- Foreword
- Chapter 1—Chronology
- Chapter 2—A Historical Prologue
- A miniature general conference
- Reports from the Missions
- Presenting the Truth in Love
- Question-and-Answer Periods
- Response to Sister White's Testimonies
- Value of Tent Meetings in Europe
- Pressing Financial Needs in Basel
- Length of Conference Extended
- A Controversial Problem Arises
- An Unwise Interruption
- A Victory Meeting
- A Vision in the Night Season
- D. T. Bourdeau's Printed Testimony
- Appointments in Basel, Geneva, and Lausanne
- Faith and Sacrifice of the Believers
- The White Apartment in Basel
- Various Activities Day by Day
- Reinforcements From America
- Literary Assistants Help Ellen White
- L. R. Conradi Comes to Europe
- A Horse and Carriage for the Visitor
- Strenuous Personal Labor
- Good Meetings in Bienne
- Developments in Norway and Denmark
- A Symbol of Sister White's Work
- Needs of the Church in Christiania
- A Disciplinary Recommendation
- Response of the Committee
- A Disappointing Board Meeting
- A Final Service With the Church
- Heartaches in Faraway America
- Next Stop: Copenhagen
- The Round Tower of Copenhagen
- The visit to Paris, Nimes, and Valence
- The Light of the Advent Message
- Brief Stay in Paris
- A Walk Through the Streets of Paris
- Invalides and the Tomb of Napoleon
- Arrival at Nimes
- Roman Ruins in Nimes
- The Young Watchmaker
- Meetings in Historic Valence
- The Cathedral of Saint Apollinaire
- Reflections on Valence
- Third Visit to the Piedmont Valleys
- Chapter 26—Literary Work
God Calls for Sacrifice
The financial situation in Sweden, however, was not encouraging. Only about $65 had been received from the churches since the previous September. Ellen White spoke to the delegates about the beginnings of the work and the sacrifices required:EGWE 195.2
“It is true the brethren are poor, but no more so than when the work was in its infancy in America. We worked then according to the directions of God with what facilities we had, in establishing systematic benevolence*The name given to a system calling for tithes and freewill offerings developed from Bible study in 1859. The refinements of the system practiced by Seventh-day Adventists today, reckoning the tithe on the basis of income, were years in maturing. Not until 1878-1879 was the Biblical idea for reckoning the tithe understood fully. In this search for and discovery of the true light on gospel finance, the Spirit of Prophecy played an important part, confirming what Bible study clearly revealed. and organizing tract societies. We showed by our works that we expected the Lord to do something for us and the Lord honored our faith.”—Ibid.EGWE 195.3
Before the conference was out, the Swedes had resolved: “That we most earnestly request our brethren to donate of their means for the support of the laborers,” and that “in order to attain a greater unity in this matter, we will try to follow the Bible plan for the support of the ministry.”—The Review and Herald, August 10, 1886.EGWE 195.4
These were the longest days of the year in Sweden— it was light by 2:00 A.M. and at 10:00 P.M. one could still write by daylight.EGWE 195.5
That evening the town was a scene of busy activity as the citizens prepared to celebrate “Midsummer's Day,” June 25. The people came past Ellen White's window bearing green branches, shrubs, roses, “anything that will be a fitting emblem of summer” (Manuscript 65, 1886). The next day all the stores were closed as the parades and celebrations were carried on. Ellen White saw “animation and gladness” everywhere.EGWE 196.1