- Foreword
- That We May Be Encouraged, January 1
- There's Hope, January 2
- A Place in Line, January 3
- What Fruit? January 4
- In God's Image, January 5
- Eden, January 6
- A Chance to Choose, January 7
- Someone to Share, January 8
- Deceived! January 9
- Used by Satan, January 10
- When It's Better Not to Know, January 11
- Cursed! January 12
- Taught by Nature, January 13
- Between God and Man, January 14
- One Expensive Mistake, January 15
- By Word of Mouth, January 16
- Home Again! January 17
- It's Up to You, January 18
- Two Ways to Go, January 19
- Your Face Is Telling, January 20
- Cain Went Out, January 21
- He Walked With God, January 22
- God Took Him, January 23
- Looking at Christ, January 24
- An Open Door, January 25
- God or Idols? January 26
- Giants in the Land, January 27
- Abused Talents, January 28
- An Affluent Society, January 29
- Marrying and Giving in Marriage, January 30
- Until the Day ..., January 31
- Build an Ark, February 1
- Safe Inside, February 2
- After Seven Days, February 3
- As It Was in the Days of Noah, February 4
- God Comes Down to See, February 5
- Confused and Scattered, February 6
- No Questions Asked, February 7
- There's a Reason, February 8
- God Protects His Own, February 9
- Keeping the Peace, February 10
- Toward Sodom, February 11
- A Home God Can Bless, February 12
- Entertaining Strangers, February 13
- Countdown for Sodom, February 14
- Unsafe Streets, February 15
- That Last Night, February 16
- Don't Forget, February 17
- A Better Country, February 18
- Nothing Too Precious, February 19
- Choosing a Wife, February 20
- A Happy Marriage, February 21
- Let Your Religion Show, February 22
- Nonidentical Twins, February 23
- Twisted Values, February 24
- Bartered Birthright, February 25
- A Bitter Price, February 26
- Hope for a Fugitive, February 27
- Return to God His Own, February 28
- Seven Short Years, March 1
- A Life and Death Matter, March 2
- The Time of Jacob's Trouble, March 3
- Power Guaranteed, March 4
- Reunion, March 5
- Separate Ways, March 6
- A Home in Trouble, March 7
- An Inspired Resolution, March 8
- A Blessed Partnership, March 9
- How Can I Do It? March 10
- A Prison Apprenticeship, March 11
- Always the Same, March 12
- All in God's Plan, March 13
- He Was Like Christ, March 14
- A Slave Mother, March 15
- The Right Choice, March 16
- Not God's Way, March 17
- God's University, March 18
- Worth More, March 19
- Seeing the Invisible, March 20
- Learning and Unlearning, March 21
- God Sent Him, March 22
- Who Is the Lord? March 23
- Hardening of the Heart, March 24
- Free at Last! March 25
- Cloud and Fire, March 26
- A Safe Path, March 27
- The Song of Moses and the Lamb, March 28
- Complaining Again, March 29
- Hands Toward Heaven, March 30
- Two Hands for God, March 31
- A Crisis in Israel, April 1
- He Failed His Brother, April 2
- Face to Face, April 3
- Strange Fire, April 4
- Too Drunk to Care, April 5
- Misplaced Love, April 6
- Undernourished Souls, April 7
- Two Against One, April 8
- The Most Satanic Trait, April 9
- A Contradictory Report, April 10
- Why Wait? April 11
- Rebellion in the Camp, April 12
- He Lost His Patience, April 13
- No Excuse for Sinning, April 14
- From Grave to Glory, April 15
- Prophecy for Pay, April 16
- Duty or Desire, April 17
- Two of a Kind, April 18
- Sins That Scar, April 19
- The Only Way to Win, April 20
- The Invisible Ally, April 21
- Only God Could Do It, April 22
- One Man's Sin, April 23
- No Hiding From God, April 24
- Too Late! April 25
- The Price of a Lie, April 26
- “Give Me This Mountain,” April 27
- Iron Chariots, April 28
- As for Me ..., April 29
- Haven't I Sent You? April 30
- Too Many Soldiers, May 1
- Still Too Many, May 2
- Betrayed Into Error, May 3
- Before the Baby Comes, May 4
- Compromise, May 5
- Mighty Weakling, May 6
- What's the Secret? May 7
- This Is the Secret, May 8
- A Sure Crop, May 9
- God Remembered, May 10
- She Kept Her Promise, May 11
- God's Property, May 12
- Like Parent, Like Child, May 13
- A Dangerous Example, May 14
- No Restraint, May 15
- Delayed Judgment, May 16
- A Fainthearted Father, May 17
- No Generation Gap, May 18
- Revival, May 19
- Like Everyone Else, May 20
- No Apologies Needed, May 21
- The People's Choice, May 22
- The Potential Is There, May 23
- Running Ahead of God, May 24
- Found Wanting, May 25
- A Time for Courage, May 26
- The Real King, May 27
- It Works Two Ways, May 28
- Tested Again, May 29
- Not to Be Trusted, May 30
- I Hear the Sheep, May 31
- Not Really Sorry, June 1
- Sanity Almost Gone, June 2
- God's Choice, Not Man's, June 3
- Preparing to Lead, June 4
- Human Boasting, June 5
- Five Smooth Stones, June 6
- A Sure Outcome, June 7
- No One Sorry, June 8
- Music in a Cave, June 9
- Result of Insanity, June 10
- A Mismatched Pair, June 11
- Gentle Rebuke, June 12
- Divine Vengeance, June 13
- No Answer From God, June 14
- That's Not Samuel, June 15
- God's Secrets, June 16
- A Suicide, June 17
- A Friend Mourns, June 18
- His Last Mistake, June 19
- Satan's Stealthy Work, June 20
- One Sin Leads to Another, June 21
- A King Rebuked, June 22
- Sin's Way Is Hard, June 23
- Superficial Beauty, June 24
- Greatness in Humiliation, June 25
- A Foolish Wise Man, June 26
- A Monument of Stones, June 27
- More Than Money, June 28
- Growing Old Gracefully, June 29
- Last Words, June 30
- A Contract With God, July 1
- As a Little Child, July 2
- Wisdom for the Asking, July 3
- Wisest Among Men, July 4
- What an Epitaph! July 5
- Sold Out, July 6
- True Riches, July 7
- At the Crossroads, July 8
- A Late Awakening, July 9
- The Voice of Experience, July 10
- Unsanctified Skill, July 11
- Praise Where It Belongs, July 12
- Disgraceful Monuments, July 13
- “All Israel With Him,” July 14
- A Paralyzed Arm, July 15
- Asa Trusted God, July 16
- Jezebel's Blighting Influence, July 17
- A Voice in the Wilderness, July 18
- Sharing Her Morsel, July 19
- “More Blessed to Give,” July 20
- Elijah Before Ahab, July 21
- God's Heroes, July 22
- Idolatry Then and Now, July 23
- Waiting Upon God, July 24
- Emptied of Self, July 25
- Overwhelmed by Discouragement, July 26
- What Doest Thou Here? July 27
- Elijahs Needed Today, July 28
- In Moments of Weakness, July 29
- The Battle Is the Lord's, July 30
- The Battle Song, July 31
- Sorcery, Ancient and Modern, August 1
- The Work Lying Nearest, August 2
- Why Elisha? August 3
- All on the Altar, August 4
- Elijah's Successor, August 5
- Pollution and Purification, August 6
- Rudeness Rebuked, August 7
- Table in the Wilderness, August 8
- Even a Child, August 9
- God's Ways, August 10
- No Fiery Chariot, August 11
- Reluctant Prophet, August 12
- There Is a Limit, August 13
- Send Me, August 14
- Humility—True or False? August 15
- The Living Coal, August 16
- White Like Snow, August 17
- For Everyone, August 18
- Jeremiah, God's Mouthpiece, August 19
- The Rechabites, August 20
- Jehovah's Honor Vindicated, August 21
- Divine Healing, August 22
- What Do They See? August 23
- Faith and God's Promises, August 24
- Too Drunk to Think, August 25
- For Such a Time as This, August 26
- Men's Decrees Versus God's, August 27
- Four Boys in Babylon, August 28
- The Source of Wisdom, August 29
- No Compromise, August 30
- Witnessing, August 31
- Under God's Control, September 1
- Babylon's Leading Citizen, September 2
- Four in the Furnace, September 3
- Nebuchadnezzar Humiliated, September 4
- Daniel, God's Ambassador, September 5
- God Sent His Angel, September 6
- Burden-sharing, September 7
- God's Hand on the Machinery, September 8
- Obstacles a Test of Faith, September 9
- Ezra, Student and Teacher, September 10
- Knowledge Requires Action, September 11
- God Their Protector, September 12
- A Holy Purpose, September 13
- A Man of Action, September 14
- Let Us Build, September 15
- Uninvolved, September 16
- Unholy Alliance, September 17
- Remember the Poor, September 18
- “I Cannot Come Down,” September 19
- Build—Repair—Restore, September 20
- One of God's Great Men, September 21
- In the Spirit of Elijah, September 22
- A Straight Message, September 23
- A Living Sacrifice, September 24
- Ready to Step Aside, September 25
- I Must Decrease, September 26
- What Made Him Great? September 27
- In Prison for Christ's Sake, September 28
- The Highest Honor, September 29
- A True Witness, September 30
- Come and See, October 1
- Under the Fig Tree, October 2
- Apprenticed to Christ, October 3
- Follow Me, October 4
- Publicans Not Excluded, October 5
- Judas, Self-seeking Disciple, October 6
- Without Excuse, October 7
- Sower of Strife, October 8
- Unity in Diversity, October 9
- None Were Perfect, October 10
- Doubts and Questions, October 11
- Secret Interview, October 12
- As the Wind Blows, October 13
- Born Again, October 14
- Confrontation at Jacob's Well, October 15
- From Doubt to Faith, October 16
- I Am Not Worthy, October 17
- God Abhors Caste, October 18
- It Has to Be Personal, October 19
- What Lack I? October 20
- He Failed the Test, October 21
- He Made Things Right, October 22
- Rich Man and God, October 23
- She Gave Her All, October 24
- Fretting and Fussing, October 25
- A Gift of Love, October 26
- The Fragrance Lingers, October 27
- Nothing Too Costly, October 28
- Simon's Change of Heart, October 29
- Christ Sees Our Possibilities, October 30
- Peter Looked Back, October 31
- Peter Speaks Up, November 1
- Under Satan's Power, November 2
- Peter Learned His Lesson, November 3
- A Fond Mother's Request, November 4
- Beloved Disciple, November 5
- John and Judas—A Contrast, November 6
- Enslaved by Money, November 7
- A Chance for All, November 8
- Only Jesus Knew, November 9
- A Slow Student, November 10
- On Enemy Ground, November 11
- Converted at Last, November 12
- Caiaphas, November 13
- Pilate, November 14
- The Cross Bearer, November 15
- Remember Me, November 16
- Secret Friends No Longer, November 17
- Thomas the Doubter, November 18
- Religious Liberty, November 19
- Mishandling God's Goods, November 20
- Martyred for Christ, November 21
- Just for One Man, November 22
- The First Dorcas, November 23
- No National Barriers, November 24
- To All the World, November 25
- Angel Protectors, November 26
- Linked With Heaven, November 27
- At the Damascus Gate, November 28
- Saul to Paul, November 29
- Arabian Interlude, November 30
- Paul Exalts the Cross, December 1
- Gospel Tentmaker, December 2
- Profitable Bonfire, December 3
- While You Are Young, December 4
- From a Child, December 5
- All That a Son Could Be, December 6
- Passing the Torch, December 7
- This Dropout Made Good, December 8
- Mark and Demas, December 9
- Master and Servant, December 10
- The Race Before Us, December 11
- A Voice of Gladness, December 12
- Toward the Mark, December 13
- To Caesar, December 14
- Divine Bodyguard, December 15
- A Good Fight, December 16
- “Love One Another,” December 17
- Perils Within and Without, December 18
- Pure in Heart and Life, December 19
- Beyond the Gloom to Glory, December 20
- The Last of the Twelve, December 21
- Shut Away With God, December 22
- Keep Your Armor On, December 23
- “Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us,” December 24
- To God Be the Glory, December 25
- Noble Examples, December 26
- “All Things Through Christ,” December 27
- We Need Not Despair, December 28
- God Remembers His Own, December 29
- First Things First, December 30
- God's Plan for Me, December 31
Home Again! January 17
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 1 Corinthians 15:22, 23.CC 23.1
Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints.... The dead shall hear that voice, and they that hear shall live. And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people....CC 23.2
All come forth from their graves the same in stature as when they entered the tomb. Adam, who stands among the risen throng, is of lofty height and majestic form, in stature but little below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later generations; in this one respect is shown the great degeneracy of the race. But all arise with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth....CC 23.3
All blemishes and deformities are left in the grave. Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden, the redeemed will “grow up” to the full stature of the race in its primeval glory....CC 23.4
As the ransomed ones are welcomed to the City of God, there rings out upon the air an exultant cry of adoration. The two Adams are about to meet. The Son of God is standing with outstretched arms to receive the father of our race—the being whom He created, who sinned against his Maker, and for whose sin the marks of the crucifixion are borne upon the Saviour's form. As Adam discerns the prints of the cruel nails, he does not fall upon the bosom of his Lord, but in humiliation casts himself at His feet, crying: “Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain!” Tenderly the Saviour lifts him up and bids him look once more upon the Eden home from which he has so long been exiled....CC 23.5
This reunion is witnessed by the angels who wept at the fall of Adam and rejoiced when Jesus, after His resurrection, ascended to heaven, having opened the grave for all who should believe on His name. Now they behold the work of redemption accomplished, and they unite their voices in the song of praise.25The Great Controversy, 644-648.CC 23.6