- About the Author
- Foreword
- We Are Called the Sons of God, January 1
- We Are Purified as Christ Is Pure, January 2
- Power Is Given Us to Become the Sons of God, January 3
- God Is Near to All That Call Upon Him, January 4
- Belief in Christ Means Everlasting Life, January 5
- The Spirit Brings Wisdom and Understanding, January 6
- Angels Minister to the Heirs of Salvation, January 7
- We Receive a Faith That Works by Love, January 8
- Dependence Upon God, January 9
- The Renewed Heart Loves as Christ Loved, January 10
- We Are to Take Time to Think About God, January 11
- Let Us Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace, January 12
- Rejoice in the Rich Treasures of Grace, January 13
- We Have Received of God's Fullness, January 14
- We Are Changed From Glory to Glory, January 15
- Love for Others, January 16
- We Are to Overcome as Christ Overcame, January 17
- Jesus Is a Friend That Is Closer Than a Brother, January 18
- Careful Habits Ensure Good Health, January 19
- Divine Wisdom, January 20
- Study the Scriptures, January 21
- To Walk in His Way, January 22
- All Men Are Drawn to the Uplifted Saviour, January 23
- Reconciled to God by Christ's Death, January 24
- True Missionary Effort Begins in the Home, January 25
- We Are to Do Good to Our Neighbors, January 26
- Being United as Children of God, January 27
- Glad in the Lord, January 28
- Store the Mind With Divine Truth, January 29
- Trees Planted by Rivers of Water, January 30
- We Shall Inherit All Things, January 31
- I Give My Heart, February 1
- Pray in the Morning, February 2
- The Bible Begets New Life, February 3
- The Spirit to Glorify Christ in Me, February 4
- The Whole Earth Will Be Lightened, February 5
- Principle Not to Be Sacrificed for Peace, February 6
- I Will Love as Christ Loved, February 7
- I Will Sing Unto the Lord, February 8
- Growth in Grace Begins at Home, February 9
- God Multiplies My Talents, February 10
- Preserve the Body Temple, February 11
- A Merry Heart Is Good Medicine, February 12
- Thanksgiving and Praise, February 13
- Love Heals Many Wounds, February 14
- How Pleasant Are Words Fitly Spoken, February 15
- Jesus and His Friends at Bethany, February 16
- Give Others the Water of Life, February 17
- Remember Especially Needy Church Members, February 18
- What God Loves Most Is a Beautiful Character, February 19
- Partakers Through God's Promises, February 20
- Reverence for the House of God, February 21
- God Cares for Me, February 22
- Christ My Elder Brother, February 23
- Angels Are Preparing Me for Eternity, February 24
- In Christ There Is Strength, February 25
- The Will Is the Deciding Power, February 26
- Make Your Calling and Election Sure, February 27
- Christ Presents Me With a Crown and Harp, February 28
- Privilege of Open Communion With God, February 29
- A Table Set Before Me, March 1
- Preparing for the Holy Day, March 2
- God's Gift to the Human Race, March 3
- The Creator Incarnate, March 4
- The Saving Providences of God, March 5
- A Saviour From Eternity, March 6
- Does Faith Cancel Obedience? March 7
- The Saving Power of Jesus, March 8
- Peace Through the Cross, March 9
- Filled With His Righteousness, March 10
- The Just Shall Live by Faith, March 11
- Sincere Confession Essential, March 12
- A Change of Heart Needed, March 13
- Holiness of Life, March 14
- The Arrow of Death, March 15
- Sorrow With Hope, March 16
- Uttermost Salvation for God's Children, March 17
- The Blotting Out of Sins, March 18
- Schemes of Satan, March 19
- Deposits in the Bank of Heaven, March 20
- What Kind of Inheritance? March 21
- Day of Days, March 22
- A Welcome to the Heavenly Home, March 23
- Who Shall Receive God's Seal? March 24
- Jesus’ Example in Humility, March 25
- Builders, Not Destroyers, March 26
- Tears and Conflict, March 27
- Safety Only in Obedience, March 28
- A Crown for Every Saint, March 29
- The Eternal Weight of Glory, March 30
- No More Death—Ever! March 31
- Compassed With God's Mercy, April 1
- Hope for the Hopeless, April 2
- Enjoyment of the Truth, April 3
- Let Jesus Lead, April 4
- In Love With Christ, April 5
- The Privilege of Assurance, April 6
- God Calls for Our Best Affections, April 7
- Above the Fog of Doubt, April 8
- How to Maintain Integrity! April 9
- “Come Unto Me,” April 10
- Time for Meditation, April 11
- Seeking God With All the Heart, April 12
- Humble, Persevering Prayer, April 13
- The Work of Heart-keeping, April 14
- The Court of Holy Life, April 15
- The Smiles of God, April 16
- With Eyes of Faith, April 17
- How to Grow in Grace, April 18
- Great in God's Sight, April 19
- Hold High the Standard, April 20
- Reminders of Our Heavenly Home, April 21
- The Sacred Temple of the Body, April 22
- The Beauty of Christlikeness, April 23
- Heaven Cheap at Any Price, April 24
- Let Your Light Shine, April 25
- A Jewel or a Pebble? April 26
- Rooted in Christ, April 27
- No Patchwork Religion! April 28
- The Unsearchable Riches of Christ, April 29
- Almost Home! April 30
- Superficial Knowledge Not Enough, May 1
- Our Divine Redeemer, May 2
- Tender, Loving, Compassionate, May 3
- The Holy Spirit Our Helper, May 4
- “Despised and Rejected,” May 5
- An Advocate Clothed in Our Nature, May 6
- The Priceless Pearl, May 7
- Provision for Every Emergency, May 8
- A Faith That Purifies the Life, May 9
- Children, Not Slaves, May 10
- Abiding in Christ, May 11
- A Life of Strength, May 12
- Jesus Our All, May 13
- The Coming of the Comforter, May 14
- Building Up One Another, May 15
- Opening the Mysteries of Redemption, May 16
- Truths That Transform, May 17
- A Never-failing Refuge, May 18
- A Progressive Faith, May 19
- The Mighty Deliverer, May 20
- How to Get Rid of Guilt, May 21
- The Only Path of Safety, May 22
- The March to Victory, May 23
- “Come Ye Yourselves Apart,” May 24
- The Preciousness of Secret Prayer, May 25
- The Motive for Obedience, May 26
- Filled With His Fullness, May 27
- An Example of the Believers, May 28
- Putting Our Gifts to Work, May 29
- Exalting the Man of Calvary, May 30
- We Shall See His Face, May 31
- Learning of God Through His Works, June 1
- Not to Condemn But to Save, June 2
- The Heavenly Election, June 3
- Our Sure Foundation, June 4
- The Happiest People, June 5
- Let Us Ask of God, June 6
- Nothing Too Small, June 7
- Our Personal Intercessor, June 8
- Angels in the Home, June 9
- The Act of Faith, June 10
- A Working Faith, June 11
- Our Example in Obedience, June 12
- The Highest Culture, June 13
- Christ in All Our Thoughts, June 14
- The Gold of Christian Character, June 15
- Kind and Courteous Words, June 16
- The Test of Appetite, June 17
- Keeping Love Alive, June 18
- The Voice of Duty, June 19
- Living for Others, June 20
- No One Free From Temptation, June 21
- Strength for Today, June 22
- Members of God's Household, June 23
- Remember Your High Calling, June 24
- Our Mission to the World, June 25
- The Most Powerful Argument, June 26
- Our Obligations to the Poor, June 27
- A Work of Preparation, June 28
- If Christ Should Come Today, June 29
- By the Tree of Life, June 30
- One Expensive Mistake, July 1
- Adam Home Again! July 2
- An Open Door, July 3
- Safe Inside, July 4
- A Home God Can Bless, July 5
- How Can I Do It? July 6
- Power Guaranteed, July 7
- Seeing the Invisible, July 8
- Cloud and Fire, July 9
- Why Wait? July 10
- The Only Way to Win, July 11
- Too Many Soldiers, July 12
- No Generation Gap, July 13
- Preparing to Lead, July 14
- Satan's Stealthy Work, July 15
- A Late Awakening, July 16
- A Voice in the Wilderness, July 17
- The Battle Song, July 18
- All on the Altar, July 19
- Reluctant Prophet, July 20
- Jeremiah, God's Mouthpiece, July 21
- Faith and God's Promises, July 22
- Daniel, God's Ambassador, July 23
- Knowledge Requires Action, July 24
- None Were Perfect, July 25
- It Has to Be Personal, July 26
- Nothing Too Costly, July 27
- Just for One Man, July 28
- Saul to Paul, July 29
- Toward the Mark, July 30
- Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us, July 31
- God's Kingdom in the Heart, August 1
- Like Yeast, August 2
- The Royal Robe, August 3
- God With Us, August 4
- Adopted Sons and Daughters, August 5
- Blessings Through Obedience, August 6
- In the Most Holy Place, August 7
- Source of Compassion and Mercy, August 8
- To Draw Us to God, August 9
- Terms of the Covenant, August 10
- Written on the Heart, August 11
- God's Eternal Pledge, August 12
- Unutterable Loneliness, August 13
- The Sins of the World, August 14
- So Costly—and Yet Free, August 15
- A Comforter Like Christ, August 16
- Purifying, Vitalizing Power, August 17
- The Latter Rain, August 18
- It Takes Time, August 19
- Perfection Now? August 20
- Awaiting Our Demand, August 21
- Angel Reinforcements, August 22
- The Christian's Badge, August 23
- Conditions of Christian Growth, August 24
- In Kindness, August 25
- A Divine Prescription, August 26
- Union With Christ, August 27
- Praise God! August 28
- While We Wait, August 29
- What a Reward! August 30
- Look Up! August 31
- The Conflict Over, September 1
- Agents for Heaven, September 2
- How to Make an Impact, September 3
- For the Fearful, Faint, and Feeble, September 4
- The Only Security, September 5
- Open the Top Windows! September 6
- Assurance of Victory, September 7
- Heavenly Guarantee, September 8
- Living the New Life, September 9
- Essentials of Salvation, September 10
- Being Alive Unto God, September 11
- The Compassionate Christian, September 12
- Unreserved Surrender, September 13
- Without Spot, September 14
- Truth Will Triumph, September 15
- Matchless Love, September 16
- An Ever Present Help, September 17
- The Divine Substitute, September 18
- Cultivate Tenderness in the Home, September 19
- Take Hold of Divine Strength, September 20
- In the World, But Not of It, September 21
- Divine Grace, Our Greatest Need, September 22
- The Banquet of God's Word, September 23
- The Final Battle, September 24
- Things Wrought by Prayer, September 25
- Present Advantages and Future Benefits, September 26
- The Holy Spirit—The Gift of Gifts, September 27
- The Lord's Philosophy, September 28
- When Truth Controls the Life, September 29
- Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, September 30
- The Need for a Reformation, October 1
- I Am a Child of God, October 2
- Infallible Assurance, October 3
- God's Plans Are Perfect, October 4
- Christ Lived a Life of Humble Obedience, October 5
- The Ministry of Angels, October 6
- We May Overcome as Christ Overcame, October 7
- Our Christian Experience Must Be Animated, October 8
- Christlike Love Blends Heart With Heart, October 9
- Things Thou Knowest Not, October 10
- The Word of God Your Guide, October 11
- Christ Calls for Unity, October 12
- Are You Preparing for Heaven? October 13
- Christ Intercedes for You, October 14
- God's Hand Is on the Wheel, October 15
- Let God Work His Will in You, October 16
- Christ's Love Cannot Be Measured, October 17
- Standing by Principle, October 18
- Our Sanctuary Doctrine, October 19
- Eating the Leaves of the Tree of Life, October 20
- Only One Light to Illuminate the Way, October 21
- Christ Has Power for Us, October 22
- Help for the Conflict Promised, October 23
- Service to God Begins on Earth, October 24
- The Meaning of Communion With God, October 25
- Heaven, the Christian's Summer, October 26
- We Have the Blessed Assurance, October 27
- Drop Self Into God's Hands, October 28
- The Meaning of Christian Perfection, October 29
- Shine With Living Brightness, October 30
- We Are Objects of Infinite Love, October 31
- Christ's Compassion Knew No Limit, November 1
- Christ a Perfect Example for All, November 2
- Jesus Provided a Model of Character, November 3
- True Followers Obey God's Law, November 4
- How We May Keep God's Law, November 5
- The Repentant Sinner Accepted in Christ, November 6
- Justified Souls Walk in the Light, November 7
- Sanctified by Faith and Obedience, November 8
- A Faith That Works, November 9
- True Religion Promotes Health, November 10
- Enlightened to Full Radiance, November 11
- The Temple of God, November 12
- An Argument Infidels Cannot Resist, November 13
- Family Worship Not to Be Neglected, November 14
- Families to Reflect the Goodness of God, November 15
- Be One, as Christ and the Father Are One, November 16
- The Route to Greater Spiritual Life in the Church, November 17
- Reflecting Light From the Sun of Righteousness, November 18
- Praise to God Has Irresistible Power, November 19
- Jesus Was a Friend to Every Human Being, November 20
- Encourage a Spirit of Kindliness, November 21
- The Eternal Reward of Reaching Out, November 22
- Strict Integrity to Mark the Christian, November 23
- We Are to Reflect Christ's Love, November 24
- Character Is Power, November 25
- Jesus Showed Us How to Live, November 26
- The Value of Pain, November 27
- Those Who Return to the Old Paths, November 28
- God Has a Tender Care for His People, November 29
- Christians to Reflect the Light of Heaven, November 30
- The Keynote of Scripture, December 1
- He Shall Reign Forever, December 2
- Uplift Jesus as the Center, December 3
- God's Judgments in the Land, December 4
- A High Standard, December 5
- Spiritual Giant or Dwarf? December 6
- A Crisis Ahead, December 7
- Teaching From House to House, December 8
- A Character the World Will Recognize, December 9
- Prove All Things, December 10
- Moving Into Line, December 11
- Preparation for What Lies Ahead, December 12
- Relief of Physical Suffering, December 13
- The Corruption of Truth, December 14
- The Shaking Time, December 15
- The Sealing and the Latter Rain, December 16
- “In These Hours of Probation,” December 17
- High Spiritual State Attainable, December 18
- Who Receive the Seal? December 19
- A Time of Trouble Such as Never Was, December 20
- Angelic Protection in the Time of Trouble, December 21
- God's People Delivered, December 22
- The Day and Hour of Christ's Coming Announced, December 23
- The General Resurrection of the Righteous, December 24
- We Shall Recognize Each Other, December 25
- Families Will Be Reunited, December 26
- Welcome to the City of God, December 27
- Think on Heavenly Things, December 28
- Only One Reminder of Sin, December 29
- The Immortal Inheritance, December 30
- Our Saviour's Highest Honor, December 31
God's Plans Are Perfect, October 4
By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:9, 10.OFC 289.1
Jesus ascended to the Father as a representative of the human race, and God will bring those who reflect His image to behold and share with Him His glory. There are homes for the pilgrims of earth. There are robes for the righteous, with crowns of glory and palms of victory. All that perplexed us in the providences of God will then be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find an explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken purposes, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying and hard to bear. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes all things work together for our good, we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.OFC 289.2
Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven. In the home of the redeemed there will be no tears, no funeral trains, no badges of mourning. “The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity” (Isaiah 33:24). One rich tide of happiness will flow and deepen as eternity rolls on. Think of this; tell it to the children of suffering and sorrow, and bid them rejoice in hope.OFC 289.3
The nearer we come to Jesus, the more clearly we behold the purity and greatness of His character, the less we shall feel like exalting self. The contrast between our characters and His will lead to humiliation of soul and deep heart searching. The more we love Jesus, the more entirely will self be humbled and forgotten....OFC 289.4
He who is meek in spirit, he who is purest and most childlike, will be made strong for the battle. He will be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. He who feels his weakness, and wrestles with God as did Jacob, and like this servant of old cries, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me,” will go forth with the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere of heaven will surround him. He will go about doing good. His influence will be a positive force in favor of the religion of Christ....OFC 289.5
Our God is a very present help in time of need. He is acquainted with the most secret thoughts of our hearts, with all the intents and purposes of our souls. When we are in perplexity, even before we open to Him our distresses, He is making arrangements for our deliverance.4The Upward Look, 46.OFC 289.6