- Dr. Lay and the Health Reform Movement
- Active Teachers of Health Reform
- Plans for Health Publications
- Ellen White's Appeal to Mothers
- An Expeditiously Timed Movement
- Life in the White Home
- Sabbath Readings, Compiled by Ellen G. White
- Preparing People to Meet Jesus
- Testimony for the Church No. 10
- Supplementary Income Aided White Family Finances
- Satan's Intent to Destroy James White
- The Reform Dress
- Vital Principles of Inspiration Disclosed
- Ellen White Begins to Wear the Reform Dress
- Arriving at Style and Length
- The Final Outcome
- Skills in Public Speaking Acquired by Ellen White
- Farming in Greenville
- Thoughts on Revelation
- Getting in the Hay
- Meetings at Bushnell
- The Unforgettable Meeting the Next Sabbath
- Invited to a Four-Day September Convocation in Wisconsin
- Preparing for the Confrontation
- The Crucial Weekend at Battle Creek
- The Wholesome Response
- Modest Plans Announced
- The Wisconsin Convocation
- The Disclosure of Strange Criticism
- The Iowa Convocation
- Testimony No. 12, and Battle Creek
- Significant Changes in Battle Creek
- “In This I Did Wrong”
- Lessons Gained From Dreams
- The Difficult Position of a Messenger for God
- Loughborough's Dream
- The Glorious Fulfillment in Battle Creek
- Off on the Eastern Tour
- Labors in Maine
- J. N. Andrews and the Visions
- At Washington, New Hampshire, on the Homeward Journey
- Continued Evidences
- On to Vermont and West
- Back Home in Battle Creek
- The Almost Fatal Accident of Seneca King
- Ellen White's Continued Ministry as God's Messenger
- The 1868 General Conference Session
- The Decision to Publish Personal Testimonies
- The Vision of June 12, 1868
- Impressions of Other Eyewitnesses
- Ellen White Overwhelmed
- The Broad Field Reached By Personal Testimonies
- An Annual Camp Meeting
- Seventh-day Adventist Benevolent Association
- The Mission to California
- Work on Life Incidents
- Ellen G. White Busy Writing
- The Camp Meeting at Wright, Michigan
- The Hasty Trip to Battle Creek, and a Dream
- The Camp Layout
- Activities and Speakers
- Two More Camp Meetings Planned for 1868
- Involved Again in Important Interests at Battle Creek
- An Eastern Tour
- Churches without Pastors
- Residing Again in Beloved Battle Creek
- The 1869 General Conference Session
- A Trying Time for Ellen White
- Camp Meetings Take Hold in Earnest
- “A Delightful Kind of Labor”
- Europe Looms as an Important Field of Labor
- Testimonies Published in 1869
- The Continued Buffetings of Satan
- Acquaintance With Ellen White Allayed Prejudice
- In Defense of James and Ellen White
- A Full Financial Disclosure Promised
- James White's Real Estate Transactions
- The Sale of Writing Paper and Envelopes
- The Many Responses
- Wild Rumors Concerning Ellen White
- James and Ellen White in Battle Creek
- J. N. Andrews on the Visions
- The Searching Messages of Testimony No. 18
- Preparation for the 1870 General Conference Session
- James and Ellen White Entrenched Anew in Battle Creek
- Camp Meeting Again
- Camp Meeting Travel Vignettes
- On to the Kansas Camp Meeting
- Problems in Adopting the Vegetarian Diet
- A Pamphlet on Raising and Canning Small Fruits
- Meeting Problems in the Midwest
- Failure to Promote Health Reform Devastating
- The Dietary Program in the White Home
- Extremes Taught in the Health Reformer Bring Crisis
- Ellen White's Moderate Positions
- Back in Battle Creek for the Winter
- Lifesaving Therapy for the Health Reformer
- Mrs. White's Department
- Struggling with Copy Preparation
- The Journal Revived
- A Marriage in the White Family
- The “Hygienic Festival” of July 27, 1871
- The New Review and Herald Building
- Special Healing Blessings Signal God's Power
- The September Michigan Camp Meeting
- The Tour Through New England
- Vision at Bordoville, Vermont
- The Tenth Annual Session of the General Conference
- Young Men Called to the Ministry
- George I. Butler Replaces James White
- Seventh Day Baptist Delegate
- The Dedication of the New Review Building
- The Seventh-day Adventist School
- Eyes to the West
- An Encouraging Word for Wives Whose Husbands Must Travel
- James White Declares His Relation to the Visions and the Testimonies
- Forgiven and Accepted
- The Picture in the Summer of 1874
- The Three Sensitive Letters, July 2, 8, and 10
- Putting the Finger on the Basic Cause
- A Second Candid Letter
- Another Straightforward Letter
- James White's Potential
- The James White Letters Take on a Positive Tone
- James White Arrives in Battle Creek
- A Relapse During the Ensuing Years
- An Unexpected and Significant Turn in Affairs
- Facing Large Responsibilities
- The Eastern Camp Meetings
- California and the Publishing Interests
- Concern for the Most Effective Work in California
- The Winter—Michigan or California?
- The Pressing Need for a Well-Trained Ministry
- Planning for a Biblical Institute
- 150 Attend the Institute
- The Fourteenth Annual Session of the General Conference
- The Remaining Eastern Camp Meetings
- The New York Camp Meeting
- A Call for Colporteur Ministry Evangelism
- Unexpected Revival in Battle Creek
- Hastening to the West Coast
- The California Publishing House
- The San Francisco Tent Meeting
- A Dedicated Working Force in the Oakland Office
- The Angel's Special Message for James White
- The Call for a Day of Fasting and Prayer
- Looking Ahead
The Battle of Manassas
Ellen White was in vision taken to the scene of the Battle of Manassas; she was shown God's hand in what took place there:2BIO 35.5
I had a view of the disastrous battle at Manassas, Virginia. It was a most exciting, distressing scene. The Southern army had everything in their favor and were prepared for a dreadful contest. The Northern army was moving on with triumph, not doubting but that they would be victorious. Many were reckless and marched forward boastingly, as though victory were already theirs.2BIO 35.6
As they neared the battlefield, many were almost fainting through weariness and want of refreshment. They did not expect so fierce an encounter. They rushed into battle and fought bravely, desperately. The dead and dying were on every side. Both the North and the South suffered severely. The Southern men felt the battle, and in a little while would have been driven back still further. The Northern men were rushing on, although their destruction was very great.2BIO 36.1
Just then an angel descended and waved his hand backward. Instantly there was confusion in the ranks. It appeared to the Northern men that their troops were retreating, when it was not so in reality, and a precipitate retreat commenced. This seemed wonderful to me.2BIO 36.2
Then it was explained that God had this nation in His own hand, and would not suffer victories to be gained faster than He ordained, and would permit no more losses to the Northern men than in His wisdom He saw fit, to punish them for their sins. And had the Northern army at this time pushed the battle still further in their fainting, exhausted condition, the far greater struggle and destruction which awaited them would have caused great triumph in the South.2BIO 36.3
God would not permit this, and sent an angel to interfere. The sudden falling back of the Northern troops is a mystery to all. They know not that God's hand was in the matter.—Ibid., 1:266, 267.2BIO 36.4
Thus was revealed God's guiding hand in the affairs of the war.2BIO 36.5
The Battle as Seen by a Southern Lieutenant Colonel W. W. Blackford, a lieutenant colonel in the Southern Army, in his book War Years With Jeb Stuart, gave a stirring account of what happened at Manassas in the battle of July 21, 1861:2BIO 36.6
It was now about four o'clock and the battle raged with unabated fury. The lines of blue were unbroken and their fire vigorous as ever while they surged against the solid walls of gray, standing immovable in their front. It was on that ridge earlier in the day Jackson won the name of Stonewall.2BIO 36.7
But now the most extraordinary spectacle I have ever witnessed took place. I had been gazing at the numerous well-formed lines as they moved forward to the attack, some fifteen or twenty thousand strong in full view, and for some reason had turned my head in another direction for a moment, when someone exclaimed, pointing to the battlefield, “Look! Look!”2BIO 36.8
I looked, and what a change had taken place in an instant. Where those well-dressed, well-defined lines, with clear spaces between, had been steadily pressing forward, the whole field was a confused swarm of men, like bees, running away as fast as their legs could carry them, with all order and organization abandoned. In a moment more the whole valley was filled with them as far as the eye could reach.2BIO 37.1
They plunged through Bull Run wherever they came to it, regardless of fords or bridges, and there many were drowned. Muskets, cartridge boxes, belts, knapsacks, haversacks, and blankets were thrown away in their mad race, that nothing might impede their flight. In the reckless haste, the artillery drove over everyone who did not get out of their way. Ambulance and wagon drivers cut the traces and dashed off on the mules. In [their] crossing Cub Run, a shell exploded in a team and blocked the way and twenty-eight pieces of artillery fell into our hands.2BIO 37.2
Blackford's description of the disorderly and unaccounted-for retreat is vivid:2BIO 37.3
By stepping or jumping from one thing to another of what had been thrown away in the stampede, I could have gone long distances without ever letting my foot touch the ground, and this over a belt forty or fifty yards wide on each side of the road.2BIO 37.4
Numbers of gay members of Congress had come out from Washington to witness the battle from the adjacent hills, provided with baskets of champagne and lunches. So there was a regular chariot race when the rout began, with the chariots well in the lead, as was most graphically described by the prisoners I captured and by citizens afterwards.... Some of their troops, north of Bull Run, did not participate in the panic, and some did not throw away their arms, but the greater part must have done so, from the quantities we found.—W. W. Blackford, War Years With Jeb Stuart, pp. 34, 35 (see also DF 956).2BIO 37.5
Years later a Mr. Johnson, who had been among the Confederate forces, told J. N. Loughborough:2BIO 38.1
“I stood not four rods from General Beauregard when that stampede began. Beauregard had their cannons loaded with chain shot, and was about to fire. He looked toward the advancing host, and cried out: ‘The Yanks are all retreating. Don't fire the guns.”’ Brother Johnson said, “Had they fired that charge, they would have mowed everything down before them to the earth.”—Pacific Union Recorder, March 21, 1912.2BIO 38.2
What was unclear and puzzling to the Southern generals, and in fact to almost everyone, was clearly opened up in early 1862 to members of the remnant church in Testimony No. 7.2BIO 38.3