- Foreword
- “Unless You See Signs and Wonders”
- Not With Outward Show
- The Raising of Lazarus
- The Little Man Who Became Important
- “Woman, Why Are You Weeping?”
“Go ... Teach All Nations”
This chapter is based on Matthew 28:16-20.
Standing only a step from His heavenly throne, Christ gave the commission: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. Jesus repeated the words again and again so that the disciples would grasp their significance. The light of heaven was to shine on all the inhabitants of the earth in clear, strong rays.HH 375.1
Jesus had given the commission to the Twelve in the upper room, but now it was to go to a larger number. All the believers who could be called together were assembled for the meeting on a mountain in Galilee. The angel at the tomb reminded the disciples of Jesus’ promise to meet them in Galilee. They repeated the promise to the believers at Jerusalem during Passover week, and through them it reached many who were mourning the death of their Lord. With intense interest, all looked forward to the meeting. They came from every direction with wondering hearts.HH 375.2
At the time appointed, about five hundred believers gathered in little knots on the mountainside, eager to learn all they could from those who had seen Christ since His resurrection. The disciples went from group to group, telling all that they had seen and heard of Jesus and reasoning from the Scriptures, as He had done with them.HH 375.3
Suddenly Jesus stood among them. No one could tell from where He had come or how. Many had never seen Him before, but in His hands and feet they saw the marks of the Crucifixion. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him.HH 375.4
But some doubted. It will always be this way. There are those who find it hard to exercise faith, and they place themselves on the doubting side. They lose much because of their unbelief.HH 375.5
This was the only interview that Jesus had with many of the believers after His resurrection. His words, coming from lips that had been closed in death, thrilled them. Now He declared that “all power” (KJV) was given to Him. This lifted the minds of His hearers to the highest understanding of His dignity and glory.HH 375.6
Christ’s words were the announcement that His sacrifice in humanity’s behalf was full and complete. He had accomplished the work that He came to this world to do. He was on His way to the throne of God. He had started on His work as Mediator. Possessing limitless authority, He gave His commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” He commissioned His disciples to proclaim a faith that would have nothing of caste or country in it, a faith adapted to all peoples, nations, and social classes.HH 375.7
Christ plainly stated the nature of His kingdom. His purpose was to establish a spiritual kingdom, not to reign as an earthly king on David’s throne. He said, “You see that all I revealed to you concerning My rejection as the Messiah has happened. All that I said about the humiliation I would endure and the death I would die has been verified. On the third day, I rose again. All these things have fulfilled the specifications of prophecy.”HH 376.1
Christ commissioned His disciples to do the work He had left in their hands, beginning at Jerusalem. Jerusalem had been the scene of His amazing condescension for the human race. Few had recognized how near heaven came to earth when Jesus was among them. The work of the disciples must begin at Jerusalem.HH 376.2
The disciples could have pleaded for a more promising field, but they made no such appeal. Christ had scattered the seed of truth, and the seed would yield an abundant harvest. The first offers of mercy must go to the murderers of the Savior.HH 376.3
Many in Jerusalem had secretly believed on Jesus, and many had been deceived by the priests and rulers. The disciples must call them to repentance. While all Jerusalem was stirred by the thrilling events of the past few weeks, the preaching of the gospel would make the deepest impression.HH 376.4
But the work was not to stop here. It was to be extended to earth’s farthest limits. To His disciples Christ said, “Although Israel has rejected Me as the Scriptures foretold, they will still have another opportunity to accept the Son of God. To you, My disciples, I commit this message of mercy. It is to go to Israel first, then to all nations, tongues, and peoples. You are to gather all who believe into one church.”HH 376.5