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    May 31, 1843

    Vol. V.—No. 13. Boston, Whole No. 109

    Joshua V. Himes


    Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.1



    J.V. Himes, J. Litch, & S. Bliss, Editors.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.2


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    I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.3

    II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.4

    III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.5

    IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. AndHST May 31, 1843, page 97.6

    V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.7

    The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.8

    Points of Difference between usand our opponents. 1. We hold that the prophetic days of Daniel and John, are years; as did Wesley, Scott, Clark, Fletcher, the learned Joseph Mede, Faber, Prideaux, Dr. Hales, Bishop Newton, and Sir Isaac Newton, with all the standard protestant commentators. Our opponents claim they are simply days, or half days!HST May 31, 1843, page 97.9

    2. We claim that the prophecies of Daniel and John are historical prophecies, extending to the end of time, as all Christians have held, according to the undoubted testimony of historians, till our day. And we do not see that the end is brought to view at all if it is not in these prophecies.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.10

    Our opponents, to say the least, leave us in doubt whether they have not all been fulfilled in the past.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.11

    3. We claim that the ninth of Daniel is an appendix to the eighth, and that the seventy weeks and the 2300 days or years, commence together. Our opponents deny this.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.12

    If the “EXCEEDING GREAT HORN” of Daniel 8. is ROME, as all standard protestant commentators admit, it follows that the 2300 days must be years. And as the 2300 days extend to the cleansing of the sanctuary, and the sanctuary is to be desolated to the end of the world; if they begin with the seventy weeks, it follows that we have approached the very consummation, and may look daily for the coming of the Son of God.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.13

    President Mahan


    From the “Second Advent of Christ,” published by brother Fitch at Cleaveland, Ohio.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.14

    In opposing the views of the second advent believers, as proved from the 24th of Matthew, Pres. Mahan, in his late sermon in this city, seemed to lay out his whole strength, in the endeavor to prove that the following passages from that chapter are not descriptive of scenes which will transpire at the final judgment, verses 16, 17, 19, 20: “Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the house top not come down to take anything out of his house: neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath-day.”HST May 31, 1843, page 97.15

    There, exclaims the President, when the Savior shall sit on the great white throne, and all nations shall be assembled for the final sentence, is it possible that such scenes, as fleeing from Judea to the mountains, and coming down from the house tops, and not stoping to take anything away, of fleeing in the winter and on the sabbath-day, is to take place? Impossible, says the Pres. and how absurd! If I am not in a gross error, Pres. Mahan said, that he presented this view of the subject to the editor of theSigns of the Times,” and that he seemed to be so overwhelmed and confused, as to exhibit such a rushing of blood to the face, as to present the very picture of shame and surprise. Now if that editor had, before the interview, supposed that these passages were descriptive of the judgment, I do not wonder at his confusion; but I must say that I am much inclined to believe, that his embarrassment might have proceeded from amazement at the profound error into which Pres. Mahan had fallen, as to the interpretation of these passages by the believers in the second advent. President Mahan’s text was, “prove all things—hold fast that which is good,” and I have no doubt the sermon was designed to overthrow, what he believes to be a very mischievous error. But the Bro. will bear with me I while I admonish him, that it will be impossible to convince men of the errors of their belief, until he first convinces them, that he himself understands what that supposed erroneous belief is, and that this can never be done by uttering distorted exhibitions, of such opinions; and it is very clear to my mind that Bro. Mahan, instead of convincing any second, advent believer of his error, succeeded in satisfying nearly all, if not every one present, of that way of thinking, that he knew but very little about the second advent doctrines—that he had not so “proved” those doctrines as to state them intelligibly.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.16

    Comments on the Above.—As the two Senior editors have had no interview with Pres. Mahan on that point, he must have referance to an interview with the junior editor of this paper, last December. If the above is a specimen of the version which brother Mahan gives of that interview, (and we learn that he is in the habit of presenting it in no enviable light,) we feel called upon to present the facts in the case.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.17

    Being told that Pres. Mahan was in Boston, and that he had a view peculiar to himself, which he wished to present to us of the prophecies, we called upon him in company with several of our brethren. We found the President expecting us, with his notes all arranged respecting the disputed points of our belief. We found he did not wish to discuss the question, but only wished for our ears that he might present his view; and he appeared to expect that he had only to present it to us, and we should be so overcome by the cogency and logic of his deductions that all old opinions would be at once laid aside for the substitution of his views. We therefore listened with the greatest patience, while he went through with a long list of arguments, the sophistry of which had been often shown, and in which—they having been so often exploded—we could see no force. His great point seemed to be to prove that before the Advent there is to be a long temporal millennium, and that it has been already commenced at Oberlin. We not only found him without any unexploded arguments to sustain his own theory, but also very ignorant of the views which are entertained by the believers in the Advent, and of the arguments by which those views have been thus far triumphantly sustained.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.18

    As he only wished to present his own theory, we gave him a patient hearing, merely showing him wherein he had misconceived our views, and presenting insuperable objections to his theory. These objections would he in no case stop to argue, but invariably replied, let that rest and we will consider the objections by and by. Accordingly we waived those points until he should come to them. Thus two afternoons were occupied, and at the second night, having given us his theory, he informed us that he must leave town early the next morning, so that we should not have time to consider the subject farther. The objections presented to his theory were therefore left unanswered.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.19

    With regard to the view he says he presented to the editor of the Signs of the Times respecting the 24th of Matt. it is true that he did advance that as an objection to our views of the subject. But if we blushed at all, it must have been that he should be so ignorant of our views; for not a single Adventist ever applies the “fleeing from Judea to the mountains” to the end of the world. That we apply it to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, the President might have known by refering to the Second Advent Library, Nos. 3, 20, and 20; and we so informed him at the time. It was therefore dishonest for him to represent it as being to us an unanswerable argument. We had expected that from Oberlin we might expect honesty at least; but in this world we can expect little from the most perfect.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.20

    Brother Litch had an interview with the President on one occasion, when the president advanced his comments on the 60th of Isaiah; but they were so perfectly silly, that brother Litch considered them utterly unworthy an answer. Being too foolish to be refuted, he merely told him some objections to his views and left him. The next brother Litch heard, was, President Mahan thought he had obtained quite a victory over him. From considerations like the above, we are strongly inclined to believe that Oberlin is no nearer the millennium than some other establishments nearer home.HST May 31, 1843, page 97.21

    Letter from D. H. Hamilton


    Brother Himes.—For some six or eight months past, the glorious doctrine of the Savior’s speedy coming has deeply interested me. Sometime in September last, while at the Castine camp-meeting, where ho small amount of light on this important subject was presented, I was fully convinced that the coming in of the fulness of the Gentiles, the restoration of [true] Israel, the commencement of the millennium, and the End of All Things, were but a short remove in the future. The arguments brought forward to substantiate the declaration, appeared to my mind so reasonable, sound, and scriptural, that I felt it would be wickedness in me to reject it; and if I acted honestly in the sight of God and man, I must embrace, fully; embrace the doctrine; and not only believe, but declare to a scoffing world my faith in what looked to me so much like the immutable truths of God’s holy word. But, (to the praise of God’s name, and the doctrine you advocate,) although it appeared so plain to my understanding, yet I could not believe it in heart, till I was completely humbled and abased before God—till my grasp upon this world was broken, and I had become willing to have my worthless name go out to be evil spoken of, to become a fool, a “Millerite,” or anything else, for Christ’s sake. Then, and not till then, could I begin to “know” that the coming of Christ was “even at the doors,” or rejoice that the “redemption” of God’s people drew “nigh.”HST May 31, 1843, page 98.1

    From that time to the present, I have been strong in the belief that, ere ‘43 has rolled entirely away, the blessed Savior will have come, to be glorified in his saints, to be admired in all them that believe, and take vengance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am young, and having a large circle of acquaintance, I have been peculiarly exposed to the scorn, derision and scarcasm of both (professed) friends and foes. But all their untempered epithets, which without mercy they have heaped upon me, together with those more sympathetic wooing expressions,—“Well, I pity you”—“I am really sorry for you”—“I did hope better things of you”—“I once thought you”—etc, etc, have not in the least weakened my faith. Neither does the fact that the 2nd or the 23rd of April has passed, destroy my confidence in the word of God; for I know “the vision is yet for an appointed time,” and that, “at the end it will speak and not lie;” “though it tarry,” I will “wait for it;” especially with the cheering declaration that “it will not tarry; it will surely come.” It may be in the design of the Almighty that the wicked shall have opportunity to show themselves completely; to let out from their hearts, upon the doctrine and its advocates, all that malice, hatred, and derision, which has been, in a measure, kept back by the fear, “It may be so;” and also the faith of his true children may be thoroughly tried; that they may come up out of the furnace of affliction like gold seven times purified;—out of great tribulation, having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.2

    The five Fundamental Principles on which the Second Advent cause is based, as given through the “Times,” I can heartily subscribe to; and therefore, until Christ comes, I shall be continually “looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,” and waiting for that crown of righteousness which is not only for Paul, but for all who love [in heart] his appearing. To my latest moments, I trust, I shall feel thankful to God that ever my attention was called up through his self-sacrificing servants to this Bible taught doctrine: for by it I have been aroused from a state of lethargy and death-like stupidity, and impressed with a deep and solemn sense of eternal things, and also of the utter emptiness of all things earthly. It has given me some definite ideas of heaven, and a love for the Bible. It makes that book appear to me harmonious and consistent; and delivers me from that false, bible-dishonoring impression so prevalent at the present time, that God’s word, which he declares to be so plain, that a way-faring, man though a fool, need not err therein, is not to be understood only by the D. D’s and A. M’s, and those deeply imbued with the wisdom of this vain world, which God declares to be foolishness with him.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.3

    In this region there are a few, and but a few, that are looking for their Savior; and it is to be feared that the greater portion of professed Christians love his appearing only at a great distance,—the farther off, the better. Their principle arguments, in opposition, are, no man knoweth, etc, and the prophecies are not to be understood till after their accomplishment, and yet they all point out a temporal millennium plain enough. The stone cut out without hands is to smite the image, and then roll, no one knows how many years before it shall beat, or cause to be beaten, all the swords into ploughshares, the spears into pruning hooks, etc, etc, and then God’s Kingdom will be set up, and the stone increased to a great mountain, will fill the whole earth; may the Lord open their eyes before eternity, with all its dread realities, bursts upon them.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.4

    We have a prayer and conference meeting in this place, composed principally of those who are expecting soon to see their Redeemer. Yes, thank the Lord, we can meet together and talk about the coming of the blessed Jesus, as much as we please, without asking consent, or giving offence. Yet our enemies, who have never been into our meeting, reported that we were “getting ready for the 23rd of April;” but we are, and have been making preparations only for that day (unknown unto us,) which shall usher us into the presence of the great I AM. And we sincerely invite, nay, we entreat all slanderers to be making the same preparation. Our number is not large, but there is a constant and increasing attendance and interest; and what is better than all the rest, Jesus, from time to time, deigns to meet with us, and blessing us with his presence, makes us sit together in heavenly places. And hence we infer that we meet in his name.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.5

    We begin to feel, here, that it is the high privilege of God’s children to get very near the throne of grace, and to have the spirit itself bearing witness with their spirits, that they are the children of God. And for one, I believe it is not only the privilege, but the duty of his children to be sanctified wholly; especially those that are looking for the appearance of their Savior. “For we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” In view of this passage, and many others of like import, how can the sincere Second Advent believer forbear to seek with all his heart, that holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord? It looks to me, at times, to be a Heaven daring presumption, to talk about, and contend for Christ’s speedy coming, and at the same time neglect to seek in earnest that preparation—holiness of heart, which alone can make it a welcome event. How quickly should we avail ourselves of, and carefuly improve every means within our power, that will tend to aid us in securing this “priceless gem”—“the one thing needful.” I have lately perused with great interest, Merritt and Fletcher on the doctrine of holiness, and I am satisfied I am far from what I should be, and my heart covets the blessing of entire consecration.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.6

    D. H. Hamilton.
    Wales, May 19th, 1843.

    Letter from Brother H. B. Skinner


    Dear Brother Bliss.—Having just returned from Canada, where I have been engaged in the advent cause for six months past, it may be expected that I should furnish some account of the state of the cause in that country; and I do this the more cheerfully from the fact, that a lively interest has been hitherto manifested in this mission; an interest which has been clearly evidenced by a timely, and hearty response to the calls which have been made for aid in its behalf. The mission to Canada was projected early last fall—at that lime a letter was received bearing more than one hundred names, uttering the Macedonian cry, “come over and help us.” Brother Caldwell and myself resolved to heed the cry, and accordingly left the United States. We spent two months in travelling through the country, and crying as we went, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.” At that time, experience had taught us that we could do but little by lectures, in comparison with the wants of the country, we resolved, if possible, to establish an advent paper; through the blessing of God, and the liberality of our friends, we were enabled to accomplish the object—a paper was established and called the “Faithful Watchman,” which has been continued up to the present time. A large weekly edition of the “Watchman” was published as a gratuity, and spread broad-cast all over the country; these little messengers, though silent, were nevertheless effectual, and were eagerly sought after by all classes, from the gayest and most fashionable circle, down to the humblest occupant of their thatched cabins. These, in connection with Second Advent Conferences, and more private lectures, served to arouse the whole country, and the opinions to which an examination of the subject conducted the people, were as various as in other places. Some believed; and we rejoice to know that hundreds were converted from sin to holiness. Others halted, and some scoffed. But in the presentation of our work, we were not without our difficulties. A formal church and time-serving priesthood were our greatest foes; in fact, we have no idea that the open hostility which we experienced from unprincipled men would have been as great, but for the encouragement they derived from those PROFESSING godliness. The periodicals of the country, especially of Montreal, were continually teeming with their invectives against “Millerism,” and hurling their anathemas against all its “deluded dupes.” But there was another source of difficulty with which we had to contend, and which in some instances caused even our “good to be evil spoken off.” I allude to the excesses into which some of the friends of the cause were inadvertently, though I doubt not sincerely led. I am aware that this is a delicate point to touch, and we will endeavor to tread lightly upon its ashes; yet we would say enough to render it a beacon of warning to others. The excesses to which we allude, consisted in a virtual, though not intended, abandonment of the word of God, and a trusting to special revelations of the Holy Ghost, through the medium of dreams, visions, etc. an excess, which developed itself in the greatest extravagances in their external modes of worship. In addition to special revelations, the spirit of discernment was in some few instances claimed, and those professedly blest with this gift claimed to read the hearts of others, and thus point out their moral condition; assuming themselves to be the appropriate standard; wherever there was an opposing influence, it produced a conflict of spirit, and manifested itself in the most violent physical exertions. However much the evils might have been deplored by consistent advent believers, yet it was exceedingly difficult to correct them—the persons referred to professed to be taught of the Holy Ghost, and of course could not be wrong; and, as a general thing, those who could not sustain them in their movements, were looked upon as being in the dark—as destitute of the Holy Ghost, and, therefore, not capable of understanding or judging of things thus spiritually discerned. Now the rock on which these well meaning brethren split is obvious.—It was a forsaking of the word, and a professed trusting to the immediate teaching of the Holy Ghost. We would not be understood as intimating that the Holy Ghost will lead us astray, but rather, that there is great danger of catching the wrong spirit—of mistaking that which is purely human, for the divine. The Spirit and the word always agree; and when there is discrepancy between the teaching of the word, and that claimed as a special revelation of the spirit, we may look out for an error; for an error there surely must be. The word of God is a sufficient rule of faith and practice; a precious legacy, furnished us to be as a “lamp to our feet and a light to our path.” While we rest upon its solid basis, we are safe; abandon it, and we are fairly out to sea without a rudder, chart, or compass to guide us o’er life’s tempestuous ocean, and liable every moment to be dashed upon the rocks of fanaticism, or overwhelmed in the whirlpool of delusion and error.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.7

    I am happy however to add, that the extravagances to which allusion is made above, were indulged by but very few; a mere fractional part of the advent believers in Canada; and lest what has been said should be understood as reflecting upon the moral or Christian character of those referred to, I would also remark that their sincerity was never doubted, or their piety questioned. They were even considered as warm-hearted, and otherwise consistent Christians.HST May 31, 1843, page 98.8

    In regard to the present state of the cause in Canada, I have only to say, that it is onward; perhaps it never stood upon a better basis than it does at the present time; for it rests upon the ever-endurring promises of God’s eternal truth.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.1

    There were many who expected the coming of Christ on the 14th of April; and some professed to have had it revealed to them that the Savior would then appear: but the sequel showed the mistake and served to open their eyes; they saw the rock upon which they foundered, and like godly men and women, acknowledged their error, abandoned their vagaries, returned to the plain teaching of God’s book, and are now looking for, and patiently waiting for the coming of the Lord, who will be revealed at the “time appointed.” H. B. Skinner.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.2

    Boston, May 24, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.3

    P. S. The “Faithful Watchman” is still continued under the direction of Rev. C. Green & Hutchinson, it will be published as often as their funds will enable them to do it.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.4

    Brother Himes proposes to publish Miller’s Synopsis in the French language, it will be a noble thing for Canada, and will do more good than any thing I know ofHST May 31, 1843, page 99.5

    But little has been done for the French country for want of means; out friends have done well for Canada, yet it is to he hoped they will not forget the cause in that country. Let the brethren be sustained by your liberality and prayers. H. B. S.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.6

    Letter from Illinois


    Dear Brother Himes.—I have had the pleasure of reading some of the numbers of your valuable paper, and I feel grateful for that privilege. I believe they have done much good in this place. The subject of the second advent of our blessed Lord is the cause of great alarm to the ungodly, but to the Christian it is joy and rejoicing. There is much opposition here to the doctrine of the speedy coming of Christ. Some would fain put it off for a more convenient season. But many are rejoicing in the blessed hope. Some are believers in the second advent at hand, others believe, and are ashamed to own it, for fear of being called Millerites.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.7

    We have a brother here who has been lecturing on the advent this year. He is a minister in the M. P. church. I have been this day listening to a minister, who gave out an appointment to preach against Millerism. His text was St John 15:5, “I am the Vine, ye are the branches; he that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” He proceeded as follows. There is no man liveth and sinneth not. Then said he, away with your Perfectionism. After a while he broke out in this language. His blood cleanseth from all sin. He makes us holy in heart, in life, and in all manner of conversation. Then appealing to the sinners, as he called them, he said, you can astronomize and prophecy, and predict the coming of the Son of man, but this will not do, you must fly to Jesus. This was all that had any reference to Millerism.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.8

    If your papers could be sent here I believe they would be the means of much good; I would be glad if you would send me a number of the Signs of the Times, and I will endeavor to spread them as much as possible. Yours, in the blessed hope.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.9

    J. H. Whitaker.
    Canton, Fulton Co. Ill. April, 1843.

    Letter from Sister Mills


    Dear Brother Himes.—Reading of your works, and charily, and service, and faith and patience, it seems our loving Lord hath greatly favored you; in that which he is suffering the frowns of a pharisaical and gainsaying people to fall upon you, he doth greatly strengthen you to bear a part cheerfully in the struggle for truth; rejoicing in the blessed hope of his speedy and glorious appearing. So let the good Lord continue to shed down the richest of his blessings, that through the knowledge of your work: and faith, many may be led to desire a part in the rich reward promised to those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.10

    How truly it may be said of those who oppose this truth, that they are taken in their own craftiness. Oh for true wisdom to make us willing to become tools in a worldly sense, that we may be wise.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.11

    Feeling desirous to contribute the widows mite for the spread of the glad news of Christ’s second coming near, I have enclosed a small sum which I wish to have appropriated to the extension of the truth, as connected with this subject.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.12

    What thanks can we render again to God for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes be fore our God; praying exclusively that he would perfect that which is lacking in our faith, to the end he may establish our hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. In hope of which, I am a sister in the bonds of the gospel.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.13

    Huntington, April 24, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.14

    Letter from Michigan


    Dear Brother Himes.—I sit down to tell you some of my experience. Seven years ago, I read brother Miller’s lectures, and then said if he was wrong I could not tell where. From that time till last fall I had no opportunity to read or hear anything on that subject. In September I received a Chart, a Clue to the Time, and one other small paper. I studied these and compared them with the word of God, and soon became convinced of the truth of the advent near; and as I had been for twenty-five years a believer in the personal reign of Christ, I had no further doubts to remove. Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood, but went to sounding the Midnight Cry. I was all alone, no other minister or person in these parts believed the doctrine; the Lord soon appeared to bless, and sinners began to cry what shall we do. Soon they were made to rejoice in view of a coming Jesus.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.15

    Cold-hearted professors, scoffers, universalists and infidels, cried, some one thing and some another. Some said Elder B. has ruined his reputation, his popularity, and his usefulness; nobody will go to hear him, he is deluded, he is infatuated, enthusiastic. A great many false reports were put in circulation respecting me, and spread the length and breadth of the land; but enough of this.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.16

    In connection with my other engagements, I have given the warning in sixteen different settlements, at the distance of one hundred miles, and to large and crowded audiences. Often have I met the anxious grey-headed Christian who could lift up their head and rejoice because their redemption was drawing nigh. I have preached, and labored, and travelled from place to place, till I have become literally worn out and confined to my house, and sometimes to my bed. In my course of labors the Lord blessed, numbers were converted, and backsliders were reclaimed; two ministers have embraced the faith in this region, but we are fifty miles apart; and with that exception all the ministers reject the doctrine, and some of them openly oppose and scoff, and circulate papers on the other side of the subject.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.17

    Dear brother, I never knew before now what it was to be in perils amongst false brethren. One minister, lately from the schools, came to hear me one evening, and gave notice afterwards that he should give the people some light on the subject of Christ’s coming. When the time came he had provided himself with a big black-board, and after stating that in the 26th chapter of Leviticus the seven times was mentioned four times, and of course, if each of the four times seven was taken for a year, it would make twenty-eight years, and if this was prophetic time, he said it would make 10,080 years that Israel was to be in bondage. So you see that we have ministers here in these wild woods of Michigan, that have learned to lead the blind. But dear brothers, I have received greater light in searching the Book of books. I have had the opportunity of seeing a few of your papers, and should have been a subscriber long ago if I could have raised the money; but it is my blessing to be poor in this world’s goods, and that much money it is impossible for me to raise. Last winter I came to the conclusion to write to you and tell you that I would give you a cow, and I tried to sell the cow and get the money to send you the avails, but all in vain; the money I could not get, and not even the money to pay postage on a letter, or I should have written you long ago. There is no money in this part of the country; if there is, we Millerites, as they call us, cannot get it. Dear brother, pray for me and my family; my wife and five children are with me in; the faith, and are looking for that blessed hope and the consolation of Israel this year, and we are expecting him every minute till he comes. If you could send me some of the Signs of the Times, or Midnight Cry, or any thing of the kind, I will do all the good with them that I can. If you could send me some of those numbers that contain an answer to Weeks or Dowling, we should be glad to see them, for our enemies are busy with the writings of the men and others. But I have filled my sheet.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.18

    I have never heard a lecture on this great and highly important subject, and I should be highly gratified if I could have an opportunity to hear brothers Miller, Litch, Storrs, Himes, or any others; but enough till we meet. Yours, S. Barnes.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.19

    Owosso, Skiawassee Co. Mich. May 4, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.20

    A correspondent speaking of Mr. Dowling vanity and want of courtesy says.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.21

    A man may possess a vast fund of human learning, and treasure up in the cells of memory all languages; and yet may be very ignorant in spiritual matters, and very destitute of charity. To express the same idea in one thousand different languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Gaelic Scotch or Irish or English, etc. etc. does not give a man an extra idea or add to his strength of intellect, or purity of heart. And I am very sorry to see how easily a knowledge of a few languages inflates the minds of some men with the most preposterous vanity, the most consummate self sufficiency and other folly. Nothing but the grace of God can cure such excresences of insanity. May God ever enable us to hate and abhor that which is evil—that we may be clothed in our right minds, and have just conceptions of Truth in all its tendencies and application. Be courteous, is an admonition worthy of remembrance.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.22

    Professor Stuart a Universalist


    The “Universalist” says of this divine’s theology. “We have often had occasion to note the progress which is manifestly going on in the mind of this world-famous theologian. We are certainly not wrong in the opinion that, for several years, his views have been growing liberal, more enlarged. His own language and confessions are positive evidence of this; and if any want more evidence, let them inquire into the meaning of many complaints which his good Calvinistic brethren have brought against him. Absolutely alarmed at his liberality and enlargement of faith, they have suspected and accused him of heresy, charging him with being carried away with ‘German Neology,’ and with advocating sentiments ‘which fearfully tend to Universalism.’ Their complaints certainly mean something, and Prof. Stuart knows, perfectly well, the interpretation thereof. He is casting off, with giant’s strength, the tramels of Calvinistic theology, and making his way into the liberty and light of a broader and better faith. Of this we are certain. We find evidences of it in every work which comes from his pen.HST May 31, 1843, page 99.23

    We are not sure that Stuart is yet a Universalist in his views of the Divine Government, but there are many passages in his writings which seem strongly to indicate that he is not far from the kingdom of God.”HST May 31, 1843, page 100.1

    Then follow several quotations from his writing respecting which it says.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.2

    “Is not this strange language to be used by a divine of the old school system of theology? What would the friends of the old system say to this extract, if they should read it without knowing its author? Why, they would say, at once, that it was the very quintessence of Universalism; and they would doubtless condemn him as a heretic of the first water. And do the best they can,—interpret the language as they may, they cannot do better than to say, as they have done of some of his other writings, that it tends ‘fearfully to Universalism.’ We have more and more faith that he will yet be an open advocate of this doctrine. It appears, from the above extract, that both his convictions and his feelings are in its favor. He says, ‘as to the power of Satan over the wicked, it is everywhere represented in the New Testament, as something which will wholly cease after a time, and the reign of the Prince of Peace become universal.’ And in reference to opposite views from the pulpit, he says, ‘I shall never forget the involuntary shudder that came over me, while listening to such appalling views of God’s benevolent designs.’ Here are clearlythe indications of an enlightened head and of a warm heart.” M. S.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.3



    “The Lord is at Hand.”
    BOSTON, MAY 31, 1843.

    “Subterfuge” of our Opponents. The following article we copy from the New York Evangelist, and give it as a fair specimen of the manner in which our views and doings are presented by the religious press, from which we had reason to expect more candor and fairness. We have however seen enough to satisfy us that little is to be expected from those who will thus ignorantly or wilfully misrepresent us.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.4

    Subterfuge of Millerism. We perceive that the Millerites are preparing to retreat, as well as possible, from the position which they have taken. Having fully committed themselves to the year 1843, they cannot deny that they had fixed upon the year, the very year of the world’s dissolution. They have, however, erected a large Tabernacle in Boston, which was dedicated last week, and which is said to be capable of holding 5000 people. It was filled at the dedication. The speakers on the occasion endeavored to sink the question as to the particular year, and endeavored to show that the Millennium is not to be expected before the judgment, and that the Second Advent of Christ is the next great event about to occur. (1) With these sentiments they will continue to trouble the churches.(2) Their mistake about the year, after so much confidence and violent denunciation, may tend to open the eyes of some respecting their other errors. We understand that they have applied for insurance on their building for eight years(3.)HST May 31, 1843, page 100.5

    The wild speculations in prophecy against which we have frequently warned our friends, arise from the absence of all fixed principles respecting the great plan of redemption. (4) Surely, if language can express it, God has predicted the restoration of the Jews and the conversion of the world, previous to the day of judgment. If this can be proved, (5) if our readers are satisfied themselves on this point, then it can be known, a priori, that Millerism, and all kindred theories, are false and injurious.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.6

    We speak of Millerism as having mistaken the year, although we are still in the midst of 1843, because we have not respect enough for the nonsense to make it a doubtful question. (6) The question, as we have remarked above, is decided by general principle, and deserves not a serious thought from any intelligent believer in revelation. Yet great mischief has accrued from this error, or imposture—for we are very much inclined to use the latter word, as the most appropriate appellation. We are not aware that we are under any obligation to consider Mr. Miller as any more sincere than Joseph Smith. That he was originally an infidel, he avows. (7) That he will be one again, provided his predictions are not true, he is said to have asserted. (8) What he is at present, he must decide for himself. The man who could so far disregard the obvious meaning of our Savior’s language, respecting the fact that the time of the Judgment was purposely concealed in the counsels of the Eternal Mind, as to fix the precise year in which it must occur, cannot be supposed to have any intelligent reverence or regard for the word of God.—N. Y. Evangelist.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.7

    Remarks. 1. The evidence that we are preparing to retreat from our position, is, according to the Evangelist, that on the dedication of the Tabernacle the great question there presented, was, “that the Millennium is not to be expected before the judgment, and that the Second Advent of Christ, is the next great event about to occur.” i.e. We are leaving our position because we adhere to it with more tenacity than ever.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.8

    If it could be shown that we are in error about the pre-millennial advent, and its being the next event, it would prove our position to be incorrect; and nothing else can prove it. When we, therefore, show that our position on these points is invulnerable, we here fully settle the question.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.9

    The sectarian papers have taken unwearied pains to make the world believe that a question of mere time was the only point of difference between us and them; and that if 1843 should by any possibility pass away, and no advent believer of our school has any expectation that it will—our entire structure would at once fall. We however intend that the true issue shall be kept distinctly in view; and which is,HST May 31, 1843, page 100.10

    1st. No temporal millennium.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.11

    2nd. No return of the Jews.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.12

    3rd. All the historical prophecies are literally fulfilled down to the eve of the resurrection and advent.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.13

    4th.That the advent is therefore the next event.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.14

    5th. That the signs of the times prove that it is at the very doors.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.15

    6th. That all the prophetic periods, as we understand them, expire during this year, andHST May 31, 1843, page 100.16

    7th. That after 1843 commenced we had reason continually to expect Christ’s appearing, and shall therefore look for him till he come.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.17

    Here we intend to stand until our Lord appear, or it is proved that all the above positions are wrong. And no greater evidence can be given in the strength of our hopes, than by proving incontrovertibly, as we have done, by hitherto unanswered arguments, the pre-millennial advent, and that it is the next event.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.18

    2. The Evangelist says, that “with these sentiments”—the pre-millennial advent, the next event—“they will continue to trouble the churches.”HST May 31, 1843, page 100.19

    It would seem that no true Evangelist, or true church of Christ would be troubled at the thoughts of Christ’s coming. That unfaithful servants should like to have the day put far off, would not be surprising; but how can those be said to love Christ’s appearing who talk about being troubled by such a consideration. Will the editor of the Evangelist explain how the coming of Christ can trouble his children. If he cannot explain it and feels that such an admission has driven him into a corner from which he has no escape, he can manifest it by remaining silent, as all our opponents have done when the last semblage of an argument has been taken from them.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.20

    3. Religious papers are always expected to tell the truth. But the publication of every newspaper rumor before the truth is ascertained, makes those who thus publish it, responsible for its truth.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.21

    The rumor has been going the rounds that application was made for seven years insurance; but the Evangelist, not satisfied with the falsehood as it was, must add another year to it, and make it eight years. The fact is simply this. The committee applied for insurance at an office whose terms of insurance are for seven years; they then went to an office where it could be insured for one year, and had an insurance effected for one year only. Has the Evangelist “respect” enough for the truth to correct the error? We shall see.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.22

    4. Will the Evangelist show wherein our principles of interpretation are not fixed? Is it a wild speculation to believe God as he has said? And “surely if language can express it” when the heathen are given to Christ for an inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for a possession, they are to be broken with a rod of iron and dashed in pieces like a potter’s vessel, instead of being converted; the tares and wheat are to grow together till the harvest, and the harvest is the end of the world; the man of sin is to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming; and the same horn will make war with and prevail against the saints until the Ancient of days shall come. There is, therefore, no room for the conversion of the world before Christ comes. Also, if language can mean any thing, the promise that Abraham shall be the heir of the world, was not to him and his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith; and he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, but of the faith of our father Abraham. There is, therefore, no return of the Jews.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.23

    If the “language” by which Mr. Johnson supposes “God has predicted the restoration of the Jews and the conversion of the world, previous to the day of judgment,” is correctly applied to him, then he cannot only prove Millerism to be “nonsense,” “false,” an “imposture,” etc. but he can prove that the “day of judgment” can never come. For “surely, if language can express it,” those promises give the Jews an “eternal” and “everlasting” possession, from which they shall “never be removed;” and the state of “the world” supposed to be contemplated, is to endure “forever and ever.” If this be an “intelligent” view of “the word of God,” we prefer those “speculations in prophecy” which, instead of converting “the word of God” into “nonsense” and contradiction, make it so plain that he may run that readeth it.HST May 31, 1843, page 100.24

    5. The Evangelist says, “If this can be proved” i. e. that the Jews are to be restored and that there is to be a temporal millennium, then it can be known a priori that Millerism is false!!HST May 31, 1843, page 100.25

    Very true; if it can be proved that the advent is not the next event, it will be proved that it is not! But will Mr. Johnson give us a few arguments on those points? Assertions are no longer current.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.1

    6. This is the true secret of all the misrepresentations that have originated in the religious papers respecting us. The conductors of those have such a supreme contempt for anything that savors of the coming of Christ at hand, that they consider it unworthy of a “serious thought.” And if it is unworthy a serious thought now, why will it not always be thus unworthy? It is, therefore, evident that the personal coming of our Savior and not the time of that coming, makes Mr. Johnson say, “We have not respect enough for the nonsense to make it a doubtful question.” So long as men have such contempt for any truth, they will not give it that serious consideration that is necessary, to decide impartially, or even to acquaint themselves with the views set forth. And with respect to the Advent, our opponents have either taken it for granted that we are in an error, or have given us such acursory examination as still to remain in ignorance of our views. They no more know what they are opposing, than did the Jews when they crucified the Lord at his first advent.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.2

    7. Does Mr. Johnson argue that because a man has been an infidel that he will be one again? Luther was a Romanist “he avowed,” did he become one again. Paul was once a persecutor, “he avowed,” did he become one again? Was not the editor of the Evangelist once an enemy to God? Will he, therefore become one again?HST May 31, 1843, page 101.3

    8. This is one of the many falsehoods published against Mr. Miller, and Mr. Johnson knew when he penned it, that he had not the least particle of proof for such a slander. We shall therefore consider him convicted of endorsing a deliberate falsehood, until he produces evidences of its truth or retracts the charge.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.4

    9. The question to be decided here, is, What is “the obvious meaning of our Savior’s language?” If it shall be proved that Mr. Johnson has “disregarded” it, then it will follow on his own admission that he “cannot be supposed to have any intelligent reverence or regard for the word of God.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.5

    When our Savior said, “Of that day and that hour knoweth no man,” etc. he also said, “when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. And when our Savior said “It is not for you to know the times and seasons which the Father hath put in his own power,” he also said, “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Peter shows this was fulfilled, 1 Peter 1:10-12, “Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.” Also that which was then in the Father’s own power was afterwards revealed to Christ, and by his angel to John, who recorded it for all who had ears to hear. Revelation 1:1-3, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.6

    It therefore cannot follow from our Savior’s language that the time is forever concealed “in the counsels of the Eternal Mind.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.7

    Our opponents accuse our Savior of saying that no man can ever know any thing about the time. But he says, “Know that it is at the doors.” Now who disregards the obvious meaning of our Savior’s language? those who contend that we cannot know when it is at the doors, or we, who believe we may know when it is near? Any one who will read the connection in which our Savior spoke, cannot but see that those who contend we can know nothing about the nearness of the event, do “disregard the obvious meaning of our Savior’s language.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.8

    If our opponents know the connection, and refuse to present it, they are certainly not honest in their opposition. But if they do not know the connection, then their ignorance unfits them for religious teachers. One horn of this dilemma they must take so long as they quote “Of that day and hour knoweth no man,” and refuse also to give “When ye see these things know it is at the very doors. If they refuse to do this, they “cannot be supposed to have any intelligent reverence for the word of God.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.9

    Lectures at the Tabernacle


    These have been continued with increased interest during the afternoons and evenings of the past week. Lectures on appropriate subjects have been given by brn. Whiting, Fitch and Litch. There have also been with us, brethren Hawley, Hale, Barry, Himes, Brown, and Skinner. These lecturers from different sects of Christians, thus acting in unison, and seeing eye to eye, are evidence that there is a power in the “glad tidings of the kingdom” that disarms Sectarianism, and produces true “union.” All private opinions are considered by them to be of such little consequeuce, compared with greater truth, that they can come together and live in each others hearts, bound together in the bonds of Christian love. Baptistism, Methodism, and Congregationalism, are all lost sight of while they all labor together, shoulder to shoulder, in the cause of the Lord. Actuated by one and the same spirit, they are enabled to accomplish an amount of labor from which man ordinarily would shrink; and which could not be sustained only by the Spirit of God and the sympathies of each other. The prayer meetings have been attended with great interest, every forenoon at the Chardon street Chapel.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.10

    Our meetings will be continued the present week, during which we shall expect to see many of our dear friends from abroad.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.11

    New Works


    “Second Advent Manual,” by A Hale.—This is a compilation from the original authorities of the various historical extracts and evidences upon which the prophetic periods and fulfillment of the prophecies are based. Its object is to furnish in a mass, that which would otherwise require a reference to various, and some rare historical works. It will be found highly useful for the students of prophcy.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.12

    “The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated.” A Sermon preached at the Dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.13

    The above discourse so long delayed, is now published and ready for circulation. Our readers have been waiting with much impatience for its appearing, and it will be to them no unwelcome visitor. It is what its title purports—a vindication of the Advent doctrine; and this doctrine is most ably vindicated. It carries with it a mass of proof and weight of evidence, not often found in so small a compass, 93 pages. Our brother has shown from the word of God that we believe none other things than what Moses and the prophets have said shall come; and the whole church have believed till these last days. The points of difference between us and our opponents, are shown to be all supported by the most weighty authority of the church. Our opponents are also shown to have signally failed. Our friends will read it as a matter of course. And those who are not with us, are invited to give it a candid perusal.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.14

    “A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches—especially to those of the Baptist denomination,” by J. B. Cook.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.15

    This is also now ready for delivery, and will be read with much interest. Its object is to show the ministry and church, that while they refuse to give the subject of the Advent a solemn and prayerful examination and reject it, they may be as verily guilty as were the Jews who rejected and crucified our Savior at his first Advent, and yet did it ignorantly and in unbelief. When we refuse to acquaint ourselves with any doctrine, it may be that our decision is dictated by the heart.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.16

    Philadelphia Meetings.—We are not able to speak at length of these intensely interesting meetings. A Philadelphia daily paper of May 19, giving an account of the editor’s evening rambles. besides mentioning theatres, lecture rooms, etc., gives it the following brief notice.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.17

    “Upon leaving the lecture room, we entered the mighty assembly of the Millerites—for mighty it was; the large room which once contained the Chinese Museum being literally filled with a dense mass of males and females, old and young, who seemed to hang with a breathless and somewhat excited interest upon “the very loud outpourings” of the enthusiastic speaker.”HST May 31, 1843, page 101.18

    The attendance was large throughout, and one of the sessions, which continued three hours, seemed but a few minutes to the hearers. Brethren Himes, Litch, and Brown left on Friday. On that evening, brother Storrs lectured “to a vast multitude.” There was an experience meeting Saturday afternoon, and brother Storrs lectured again Saturday evening, and twice on the Sabbath.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.19

    Mr. Miller.—We are sorry to learn that his health is still very feeble, and it is doubtful whether he will ever be any better. His son writes us that his physicians have ordered all communication from visiters to be cut off. And even his own friends and near relations are prohibited from visiting him, as all noise hurts him very much.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.20

    Many of his friends visit him, but cannot be admitted, and others are anxious to see him; but it is hoped his friends will receive it kindly, if they are requested not to visit him while he remains so feeble.HST May 31, 1843, page 101.21



    Another of the series of prophetic events by which we are brought down to the end of all earthly things, and to the setting up of the everlasting kingdom, is brought to view by the seven trumpets.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.1

    “The great leading features of Daniel’s visions were the four great governments of antiquity, beginning with the Babylonian, and ending with the Roman, in its papal form. Not so, however, with John; he lived when three of these governments had passed away, and the fourth and last was in being, and in the height of its glory, as an universal monarchy. Under that government John was in banishment in the isle of Patmos, ‘for the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ Accordingly, instead of predicting the rise and triumph of either of those four great governments, it was his part to give the prophetic history of the fall of the last, and the various means by which that great persecuting system should come to ruin.”HST May 31, 1843, page 102.2

    “The sounding of the seven trumpets I understand to shadow forth the instrumentalities by which the Roman empire was to be overthrown and subverted, and finally ruined.”HST May 31, 1843, page 102.3

    For a full explanation of the whole series of trumpets, see Litch’s Exposition, vol. 2, from which the above extracts are taken. Our present plan will allow us only to refer to the last three of them, and of course, if we can show you that the events of the 5th and 6th have taken place, it will follow that the former ones have been fulfilled also.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.4

    But first we wish to know what is to come at the end of the series. We have a double statement of the events which are then to take place. Their awfully important character is first intimated by the declaration of a mighty angel who comes down from heaven, on purpose, it would seem, to apprize the world, or at least the church, to look out for the change in her condition which is to be realized, by the events of the seventh and last trumpet. “And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when, he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 10:5-7.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.5

    “The mystery of God,” here referred to, is made more plain by the translation of the original text, as given by some of the best writers—“The mystery of God shall be finished according to the glad tidings which he hath declared,” etc. etc. That to which the glad tidings, the gospel, under all its various forms, has pointed, is then to be realized. But the revelator makes it very plain by what he says of the sounding of the seventh angel, Revelation 11:15-18. Here is a distinct statement of several very important particulars.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.6

    1. The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ, and he begins his glorious and everlasting “reign.”HST May 31, 1843, page 102.7

    2. It announces the time of the dead that they should be judged.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.8

    3. The time to reward God’s servants, the Prophets, etc., andHST May 31, 1843, page 102.9

    4. His wrath is come, and the time to destroy them that destroy the earth.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.10

    There can be no doubt then of the events which are to come at the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Have we any reason to believe that the prophetic has all been filled up but these events? Let us see. We will go back to the fifth trumpet, chapter 9:1-12.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.11

    It is generally agreed by commentators that the fifth and sixth trumpet give the prophetic history of Mahomedanism.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.12

    The manner in which these trumpets are introduced denote the afflicting character of the events of which they speak. They are thus announced by the celestial messenger, who acts the part of a herald in the case.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.13

    Revelation 8:13.—And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying, with a loud voice,HST May 31, 1843, page 102.14

    to the inhabiters of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.15

    Revelation 9:1. And the fifth angel sounded, find I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth; and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.16

    A. D. 622.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.17

    2—4. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth; and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.18

    5, 6. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months; and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.19

    July 27, 1299.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.20

    7—12. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angle of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Applloyn. One woe is past; and behold there come two woes hereafter.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.21

    13—15. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.22

    1449HST May 31, 1843, page 102.23

    16—21. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and as of jacinth, and brimstone; and heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke, and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouth. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails they were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.24

    Chap. 11:14. The second woe is past; and behold, THE THIRD WOE COMETH QUICKLY.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.25

    15. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying,HST May 31, 1843, page 102.26


    16—18. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and west, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.28

    Aug. 11, 1840HST May 31, 1843, page 102.29

    We have here several important particulars stated, a few only of which we shall be able to notice.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.30

    1st. The origin of Mahometanism.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.31

    The bottomless pit.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.32

    2nd. Its character and effects.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.33

    And the sun and the air (Christianity) were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth; and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.34

    3rd. Their commission.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.35

    And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green things neither any tree; but only those men which leave not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.36

    4th. The description of their appearance and operations.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.37

    And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle, and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth lions. And they had breastplate as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions and there were stings in their tails.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.38

    5th. The time of their operations under the king named.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.39

    And their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath its name Apollyon.HST May 31, 1843, page 102.40

    The date of the Hegira or flight of Mahomet, is A. D. 622. Abubeker, who succeeded Mahomet as the leader of the locust armies in 632, was the first Caliph. The government of the Caliphs continued till the thirteenth century. In the latter part of that century Othman united the Mahometan clans and provinces into one grand monarchy, since known as the Ottoman Empire. The first assault made upon the Greeks under this kingly form of Mahometan power, was, according to Gibbon, on the 27th July, 1299. It was under this form of power that the terrible mission of the Mahometans, during the period specified, was to be effected. Five months understood prophetically, 30 days to the month, would express 150 days, or years. Add 150 to 1299, it brings us to 1449.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.1

    “During that whole period the Turks were engaged in an almost perpetual war with the Greek empire, but yet without conquering it. They seized upon and held several of the Greek provinces, but still Greek independence was maintained in Constantinople.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.2

    “One woe is past, and behold there come two woes more hereafter.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.3

    The events of the sixth trumpet differ from those of the fifth in several important particulars.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.4

    1. Instead of an army of locusts from the smoke of the bottomless pit, four angels are summoned to the work of this woe.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.5

    2. Instead of tormenting, they slay the third part of men.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.6

    3. Their work is effected by different agencies.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.7

    4. The period assigned them is, “an hour, a day, a month, and a year.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.8

    This period, understood prophetically, or symbolically, would amount to three hundred ninety-one years and fifteen days.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.9

    A prophetic year, 360 days = 360 solar years. A prophetic month, 30 days = 30 solar years. A prophetic day, - - = 1 solar year. A prophetic hour, being a 24th part of a day, is equal to a 24th part of a prophetic year, or - 15 days. This period amounts to - 391 To which add 150 days or years, 150 Whole period of these trumpets, 541 y’rs 15 days. Commencing, A. D. - - 1299 July 27 42 31 Brings us to - - 1840 Aug. 11

    Did the predicted, or implied, change in the Ottoman power then take place? In answering this question, let us inquire what the change was to be? It was not the destruction of the Mahometans or their empire. We should suppose at first sight that the change would place the Mahometan power and the Christian powers, as to their relation to each other, in a condition similar to that in which they stood prior to the commencement of the sixth trumpet, 1449.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.10

    “In the year 1449, John Paleologus, the Greek emperor, died, but left no children to inherit his throne, and Constantine Deacozes succeeded to it. But he would not venture to ascend the throne without the consent of Amurath, the Turkish Sultan. He therefore sent ambassadors to ask his consent, and obtained it, before he presumed to call himself sovereign.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.11

    “This shameful proceeding seemed to presage the approaching downfall of the empire. Ducas, the historian, counts John Paleologus for the last Greek emperor, without doubt, because he did not consider as such a prince who had not dared to reign without the permission of his enemy.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.12

    “Judging from the manner of the commencement of the Ottoman supremacy in Constantinople, that it was a voluntary acknowledgment on the part of the Greek emperor that he only reigned by permission of the Turkish sultan, we should naturally conclude that the fall or departure of the Ottoman independence would be brought about in the same way; that at the end of the specified period, the Sultan would voluntarily surrender his independence into the hands of the Christian powers, from whom he received it.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.13

    Has such a change taken place? Hear the following testimony:HST May 31, 1843, page 103.14

    First testimony.—The following is from Rev. Mr. Goodell, missionary of the American Board at Constantinople, addressed to the Board, and by them published in the Missionary Herald, for April, 1841, p. 160:—HST May 31, 1843, page 103.15

    The power of Islamism is broken forever; and there is no concealing the fact even from, themselves. They exist now by mere sufferance. And though there is a mighty effort made by the Christian governments to sustain them, yet at every step they sink lower and lower with fearful velocity. And though there is a great endeavor made to graft the institutions of civilized and Christian countries upon the decayed trunk, yet the very root itself is fast wasting away by the venom of its own poison. How wonderful it is, that, when all Christendom combined together to check the progress of Mahomedan power, it waxed exceedingly great in spite of every opposition; and now, when all the mighty potentates of Christian Europe who feel fully competent to settle all the quarrels, and arrange all the affairs of the whole world, are leagued together for its protection and defence, down it comes, in spite of all their fostering care.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.16

    Second.—“The London Morning Herald, after the capture of St. Jean d’Acre, speaking of the state of things in the Ottoman empire, says: ‘We (the allies) have conquered St. Jean d’Acre. We have dissipated into thin air the prestige that lately invested as with a halo the name of Mehemet Ali. We have in all probability destroyed forever the power of that hitherto successful ruler. But have we done aught to restore strength to the Ottoman empire? We fear not. We fear that the Sultan has been reduced to the rank of a puppet; and that the sources of the Turkish Empire’s strength are entirely destroyed.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.17

    “‘If the supremacy of the Sultan is hereafter to be maintained in Egypt, it must be maintained we fear, by the unceasing intervention of England and Russia.’”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.18

    Other testimony might be introduced, but this is sufficient.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.19

    When did this change take place? Everybody has heard of the troubles of the Turks by Mehemet Ali. The loss of the Sultan’s army and fleet in 1839, involved him in such difficulties, that in 1840 England, Russia, Austria and Prussia, interposed and proposed to put a stop to the operations of Mehemet.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.20

    A conference of these nations was held in London, July 15th, 1840; their ambassadors at Constantinople notified the Sultan of their intention, and he “accepted the intervention of the great powers.” Moniteur Ottoman. The Sheikh Effendi represented the “Sublime Porte” at this conference. The doings of that conference, and the anticipated result, were thus noticed at the time:HST May 31, 1843, page 103.21

    “The powers have, together with the Ottoman Plenipotentiary, drawn up and signed a treaty, whereby the Sultan offers the Pacha the hereditary government of Egypt, and all that part of Syria extending from the gulf of Suez to the lake of Tiberias, together with the province of Acre, for life; the Pacha, on his part, evacuating all other parts of the Sultan’s dominions now occupied by him, and returning the Ottoman fleet. A certain space of time has been granted him to accede to these terms; and, as the proposals of the Sultan and his allies, the four powers, do not admit of any change or qualification, if the Pacha refuse to accede to them, it is evident that the evil consequences to fall upon him will be attributable solely to his own fault.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.22

    This proposal of the Sultan and the great powers was forwarded to Mehemet by a government steamer, which left Constantinople, August 5th. As soon as this proposal was put into the hands of Mehemet, if he refused to comply with its terms of peace, the Sultan must withdraw from the contest, and leave Mehemet in the hands of the “great powers.” If he accepted the terms, of course the Sultan would be a party in the settlement. That document was put into the hands of mehemet on the 11th August, 1840, and he refused to comply with its terms. On the same day “a note delivered by the four ambassadors, in answer to a question put to them by the Porte, (Sultan,) as to the plan to be adopted in such an event, simply states, that provision has been made, and there is no necessity for the Divan alarming itself about any contingency that might afterwards arise.” Correspondent of Lond. Morn. Chron. at Constantinople.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.23

    Now, let us suppose a case, and ask a question.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.24

    “Imagine an ambitious politician at the southwest part of the Union. He draws around him the heterogeneous French, Spanish, and English population of Louisiana and Florida, and becomes their leader in rebellion against the general government. Our navy is manned and sent against him, but he captures it, and sets our armies at defiance. Our President is reduced to such extremity that he is compelled to accept the intervention of friendly powers. They, by their ambassadors at Washington, agree upon terms to be offered to the bold rebel. They tell him if he will give up the fleet he has captured, and withdraw his troops from the rest of the Union, they will give him Louisiana, to be held by him and his family forever, and Florida to be his during his life. The President agrees to these terms, with the further humiliating proviso that, if they are not accepted by the rebel, the friendly powers may take the matter into their own hands. After the messenger has left Washington, the President sends to the ambassadors of the friendly powers to know what is to be done, if the successful rebel refuses even this offer. The ambassadors answer.—‘WE WILL TAKE CARE OF THAT!’ Would not every one feel that the independence of this country had departed?” Midnight Cry, Nov. 25, 1842.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.25

    From that time the power of “the Turks has been sinking lower and lower, with fearful velocity.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.26

    The exact agreement of events in the history of the Turks with the statement of the prophecy, has fixed in our mind the belief, that there is no mistake in the application of the trumpets, and that the period of the sixth terminated Aug. 11, 1840. The tenth chapter, and the eleventh to the thirteenth verse, may be regarded as a parenthesis in the regular series, in which the revelator gives a description of events which were to take place prior to, or at the same time with the events of this trumpet. The earthquake mentioned, (11:13,) which undoubtedly refers to the French revolution, is included in the second woe. “The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.”HST May 31, 1843, page 103.27

    “But is not the world to be converted when the seventh trumpet sounds?” If the conversion of the world would be a ‘woe,’ perhaps it will be converted. But we do not think that God would announce that as a woe. The other woe trumpets have, by their fulfilment, exhibited to the world those scenes which have associated all that is cruel and savage with the name of a Turk; and all that is brutal and blasphemous and infernal with the French revolution; and with such specimens of what is meant by the ‘woe’ in connection with these trumpets, what may we not expect when the woe that cometh quickly shall burst upon us? If to “destroy them that destroy the earth” means the conversion of the world, the world may then be converted. If that may take place which the word of God has repeatedly assured us never can take place this side of the judgment, the world may be converted.—No, reader,—that men should ever have supposed that the seventh trumpet announces the conversion of the world, is one of those leases that go to show how they have “turned away their ears from the truth, and have turned unto fables;” being ignorant of God’s arrangement in the case, and going about to establish their own, they are looking for that which will never come!HST May 31, 1843, page 103.28

    We must be converted before that trumpet sounds, or we shall remain unconverted forever!HST May 31, 1843, page 103.29

    Then the judgment shall sit—the righteous dead arise, and with the righteous living receive their reward, and the wicked be destroyed, and the glorious and everlasting reign of Jesus Christ begin.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.30

    We have nothing, therefore, to look for, according to this portion of prophecy, but the events of the seventh trumpet—the third woe!HST May 31, 1843, page 103.31

    In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Here are three portions of prophecy, each of which carries us down to the end; and by the clearest evidence from the history of the world, all the events of each series are past, except that great event to which all the others point; and to make known which, God has given us His “sure word.” And while these portions of prophecy all declare that the end of all things is at hand—the signs foretold by Christ are all speaking as so many witnesses for the truth—and messengers of mercy to man to warn him to be ready; watch, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things, and to stand before the Son of man.HST May 31, 1843, page 103.32

    Dark brood the heavens o’er thee!HST May 31, 1843, page 103.33


    No Authorcode

    BOSTON, MAY 31, 1843.

    Boston Anniversary Week

    No Authorcode

    MAY 29, 1843.

    Advent Conference and Lectures


    At the Tabernacle in Howard Street.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.1

    Lecture each evening at half-past 7 o’clock.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.2



    1. Character of the objections urged against the doctrine of the Advent. Monday Evening.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.3

    2. History of the Advent Cause. Tuesday Evening.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.4

    3. Influence of Neology upon the faith of the Church. Wednesday Evening.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.5

    4. Tendencies of the Advent Doctrine.—Thursday Evening.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.6

    5. The true position of the opponents of the Advent Doctrine. Friday Evening.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.7

    The above subjects will be presented by Br’n Whiting, Litch, Fitch, and Hawley.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.8

    Meetings of the Conference will be held at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M., at theHST May 31, 1843, page 104.9


    No Authorcode

    “Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord.”

    Advent Books, Papers, Charts, etc


    A full assortment of the works of Miller, Litch, Hale, Storrs, Brown, Hervey, Cox, Fitch, Bliss, Fleming, and others, at the “Signs of the Times” Office, 14 Devonshire st.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.10

    A Correction


    The questions to which the following brief answer is given, have been in substance so often proposed to me, from different sources, that it has appeared to be a duty I owe to myself and the friends of the Advent cause, to notice them. This reply to a respected and devoted brother, who occupies an important position in the work, will be considered, for the present, a reply to all.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.11

    Dear Brother:—I am greatly surprised at your questions. You ask, 1st. “Do you believe in the doctrine of Holiness?” 2nd. “Are you opposed to meetings of prayer? 3. Do you refuse to associate with, or shut out from your meetings, those who advocate the doctrine of entire sanctification?”HST May 31, 1843, page 104.12

    To your first question, I answer that I am not opposed to the doctrine of experimental holiness. I think I understand it, and advocate it. I see no reason to differ from brother Fitch, Brown, or Hawley on this subject.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.13

    To your second question, I have only to refer you to my whole history and practice, on this subject. I believe little or nothing can be done in the cause, without meetings of prayer.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.14

    To the third, I reply that I have never refused to co-operate with any of God’s people, or shut them out from any privileges, or associations in the Advent cause. But on the contrary, desire to co-operate with all who love our Lord.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.15

    But you say “these things are reported as facts,” and ask “how it is.” I have only to reply, that I have, in common with all my brethren, taken my stand against marked tendencies to excesses, improprieties and even immoralities which have recently appeared under the mask of holiness. This is the ‘head and front of my offending’ on this point. I believe that purity of heart and life, constitutes an essential and important feature of holiness, as demanded in the word of God. “But fornication and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you as becometh saints.”HST May 31, 1843, page 104.16

    In relation to the idea of refusing to co-operate with my brethren on account of Holiness, or of shutting the subject out of our meetings, I have I only to say that it is altogether a mistake.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.17

    In conclusion, permit me to say to all my brethren to whom such reports may have come, that I stand on the same ground I always have on the subject of the Advent, and entire consecration to God. I am doing my Master’s work with my might. I have no time, to listen to the slanders of those who ought by their profession, to be engaged in better things. I am now as from the first, at the work of giving the cry to the world.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.18

    If disappointed ambition, or selfishness, or envy, seek the destruction of my reputation, and influence, by a mistatement of things, I can’t help it. I give it all up to God. He will take care of that in due time. I am well known in this city, and elsewhere, and my works must show what I am. I am in the fullest fellowship with all my brethren in the Ministry, and all the brethren who have borne with me the heat and burden of the day. We know no division or disunion. We are living in peace, and God is prospering us. We have nothing to do with party strife or faction.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.19

    J. V. Himes.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.20



    se cond advent campmeeting.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.21

    June 14, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.22

    The friends of the good cause in this vicinity have decided to hold a Second Advent Campmeeting (if time continues) on the West Hill, in Chelsea, Orange co. Vt. in a beautiful grove near the Union Meeting House, to commence on Wednesday, June 14th, at 10 o’clock A M. We hope our Second Advent friends, all through the region, will come up to the solemn feast, with their tents prepared to stay 8 or 10 days, as Providence may direct. Let there be a general rallying. L. KIMBALL,HST May 31, 1843, page 104.23

    In behalf of the Committee.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.24



    June 7, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.25

    There will be a Campmeeting, the Lord willing, on ground owned by Mr. Otis Waite, near Chester Factories, about 30 miles west of Springfield, and about 100 rods from the rail road, commencing on Wednesday, June 7th, to continue over the Sabbath. It is ardently hoped that many of those who are looking for and loving the appearing of our blessed Lord, will rally to that feast of Tabernacles, with tents and provisions for a week or more. The facilities of getting to the meeting from all directions, are as good as can be desired, and the expense low. Provision will be made for boarding those who may not provide for themselves, at reasonable rates. The cars will stop at the camp ground to accommodate passengers.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.26

    Per order of Committee. R. E. LADD, Sec.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.27

    N. B. Arrangements have been made with the Western Rail Road to bring companies of 50 or more at $2,60 for each person from Boston. And if 50 start from Boston, any number can get in at the same ratio, at any station on the road, who give evidence of going to the meeting. Also the same from Albany. Those who go in companies are requested to start on Thursday morning.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.28



    May 31, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.29

    A Second Advent Campmeeting will be held at Athol, commencing May 31, and continue over the Sabbath, and as much longer as may be expedient The meeting will be held in a grove 2 miles south of the middle of the town, on the road to Petersham. Brethren and friends are invited to attend. Able lecturers are expected to be present. Refreshments can be had on the ground at a reasonable price, also hay and grain for horses. We hope for a full meeting.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.30

    Per order of Committee, A. ELLENWOOD.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.31



    June 6, 1843.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.32

    There will be an Advent Conference in the East part of Marlboro’, of two weeks, beginning June 6, at 2, P. M. It will be held in a barn belonging to S. S. Howe. Brethren are invited to come with their tents. Board can be had for 1,50 per week, or 121 cts per meal. Competent lecturers are expected.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.33

    SAMUEL S. HOWE.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.34

    Bro. Preble is now in Lowell, and will attend to calls for lectures on the Second Advent.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.35



    The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, or to Europe, by mail.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.36

    The following Nos. comprise the Library.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.37

    1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.38

    2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.39

    3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.40

    4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.41

    5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.42

    6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.43

    7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.44

    8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.45

    9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.46

    10. Letter to every body, by an English author “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.47

    11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.48

    2 The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2HST May 31, 1843, page 104.49

    13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End noi Yet.”—10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.50

    14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.51

    15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.52

    16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing. By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.53

    17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ.—18 3-4 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.54

    18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.55

    19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.56

    20, ” ” ” ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.57

    21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4HST May 31, 1843, page 104.58

    22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.59

    23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.60

    24. Israel and the Holy Land,—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.61

    25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies,’ shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.62

    26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.63

    27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.64

    28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.65

    29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N.Hervey. 183 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.66

    30. New Heavens and New Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By N. Hervey. 121 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.67

    31. Starkweather’s Narrative. 10 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.68

    32. Brown’s Experience. 121HST May 31, 1843, page 104.69

    33. Bible Examiner, by George Storrs. 183 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.70

    34. The Second Advent Doctrine Vindicated,—a sermon preached at the dedication of the Tabernacle, by Rev. S. Hawley, with the Address of the Tabernacle Committee. pp. 107. 20 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.71

    35. A Solemn Appeal to Ministers and Churches,—especially to those of the Baptist denomination. By J. B. Cook. 121 cts.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.72

    36. Second Advent Manual, by A. Hale. 183HST May 31, 1843, page 104.73

    This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works.HST May 31, 1843, page 104.74

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