- Foreword
- “In Heavenly Places”
- “In Heavenly Places”—Our Exalted Privilege, January 1
- Getting Acquainted With God, January 2
- Learning of God Through His Works, January 3
- Love That Is Measureless, January 4
- Gift of God's Love, January 5
- A Love Born of Mercy, January 6
- Only One Redeemer, January 7
- The Most Exalted Theme, January 8
- Righteousness Through Christ, January 9
- Not to Condemn But to Save, January 10
- Infinite Power, January 11
- Christ the Revelation of God, January 12
- A Mutual Contract, January 13
- A Change of Heart, January 14
- God's Grace Transforms the Life, January 15
- A Mighty Unseen Power, January 16
- Sure Remedy for Sin, January 17
- A New Creation, January 18
- The Shepherd's Tender Care, January 19
- God Has Chosen Me, January 20
- Cooperating With Heaven, January 21
- In the Hands of the Potter, January 22
- The Heavenly Election, January 23
- A Little Heaven Here, January 24
- Building for Eternity, January 25
- In Right Relation to God, January 26
- Fellowship With Christ, January 27
- Amazing Grace! January 28
- The Gift of Peace, January 29
- From Despair to Hope and Joy, January 30
- The Peril of Neglect, January 31
- Christ Exemplified God's Law, February 1
- Our Link With Heaven, February 2
- Wonderful Condescension! February 3
- Mystery of All Mysteries, February 4
- Christ Our Sacrifice and Surety, February 5
- A Voluntary Sacrifice, February 6
- Breaking the Power of Death, February 7
- A Friend in the Heavenly Court, February 8
- An Honored Guest, February 9
- Our Sure Foundation, February 10
- Under Which Standard? February 11
- Inestimable Treasure, February 12
- Abundantly Pardoned, February 13
- Robed in Christ's Righteousness, February 14
- In the Sunlight of the Cross, February 15
- Under Christ's Yoke, February 16
- Only One Pattern, February 17
- Abiding in Christ, February 18
- One With Christ, February 19
- True to Our Name, February 20
- How Much Does God Love Us? February 21
- “Partakers of the Divine Nature,” February 22
- Living Abundantly, February 23
- “Without Offence,” February 24
- The Happiest People, February 25
- Grace and Dignity in Daily Duties, February 26
- “More Than Conquerors,” February 27
- The Christian's All in All, February 28
- “Complete in Him,” February 29
- Let Us Ask of God, March 1
- Whom God Accepts, March 2
- Strength Through Prayer, March 3
- Standing in the Light of Heaven, March 4
- Letters to Heaven, March 5
- Sweet Communion With Our Saviour, March 6
- Fervent Prayer, March 7
- Nothing Too Small, March 8
- Prayer Moves Heaven, March 9
- Jesus the Mighty Petitioner, March 10
- Asking in Christ's Name, March 11
- Our Access to the Father, March 12
- Our Personal Intercessor, March 13
- The Spirit's Intercession, March 14
- Ask in Faith, March 15
- According to God's Will, March 16
- The Secret of Spiritual Power, March 17
- The Silent Heart Cry, March 18
- Guard Jealously Your Hours for Prayer, March 19
- The Secret Place of Prayer, March 20
- “With All Your Heart,” March 21
- Faith That Will Not Let Go, March 22
- The Spirit of Submission, March 23
- Prayer in the Home, March 24
- The Prayer Meeting a Precious Season, March 25
- The Blessings of Fellowship in Prayer, March 26
- A Chain of Earnest, Praying Believers, March 27
- Reflecting God's Love, March 28
- Songs of Praise, March 29
- Praising God Before the World, March 30
- Watch and Pray, March 31
- Angel Guards, April 1
- Angels in the Home, April 2
- Special Care for the Weak, April 3
- I Have a Guardian Angel, April 4
- Working With the Angels, April 5
- Angel Guidance, April 6
- The Act of Faith, April 7
- Faith Versus Sight, April 8
- The Dangerous Seeds of Doubt, April 9
- We Expect Too Little, April 10
- The Faith That Avails, April 11
- A Working Faith, April 12
- How Faith Works, April 13
- Trust Yourself With God, April 14
- A Test of Faith, April 15
- Shun Needless Worry, April 16
- God Cares for You, April 17
- Expressions of God's Love, April 18
- Take God's Word on Trust, April 19
- Battles to Fight, April 20
- A Nominal Faith Not Sufficient, April 21
- Abundant Mercy, April 22
- Trust in Time of Trial, April 23
- Trust in Times of Affliction, April 24
- Trust When You Have Failed, April 25
- Trust in Time of Difficulty, April 26
- Trust When You Make Mistakes, April 27
- The Garden of God's Promises, April 28
- Feelings Not a Test, April 29
- The Sure Anchor of Faith, April 30
- The Heavenly Father's Claim, May 1
- Our Example in Obedience, May 2
- Building on Christ, May 3
- Obedience the Test of True Religion, May 4
- God's Word Our Guide and Counselor, May 5
- The Great Standard of Right and Wrong, May 6
- An Audience With the Most High, May 7
- Joy and Consolation, May 8
- A Safeguard Against the Enemy, May 9
- The Source of Wisdom, May 10
- How to Study the Bible, May 11
- A Divine Helper, May 12
- Heart Work, May 13
- The Highest Culture, May 14
- The Royal Path, May 15
- In Touch With the Infinite, May 16
- The Witness of the Spirit, May 17
- Sanctifying Power, May 18
- Freedom Through Christ, May 19
- God's Way, Not Mine, May 20
- The Highest Standard, May 21
- Loyal to God or to Men? May 22
- God's Test of Loyalty, May 23
- “Remember the Sabbath Day,” May 24
- Day of Delight and Blessing, May 25
- The Measure of Responsibility, May 26
- The Impress of Heaven, May 27
- Filled With His Fullness, May 28
- Weighed in Heaven's Balances, May 29
- A Divine-Human Partnership, May 30
- Blessings Unlimited, May 31
- Building With God, June 1
- The Battle for a Spiritual Mind, June 2
- Will Your Thoughts Bear Inspection? June 3
- Keeping the Heart, June 4
- Christ in All Our Thoughts, June 5
- Security in Right Thinking, June 6
- In Harmony With God's Mind, June 7
- Like Christ in Thought, June 8
- Dare to Be Different, June 9
- No Partnership With the World, June 10
- Severed From Earthly Things, June 11
- Disentangled, June 12
- The Vital Threads of Influence, June 13
- A Network of Virtuous Influences, June 14
- The Gold of Christian Character, June 15
- The Gift of Speech, June 16
- Educating the Tongue, June 17
- Don't Retaliate! June 18
- Fragrant in Word, June 19
- Loyal to One Another, June 20
- The Power of Truthfulness, June 21
- Gracious Words, June 22
- Kind and Courteous Words, June 23
- No Sharp or Hasty Words, June 24
- Growing Up in Christ, June 25
- Don't Be a Religious Dwarf, June 26
- “Unto a Perfect Man,” June 27
- Perfect in Your Sphere, June 28
- Revealing Christ's Likeness, June 29
- Christ's Abiding Presence, June 30
- The Christian's Pledge of Allegiance, July 1
- Total Commitment to God, July 2
- A Temple for God, July 3
- Caring for the Body Temple, July 4
- “Our Reasonable Service,” July 5
- The Test of Appetite, July 6
- The Battle for Purity, July 7
- Danger at Every Step, July 8
- Safeguarding the Moral Powers, July 9
- Crucifying the Flesh, July 10
- A Firm, Decisive “No,” July 11
- Complete Sanctification, July 12
- Our Supreme Obligation, July 13
- Marriage a Sacred Institution, July 14
- The Bonds of Wedlock, July 15
- Counsel to a Bride and Groom, July 16
- Take Marriage Problems to God, July 17
- Keeping Love Alive, July 18
- The Widening Circle of Love, July 19
- A Message to Parents, July 20
- The Home a School, July 21
- Training Our Children for Christ, July 22
- Preparing for Heaven's School, July 23
- Influence of Godly Parents, July 24
- The Family Altar, July 25
- Pattern for Children and Youth, July 26
- Children the Objects of God's Special Care, July 27
- A Message to Children, July 28
- A Message to Youth, July 29
- On Guard Against Satan, July 30
- “Is My Family Prepared to Meet the Lord?” July 31
- We Are God's Property, August 1
- All We Possess Comes From God, August 2
- The Debt We Owe, August 3
- A Time for Heart Searching, August 4
- Using Our Talents for God, August 5
- The Pathway of Sacrifice, August 6
- The Voice of Duty, August 7
- One Day at a Time, August 8
- Each in His Place, August 9
- Joy in Service, August 10
- Demonstrating Christ's Love, August 11
- Developing Self-control, August 12
- Overcoming Selfishness, August 13
- Living for Others, August 14
- Love the Impelling Motive, August 15
- Self Hidden in Christ, August 16
- The Precious Attribute of Meekness, August 17
- The Measure of a Man's Worth, August 18
- Mercy for the Merciful, August 19
- Waves of Blessing, August 20
- Streams in the Desert, August 21
- God Honors the Humble, August 22
- Faithful in Little Things, August 23
- Unbending Integrity, August 24
- Graces to Cherish, August 25
- Cheerfulness Without Levity, August 26
- “Longsuffering With Joyfulness,” August 27
- No Place for Discouragement, August 28
- Our Glorious Work, August 29
- Christ's Legacy of Peace, August 30
- Preparing to Meet Jesus, August 31
- The “Why” of Temptation, September 1
- Christ the Mighty Conqueror, September 2
- An Unseen Battle Over Every Soul, September 3
- Keep Off Satanic Ground, September 4
- Never Accept Satan's Dare, September 5
- Victory in the Mighty Name of Jesus, September 6
- No One Free From Temptation, September 7
- Perils on Life's Pathway, September 8
- Armed for the Conflict, September 9
- Resolute Will Essential for Victory, September 10
- As Steadfast as Daniel, September 11
- None Need Be Overcome, September 12
- Pressing Against the Current, September 13
- Jesus Our Advocate, September 14
- Under God's Discipline, September 15
- Tests All Along the Way, September 16
- The Polishing Process, September 17
- No Exemption From Sorrow, September 18
- Strength for Today, September 19
- When Faith Is Tried, September 20
- Heaven's Honor Roll, September 21
- In the Hour of Grief, September 22
- Sweetness Through Affliction, September 23
- Clouds Will Pass, September 24
- Jesus Lights the Way, September 25
- I Press Toward the Mark, September 26
- “Be Strong,” September 27
- Overcoming Power, September 28
- We May Triumph Gloriously, September 29
- The Overcomer's Reward, September 30
- God's Church on Earth, October 1
- Members of God's Household, October 2
- Object of God's Tenderest Care, October 3
- “The Apple of His Eye,” October 4
- Fitting Up for Heaven's Mansions, October 5
- Loyal to the Family Name, October 6
- A Relationship of Interdependence, October 7
- One Brotherhood, October 8
- Helping One Another, October 9
- Living by the Golden Rule, October 10
- Help for the Erring, October 11
- Dealing With Evil Reports, October 12
- “Have Fervent Charity,” October 13
- Strength for the Weak, October 14
- A Helping Hand for the Despairing, October 15
- Courtesy Toward All, October 16
- Deliverance for the Oppressed, October 17
- Followers of the Lamb, October 18
- Ever Remember Your High Calling, October 19
- Christlike Through Self-denial, October 20
- The Peril of Riches, October 21
- God's Prior Claims, October 22
- God's Plan for Support of His Work, October 23
- The Bible Rules for Giving, October 24
- Settle Your Accounts With Heaven, October 25
- “A Memorial Before God,” October 26
- Where Are Your Affections? October 27
- Living Above the World, October 28
- The Church and the World, October 29
- “Be Not Conformed,” October 30
- Kept From the Evil, October 31
- Our Mission to the World, November 1
- Battling Moral Darkness, November 2
- “Arise, Shine,” November 3
- Light Revealed in the Life, November 4
- Light Bearers on the Way to Heaven, November 5
- Sowing the World With Truth, November 6
- The Most Powerful Argument, November 7
- No Boundary Lines, November 8
- Every Man Our Neighbor, November 9
- Before the Heavenly Universe, November 10
- Seekers for Truth, November 11
- A Work for Everyone, November 12
- Our Obligations to the Poor, November 13
- “Unto One of the Least of These,” November 14
- To the Glory of God, November 15
- Undaunted Courage, November 16
- The Gracious Invitation, November 17
- Hope for Lost Sinners, November 18
- Where God Leads, November 19
- God Gives the Increase, November 20
- “What Manner of Persons?” November 21
- The Outpouring of the Spirit, November 22
- The Promise Is for Us, November 23
- Deep Moving of the Spirit, November 24
- The Gift All May Possess, November 25
- Christ Accessible Through His Spirit, November 26
- The Latter Rain, November 27
- Echo the Message, November 28
- A World to Be Warned, November 29
- Day of Triumph, November 30
- Crisis of the Ages, December 1
- Warning Messages, December 2
- A Time of Trouble, December 3
- “While He May Be Found,” December 4
- Probation's Closing Hour, December 5
- A Work of Preparation, December 6
- Our Sure Defense, December 7
- Beware of Satan's Delusions, December 8
- Truth Our Safeguard, December 9
- A Moment of Respite, December 10
- The Blessed Hope, December 11
- Victory Over Death, December 12
- Children of the Heavenly King, December 13
- If Christ Should Come Today, December 14
- Would You Be Ready? December 15
- A Crown of Thorns—A Crown of Glory, December 16
- Glory Indescribable, December 17
- Judge of the Whole World, December 18
- Justice Triumphant, December 19
- Life or Death? December 20
- Too Late! December 21
- Confessing Our Faith, December 22
- The Soul Winner's Reward, December 23
- To See the King, December 24
- Glories of the Future World, December 25
- “Come, Ye Blessed,” December 26
- Longing for Heaven, December 27
- By the Tree of Life, December 28
- Breathing the Atmosphere of Heaven, December 29
- Joy Evermore, December 30
- Kingdom of Holy Love, December 31
“Have Fervent Charity,” October 13
And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8.HP 293.1
Followers of Christ will not exhibit characteristics that are cheap and selfish, but in word, spirit, and action they will reveal the tenderness of Christ.... A domineering, overbearing spirit is not of God and should not be exercised toward believers or unbelievers, however lowly may be their station. Christians are required to represent Christ in all their dealings with those for whom He has given His precious life....HP 293.2
He who continually beholds Christ will make it manifest in his spirit, in his words, in his course of action. He will not crowd anyone, will not push tried souls into stronger temptation or indifferently leave them on Satan's battleground. He will reach out a hand to help and seek to draw souls upward and heavenward. As a laborer together with God he will see to it that the feet of the tempted ones are firmly planted on the Rock of Ages....HP 293.3
There is no limit to the forgiving love of Christ.... We should let those who are in danger understand that we appreciate them, that we are not willing to give them up. Speak to them, pray with them, and exhort them in love....HP 293.4
The religion of the Bible is to guide the conduct of everyone who sincerely believes in Christ. The Bible must guide us in our dealings in daily life. We may make a profession of being followers of Christ, and yet if we are not doers of His Word we shall be like the counterfeit coin. We shall not have the right ring. Everyone of us is a member of the human family. We owe it to God to love Him, to manifest affection for Him in our ways and words. We owe it to every member of the human family, whether black or white, high or low, to treat him with kindness and to manifest interest for his soul. As members of one family we are all brethren....HP 293.5
Children of God are citizens of heaven. They are the purchase of the Son of God, His blood-bought family. Every soul is precious in His sight, more precious than fine gold, even the golden wedge of Ophir.22Letter 16a, 1895.HP 293.6