- Foreword
- Monthly Topics
- The First Coming of Jesus, January 1
- The Lesson of Bethlehem, January 2
- When Jesus Was Born, January 3
- The Hope of the Second Coming, January 4
- The Keynote of Scripture, January 5
- Faith of the Reformers, January 6
- The Key to History, January 7
- Parallel Disappointments, January 8
- Humble Men Proclaim the Message, January 9
- The Truth Will Triumph, January 10
- Hastening Our Lord's Return, January 11
- Last Warnings of the Third Angel, January 12
- He Shall Reign Forever, January 13
- The Elijah Prophecy, January 14
- Uplift Jesus as the Center, January 15
- The Field Is the World, January 16
- God's Judgments in the Land, January 17
- A Better and Nobler Way, January 18
- When the Loud Cry Sounds, January 19
- The Faithful Ones Will Not Fail, January 20
- Labor to Win Even One Soul, January 21
- Study Daniel and the Revelation, January 22
- Intolerance and Persecution, January 23
- The Church Will Not Fall, January 24
- The Counterfeit Revival, January 25
- Presumptuous, Careless Delay, January 26
- A Heaven to Win, January 27
- Blessings Upon the Watchful Ones, January 28
- Troubles on All Sides, January 29
- Intercessory Prayers for Souls, January 30
- To Weep or to Rejoice? January 31
- Climactic Moment, February 1
- A High Standard, February 2
- Weighing Time, February 3
- Will You Stand the Test? February 4
- An Infallible Guide, February 5
- Ready to Answer, February 6
- The Feast That Satisfies, February 7
- Moral Independence, February 8
- Any Idols Here? February 9
- Search Your Own Heart, February 10
- Searching Questions, February 11
- Dare You Be Different? February 12
- Uproot Every Seed of Doubt, February 13
- Spiritual Giant or Dwarf? February 14
- Wise or Foolish? February 15
- Now—Always Now, February 16
- The Last Watch, February 17
- Only One Safe Course, February 18
- The Faith That Works, February 19
- Beware of Satan's Agents, February 20
- Temptations in Disguise, February 21
- Why Christ Delays His Coming, February 22
- A Goal to Reach, February 23
- No Time to Do the Devil's Work, February 24
- Satan's Last Campaign, February 25
- Through Heaven's Gates, February 26
- The Vision Is Sure, February 27
- A Safe Refuge, February 28
- A Crisis Ahead, March 1
- Healing for Sin-sick Souls, March 2
- A New Life, March 3
- Life's Top Priority, March 4
- Heaven's Flawless Pearl, March 5
- Christ the Only Saviour, March 6
- Taste for Yourself, March 7
- Citizens of Heaven, March 8
- A Fuller Knowledge of God, March 9
- The Highest Kind of Meditation, March 10
- White Raiment Required, March 11
- Joy in Obedience, March 12
- Shaping Up in God's Workshop, March 13
- Physical Health and Noble Thinking, March 14
- The Sowing and Reaping of Life, March 15
- The Character Heaven Approves, March 16
- Climbing Peter's Ladder, March 17
- The Breath of the Soul, March 18
- The Secret of Progress, March 19
- Unwavering Faith, March 20
- Pure in Heart and Life, March 21
- Bible Sanctification Defined, March 22
- Be Alert for Satan's Devices, March 23
- Proof Against Every Temptation, March 24
- Why Probation Lingers, March 25
- Your Case Coming Up! March 26
- A Standard You Can Trust, March 27
- The Scriptures Our Safeguard, March 28
- God's Pledge of Security, March 29
- A Deep and Living Experience, March 30
- “Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready,” March 31
- Greatest Work in the World, April 1
- The Message of the Cross, April 2
- Motivated by Love, April 3
- The Place to Begin Witnessing, April 4
- A World in Need, April 5
- Teaching From House to House, April 6
- One-to-one Witnessing, April 7
- Sound an Alarm! April 8
- God's Special Message for Today, April 9
- A Time for Decision! April 10
- Living to Save Others, April 11
- Pathway to Life, April 12
- In Partnership With Christ, April 13
- Representatives of the Saviour, April 14
- A Character the World Will Recognize, April 15
- The Testimony the World Needs, April 16
- When God Makes Up Deficiencies, April 17
- Preaching With Power, April 18
- “Behold the Lamb of God,” April 19
- God's Call to Reform, April 20
- Promote Healthful Living, April 21
- Virtue of Self-forgetfulness, April 22
- The Youth, God's Instruments, April 23
- A Work for All Ages, April 24
- Why So Many Idlers? April 25
- All Our Treasures for God, April 26
- A Twofold Life, April 27
- Mistaken Zeal, April 28
- A Sure Foundation, April 29
- Heaven Is Waiting for You, April 30
- God Will Guide His People, May 1
- Satan Redoubles His Efforts, May 2
- Momentous Struggle Before Us, May 3
- Wresting the Scriptures, May 4
- False Theories About God, May 5
- The Perils of False Science, May 6
- A Masterpiece of Satan's Deceptions, May 7
- The Times and Seasons, May 8
- “As It Was in the Days of Noe,” May 9
- A Great Terror Soon to Come, May 10
- Youth and the Drug Syndrome, May 11
- External Parade of Heathen Power, May 12
- Turmoil in the Cities, May 13
- Prejudice on the Increase, May 14
- The Lust for Nakedness, May 15
- The Criers of Peace, May 16
- Sights and Sounds and Criminality, May 17
- Spiritism and Revolution, May 18
- Beware of Man-made Tests, May 19
- Healing Can Be From the Devil, May 20
- The Violent Earth, May 21
- Signs in the Heavens, May 22
- The Stars of Heaven Fall, May 23
- Ottoman Empire in Prophecy, May 24
- Low State of Morals, May 25
- Fanaticism and Tongues Speaking, May 26
- Prove All Things, May 27
- Counterfeits! May 28
- Watch Out for the Dividers! May 29
- The Results of False Visions, May 30
- Moving Into Line, May 31
- Coming Events Clearly Revealed, June 1
- Preparation for What Lies Ahead, June 2
- Satan's Groundwork for the Final Conflict, June 3
- The Devil's Strategy Against Sabbathkeepers, June 4
- The Image to the Beast Set Up, June 5
- Apostasy Prepares the Way, June 6
- Spiritualism's Role in Deception, June 7
- The Spirits and the Sunday Law Issue, June 8
- The False Revival, June 9
- How the Image to the Beast Evolves, June 10
- The Sabbath Proclaimed More Fully, June 11
- Second Angel's Message to Be Repeated, June 12
- Sabbath vs Sunday Issue Joins, June 13
- Symbolism of the Three Angels’ Messages, June 14
- Armed Conflict in the Last Days, June 15
- Troublous Times Right Upon Us, June 16
- Calamities Blamed on God's People, June 17
- Wisdom Needed by Sabbathkeepers, June 18
- Sunday Missionary Work, June 19
- God's Law Made Void in America, June 20
- The Sign to Leave Large Cities, June 21
- Food and Lands in the Last Days, June 22
- Labor Unions and Trusts, June 23
- Forbidden to Buy or Sell, June 24
- Work the Cities From Outposts, June 25
- Relief of Physical Suffering, June 26
- The Sunday Law Is Invoked, June 27
- Protestantism Unites With the Papacy, June 28
- Two Great Classes of Christians, June 29
- Confusion of Many Voices, June 30
- The Threefold Union of Religion, July 1
- Satan and the Threefold Union, July 2
- The Corruption of Truth, July 3
- The United States in Prophecy, July 4
- Persecution by Protestants and Catholics, July 5
- Persecuted for Christ's Sake, July 6
- Former Brethren Worst Persecutors, July 7
- Betrayed by Friends and Relatives, July 8
- Under Threat of Death, July 9
- Martyrs in the Last Days, July 10
- The Shaking Time, July 11
- A View of the Shaking, July 12
- Unity and Separation Under the Loud Cry, July 13
- The Church Appears About to Fall, July 14
- The Purification of the Church, July 15
- Satan Personates Christ—1, July 16
- Satan Personates Christ—2, July 17
- Satanic Miracles—1, July 18
- Satanic Miracles—2, July 19
- God's People Brought to the Test, July 20
- Sights of a Supernatural Character, July 21
- The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast, July 22
- The Sealing and the Latter Rain, July 23
- The Remnant and the Sealing, July 24
- All Nations Follow America's Lead, July 25
- The Beginning of the End, July 26
- National Ruin Follows National Apostasy, July 27
- The World Against God's People, July 28
- The Angel of Revelation 18, July 29
- The Early and the Latter Rain, July 30
- High Time to Awake! July 31
- “In These Hours of Probation,” August 1
- The Substance of Moral Character, August 2
- Character a Quality of the Soul, August 3
- Christ Our Helper and Redeemer, August 4
- High Spiritual State Attainable, August 5
- Reaching the Height of Christian Perfection, August 6
- Perfection in the Human Sphere, August 7
- Honorable in Motive and Action, August 8
- Overcoming Bad Habits, August 9
- Sanctification of the Whole Man, August 10
- In Harmony With His Law, August 11
- Counterfeit Sanctification, August 12
- Impressions, Feelings, and Drugs, August 13
- Drums, Dancing and Noise, August 14
- No Room for Boasting, August 15
- Salvation Day by Day, August 16
- The Meaning of Conversion, August 17
- Sanctification Is for Sabbathkeepers, August 18
- Sound the Note of Alarm, August 19
- The Pure Mark of Truth, August 20
- Who Receive the Seal? August 21
- Time of Sealing Soon Over, August 22
- Angels Can Read God's Mark, August 23
- A Sign That Distinguishes God's People, August 24
- Importance and Glory of the Sabbath, August 25
- The Sabbath Is God's Mark, August 26
- Study the Subject of the Sanctuary, August 27
- Cleansing of the Sanctuary, August 28
- Instruction From the Sanctuary in Heaven, August 29
- Judging the Cases of the Living, August 30
- The Investigative Judgment, August 31
- Standing Before Courts and Councils, September 1
- Witnessing Before the Great Men of the Earth, September 2
- Prepare to Meet Thy God, September 3
- Promise of Divine Help, September 4
- Another Pentecost Coming! September 5
- The Battle of Armageddon Joins, September 6
- Future Events Come in Order, September 7
- A Little Time of Peace, September 8
- The Peace and Safety Cry, September 9
- God's Work Is Finished, September 10
- God Intervenes on Behalf of His People, September 11
- Human Probation Closes, September 12
- Close of Probation Passes Unnoticed, September 13
- A Time of Trouble Such as Never Was, September 14
- The Four Winds Loosed, September 15
- Seven Last Plagues Begin to Fall, September 16
- The Death Decree Issued, September 17
- Marked for Death, September 18
- Angelic Protection in the Time of Trouble, September 19
- The Wicked During the Plagues, September 20
- The Time of Jacob's Trouble, September 21
- Why the Time of Trouble, September 22
- God's Eye Is Upon His People, September 23
- The Great Time of Trouble, September 24
- The Crowning Act of Deception, September 25
- No Martyrs After Probation Closes, September 26
- God's People Delivered, September 27
- Midnight Deliverance, September 28
- God Overturns Nature, September 29
- The Special Resurrection, September 30
- The Special Resurrection of the Unjust, October 1
- The Elements Melt With Fervent Heat, October 2
- A Graphic Illustration of the Seventh Plague, October 3
- The Earth Flees From Its Maker, October 4
- God's Law Appears in the Heavens, October 5
- The Day and Hour of Christ's Coming Announced, October 6
- Gleams of the Golden Morning, October 7
- The Second Coming of Christ, October 8
- In the Dens and Caves of the Earth, October 9
- Christ's Appearance at His Second Coming, October 10
- Judgment at the Second Advent, October 11
- They That Pierced Him, October 12
- The Wicked Slay Each Other, October 13
- The Wrath of the Lamb, October 14
- God Intervenes in Armageddon, October 15
- The Nature of the Final Battle, October 16
- Be Ye Also Ready, October 17
- The General Resurrection of the Righteous, October 18
- Victory of the Sleeping Saints, October 19
- Mysteries of the Resurrection, October 20
- Life Eternal Begins Now, October 21
- We Shall Recognize Each Other, October 22
- The Blessed Hope, October 23
- Translation of the Righteous, October 24
- The Earth Depopulated, October 25
- Satan Is Bound, October 26
- Families Will Be Reunited, October 27
- Crowns Being Prepared for the Faithful, October 28
- A Crown for Every Child of God, October 29
- Our Redemption Draweth Nigh, October 30
- His Reward Is With Him, October 31
- The Captivity of Satan and His Angels, November 1
- We Shall Meet Our Guardian Angels, November 2
- Welcome to the City of God, November 3
- Unspeakable Gladness, November 4
- The Gratitude of the Redeemed, November 5
- Heaven Is Cheap Enough, November 6
- Home at Last! November 7
- Surprises When We Get to Heaven, November 8
- Satisfying Answers, November 9
- Set Your Affections on Things Above, November 10
- The Reward of the Redeemed, November 11
- Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard, November 12
- Life-giving Fruit, November 13
- The Bow-circled Throne, November 14
- We Shall See the King, November 15
- The One Hundred Forty-four Thousand, November 16
- The Great Multitude of the Redeemed, November 17
- The Soul Winner's Reward, November 18
- Think on Heavenly Things, November 19
- The Glories of the Heavenly World, November 20
- Look at Things Eternal, November 21
- Blessed Are They That Wash Their Robes, November 22
- The Millennial Judgment, November 23
- Christ Again Returns to the Earth, November 24
- Satan Loosed From His Prison, November 25
- The Wicked Prepare to Attack the New Jerusalem, November 26
- The Last Judgment, November 27
- Every Work Will Be Brought Into Judgment, November 28
- Christ Is Judge, November 29
- Rewards and Punishments, November 30
- The Panoramic Scene Above the Holy City, December 1
- Historical Persons Present at the Judgment, December 2
- The Wicked Acknowledge God's Justice, December 3
- God's Character Vindicated, December 4
- Sin and Sinners Destroyed, December 5
- Only One Reminder of Sin, December 6
- We Belong to the Royal Family, December 7
- Satisfying Employment, December 8
- The New Heavens and the New Earth, December 9
- No More Death—Ever! December 10
- Inheritance of the Saved, December 11
- Garden of Eden Restored, December 12
- Glories of the Eternal World, December 13
- At Home in the New Jerusalem, December 14
- The Immortal Inheritance, December 15
- The Church Triumphant, December 16
- Unexpected Recompense, December 17
- New Earth Activities, December 18
- Incomparable Music, December 19
- Our Saviour's Highest Honor, December 20
- The School of the Hereafter, December 21
- Christ Will Be Our Teacher, December 22
- Our Study in Ages to Come, December 23
- Inexhaustible Themes, December 24
- The Universe Our Field of Study, December 25
- Worlds Upon Worlds to Be Visited, December 26
- Speculations Concerning the New Earth, December 27
- Christ's Kingdom of Love, December 28
- The Sabbath in the Hereafter, December 29
- Eternal Security, December 30
- What Eternity Holds for the Redeemed, December 31
Ottoman Empire in Prophecy, May 24
Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Revelation 9:14, 15.Mar 152.1
The history of nations that one after another have occupied their allotted time and place, unconsciously witnessing to the truth of which they themselves knew not the meaning, speaks to us. To every nation and to every individual of today God has assigned a place in His great plan. Today men and nations are being measured by the plummet in the hand of Him who makes no mistake. All are by their own choice deciding their destiny, and God is overruling all for the accomplishment of His purposes....Mar 152.2
All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass, until the present time, has been traced on the pages of history, and we may be assured that all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order.37Education, 178.Mar 152.3
In the year 1840, another remarkable fulfilment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown “in A.D. 1840, sometime in the month of August;” and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: “Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case.”—Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, August 1, 1840.Mar 152.4
At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction.... A wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement.38The Great Controversy, 334, 335.Mar 152.5