendency.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.7

    The above is it condensed statement of our views and expectations; we will now give the object for which the Tabernacle is opened. This has been erected for the accommodation of those citizens of Boston, and vicinity, who may wish to come and learn from the word of God the reason of the hope that is in us. It will be occupied principally for lectures, where, it is intended, the truth shall be presented in a clear, rational, and candid manner, so that it may commend itself to the reason, and good sense of all impartial hearers, and taking root in their hearts, lead them to repentance, that they may bring forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness. We intend to permit here no extravagances, but have every thing done decently and in order, so that those who assemble may not only have their hearts benefited, but their minds enlightened; we repudiate all fanaticism. Our wishes are to reach the heart through the intellect, rather than the feelings. We therefore cordially invite all disposed to an impartial examination of the Bible, to come and hear for themselves, “Came now, and let us reason together,” saith the Lord.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.8

    In the conclusion of this address we can but add a word in relation to—HST May 10, 1843, page 74.9

    Dangers which believers in the doctrine of the Second Advent should avoid.—So long as we are in this world, we are continually exposed to temptations on every hand; for our adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He also transforms himself into an angel of light. He is peculiarly anxious to secure in his wiles, those who have escaped, or are endeavoring to escape from his grasp; and if any point is unguarded, that is sure to be the point of attack. Some individuals are the more liable to fall into one class of errors, and. some into another, owing to their peculiar temperament, and the circumstances in which they are placed; and so it is with classes, and communities. Some dangers are peculiar to certain views; and, others are common to all. The dangers to which Second Advent believers are exposed, are by no means peculiar to them, but yet are not the less real.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.10

    1. We should avoid a censorious spirit towards those who cannot see all things in the same light that we do. We should remember that once we were in the dark, but were none the less honest in our opinions then, than now. If others are honest in their views, and and are candid, they are entitled to the utmost charity. Censoriousness belongs only to those who oppose the coming of Christ.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.11

    2. Second Advent believers are from all religious denominations; and to eat in unison, it is necessary to meet on common ground; to so meet it is necessary to lay aside all sectarian views. All true brethren should therefore guard against making their own private views or sectarian belief too prominent, or as a necessary belief for those whose views are different.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.12

    3. We should avoid bringing in connection with the Second Advent, and a preparation therefore, any doctrines not necessarily connected therewith. They only serve to divert the mind from the true issue, and repel those who might otherwise embrace the doctrine of the Second Advent. Hebrews 13:9. “Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.”HST May 10, 1843, page 74.13

    4. We should avoid all extravagant notions, and everything which may tend to fanaticism. God is not the author of confusion. “Let everything be done decently and in order,” says the Apostle. And “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body,” “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocricy; And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that malic peace.” Anything which may cause an unbeliever to turn away in disgust, may prevent the salvation of that soul. All things that are lawful are not expedient. As our great aim should be the salvation of souls, we should strive to win all, so that If by any means we may save some of them.HST May 10, 1843, page 74.14

    5. We should avoid placing too much reliance upon impressions. “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God.” Impressions and visions, and dreams have thus far usually failed those who have put their trust in them; which proves they were not of God; we therefore should use the utmost caution ere we trust to that which may also in the end fail us, and prove not to be of God. We have for our guide the sure word of God; and those who will not believe Moses and the prophets, will not believe though one should rise from the dead. He that is of the faith of our father Abraham, will believe God upon his simple word; and will need no other confirmation: but those who refuse to take the word of God without some other testimony, are dishonoring that word, and giving the pre-eminance to that which may be doubtful or spurious testimony. Jeremiah 23:28, 29. “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?”HST May 10, 1843, page 75.1

    6. Judge no man. James 4:11. “Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.2

    7. We should avoid setting up one’s own experience as the standard by which to test the experience of others. Men’s experience will differ, as did those of the apostles. Had Paul required all to have the same experience that he had, the faith of many would have been staggered. The moment we set up our own attainments as a standard, we cease to point to Jesus, the only true pattern. We should look to him alone, and point others to him. 2 Corinthians 10:12. “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”HST May 10, 1843, page 75.3

    8. “Let him that thinketh be standeth take heed lest he fall.” We are commanded to live with an eye single to the glory of God. Without holiness no man can see the Lord. We are to abstain from even the appearance of evil, and to depart from all iniquity, that the God of peace may sanctify us wholly unto himself, and preserve us blameless unto the coming of Christ. We should therefore avoid feeling that we have reached a point from which we cannot fall; for, our adversary is continually on the watch, that he may overcome us at our least guarded point. He likes to whisper in the ear of man that he has attained the victory, and become so holy, that do what he will, it is not sin. Some have thus stumbled, supposing their warfare was accomplished; and have thus ceased to press forward towards the mark, so that Satan has led them captive at his will. It will never answer to leave our watch, or lay down the weapons of defence; for while we are in probation our course is a continual warfare, a race, a strife for the victory; and that victory can only be obtained in being faithful unto the end. There is no danger of being too holy: the danger lies in being satisfied with present attainments.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.4

    9. We are commanded to occupy till Christ comes. We are to sow our seed, and gather our harvest, so long as God gives us seed time and harvest. If we improve the coming seed-time, and have no harvest, we shall have done our duty; and if a harvest should be granted us, we shall be prepared to reap. It is as much our duty now to be continually employed, either in providing for the wants of those dependent upon us, or in alleviating the distress of others, as it ever was. We are to do good as we have opportunity, and by no means spend our time in idleness, that will bring reproach on our Savior. Let us see to it that our hearts are right in the sight of God, and then, whether we wake or sleep, are laboring to save souls or are engaged in our daily avocations, we shall meet our Lord in peace. May the God of peace give all who profess to love his appearing that wisdom, that shall guide us aright, and lead us in the way of all truth, and redound the most to his honor and glory.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.5

    Prescott Dickinson,
    Frederick Clapp,
    William M. Hatstat,
    Stephen Nichols,
    Micajah Wood,
    Joseph G. Hamlin,
    John Augustus,
    Joshua V. Himes. Tabernacle Committee.

    General Conferences

    No Authorcode

    on the second advent


    It is proposed by the friends of the Advent cause, (if time continue) to hold conferences in New York, Philadelphia and Boston, during the Anniversaries in May. We have large and convenient places secured in each of the above cities, for the meetings.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.6

    The object of these conferences will be to give light on the great question of the Advent near, and the nature of the Kingdom of God. Brethren Miller, Litch, Whiting, Hale, and many of the lecturers on this subject, are expected to be present to illustrate and defend the doctrine of the Advent.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.7

    Prayer and conference meetings will be held in connexion with the discussions, so that not only the mind may be enlightened, but the heart quickened.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.8

    Let there be a general gathering. The first of the series will commence in New York city, May 7th, in the church corner of Catharine and Madison streets.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.9

    Brother Southard, Jacobs, and others will make the arrangements. Brother Litch will make arrangements in Philidelphia.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.10

    Letter from Ohio


    Dear Sir:—You are by this time accustomed to letters from strangers, (in the flesh) and will with gladness receive another. About one year ago we had some fifty or sixty sermons, in examination of the Second Advent. This was very acceptable to many of us but some could not stand it, and backed out of the church. The farther the examination was carried by our pastor, Rev. J. D. Pickands, the more the accumulating evidence produced conviction, that the glorious Second coming was near, even at the doors. Some were entirely convinced, but few of us have crossed the rubicon. In the fall, in a protracted effort, Rev. John Avery preaching, it pleased God to melt the hearts of professors, and to add a large number to his fold. A good state of mind prevailing, our dear brother Fitch came in February, and preached a few days to a multitude. This cast the die in respect to our own church, and in respect to some few members of the others in the place. The Lord is with us by his spirit; last week six, or seven conversions occured in a prayer meeting. We have some conversions in consequence of the Second Advent. Dear brother Fitch was lecturing in an adjoining village last week, Middlebury, with some success, but in a village north of us, Cayuhoga Falls, we hear, from undoubted authority, over seventy were forward for salvation, asking the prayers of Christians. The cry all around is loud for information on this subject. Our minister has been endeavoring to supply some places round, and starts tomorrow for a village, Canton, where the cry has been loud and long; and then he probably will take a tour through other towns. Ministers are prejudiced and lock up the truth from the people. Why, at a conference two or three weeks ago at Cleveland, no man except Mr. Pickands took part with Mr. Fitch on this glorious subject. This shows how ministers stand here. O, a methodist minister was also with them. We have read in our meeting with great interest the letters of Mr Brown. We look for the Lord any hour. Mr. Pickands was called to a place, Johnson’s Corners, last Sabbath afternoon, where it was told him a large house was open. But when he arrived, the devil had had wind of it, wrong stories had circulated, and the house was shut up; but he preached in a schoolhouse crowded full. This is a specimen of opposition. Some hate the Lord’s appearing.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.11

    Your brother, Robert Rogers.
    Akron, April 4, 1843.



    from post masters, to may 6, 1843

    Andover, Me; Richmond, Vt $1; Wilmington, Vt $1; Vienna $2; S Woodstock, Vt $1; Middletown Ct $1; Falmouth, Me; Templeton, Ms $1; N. Salem, Ms $1; Springarbor, Mich $1; Ballston, N. Y; Augusta, Ga $1; West Stafford, Ct $1; Cornish ville Me $1; Burrilville, R I $1; Walpole Ms $4; Jamestown N Y $8; Franklin N H $1; Hampden, Me; Milford Ms $1; Berlin, Ms $1; Glastenbury, Ct; Lewisville, S C, $1; W Boxford, Ms; Groton, Ms, $2; Corinna, Me; West Mills; Three Rivers, Ms, $1; W Woodstock, Ct, $2; Melvin Village; Norwich Town, Ct; Bangor, Me, $2; Skowhegan, Me;HST May 10, 1843, page 75.12



    M F Eldridge; Aaron Clapp; D Burgess; B H Albee, $5; A Clapp; S Cole; Mary F Skinner, $1; J Bates, J C Park; Wm Miller; W H Peyton; Jos Harvey, $10; Henry V Davis, $1; J S White; A B Huntington, with bundle books; Sarah D Stevens. $1; Samuel G Mathewsay, $2: Henry Wright, $2 due; R A Mills, $2; B D W; R Winter, England; T L Tullock, with bundle; A Gee, $1; Abigail White, $1; Abigail Winn, $10; Mary F Manter; Elizeh Pratt, $1; J C Hutching; J S Spinny; Elisha Tripp, $2; C M Phinney; Elisha Mitchel, $4 for Midnight Cry.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.13

    Bundles Sent


    T J Pearson, Natches, Miss; 36 Park Row, N York; F G Brown, Hartford, Ct.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.14



    No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.15

    Address J. V. Himes.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.16

    No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park. Address J. V. Himes.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.17

    No. 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.18

    Address Orrin Rogers.HST May 10, 1843, page 75.19



    “The Lord is at Hand.”
    BOSTON, MAY 10, 1843.

    The opening of the Tabernacle.—On Thursday last the Tabernacle was opened for public worship, and dedicated to the Most High. Its completion had been retarded by many untoward events, over which its friends had no control, but which were doubtless permitted for good; and we doubt not but that it has been opened at the very time when Infinite Wisdom would direct. We were gratified with the presence of an immense assemblage from this and the neighboring towns. The presence of so many of our friends from different, and some distant places, and so strong in the faith, was most cheering to us. We perceived a large number of the clergy of this vicinity present, and also a great number of the candid citizens who do not see with us. We think there could not have been present less than 3500 in all; and all present seemed highly attentive to the exercises, and pleased with the appropriateness of the house thus dedicated.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.1

    The address of the Committee in this paper was read in connection with prayer and singing. Brother Silas Hawley preached an able and appropriate discourse, to which the immense audience listened with evident gratification for more than two hours. The discourse was from Ezekiel 21:27. “I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until he come, whose right it is; and I will give it him.” It will be published shortly, that all may be instructed by it.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.2

    Those present seemed evidently happily disappointed in the neatness and plain simplicity in which the Tabernacle is finished, it being so appropriate for the preaching of the gospel, and such a striking contrast to the gorgeous and velvet cushioned churches where “to the rich the gospel is preached.”HST May 10, 1843, page 76.3

    The services in the evening were attended by a crowded house, and several interesting addresses were made by ministering brethren from abroad. The day itself was most delightful, and everything passed off in the most pleasing manner. To God be all the glory.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.4

    An Enquiry


    Brother Bliss.—The community in which I reside having been recently informed by an evangelical minister that the following views and sentiment were necessary concomitants to a belief in the doctrine of the Second Advent of our Savior in 1843, I wish to be informed through your paper if such is the case, in order that I might, with others, avoid being entrapped in such a snare, and flee from it as from the most gross infidelity.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.5

    1st. A belief in the future annihilation of the wicked.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.6

    2nd. The unconcious sleep of the righteous, until the Second Coming of Christ.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.7

    3rd. Substitute the belief In the Second Coming of Christ in 1843 for regeneration.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.8

    4th. The non-existence of a visible church on earth.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.9

    5th. A reliance upon dreams and individual revelations, and vague impressions made upon the imagination instead of the sure word of prophecy, found in the word of God.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.10

    By giving this information, you will confer a favor on A Lover of Truth.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.11

    Combridgeport, April 24th, 1843.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.12


    We have never advocated any of the above sentiments; neither are any, of them in any ways necessarily connected with the doctrine of the Second Advent.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.13

    We have taken repeated opportunities to dissent from the doctrine of the annihilation of the wicked, or the unconscious state of the dead after death.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.14

    Regeneration is considered essential to salvation, and without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Except a man be regenerated he shall not see the kingdom of God. We believe, when Christ comes, he will save all that lone his apppearing, whether they see the time clearly or not; but we do believe that all that hate his appearing or that lie respecting it, will be lost.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.15

    We believe that the visible church of Christ on earth is composed of all who truly love him, of what ever name or denomination. We have no controversy with existing church organizations, and have never, neither do we now reeommend any to leave their own respective communions. We place no reliance whatever in any visions or dreams, impressions or imaginings; but rely solely on the word of God. On the law and the testimony is our only dependence; and we reject all things not plainly taught in that blessed volume.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.16

    We have been informed by another source that those assertions were made by a clergyman who knew the falsity of those assertions, for he said he examined Miller’s Works, and could point out 24 mistakes in them, but would not, because in the “Signs of the Times” is the Scoffers Department. This is the same person that prayed for the lying vagrants.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.17

    Clerical Scoffing,—A Baptist clergyman of this city said to brother Weston, a few days since, “Why, you have not gone up yet!!”HST May 10, 1843, page 76.18

    He had doubtless forgetten the case of the forty two children that used similar language to Elisha, after Elijah had ascended to heaven.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.19

    A Methodist minister in Connecticut, in one of the capitals of the state, met one of our own brethren in the street, and expressed great surprise that he had not gone up!HST May 10, 1843, page 76.20

    Also a Congregational clergyman in New Ipswich, N. H. made the same remark to a brother in that place, and when reminded of the fate of the forty two children, replied, “Poh! there are no bears here!”HST May 10, 1843, page 76.21

    Since writing the above, we learn that such expressions are not uncommon by those who profess to point the way upwards. With such examples, can we wonder that the wicked scoff at the Advent of Christ?HST May 10, 1843, page 76.22

    The Prince of the Host. We read in Daniel 8:11, that the (“little horn” which “waxed EXCEEDING GREAT,” “magnified himself even to the Prince of the Host.” In the 25th verse the same Prince is called the “Prince of Princes;” and in Daniel 9:26, he is called the “Messiah.” He is also called “Michael one of the chief;” or as in the margin, “the first of Princes,” Daniel 10:13; in the 21st. verse “Michael your Prince;” and in the 12:1 verse “Michael the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people.”HST May 10, 1843, page 76.23

    Our opponents claim that the two first appellations—the “Prince of the Host,” and the “Prince of Princes” denote the Jewish high priest. They are however no where applied to the Jewish priest, or high priest. Moreover the “Prince of the Host” is proved to be the Messiah by Joshua 5:13-15. Joshua would never have been permitted to worship a mere angel, nor to call him his Lord. The Prince of Princes is also proved to be our Savior by Revelation 1:5, where he is called “the Prince of the kings of the earth.”HST May 10, 1843, page 76.24

    The “exceeding great horn” is therefore proved to be some power that stood up against our Savior, and must be Rome, by whom he was condemned and nailed to the cross.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.25

    “End of the World.” A large sheet has been hawked about for the last few weeks, entitled, “Illustration of Miller’s views of the end of the world in 1843.” The sheet is compiled entirely from our own illustrations, with the exception of a large cut to illustrate the Advent and Ascension. In consideration of this last representation, we take this opportunity to give our unqualified dissent, to this, or any attempt to represent by cuts, future scenes of such awful interest, which are beyond the province of man to delineate. We also feel that we are expressing the views of our friends, when we say that they would also shrink from such attempts of the fancy, as contrary to good taste, and presumptous in the extreme.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.26

    Brown’s Experience,—Brother Brown having written out his experience respecting entire consecration, and the Advent doctrine, they are now published and ready for delivery. Our friends who wish to attain a high standard of Christian character, which should be our highest aim, will find this a valuable reference. It is also accompanied by several letters from brother Cook of Middleton, Conn. which adds much interest to the work. Those who expect soon to meet the Lord, we trust will find their hearts cheered by a perusal of those interesting pages. For sale at this office, price 12 1-2.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.27

    Letter from William Miller


    Dear Bro.:—You have undoubtedly seen Kittredge Haven’s letter, published in Whittemore’s “Trumpet.” A more base fabrication of falsehood and lies, was never put together in so small a compass before. This K. H. professes to be a Revealed. Of the denomination calling themselves Universalists, in Shoreham Vt.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.28

    His friends claim him as a moral, honest man; but if this letter of his is a specimen of his honesty, I have no idea what moral honesty means; but to slander and defame our neighbor, misrepresent their domestic circle, and descend into such meanness, as though it was a crime to dwell in a “white house with green window blinds,” which was done twenty years ago. Whittemore himself would be ashamed of such a priest as this. Then he must needs creep into the kitchen; and a stove which was purchased eight or ten years ago, is metamorphosed into a new one purchased this winter! And then he must go into the stable and out houses, and these are all trans formed into new, and superb edificies; when the truth is, no improvement has been made of any importance, for twenty-five years. Then he must view the farm, and what an astonishing amount of stone wall has been recently built! And the truth is, not ten rods of new stone wall has been built for twelve years; say forty or fifty rods of old wall which had fallen down, and been laid over again, is all the improvement in that respect, made for twelve years. One thing is true. We have bored into the rock about eighteen feet, at the cornet of my house, and have found living water; for this we are very thankful to God; for we are already paid for expense and trouble, as we formerly had to bring all the water we used for cooking etc., more than twenty rods, and were dependent on our neighbors for that. To dig a well! What a crime! How dreadful! How awful! Why, it makes the Rev. K. H. Universalist minister, tremble; “dig a well!” Do you really, Br. H. begin to fear there is, or must be a hell for that crime? Very well, I hope then you will be prompted to tell some truth, when you are so disposed as to send a little of your “tittle tattle” to Boston, or any other mart where you can send your small ware. Twelve years ago the farm which you talk about was 230 acres; now about 150.HST May 10, 1843, page 76.29

    The 700 acres which you say my sons and I own, is reduced to about 420, all told. How is it about “better apparel, better furniture, better horses, better carriages, better outbuildings, etc,” than their neighbors, “and especially with Mr. Miller’s own farm;” the whole is a misrepresentation, and falsehood. Are these the priests which many are building their hope of eternal life upon? “His relations here, except his own family and two or three others, do not believe in his theory.” Is this true? No. “Many of them (my connection) are rejoicing in the glorious doctrine of the world’s salvation through Christ.” Is this the truth? Out of more than four hundred persons connected by blood, whom I know, only three of them profess to believe in Universalism. And out of all those who are connected by marriage, only four that I know of, can be numbered among his flock; and I think them too honest to uphold, or justify their minister in his misrepresentations and falsehoods. Some of them well know the things he has reported are false. “Two of his children have been married since last autumn.” What a crime this must be. What, married! Horrible! You dont say so! Yes, it is true. Who forbid them to get married? The bible says, 1 Timothy 4:1-3. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbiding to marry.” You see who it is Those “who depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbiding to marry.” When will these seared characters forbid to marry? The bible says “in the latter times.” Then Mr. K. H. has proved the bible true once, certainly, and that we live in the latter times. No coat ever suited better. The bible must be fulfilled. Again hear him. “One of them has bought a house, and has caused logs to be drawn to the sawmill, to prepare lumber to repair and finish it next summer.” The truth is, my son in law did buy a house and lot, last fall; it needed plastering; he drew in one or two logs, had lath sawed, finished his house, and has been living in it some time. But next summer; see the tattler in that expression all over. He says, “another (that was married I suppose) thinks that land which he has disposed of recently at the west, will become very valuable in a few years,“HST May 10, 1843, page 77.1

    This caps the climax. I have no son that ever disposed of a foot of land in the west; yet if they had made the observation, it certainly will be true, when God shall burn all the universal liars out of it. I think our world will be more valuable than now. Then his remarks and hints about “profitable speculation,” “undue excitement,” also “great physical, mental, and moral evil,” is Universalism to the core; and proves,beyond a doubt, that he belongs to the class of ministers whom Paul and Peter describes.—1 Thessalonians 5:3—“For when they shall say peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they;shall not escape. 2 Peter 2:3.—“And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.” What greater motive can such a minister have than “profitable speculation?” and nothing is more evident than they judge from their own motives.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.2

    How wrong to them it appears to have any “undue excitement,” while they cry peace and safety. How plain do they make themselves manifest in these last days.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.3

    Are these the best arguments our opponents can use? Surely if they had any better, they would use them. Must the believer in the word of God meet such opponents in every step he takes? Oh, my God! These are strange times indeed!! Professed ministers of Christ, D. D’s. A. M’s. and reverends of every grade, from the Presbyterian to the Mormon, are thus engaged to put down a few illiterate students of that blessed and holy book, the Bible. Where do they go for arguments? They enter into our family circles, the domestic fireside ceases to be an assylum of repose to the weary pilgrim, they invade our kitchens, our pantries are searched, our wardrobes are not exempt from scrutiny, our bed-rooms are explored, and the bride chambers are opened for to furnish them with unholy weapons. They survey our farms, multiply the calves, stone walls are built like mushrooms in the night. Brick palaces built in every six months, outhouses become stately edifices, stables are entered, Canadian horses are transformed into noble chargers, lumber wagons into elegant carriages, our motives are known to those censuring us better than we know them ourselves. It is all worldly speculation, in the minds of these harpy’s in human shape. Some number our mistakes, and seem to have great power in multiplying one into a baker’s dozen; others, search for a grammatical error, and they acknowledge they care not for the truth, neither do they seek for it. Why all this? say you. I answer, because William Miller, a private individual, has published to the world, in his simple, plain, old farmer style, that he believes the dear Savior will come again to this earth this year, 1843. And gives his reasons from the Bible and history. Is that all that makes them treat the old man so roughly? Yes, yes, upon my honor it is all. Why, says the stranger, I thought old Miller must have been an abominable desperado by what I had heard from the pulpits, and read from the press. Have the good people of these United States all become fools, that they should act like madmen, rave and tear, revile and tattle against the old man for this one fault, when it will be so soon decided who is right, and who is wrong. Take my advice,good people, stop your slander, cease your tattling. Go mind your own affairs, get ready, and if Christ comes, you will be glad and rejoice. And if he does not come, then we must all wait until he does. “What I say unto you, I say unto all, watch.” Wm. Miller.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.4

    Extract of a Letter,


    From a brother who has been some time full in the faith of the second advent of Christ this year, to one who had been trying for a still longer time to understand, yet holding on to the old and absurd opinion of the literal restoration of the Jews.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.5

    He has however now been led to give it up and came in fully to the views expressed in this letter before this was received, and now is rejoicing in the new light which has beamed upon his soul, and especially in the cheering hope of Christ’s speedy coming even this year, adding another witness to the truth that this doctrine, when fully embraced, happifies the soul beyond language to express.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.6

    Dear Brother.—I am glad you are making advances in this doctrine of the blessed Bible, you consequently must be growing in grace, and acquiring a preparation to meet our Lord, when he comes.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.7

    It seems strange to me that you do not see any good reason for believing that He will come this year, and that the promised restoration of the Jews should trouble you; for my part, I never had any faith in their being restored to the old deserted land of Palestine; and having lately looked and examined the Scriptures on this point, I cannot see the least shadow of reason for believing the theory,or rather such a fable or vain tradition, when I find a plain declaration in the Bible where the meaning can’t be mistaken; I don’t look all over the Bible to see if it is not contradicted, before I can receive it as truth, but I believe it.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.8

    Now it looks clear to me that all the prophecies relating to the Jews as a distinct people which were not conditional, and related to their life, have all been fulfilled before the first advent of our Lord. I believe the Jews were a distinct people, and kept so by God, till they fulfilled all claim to such distinction and totally rejected God and Christ; the partition wall was broken down land abolished between Jew and Gentile, when Jesus died on the cross, as St. Paul plainly teaches; I have not read what Bro. Storrs says, but I believe what the Lord Jesus says, that God is no longer their Father, neither Abraham, but they are of their Father the Devil, whose works they will do, and also that they are cut off from the good olive tree, and have no more right to the promises of God, than the Gentile or Greek, and can have no inheritance in the land only by being grafted in again, i.e. by repentance and faih in Christ; many of those promises in the Scripture refer, I think, to the Spiritual Jew, and to the world to come. The promise that Abraham should be heir of the world, was not to him or his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith; so the world is the land promised to Abraham and his seed. Romans 4:15, he is not a Jew, who is one outwardly!. they are not all Israel who are of Israel. The 37th of Ezek. I think plainly teaches a resurrection and the literal restoration, and the whole house of Israel spoken of in the 11th. v. means those who slept in Jesus; they are to be brought into the land of Israel and possess it forever; I can’t see any land in the world in its present state, for the dead are to be raised incorruptible. Beside David is to be king over them, they are all to have one Shepherd. Look at the 24th. v. and also chapter 34, 23rd and 24th vs. I am looking for a new Heavens and a new Earth and the new Jerusalem spoken of in Rev. to come down from God out of Heaven; and what is more glorious than all, I am expecting to see Jesus coming in the clouds of Heaven soon, and we can there talk over these thing face; to face. The paper you sent me containing a letter from Dr. Jarvis, which you marked, was read, and I will tell you what such opinions Has on my mind. It strengthens me in the belief that the deluded ministers, as he calls them, have got the truth, and reminds me of what God has said, that he has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the wise etc. I don’t know but you think by this time as I do, of Dr. J. that he is a vain, proud, worldy, bigoted, conceited man; and unless he repents, he must be lost. By their works ye shall know them. The letter in the said paper warrants me in saying all this; how different a spirit does he show from Bro. Brown’s 3 letters recently published in the Signs of the Times. It looks as clear as the sun-beams to me now, that Christ will come this year. Oh what a blessed doctrine this Second Advent is, how it raises you above this world, and what heavenly joy in the speedy hope of our Jesus’s coming.HST May 10, 1843, page 77.9




    We copy the following letter from the Universalist Trumpet, and a reply will be found on the 77th page from Mr. Miller. We ought perhaps to apologize for noticing anything from the Trumpet, as the character of the vehicle is always considered a sufficient antidote for the poison it contains; but so urgent are the calls for anything against Millerism by those who fear it may be true, that it makes but little difference about the hand that furnishes it. The smallest favors are thankfully received.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.1

    In a letter, dated at Philadelphia, recently, Mr. Miller writes to his Bro. Himes at Boston, designing therein to correct severel false reports in the public journals relative to himself and his calculations. That letter has been published in many of the secular and religious papers, although, I think, it has not appeared in the ‘Trumpet.’ My design, Bro. Whittemore, is to notice some of its statements. I have not the letter before me, but well remember its contents.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.2

    Mr. Miller begins by assuring the public that he has”not altered his dates or calculations, since he commenced lecturing on the second advent, and the end of the world. He says he has never fixed the day, nor the hour, nor the month, but only the year. In this he is correct. But he has altered with respect to the year, and that alteration is in the same letter in which he denies any change in his time or dates. For twelve years, up to 1843, he had fixed the time from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, 1843. Now he says it may come in that time, or it may not come till March 21, 1844. Here his may covers the period of fourteen months and twenty one days. Thus his change or conjecture is designed to gain some additional time to carry on his profitable speculations. But as others have fixed the month, and even the day, his additional day of grace will not keep up the excitement one day beyond the close of this year, or even to that time.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.3

    He also assures his Br. Himes that he has never pretended to be a prophet; or the son of a prophet—that he never claimed a special revelation, or supernatural endowments, but has deduced his calculations from scripture dates, numbers, and ecclesiastical and profane history. In all this, I think he is correct. My review of his theory; as it appeared first in pamphlet, and then in book form, enables me to speak correctly on this subject. In that review, in the ‘Universalist Watchman,’ which was the first that appeared in print, about seven years ago, I avoided any such insinuations, which have been so liberally thrown out against him, since that time. Indeed, being somewhat acquainted with him; and intimately with some of his near and remote connexions, and knowing that he and they were respectable, and some of them my constant and others my occasional hearers, I was led to treat him and his theory with all possible candor, believing that he was sincere. This he has gratefully acknowledged.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.4

    Soon after my review, his theory was handled rather roughly in the Baptist organ at Brandon, Vt. Since then, reviews have followed him in fell populous places where he has lectured. However, his theory was at first deemed scarcely deserving of notice, still I find that it has spread Astonishingly in the nation, and produced an excitement, and given him a notoriety which ho one in this region anticipated. And all the attacks which he and his theory have received, seem only to have tended to give notoriety and prevalence to his visionary lotions. His relations here, except his own family, and one or two others, do not believe in his theory. Many of them are rejoicing in the glorious doctrine of a world’s salvation through Christ. Neither is there more than one in fifty, nor perhaps one in a hundred, in his town, or through all this region, (except his relations) who profess a faith in his theories. The excitement that he produced, some years since, in several towns, in this section, has nearly subsided, and the minds of the people also have greatly changed as to the man, as well as his theory.—Whereas they believed him sincere, the general expression of the community now s, they ‘don’t believe he believes it.’ It is the opinion of the great majority of his own citizens and townsmen, that it is all a sheer speculation—that he and his relations are accumulating property very fast, and that every thing relative to their temporal and domestic affairs not only shows that he is driving a very profitable business, but that neither he nor his children believe the dissolution of all things is at hand. But I return to his letter.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.5

    In that he states, that he owns ‘a small farm a Low Hampton, N. Y.,’ and that he ‘has sunk $2000 of his own property in twelve years, since he commenced lecturing, besides all he has received from the friends of the good cause.’ He thus intimates, that he had sunk that property in the good cause. But how has he done it? That farm he still owns, and it is carried on by one of his sons. Has it diminished? No And it is not so small as city people would infer from the language. It embraced, 12 years ago, 150 acres of good land, with a two-story white house, with green blinds, etc. He has since added to it, in the name of his son, about 50 acres, (making about 200 acres) which was paid for in specie, brought home, it is believed, as the fruits of his speculations. None of the citizens know how he has sunk 2000 dollars. He also speaks of his family, saying that he has eight children, that they are pious, temperate, and very benevolent. That they never turn the needy from their door, and that they all believe in, and he trusts, are prepared to meet the Lord at his coming. This is the substance of the letter.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.6

    Now did he mean to imply that he was supported by them, having lost 2000 dollars, or that they were all supported on his small farm. The letter seems to imply the latter. But how is it with them? They have all gained property much faster than their neighbors, since his speculations have enabled him to assist them. He has three sons settled near him,owning farms containing from 150 to 200 acres; so that he and his children own about 700 acres of good land, worth from 20 to 40 dollars per acre, in good times. And the common report is that he has money at interest. This I was assured of by his neighbors. Now those who believe in his notions say, that his children have gained this property by their own speculations and industry, being very economical, close, frugal and temperate. But how does this agree with their father’s public declaration of their great liberality and benevolence? They are doubtless temperate, economical, and as benevolent as the generality of their neighbors. But how comes it that they are so much more prosperous than their neighbors?—that they are outstripping them in dress, in fashions, in improvements? The best citizens assure me this is the fact—that they wear better apparel, have better furniture, better horses, better carriages, better out-buildings, etc. This is especially the case with Mr. Miller’s own farm. A well was sunk by boring into a rock last year, at considerable expense, to get living water. An old stove was, in the commencement of this year, set aside, and a new and valuable one placed in its stead. Since he has been lecturing, his farm has been nearly enclosed with stone-wall. Two of his children have been married since last autumn; and one of them has bought a house, and has caused logs to be drawn to the saw-mill to prepare lumber to repair and finish it next summer. Another thinks that lands which he has disposed of, recently, at the west, ‘will become very valuable in a few years.’HST May 10, 1843, page 78.7

    But enough has been stated in this article, (although I could swell it to a much greater length,) to show from the foregoing circumstances and domestic signs, that the people in this region have great cause for believing that neither Mr. Miller nor his family believe in his theory.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.8

    The fact that Mr. Miller and his coadjutors are anticipating about a year longer, of profitable speculation; and that the undue excitement which they in many places occasion, is productive of great physical, mental and moral evil, is the reason why I have been induced to pen the above remarks, and statisical facts, hoping that they might open the eyes of some who are deluded by his vagaries, or deter others from embracing them. I have ‘nothing extenuated, nor set down ought in malice.’ Shorcham, Vt. April 1843. K. H.HST May 10, 1843, page 78.9


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    DAYS. Daniel 2:28



    Suppose some absent friend whom you love, and in whom you have the fullest confidence, had written to you of an arrangement he had made, in fulfillment of which he was to forward to you, 1st five dollars; 2nd, fiftty dollars; 3rd five hundred dollars; 4th, one thousand dollars; 5th, five thousand dollars; and, 6th, he would come himself and place you in possession of his whole estate.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.1

    Suppose, again, he had stated no time which should intervene between the several transactions provided for in the arrangement, but only the order in which they should occur; and, further, that he had proved his faithfulness by sending the five, and the fifty, and the five hundred, and the one thousand and the five thousand dollars,—could you have any doubts as to what was to come next? or, that the remaining item of the arrangement would be fulfilled? And, if you loved that friend very much, would you not be looking out for him, and make every preparation for his coming? So has the great and faithful Friend of man made known to us, through the prophets, by “his spirit which was in them,” “what should come to pass in the latter days.” By several series of prophetic events, has God made known the time, so far as the order of events can give it, when we are to witness the appearing and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is distinctly brought to view in the Visions of the 2nd and 7th chapters of Daniel, and by the seven trumpets of the Revelation of John. In two of these prophecies we are told that the kingdom which is to follow all earthly kingdoms, is the kingdom of Christ, (Daniel 7:13, 14; Revelation 11:15-18,)—that it is to be given to him in connection with the judgment scene; and that it is to be universal and eternal. In the other case, (Daniel 2.) the kingdom set up in the place of all others, by the God of Heaven, is an everlasting and universal kingdom; and as there cannot possibly be more than one such, this must of necessity be the same as that which is given to Jesus Christ in the other visions. These prophecies also present to our mind, in exact chronological order, the kingdoms, or events, which were to fill up the different parts of the long period prior to the appearing and kingdom of Jesus Christ; so that we can tell just as well, when any one of the events of the series has taken place, which is to come next, and how, many more remain before the last, as we can tell what day of the week follows Monday, or how many days there are after Wednesday before Saturday.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.2

    Now we wish to know where we stand on the track of time—how many depots we have passed, and when we are to look our for the great depot—the end. What is our relation to the last item in the great arrangement of this world’s affairs, as indicated by these portions of prophecy? How many of the events have taken place, and what is to come next?HST May 10, 1843, page 79.3

    Let us turn to the first prophecy referred to, contained in Daniel 2., the vision of Nebuchandnezzar, afterward given to, and interpreted by Daniel. Omitting the interesting circumstance connected with this vision, which the reader can refer to at leisure, we will pass to notice each section of the vision, with its interpretation and application.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.4

    Note. Although this vision of Nebuchadnezzar was seen during the captivity of the Jews in Babylon, the date of the first connection of that “kingdom,” represented by the head of gold, and which was “given to Nebuchadnezzar,” was B. C. 677. Isaiah 10:5, 6; 2 Kings 21:10-14; Hosea 5:5; Isaiah 7:8; 2 Chronicles 33:10, 11; 2 Kings 23:26; 4:3, 4; Nehemiah 9:32; Jeremiah 15:1-5.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.5



    Chap. 2:31. Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee, and the form thereof was terrible.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.6

    32. This image’s head was of fine gold.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.7

    His breast and his arms of silver.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.8

    His belly and his thighs (sides, Margin) of brass.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.9

    33 His legs of iron.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.10

    His feet part of iron and part of clay.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.11

    34. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut our without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. 35. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.12



    37. Thou, O King, art a king: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength, and glory.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.13

    38. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field, and the fowls of the heaven, hath he given into thy hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. thou art this head of god.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.14

    39. And after thee shall arise another kingdom in ferior of thee.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.15

    And another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.16

    40. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.17

    41. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter’s clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.18

    42. And as the toes of the feet part of iron and part of clay; so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.19

    43. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clayHST May 10, 1843, page 79.20

    44. And in the days of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. 45. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what all come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interretation thereof sure.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.21



    1st Section.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.22

    (See note at the bottom of first column.)

    2nd Section.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.23

    Daniel 5:25-31.

    3rd Section.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.24

    Daniel 8:3-8, 20, 21; I Mac. i. 1

    4th Section.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.25

    1 Mac 8:1;Luke 2:1

    5th Section.HST May 10, 1843, page 79.26


    6th sectionHST May 10, 1843, page 79.27


    1. The first general remark to be made upon this vision is,—It carries us down from the days of Nebuchadnezzar into the eternal state, and gives the great outline of the world’s history, as it stands related to eternity. Other prophecies and visions only bring up the important events and features of particular sections of this great field. It connects the kingdoms of time, with “a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; it shall not be left to other people, but it shall stand forever!”HST May 10, 1843, page 80.1

    2. All earthly kingdoms are to be destroyed to make room for the everlasting kingdom of God. No terms could be employed, to express their entire destruction, more clearly than those contained in the text. They are “broken to pieces,” “carried away,” “no place found for them.” The kingdom of God “shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms.”HST May 10, 1843, page 80.2

    3. The territory occupied by these kingdoms is to be occupied by the everlasting kingdom of God. “And the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”HST May 10, 1843, page 80.3

    4. The different sections of this vision bring to view events which were to take place in regular chronological succession,—like the months of the year,—the days of the week—or the hours of the day,so that we can tell the relation of those who may have lived in any particular section of the vision to the end of all earthly things, so far as the order of events can indicate it; as well as we can tell the relation of July to December, Friday to Saturday, or of 11 o’clock to 12. Now we wish to know where we stand, and our relation to the end of all things. How much of this vision has become history? and how much remains to be fulfilled? Has the first section—the head of gold—been filled up with the events of history? Yes. Daniel 5:25-31. Rollin, B. iv., Art. 2, Sec. 2, Harper’s Ed. 1841. Has the second—the beast and arms of silver? Yes. 1 Mac. i. 1. See Rollin, B. xv. sec. 11. Has the third—the belly and thighs of brass? yes. 1 Mac. viii. 1—10. See Rollin, B. xx. Art. 2, Sec. 5. Has the fourth—the legs of iron? Yes. See Gibbon, Goldsmith, or any historian of Rome.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.4

    Has the fifth section—the feet and toes, part of iron and part of clay, been filled up by the events of history? Not quite; for that section is to end with the smiting process which introduces the everlasting kingdom of God Nothing, however, remains to be looked for but that great and decisive event.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.5

    But it may be asked,—“Has not the everlasting kingdom already been set up?” “Does not that kingdom mean the Christian church, or dispensation?” So some have supposed, but we think that cannot be its true meaning. Our reasons are these. 1st. This kingdom was to be “set up in the days of these kings,” or kingdoms. The kingdoms here referred to, must be those represented by the primary sections of the image, or the divisions of the fourth, or Roman kingdom. Supposing the Christian church to be here intended, it could not have been set up in the days of the divided Roman Empire, because its division did not take place till nearly five hundred years after Christ was born. Nor is it true that there were “kingdoms,” as brought to view by the primary sections of the image, when Christ came. These were all in subjection to Rome. The testimony of Luke, (Luke 2:1,) in speaking of the decree by the requirements of which “Joseph and Mary, his espoused wife,” were brought to Bethlehem where Christ was born, would be sufficient on this point. He says, “It came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, (first Cesar of Rome,) that all the world should be taxed.” Of course all were tributary to Rome.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.6

    The sense in which the phrase, “all the world,” is to be understood, is determined by the testimony of historians generally on this period. An extract from Guthrie will present a correct view of the case.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.7

    “During these civil commotions (in which the republic was subverted) the Romans still preserved the glory of their arms among distant nations; and while it was unknown who should be master of Rome, the Romans were, without dispute, the masters of the world. Their military discipline and valor abolished all the remains of the Carthagenian, the Persian, the Greek, the Assyrian, and Macedonian glory; they were now only a name. No sooner, therefore, was Octavius, (afterwards called Augustus,) established on the throne, than ambassadors from all quarters of the known world, crowded to make their submissions. Victorious by sea and land, he shuts the temple of Janus. The whole earth lives in peace under his power, and Jesus Christ comes into the world four years before the common era.” Geography, Int. p. 48.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.8

    Now there could be no propriety in speaking of kingdoms, when only one of the powers had an independent existence, which could possibly be intended by the text. But such was the state of these kingdoms at Christ’s first coming.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.9

    2nd. It is not true that the image was smitten by Christ, in any sense, when he did come; but, on the other hand, that power, to which all the world was in subjection, smote him even unto death. Micah (v. 1.) had said, “They shall smite the Judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek.” Roman soldiers “took the reed and smote him on the head.” Matthew 27:27, 30. On the eve of the crucifixion Christ said to his disciples, (Matthew 26:31,)” All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.” This was done by the Roman Governor who condemned him, and the Roman “soldiers who nailed him to the cross, one of whom thrust a spear into his side.” Now to say nothing of the absurdity of supposing that the image could have been smitten upon the feet of it, five hundred years before that divided state of the fourth, or Roman kingdom, which the feet and toes represented, (verse 41,) came into existence,there is neither propriety nor truth in supposing that Christ smote the image, in any sense, when the only power it represented, then existing as an independent power, smote him.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.10

    3rd. When the stone smote the image on his feet, “then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them; and the stone which smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”HST May 10, 1843, page 80.11

    Now, although it is eighteen hundred years since the coming of Christ, these results have not yet been realized,—the image has not been smitten as the text specifies, nor has the stone filled the earth. Therefore, whatever may be said in other prophecies, of the history and operations of the Christian church, we are satisfied they are not referred to in this vision. It must speak of an event yet future.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.12

    We remark still further,—there has never been a time, since this vision was given to Nebuchadnezzar, when it could have been fulfilled, until our own day; for when the stone smote the image on the feet, all the other parts were broken to pieces together, implying that they were to have a separate and independent existence together, at that time. They never have existed together till within ten or fifteen years past. But it may be asked, “do they now have a separate and independent existence?” Let us see. The iron and clay exist in the divisions of the western Roman Empire. We have in England, France and Germany, the remains of the old Roman iron,—its laws, literature ambition and energy; while in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the smaller states of Europe, which are upheld by the great powers, to preserve what they call “the balance of power,” we have the weakness of the clay. Greece, represented by the belly and thighs, became independent after the revolutionary struggle against the Turks, between 1820 and 1830.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.13

    The history of Persia, the breast and arms of silver, has been somewhat like that of Greece. It was under foreign masters until A. D. 226,—then independent a while; it has since passed under the power of the Saracens, Moguls and Tartars; again, though divided, and the theatre of frequent revolutions, it has become independent, and during the last century, Persia, with the family now reigning on the throne, took her place among the nations of the world, with some of whom she has since maintained the most important relations. Encyclop. Amer. Bell’s System of Geography.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.14

    And have we Babylon—the head of gold? Not literally. Ancient Babylon can never exist again. It was doomed to “perpetual desolations,” “and it shall be no more inhabited forever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation.” Jeremiah 50:39, 40. Is there any thing pointed out in the word of God, to answer to ancient Babylon? For we would never depart from its literal meaning, without a warrant from God himself. In Revelation 17. we have a great antichristian organization thus brought to view:—“mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth,”—which is to occupy a commanding position among the subjects of divine wrath in the scene of destruction which is hastening upon the world. Let any one compare what John says of her character, history and fate, with what the old prophets say of the character, history and doom of ancient Babylon, and they will see at once the agreement between the type and the antitype. Thus we have all the kingdoms represented by the image, in existence at the present time—those which agree with its primary sections, and those which are denoted by the feet and toes—the divisions of the Roman Empire. Every thing is ready for the great catastrophe. We are admonished by this vision to expect it every hour.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.15

    The first section is filled up; the second, section is filled up; the third section is filled up; the fourth section is filled up; we are living in the fifth, which closes up with the destruction of all earthly kingdoms, and the establishment of the everlasting kingdom of God. And here, by the mysterious revolutions of providence, we are surprised to find all the anticipated preparations for the last act in the drama, duly arranged. And can we doubt that it will take place? God has, by this vision, written the doom of this world and its worshippers, in characters as startling as those which appeared upon the walls of the monarch’s palace! By it he is speaking in particular to those on whom the end of the world is to come! And soon will it be verified, that God hath numbered the kingdoms and finished them!HST May 10, 1843, page 80.16

    Watchman! tell us of the night,
    What its signs of promise are.
    Trav’ller! o’er yon mountain’s height,“
    See that glory-beaming star!
    Watchman! does its beauteous ray,
    Aught of hope or joy foretell?
    Trav’ller! yes; it brings the day,
    Promised day of Israel!
    HST May 10, 1843, page 80.17

    Watchman! tell us of the night;
    Higher yet that star ascends.
    Trav’ller! blessedness and light,
    Peace and truth its course portends.
    Watchman! will its beams alone
    Gild the spot that gave them birth?
    Trav’ller! ages are its own;
    See! it bursts o’er all the earth.
    HST May 10, 1843, page 80.18

    Watchman! tell us of the night,
    For the morning seems to dawn.
    Trav’ller! darkness takes its flight,
    Doubt and terror are withdrawn!
    Watchman! let thy wandering cease;
    Hie thee to thy quiet home.
    Trav’ller! lo, the Prince of Peace,
    Lo, the Son of God is come!
    HST May 10, 1843, page 80.19

    Depot of Second Advent Books,


    AT Nos. 14 & 16, DEVONSHIRE ST., BOSTON,HST May 10, 1843, page 80.20

    A few rods from the Post Office.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.21

    address “J. V. Himes.”HST May 10, 1843, page 80.22

    MILLER’S LECTURES and complete Works on the Second Coming of Christ in 1843.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.23

    The Works of Rev. J. LITCH, Rev. C. FITCH, Rev. G. F. COX, and others, on the Second Advent and Millennium.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.24

    al so,HST May 10, 1843, page 80.25

    THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, a Weekly Paper, Edited by J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, devoted to the exposition of the Prophecies relating to the Second Coming of Christ.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.26

    Also, a general assortment of Bibles and Theological Books. Histories of Rome, Greece, and of the Jews, down to the present time, all of which have relation to the fulfilment of Prophecy. Cruden’s Concordance. Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History, etc. etc.HST May 10, 1843, page 80.27

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