- Foreword
- The Author
- Lift Him Up as the Son of God During the New Year, January 1
- The Pre-Existence of the Son of God, January 2
- The Self-Existent Son of God, January 3
- Equal With the Father, January 4
- Treason in Heaven, January 5
- Jesus Adored by Adam and Eve, January 6
- The Freedom of Choice, January 7
- The Way to Salvation, January 8
- A Door of Hope for Sinners, January 9
- Christ Alone Satisfies the Claims of God's Law, January 10
- A Perfect Sacrifice, January 11
- Sacrifices and Ordinances Revealed God's Divine Love, January 12
- The Hope of the Ages, January 13
- The True Character of God in Christ, January 14
- To Be a Prophet, January 15
- The Wise Men Welcome Him, January 16
- Jesus Keeps His First Passover, January 17
- An Obedient Son to Earthly Parents, January 18
- A Spotless Example, January 19
- One Superior to Angels, January 20
- To Seek and Save the Lost, January 21
- He Represents the Father, January 22
- A Restorer, January 23
- Our Defender, January 24
- Assailed With the Fiercest Temptations, January 25
- Clothed in Christ's Righteousness, January 26
- Only One Unerring Pattern, January 27
- Nature Sympathized With His Suffering, January 28
- The Magnitude of His Sacrifice, January 29
- A New and Living Way for All, January 30
- Encircled With His Love, January 31
- The Law of Life for the Universe, February 1
- The Creation of the World, February 2
- Created in God's Image, February 3
- The Creator Planned for Our Happiness, February 4
- God's Love Expressed in Creation, February 5
- Worship the Creator, February 6
- Earth's First Week, February 7
- The Sabbath Points to the Creator, February 8
- The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, February 9
- His by Creation and Redemption, February 10
- The Soul Re-Created in the Image of God, February 11
- Power Over the Tempest, February 12
- Created Anew, February 13
- Creation Provides Evidence for Faith, February 14
- All Truth Agrees, February 15
- Unlimited in Power, February 16
- Power to Multiply, February 17
- Joseph Honored the Creator, February 18
- Our Vital Force, February 19
- Yielding to the Master Potter, February 20
- God's Words Created His Works, February 21
- God's Creative Energy Upholds the Universe, February 22
- God's Power in Nature and Us, February 23
- The Heavenly Sower, February 24
- Growth Comes From God, February 25
- Totally Dependent Upon the Creator, February 26
- One Pulse of Life in All Creation, February 27
- He Supplies Our Needs, February 28
- Christ Took Upon Himself Human Nature, March 1
- The Birth of Christ an Unfathomable Mystery, March 2
- Two Natures Blended in One, March 3
- The Spirit in Christ From Youth, March 4
- Jesus Assured of His Sonship, March 5
- Jesus, Our Example, March 6
- He Showed Us How to Overcome, March 7
- We Have Found the Messias, March 8
- Brothers to Sinners and Saints, March 9
- An Example of Obedience, March 10
- Mercy Toward the Demoniacs, March 11
- We Must Believe in Him, March 12
- He Is the Sun of Righteousness, March 13
- He Is Always Near, March 14
- He Understands Our Motives, March 15
- His Compassion, March 16
- Sympathy to All, March 17
- A Fountain of Pleasure and Joy, March 18
- Always Presenting the Word of God, March 19
- Seek Help From Jesus, Not Sinful Humans, March 20
- Jesus the Prince of Peace, March 21
- Christ's Matchless Tenderness, March 22
- Reaching Forward to Perfection, March 23
- Our Elder Brother Brings Us Rest, March 24
- Choose Him as Our Trusted Friend, March 25
- Order and Perfection Seen in All He Did, March 26
- Lift Him Up the Risen Saviour, March 27
- Ascended to Heaven in Human Form, March 28
- Glorified Before the Universe, March 29
- In the Father's Arms, March 30
- At the Right Hand of God, March 31
- The Bread of Life, April 1
- The Word Our Spiritual Food, April 2
- The Bread of Life and the Robe of Righteousness, April 3
- Jesus Sowed the Seed of the Living Word, April 4
- Feed on the Bread of Life, April 5
- The Bread of Life Revives the Spiritual Nature, April 6
- Bible Study Strengthens the Intellect, April 7
- Treasures of Truth Revealed, April 8
- The Truth in Christ Is Measureless, April 9
- Compare Scripture With Scripture, April 10
- The Bible Is Its Own Expositor, April 11
- Sound Doctrine, April 12
- The Bible—A Perfect Whole, April 13
- The Glory of a Divine Power, April 14
- The Knowledge of the Lord, April 15
- Spiritual Food for Growth and Strength, April 16
- Constantly Increasing in Discernment, April 17
- For This Life and the Life to Come, April 18
- Sanctified by Truth, April 19
- The Holy Spirit in the Life, April 20
- The Word of God Our Safeguard, April 21
- The Bread of Life for the Hungry, April 22
- All Heaven Is Watching, April 23
- Seek for the Living Bread, April 24
- Success for Your Efforts, April 25
- Our Only Safeguard in Trial and Temptation, April 26
- Daily Bread Assured, April 27
- Lessons From Timothy, April 28
- Sitting at the Feet of Jesus, April 29
- Results From Eating the Bread of Life, April 30
- The Claims of the Law of God, May 1
- God's Law Stands for Ever, May 2
- Keeping the Sabbath, May 3
- The Center of the Law, May 4
- A Special, Distinguishing Sign, May 5
- The Law for Man's Happiness, May 6
- God's Law Never Changes, May 7
- The First Great Commandment, May 8
- No Other Gods, May 9
- Honor for Those Who Honor God, May 10
- Obeying God's Law, May 11
- Exalting God's Law, May 12
- The Law and Gospel in Harmony, May 13
- Christ's New Commandment, May 14
- All May Wear the Crown, May 15
- The Royal Law Measures Character, May 16
- The Principle of Love in the Law, May 17
- The Plan of Redemption, May 18
- The Truth as It Is in Jesus, May 19
- What Is Written in the Law? May 20
- In Harmony With God's Law, May 21
- The Complete Saviour, May 22
- The Law Is Complete in Itself, May 23
- Christ Magnifies the Law, May 24
- Obedience to Physical and Moral Laws, May 25
- Results of Obedience to Physical Laws, May 26
- Christ Is the Center of the Law, May 27
- In the School of Christ, May 28
- The Robe of Christ's Own Righteousness, May 29
- Transforming Power of Obedience to God's Law, May 30
- Teachers to Uphold God's Law, May 31
- The Great Teacher, June 1
- The Teacher Sent by God, June 2
- Disciples of the Heavenly Teacher, June 3
- Christ Invites Our Confidence, June 4
- Christ Teaches Heavenly Things, June 5
- Daily Speak the Words of Christ, June 6
- Jesus’ Teaching—Simple, but With Authority, June 7
- Important Spiritual Lessons Taught, June 8
- Jesus Taught Industry by His Own Example, June 9
- Christ Delegates Power to Us, June 10
- Learning From the Divine Teacher, June 11
- Christ's Teaching Embraced the World, June 12
- To Know God Is to Obey Him, June 13
- The Holy Spirit Given to Teach Us, June 14
- Christ's Method of Teaching, June 15
- The Humble Searcher May Learn, June 16
- Teaching Children, June 17
- By the Ties of Human Sympathy, June 18
- A Satisfying Fountain, June 19
- True Higher Education, June 20
- Beholding Christ, June 21
- We Are Blessed as We Teach Others, June 22
- Students in the School of Christ, June 23
- Bear a Living Testimony, June 24
- He Was All He Claimed, June 25
- Christ's Favorite Subject, June 26
- The Highest of All Education, June 27
- God Himself Was Daniel's Teacher, June 28
- Taught by the World's Greatest Educator, June 29
- Putting the Word of God Into Practice, June 30
- Christ Is the Chief Shepherd, July 1
- Christ Is the Door, July 2
- The Deliverer a Humble Shepherd, July 3
- A Shepherd's Crook for a Sceptre, July 4
- A Connection With the Chief Shepherd, July 5
- The Good Shepherd, July 6
- The Divine Shepherd, July 7
- The Shepherd Knows Every Sheep, July 8
- The Shepherd Leads the Way, July 9
- The Shepherd Gave His Life for the Sheep, July 10
- The Lost Sheep, July 11
- Estimate of a Lost Sheep, July 12
- Christ Came to Seek the Lost Sheep, July 13
- The Lost Sheep a Special Burden, July 14
- Finding the Lost Sheep, July 15
- True Sheep Hear the True Shepherd, July 16
- Joy Over One Sinner That Repenteth, July 17
- We Are Undershepherds, July 18
- Brought Back by the Shepherd, July 19
- The Sheep of His Pasture, July 20
- “What More Could I Have Done?” July 21
- Feeding the Flock, July 22
- Special Care of the Flock, July 23
- The Gentle and Caring Shepherd, July 24
- The Tenderness of the Shepherd, July 25
- Christ Is Everything to Those Who Receive Him, July 26
- The Shepherd Calls His Sheep by Name, July 27
- Undershepherds, July 28
- The Converted Peter, an Undershepherd, July 29
- In Meekness Feed the Lambs, July 30
- The Voice of the True Shepherd, July 31
- What Matchless Love! August 1
- Hope and Salvation to the World, August 2
- The Grand, Central Truth, August 3
- The Cross Is the Center, August 4
- Lift Him Up, the Man of Calvary, August 5
- His Crowning Work, August 6
- Christ Died for Us, August 7
- Souls Rescued From Satan's Power, August 8
- Conqueror Over the Power of Darkness, August 9
- By Faith, Christ Was Victor, August 10
- Look, Believe, and Live, August 11
- Transformation Through Christ, August 12
- The Graces of His Character, August 13
- The Spotless Lamb of God, August 14
- The Value of a Soul, August 15
- A Person's True Worth, August 16
- Christ Elevates Humanity, August 17
- An Atmosphere of Hopefulness and Cheer, August 18
- Surrender to Christ, August 19
- The One Object of Supreme Regard, August 20
- Glorify the Master, August 21
- God's Workmen, August 22
- “Live, Sinner, Live!” August 23
- The Eternal Weight of Glory, August 24
- By Beholding We Become Changed, August 25
- Love and Justice Harmonized, August 26
- This World a Battlefield, August 27
- Gather About the Cross, August 28
- Nature in the Light of Calvary, August 29
- Lay Your Guilt at the Foot of the Cross, August 30
- A Crucified and Risen Saviour, August 31
- Spiritual and Physical Maladies Healed, September 1
- Healing for Spiritual Blindness, September 2
- Health to Body and Soul, September 3
- Strong in the Strength of God, September 4
- The Fruits of Self-Denial, September 5
- Wait Upon the Lord for Strength, September 6
- Moral and Spiritual Perfection Promised, September 7
- Think of God Continually, September 8
- Spiritual Power, September 9
- Be Strong in His Grace, September 10
- Conformity to the Will of God, September 11
- Salvation of Children, September 12
- Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Development, September 13
- Moral Powers to Be Tested, September 14
- Body and Mind Inseparable, September 15
- Minds Filled With God's Promises, September 16
- Fruit Bearing, September 17
- Spiritual Development Through Service, September 18
- Hid With Christ in God, September 19
- Christ Has Promised Us Rest, September 20
- The Plan of Redemption a Gift, September 21
- The Power of God's Love, September 22
- Firm Reliance on Christ, September 23
- The Sanctifying Power of the Truth, September 24
- True Humility, September 25
- In Harmony With Christ, September 26
- Words Are an Index, September 27
- Hezekiah Humbled Himself, September 28
- Personal Influence Is a Power, September 29
- The True, the Frank, the Honest, September 30
- The Head of the Church, October 1
- Laborers With Him, October 2
- Christ Glorified in His People, October 3
- A Royal Name, October 4
- Let the Church Arise and Shine, October 5
- Heaven Waiting to Cooperate, October 6
- Church to Be Added to Church, October 7
- The Greatest Object, October 8
- Unity in the Church, October 9
- Purity, October 10
- Love—The Evidence of Discipleship, October 11
- Secret Prayer and Bible Study, October 12
- The Truth Will Conquer, October 13
- A Decided Reformation Needed, October 14
- The Ordinance of Baptism, October 15
- The Blessings of the Sabbath Services, October 16
- Recognizing God's Ownership, October 17
- Unfading Beauty, October 18
- The Root and Fruit, October 19
- Present Something Better, October 20
- Waiting to Be Gathered In, October 21
- Third Angel's Message, October 22
- Press Together! Press Together! October 23
- Every Church a Training School, October 24
- A Great Reformatory Movement, October 25
- God's Chosen People, October 26
- Always a Witness in the Church, October 27
- The Church Will Triumph, October 28
- The Light of Truth, October 29
- Power of God, Not Self, October 30
- Christ's Eternal Vigilance, October 31
- Jesus Our Advocate, November 1
- In the Heavenly Courts, November 2
- An Intercessor, November 3
- The Present Mediatorial Work of Christ, November 4
- Our Infallible Judge, November 5
- The Great Atonement, November 6
- The Record Books in Heaven, November 7
- The Book of Life, November 8
- The Judgment Set—The Books Opened, November 9
- Enrolled in the Record Books of Heaven, November 10
- The Sanctuary in Heaven, November 11
- Living in the Great Day of Atonement, November 12
- Faith in the Atonement, November 13
- The Atonement—Our Foundation of Peace, November 14
- Cling Closely to Jesus, November 15
- Do Not Judge, November 16
- The Only True Standard of Character, November 17
- Truth the Basis of Character, November 18
- Christ Spoke as a Judge, November 19
- All Must Appear in the Judgment, November 20
- Faithful Mothers Honored in the Judgment, November 21
- Choose Christ for Yourself, November 22
- To Be a Christian Is to Be Christlike, November 23
- The Standard of Character in the Judgment, November 24
- The Crown of Life, November 25
- When Christ Comes His Reward Is With Him, November 26
- Our Merciful and Faithful High Priest, November 27
- At the Day of Judgment, November 28
- Those Written in the Book of Life, November 29
- All Judgment to the Son, November 30
- The King Is Coming, December 1
- Enoch and the Second Coming of Christ, December 2
- Arouse to Action, December 3
- To All the World, December 4
- We Are Capable of Better Things, December 5
- Redeeming the Time, December 6
- Steadfast Unto the End, December 7
- The Last Crisis, December 8
- Called to Be Witnesses, December 9
- Seek to Save the Lost, December 10
- Radical Changes Are to Be Made, December 11
- Nothing Between Us and God, December 12
- Then We Shall Know, December 13
- The Lord Will Come More Quickly Than Many Expect, December 14
- A Lesson in Temperance, December 15
- On the Edge of a Stupendous Crisis, December 16
- Preparation for Christ's Coming, December 17
- To Glorify God—Our Great Motive, December 18
- The Transformation of Grace, December 19
- Watch and Pray, December 20
- Simple Faith Unites Us to God, December 21
- An Invisible Struggle, December 22
- Lessons From the Antediluvians, December 23
- Waiting and Watching, December 24
- The First and Second Advent, December 25
- God Will Not Forget His Children, December 26
- Fitted for Translation, December 27
- The Finishing Touch of Immortality, December 28
- The Robe of Christ's Righteousness, December 29
- Learning for Eternity, December 30
- Partakers With Christ of His Glory, December 31
Disciples of the Heavenly Teacher, June 3
We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ. John 1:41.LHU 168.1
While two disciples were standing near, John again saw Jesus among the people. Again the face of the prophet was lighted up with glory from the Unseen, as he cried, “Behold the Lamb of God!” The words thrilled the hearts of the disciples. They did not fully understand them. What meant the name that John had given Him—“the Lamb of God”? John himself had not explained it.LHU 168.2
Leaving John, they went to seek Jesus. One of the two was Andrew, the brother of Simon; the other was John the evangelist. These were Christ's first disciples. Moved by an irresistible impulse, they followed Jesus—anxious to speak with Him, yet awed and silent, lost in the overwhelming significance of the thought, “Is this the Messiah?”LHU 168.3
Jesus knew that the disciples were following Him. They were the first fruits of His ministry, and there was joy in the heart of the divine Teacher as these souls responded to His grace. Yet turning, He asked only, “What seek ye?” He would leave them free to turn back or to speak of their desire.LHU 168.4
Of one purpose only were they conscious. One presence filled their thought. They exclaimed, “Rabbi, ... where dwellest thou?” In a brief interview by the wayside they could not receive that for which they longed. They desired to be alone with Jesus, to sit at His feet, and hear His words. “He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day.”LHU 168.5
If John and Andrew had possessed the unbelieving spirit of the priests and rulers they would not have been found as learners at the feet of Jesus. They would have come to Him as critics, to judge His words. Many thus close the door to the most precious opportunities. But not so did these first disciples. They had responded to the Holy Spirit's call in the preaching of John the Baptist. Now they recognized the voice of the heavenly Teacher. To them the words of Jesus were full of freshness and truth and beauty. A divine illumination was shed upon the teaching of the Old Testament Scriptures. The many-sided themes of truth stood out in new light.LHU 168.6
It is contrition and faith and love that enable the soul to receive wisdom from heaven. Faith working by love is the key of knowledge, and everyone that loveth “knoweth God” (1 John 4:7)....LHU 168.7
“The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me.” Philip obeyed the command, and straightway he also became a worker for Christ (The Desire of Ages, 138, 139).LHU 168.8