- Foreword
- Monthly Topics
- Amazing Grace
- Good News of the Kingdom, January 1
- For Sinners Only, January 2
- At God's Appointed Time, January 3
- The Message of the First Advent, January 4
- A Spiritual Kingdom, January 5
- Unlike Earthly Kingdoms, January 6
- The Ensign of Christ's Kingdom, January 7
- God's Kingdom in the Heart, January 8
- Like Mustard Seed, January 9
- Like Yeast, January 10
- Established by Christ's Death, January 11
- Its Principles of Government, January 12
- Our Top Priority, January 13
- Entrance Requirement, January 14
- By God's Grace, January 15
- The Royal Robe, January 16
- An Inheritance in Heaven, January 17
- The Gracious Invitation, January 18
- Embraces the Whole World, January 19
- Ambassadors of the Kingdom, January 20
- The Army of the Lord, January 21
- A Girdle of Truth, January 22
- A Breastplate for Safety, January 23
- Gospel Shoes for a Mission of Peace, January 24
- A Shield for Defense, January 25
- A Helmet for Protection, January 26
- A Sword for Battle, January 27
- The Battlefield, January 28
- Loyalty a Must, January 29
- Marching Orders, January 30
- The Victory, January 31
- Adam and Eve—Rulers in Eden, February 1
- The Rulership Forfeited, February 2
- Christ the Second Adam, February 3
- Israel's Invisible King, February 4
- Our Ruler in the Heavens, February 5
- God With Us, February 6
- The Kingdom Threatened, February 7
- A Kingly Procession, February 8
- Jerusalem's King, February 9
- King of Glory, February 10
- Ruler Over All Nations, February 11
- Limits to God's Forbearance, February 12
- Qualifying for the Kingdom, February 13
- Sonship, February 14
- Adopted Sons and Daughters, February 15
- The Redemption Price, February 16
- Abraham and His Children, February 17
- Citizens of Heaven, February 18
- The Test of Loyalty, February 19
- God's Claims Are First, February 20
- Above Earthly Kingdoms, February 21
- Blessings Through Obedience, February 22
- Stewards of God's Grace, February 23
- Stewards of Truth, February 24
- Stewards of Strength, February 25
- Stewards of Influence, February 26
- Your Royal Birth, February 27
- A Share in Christ's Kingdom, February 28
- Heaven's Highest Attraction, March 1
- Christ Is Priest Upon the Throne, March 2
- Encircled by a Rainbow, March 3
- In the Most Holy Place, March 4
- Guarded by Seraphim, March 5
- Founded on Righteousness, March 6
- Established in Justice and Judgment, March 7
- Fountain of Life and Power, March 8
- Center of Worship, March 9
- Source of Compassion and Mercy, March 10
- A Sympathizing High Priest, March 11
- Christ Shares His Father's Throne, March 12
- God's Law Is Linked With His Throne, March 13
- Help in Resisting Temptation, March 14
- Where Sins May Be Blotted Out, March 15
- Where We Find Deliverance From Sin, March 16
- Accessible to All, March 17
- Christ's Name Our Password, March 18
- Prayers Like Fragrant Incense, March 19
- Press Your Case, March 20
- Elijah's Example, March 21
- When Affliction Comes, March 22
- Sharing Christ's Suffering, March 23
- Come With Reverence, March 24
- Come in Humility and Holy Fear, March 25
- A Sacred Experience, March 26
- A Hallowed Name, March 27
- Our Continual Dependence, March 28
- A Throne in Every Heart, March 29
- Undivided Occupancy, March 30
- Even for Ever, March 31
- To Draw Us to God, April 1
- To Change the Heart, April 2
- Brings Peace and Rest, April 3
- Exalts God's Law, April 4
- Gives Power to Obey, April 5
- Breaks the Hold of Evil, April 6
- Magnifies the Lord, April 7
- To Uproot Selfishness, April 8
- To Break Bad Habits, April 9
- Creates Hatred for Satan, April 10
- To Banish Unrest and Doubt, April 11
- To Unify the Church, April 12
- That We Might Be Overcomers, April 13
- To Build Noble Characters, April 14
- To Strengthen and Encourage, April 15
- For Times of Trial, April 16
- To Establish the Home, April 17
- To Sustain the Burden Bearer, April 18
- For Each Day's Need, April 19
- To Lift the Most Sinful, April 20
- Gives Life to the Soul, April 21
- To Make Us Holy, April 22
- To Adorn the Christian, April 23
- To Bring Comfort, April 24
- Makes Our Foundation Sure, April 25
- A Preserving Power, April 26
- A Light to Shine, April 27
- Workers With God, April 28
- Fishers of Men, April 29
- A Completed Work, April 30
- Before Creation, May 1
- Everlasting, May 2
- In Eden, May 3
- Shared With Noah, May 4
- Renewed to Abraham, May 5
- Terms of the Covenant, May 6
- The Promises of Men, May 7
- Better Promises, May 8
- Written on the Heart, May 9
- The Gift of Repentance, May 10
- The Gift of Pardon, May 11
- Accepted by Faith, May 12
- God's Law Is Its Standard, May 13
- The Pledge of Obedience, May 14
- The Role of Baptism, May 15
- Not a Substitute for the Law, May 16
- Includes Love to God and Man, May 17
- Involves Character Building, May 18
- Demands Purity, May 19
- Encourages Christlikeness, May 20
- With All the Heart, May 21
- A Mutual Pact, May 22
- Blessings of the Covenant, May 23
- Ratified by Christ's Blood, May 24
- Sealed by Christ's Atonement, May 25
- Christ the Mediator, May 26
- The Blood of the Covenant, May 27
- The Covenant and the Sabbath, May 28
- God's Eternal Pledge, May 29
- Perpetual and Unalterable, May 30
- The Symbol of the Covenant, May 31
- Exile From Heaven's Throne, June 1
- Matchless Condescension, June 2
- Incomparable Temptations, June 3
- Unutterable Loneliness, June 4
- Unequaled Test, June 5
- Infinite Suffering, June 6
- Agonizing Prayer, June 7
- Whole Nights of Prayer, June 8
- Gethsemane's Anguish, June 9
- The Father's Frown, June 10
- Forsaken by His Father, June 11
- The Sins of the World, June 12
- What a Price, June 13
- The Worth of One Soul, June 14
- The Sacrifice of Love, June 15
- Heaven Itself Imperiled, June 16
- The Father's Immeasurable Sacrifice, June 17
- The Only Acceptable Ransom, June 18
- God's Unspeakable Gift, June 19
- So Costly—And Yet So Free, June 20
- Bought Without Money, June 21
- Grace Enough for All, June 22
- Unmerited Favor, June 23
- Christ Our Righteousness, June 24
- The Bright Side of Religion, June 25
- “Worthy Is the Lamb!” June 26
- Mystery of Mysteries, June 27
- Unsearchable Riches, June 28
- “Behold, What Manner of Love” June 29
- How Long Must Heaven Suffer? June 30
- From the Beginning, July 1
- Christ's Promise of the Spirit, July 2
- The Spirit's Power, July 3
- Pentecost, July 4
- The Office of the Spirit, July 5
- A Comforter Like Christ, July 6
- Christ's Representative, July 7
- Like Dew, Rain, and Sunshine, July 8
- Illuminates the Scriptures, July 9
- Teacher of Truth, July 10
- A Faithful Guide, July 11
- Our Personal Guide, July 12
- That Still, Small Voice, July 13
- A Refining and Sanctifying Force, July 14
- Molds Into the Divine Likeness, July 15
- Brings Refreshing, July 16
- Purifying, Vitalizing Power, July 17
- Received by Naked Faith, July 18
- For All Who Believe, July 19
- More Than Mortal Power, July 20
- Brings Harmony, July 21
- Creates Unity in Diversity, July 22
- Given on Condition, July 23
- Giving and Receiving, July 24
- Oil for Our Lamps, July 25
- The Sin God Cannot Forgive, July 26
- Grieved by Our Doubts, July 27
- For Those Who Seek, July 28
- Pentecostal Power, July 29
- Ask for It, July 30
- The Latter Rain, July 31
- A Miracle, August 1
- Amazing Transformations, August 2
- Heart Renewal, August 3
- It Takes Time, August 4
- Determination the Key, August 5
- Felt in the Home, August 6
- That the World May Know, August 7
- Sustaining the Spiritual Life, August 8
- Reveals God's Character, August 9
- Perfection Now? August 10
- Ever-widening Influence, August 11
- Hearts Made Pure, August 12
- Changed by Beholding, August 13
- For the Most Hopeless, August 14
- Partakers of Christ's Nature, August 15
- Fashions the Character, August 16
- Revealed by Love, August 17
- A Life-giving Atmosphere, August 18
- Awaiting Our Demand, August 19
- Disciplines and Refines, August 20
- Ever Upward, August 21
- Grace Sufficient, August 22
- While Probation Lasts, August 23
- The Reward, August 24
- For the Whole Man, August 25
- In God's Image, August 26
- Representatives of Christ, August 27
- Every Day, Everywhere, August 28
- A Work of Reformation, August 29
- Preparing for Heaven, August 30
- Longing for Heaven and Home, August 31
- Seen and Heard, September 1
- Power to Obey, September 2
- Resists Satan, September 3
- Makes Us Overcomers, September 4
- Self-Mastery, September 5
- Angel Reinforcements, September 6
- For Disciplining the Mind, September 7
- Our Strength and Security, September 8
- All-Sufficient, September 9
- For Today's Need, September 10
- Gives Limitless Strength, September 11
- Produces Loving, Lovable Christians, September 12
- Points Out the Way, September 13
- For Him Who Believes, September 14
- Power in the Promises, September 15
- Not in Worldly Pomp, September 16
- Multiplied Blessings, September 17
- The Youth Need It, September 18
- For the Humble, September 19
- That We May Excel, September 20
- Source of Right Influence, September 21
- For the Race of Life, September 22
- “Tell of His Power” September 23
- Power to Shake the World, September 24
- The Christian's Badge, September 25
- Irresistible, September 26
- Heirs of Immortality, September 27
- Invincible, September 28
- “More than Conquerors” September 29
- “He Is Able” September 30
- As Jesus Grew, October 1
- The Divine Order of Growth, October 2
- How to Grow, October 3
- Conditions of Christian Growth, October 4
- A Mysterious Power, October 5
- From Childhood, October 6
- In the Home, October 7
- Daily Prayer Essential, October 8
- Secret Prayer a Necessity, October 9
- A Continual Work, October 10
- Through Simple, Trusting Faith, October 11
- Abiding in Christ, October 12
- Physically and Spiritually, October 13
- Keeping the Heart, October 14
- First, an Empty Heart, October 15
- Snares to Shun, October 16
- In Humility, October 17
- In Kindness, October 18
- We Must Follow On, October 19
- Reflecting Jesus, October 20
- When We Fail, October 21
- Feasting on His Word, October 22
- From One Source Only, October 23
- Helping Others, October 24
- Spiritual Exercise a Must, October 25
- A Divine Prescription, October 26
- No Place for Idleness, October 27
- In Life's Necessary Duties, October 28
- Little Opportunities, October 29
- Why Trials? October 30
- “Fulness of God,” October 31
- Wages or Gift? November 1
- Counting the Cost, November 2
- Look and Live, November 3
- When Satan Is Powerless, November 4
- For the Hungry and Thirsty, November 5
- With All Your Heart, November 6
- “Not of Yourselves,” November 7
- Peace Restored, November 8
- Union With Christ, November 9
- What Is God's Glory? November 10
- Sanctified Perception, November 11
- The Sum and Substance, November 12
- Praise God! November 13
- Nothing Withheld, November 14
- Thought Control? November 15
- In Debt, November 16
- In the School of Christ, November 17
- Examination Day, November 18
- What About Good Works? November 19
- Watch! November 20
- Kept From Falling, November 21
- Established, November 22
- Joy in Sharing, November 23
- To God Be the Glory, November 24
- The Reaping, November 25
- The World Is Waiting, November 26
- Christ Is Waiting, November 27
- The Universe Is Waiting, November 28
- Sons of God, November 29
- In Sight of the Goal, November 30
- God's Glory Seen in His Works, December 1
- Man Created for God's Glory, December 2
- God's Glorious Plan, December 3
- The Kingdom of Heaven in Miniature, December 4
- Still Future, December 5
- Why Not Now? December 6
- Looking Into Eternity, December 7
- Who Are Eligible? December 8
- Preparing to Live With Angels, December 9
- Learn the Song of Triumph Now, December 10
- While We Wait, December 11
- “Homeward Bound!” December 12
- What a Reward! December 13
- Christ's Glorious Appearing, December 14
- Victory Over Death, December 15
- Joy Everlasting, December 16
- Home at Last! December 17
- Eden Restored, December 18
- All Suffering Ended, December 19
- Eden Life Renewed, December 20
- Everlasting Happiness, December 21
- With My Guardian Angel, December 22
- Heaven's School, December 23
- Christ Our Teacher Still, December 24
- Our Curriculum, December 25
- Exploring the Universe, December 26
- Rejoice With Jerusalem, December 27
- Eternal Security, December 28
- Full Compensation, December 29
- Look Up! December 30
- God's Justice Vindicated, December 31
Perfection Now? August 10
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48.AG 230.1
When God gave His Son to the world, He made it possible for men and women to be perfect by the use of every capability of their beings to the glory of God. In Christ He gave to them the riches of His grace, and a knowledge of His will. As they would empty themselves of self, and learn to walk in humility, leaning on God for guidance, men would be enabled to fulfill God's high purpose for them.30The Review and Herald, April 22, 1909.AG 230.2
Perfection of character is based upon that which Christ is to us. If we have constant dependence on the merits of our Saviour, and walk in His footsteps, we shall be like Him, pure and undefiled.AG 230.3
Our Saviour does not require impossibilities of any soul. He expects nothing of His disciples that He is not willing to give them grace and strength to perform. He would not call upon them to be perfect if He had not at His command every perfection of grace to bestow on the ones upon whom He would confer so high and holy a privilege....AG 230.4
Our work is to strive to attain in our sphere of action the perfection that Christ in His life on the earth attained in every phase of character. He is our example. In all things we are to strive to honor God in character.... We are to be wholly dependent on the power that He has promised to give us.31That I May Know Him, 130.AG 230.5
Jesus revealed no qualities, and exercised no powers, that men may not have through faith in Him. His perfect humanity is that which all His followers may possess, if they will be in subjection to God as He was.32The Desire of Ages, 664.AG 230.6
Our Saviour is a Saviour for the perfection of the whole man. He is not the God of part of the being only. The grace of Christ works to the disciplining of the whole human fabric. He made all. He has redeemed all. He has made the mind, the strength, the body as well as the soul, partaker of the divine nature, and all is His purchased possession. He must be served with the whole mind, heart, soul, and strength. Then the Lord will be glorified in His saints in even the common, temporal things with which they are connected. “Holiness unto the Lord” will be in the inscription placed upon them.33That I May Know Him, 331.AG 230.7