- Foreword
- Our High Calling
- Happy New Year! January 1
- Which Way? January 2
- Compassed With God's Mercy, January 3
- Blessings to Cheer Us, January 4
- Perils to Shun, January 5
- The Bridge Love Built, January 6
- The One Vast Gift of God, January 7
- Calling All Youth! January 8
- Mine to Choose, January 9
- A Safe Guide, January 10
- Children of the Heavenly King, January 11
- Whosoever Means Me, January 12
- Rich Currents of Grace, January 13
- Look and Live, January 14
- A Higher Standard, January 15
- Strong in the Lord, January 16
- Angels to Guard Us, January 17
- Promises to those Who Obey, January 18
- Our Only Safety, January 19
- Light or Shadow? January 20
- Hope for the Hopeless, January 21
- Never Absent From the Mind of God, January 22
- To Be Like Christ, January 23
- Stay Close to Jesus, January 24
- The Bible a Light for My Way, January 25
- Truth in the Heart, January 26
- Enjoyment of the Truth, January 27
- Truth a Precious Treasure, January 28
- The Bible Without a Rival, January 29
- Sure Remedy for the Soul, January 30
- Storing the Mind With Truth, January 31
- Let Jesus Lead, February 1
- Man More Precious Than Gold, February 2
- I Am Not My Own, February 3
- Purchase of Christ's Blood, February 4
- God Wants His Own Property, February 5
- Take Care of God's Property, February 6
- Take God Into Your Counsel, February 7
- The Cord Let Down From Heaven, February 8
- The Center of my Hope, February 9
- Efficacy of Christ's Blood, February 10
- Christ's Humanity a Golden Chain, February 11
- An Advocate With the Father, February 12
- Connecting Link Between God and Man, February 13
- Faultless in Christ's Perfection, February 14
- The Faith That Justifies, February 15
- Accepted in the Beloved, February 16
- Our Redeemer a Tried Stone, February 17
- Jesus Our Best Friend, February 18
- Jesus Is Always Near, February 19
- Our Great Exemplar, February 20
- Reflecting Christ's Image, February 21
- In Love With Christ, February 22
- To God Be the Glory, February 23
- The Highest Exercise of Our Powers, February 24
- Follow on to Know the Lord, February 25
- The Girdle of Gladness, February 26
- Life With a Purpose, February 27
- Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory, February 28
- Christ, the Ladder to Heaven, March 1
- The Precious Treasure of Faith, March 2
- Virtue and Knowledge, March 3
- “And to Knowledge Temperance,” March 4
- The Perfect Work of Patience, March 5
- “To Patience Godliness,” March 6
- The Virtue of Brotherly Kindness, March 7
- Charity the Topmost Round, March 8
- Make Your Calling and Election Sure, March 9
- Holding Fast to Christ, the Ladder, March 10
- The Privilege of Assurance, March 11
- Chosen of God, March 12
- Fullness of Christ's Ransom, March 13
- God Calls for Our Best Affections, March 14
- Which Captain? March 15
- The Cause of All Our Woes, March 16
- In Self-distrust We Cry to God, March 17
- Full Provision for Pardon, March 18
- Building for Eternity, March 19
- Give No Place to Temptation, March 20
- Above the Fog of Doubt, March 21
- Progressive Conquest of Evil, March 22
- Beware of Satan's Devices, March 23
- How Satan's Power Is Broken, March 24
- Not Saved by Proxy, March 25
- God's Part and Mine, March 26
- The Struggle of Unseen Forces, March 27
- Christ's Example in Overcoming, March 28
- How to Maintain Your Integrity! March 29
- Success in Resistance, March 30
- The Closer, the Safer, March 31
- “Come Unto Me,” April 1
- Rest for the Restless, April 2
- “Learn of Me,” April 3
- Wearing Christ's Yoke, April 4
- Learning in Christ's School, April 5
- Preparing for the Higher School, April 6
- The True Force of the Will, April 7
- When My Will Is Safe, April 8
- A Submissive Will, April 9
- Cultivating God's Garden, April 10
- In Unison With God, April 11
- “Let This Mind Be in You,” April 12
- The Influence of Mind on Mind, April 13
- Entangled Minds, April 14
- Preoccupying the Mind, April 15
- Training the Thoughts, April 16
- How to Discipline the Mind, April 17
- Proper Level of the Human Mind, April 18
- The Brightest Subject of Our Thoughts, April 19
- Time for Meditation, April 20
- What Is Faith? April 21
- Saved by God's Grace, April 22
- Feeling Not a Safe Guide, April 23
- Feeling and Faith Distinct, April 24
- Faith That Works and Purifies, April 25
- The Place of Good Works, April 26
- Don't Be a Pretender, April 27
- Hold Your Position Hour by Hour, April 28
- Strength for Today, April 29
- Victory After Victory, April 30
- Prayer, the Channel of All Blessings, May 1
- An Open Door to God's Throne, May 2
- Blessings for Those Who Ask, May 3
- Learn How to Pray, May 4
- Seek God With All the Heart, May 5
- Victory Through Watchfulness, May 6
- Humble, Persevering Prayer, May 7
- Wait for God's Answer, May 8
- Mementos in Memory's Halls, May 9
- On the Mount Before God, May 10
- God's Law a Wall of Protection, May 11
- A Complete Rule of Life, May 12
- Weighing in for Heaven, May 13
- Heart Allegiance, May 14
- Blending the Law and Gospel, May 15
- Pathway to Purity, May 16
- An Enlightened Conscience, May 17
- Fruit-bearing Branches, May 18
- Abiding in Christ, May 19
- The Source of My Strength, May 20
- Rejoicing in Assurance, May 21
- Most Happy People on Earth, May 22
- Friendship With Jesus, May 23
- Jesus’ Crowning Gift, May 24
- Spirit Given on Condition, May 25
- Christ's Representative, May 26
- Yielding to the Spirit's Control, May 27
- Revealer of Christ's Grace, May 28
- The Time of the Spirit's Power, May 29
- Pledge of Our Acceptance, May 30
- Three Mighty Helpers, May 31
- Summertime With God, June 1
- The Sign of the New Heart, June 2
- Beware of the Hard Heart, June 3
- The Work of Heart-keeping, June 4
- Who Has Control of My Life? June 5
- Soldiers on Life's Battlefield, June 6
- The Court of Holy Life, June 7
- In the Workshop of God, June 8
- The Blessings of Christian Fellowship, June 9
- One With the Church Above, June 10
- Most Precious of All Meetings, June 11
- Unity in Diversity, June 12
- United in Christ, June 13
- One Great Brotherhood, June 14
- Victory Over Every Foe, June 15
- The Golden Chain of Love, June 16
- Under the Yoke of Christ, June 17
- The Outflow of Love, June 18
- The Silken Cord That Binds Hearts, June 19
- Help for the Erring One, June 20
- One to a Hundred, June 21
- All Honor to the Peacemakers! June 22
- No Caste With God, June 23
- Root Out the Poisonous Plants, June 24
- Helping One Another, June 25
- The Grace of Sympathy, June 26
- “Who Is My Neighbour?” June 27
- In the Footsteps of Jesus, June 28
- Joy in Humble Service, June 29
- The Precious Treasure of Time, June 30
- More, More, More! July 1
- The Peril of Prosperity, July 2
- Agents to Relieve Distress, July 3
- Nothing Too Precious to Give to God, July 4
- How Does Your Account Stand? July 5
- When Loss Is Gain, July 6
- A Curse or a Blessing? July 7
- A Bank That Never Fails, July 8
- The Smiles of God, July 9
- The Gift God Accepts, July 10
- God's Merciful Helping Hand, July 11
- Sweetness of Self-denial, July 12
- A Test of Character, July 13
- Do We Really Sacrifice? July 14
- Truth an Antidote for Evil, July 15
- With Eyes of Faith, July 16
- Working the Mines of Truth, July 17
- How to Study the Bible, July 18
- The Bible Speaks to Me, July 19
- “It Is Written,” July 20
- Leaves From the Tree of Life, July 21
- The Bread That Satisfies, July 22
- As a Wall of Fire Against Temptation, July 23
- Truth Continually Unfolding, July 24
- Sanctifying Power of Truth, July 25
- “Holier, Yea Holier Still,” July 26
- The Secret of Holiness, July 27
- A Daily Experience in Conversion, July 28
- In the Sunlight of Christ, July 29
- How to Grow in Grace, July 30
- “Almost to the Excellence of the Angels,” July 31
- Necessity of Self-cultivation, August 1
- Choosing My Lifework, August 2
- Meditation With Diligent Work, August 3
- The Peril of “Nothing to Do,” August 4
- The Blessing of Work, August 5
- Sustained Versus Spasmodic Effort, August 6
- God Concerned With Every Transaction, August 7
- Cultivate Honesty, August 8
- Great in God's Sight, August 9
- Benefits of Regularity and Order, August 10
- Big Little Things, August 11
- Order and Cleanliness, August 12
- Love's Fragrant Outreach, August 13
- Why Look for Flaws? August 14
- Criticism Not Our Work, August 15
- Overcoming Envy and Jealousy, August 16
- How to Deal With Anger, August 17
- The Fragrant Touch of Courtesy, August 18
- “A System of Truest Politeness,” August 19
- An Irresistible Influence, August 20
- Cherishing the Spirit of Jesus, August 21
- “Not Easily Provoked,” August 22
- Has Religion Made You Better? August 23
- The Secret of Contentment, August 24
- Watch Your Step! August 25
- Habits and Character Building, August 26
- Blessings Diffusive as Sunlight, August 27
- Studying the Character of Christ, August 28
- A Strong Fortress of Truth, August 29
- The Way to Look at Things, August 30
- Hold High the Standard, August 31
- Reminders of Our Heavenly Home, September 1
- Nature Speaks of God, September 2
- A School for Mind and Morals, September 3
- God's Great Reservoirs, September 4
- Fragrance in Our Lifework, September 5
- A Pure Moral Atmosphere, September 6
- Be Selective! September 7
- Guard Your Affections, September 8
- You Must Choose Your Company, September 9
- A Friend to the Friendless, September 10
- Graces Increased by Exercise, September 11
- Make Your Mark in the World, September 12
- The Home Training Ground, September 13
- Teach the Source of True Happiness, September 14
- Obedience an Element of Greatness, September 15
- The Sacred Temple of the Body, September 16
- The Sure Penalty of Self-indulgence, September 17
- The Light of Health Reform, September 18
- A Perfected People, September 19
- The Reward of Temperate Habits, September 20
- A Sound Mind in a Sound Body, September 21
- A Distinction in Dress, September 22
- The Charm of Simplicity, September 23
- A Mark of Christian Womanhood, September 24
- The Beauty of Christlikeness, September 25
- Consecrated Eyes, September 26
- Be Careful What You Read, September 27
- Chaff or Wheat? September 28
- Walking With God in a Corrupt World, September 29
- Youth to Stand Up for Christ, September 30
- Don't Starve Your Soul! October 1
- The Better Part, October 2
- Youthful Zeal and Courage Needed, October 3
- Are We Guilty? October 4
- The Only Safe Amusements, October 5
- Breaking the World's Enchantment, October 6
- First Things First, October 7
- Subject to God's Call, October 8
- Heaven Cheap at Any Price, October 9
- Talents for Everyone, October 10
- How Are You Using your Talents? October 11
- Speech a Precious Talent, October 12
- An Index to Character, October 13
- When Silence Is Eloquence, October 14
- Words That Bring Sunshine and Joy, October 15
- Words Like Apples of Gold, October 16
- Christians Like the Sunlight, October 17
- Let Your Light Shine, October 18
- Faithful Where You Are, October 19
- Character of Christ's Ambassadors, October 20
- Do I Rightly Represent my Lord? October 21
- Planting Seeds of Truth, October 22
- Watch, Pray, Work, October 23
- “To Every Man His Work,” October 24
- A Little Church in the Home, October 25
- No Middle Ground in God's Service, October 26
- Rewards of Service, October 27
- Beware of Self-confidence, October 28
- Energy in the Christian Race, October 29
- “Take Heed Unto Thyself,” October 30
- Laborers Together With God, October 31
- Have You Counted the Cost? November 1
- Will You Bear the Refiner's Fire? November 2
- Joy Through Suffering With Christ, November 3
- Token of the Everlasting Covenant, November 4
- God Speaks Through the Silence, November 5
- The Training Necessary for Heaven, November 6
- God Knows What Is Best, November 7
- All Things Work Together, November 8
- Seeing the Unseen, November 9
- No Power Can Separate From Christ, November 10
- The Crucible of Trouble, November 11
- A Jewel or a Pebble? November 12
- God Measures Every Trial, November 13
- Faith Must Pierce the Gloom, November 14
- “I Tasted the Lord's Goodness,” November 15
- Rejoice! November 16
- Peace in Affliction, November 17
- Christ's Legacy of Peace, November 18
- The Foundation of All True Peace, November 19
- A Superficial Experience Not Enough, November 20
- Rooted in Christ, November 21
- No Taproot? November 22
- The Stamina of Pure Religion, November 23
- A Time to Be Blind and Deaf, November 24
- Let God's Hand Mold the Clay, November 25
- Examine Yourselves, November 26
- “Keep Thyself Pure,” November 27
- “On Unto Perfection,” November 28
- Seeing Him Who Is Invisible, November 29
- Charmed With Christ's Love, November 30
- Show Your Colors! December 1
- No Patchwork Religion! December 2
- God's Special Sign, December 3
- In the Testing Time, December 4
- A Distinct and Peculiar People, December 5
- High Time to Awake, December 6
- Where Apostasy Begins, December 7
- Am I a Laodicean? December 8
- The Rags of Self-righteousness, December 9
- The Spotless Robe of Christ's Righteousness, December 10
- A Message Full of Encouragement, December 11
- Will You Open the Door? December 12
- Victory Is Assured, December 13
- Unmoved in a Shaken World, December 14
- A Crisis Before Us, December 15
- Are You Ready for the Testing? December 16
- Out of the Lion's Mouth, December 17
- In the Midst of the Fire, December 18
- The Struggle Against Wind and Tide, December 19
- The Most Dangerous of Foes, December 20
- The Cross Before the Crown, December 21
- On Guard Every Moment, December 22
- Crowns for the Faithful, December 23
- Aim High! December 24
- The Unsearchable Riches of Christ, December 25
- Filled With God's Fullness, December 26
- Almost Home! December 27
- In the Inner Circle, December 28
- Let's Take Inventory, December 29
- Bury All Bitterness, December 30
- The Prize of Our High Calling, December 31
In the Workshop of God, June 8
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5.OHC 165.1
The Jewish temple was built of hewn stones quarried out of the mountains; and every stone was fitted for its place in the Temple, hewn, polished, and tested, before it was brought to Jerusalem. And when all were brought to the ground, the building went together without the sound of ax or hammer. This building represents God's spiritual temple, which is composed of material gathered out of every nation, and tongue, and people, of all grades, high and low, rich and poor, learned and unlearned. These are not dead substances, to be fitted by hammer and chisel. They are living stones, quarried out from the world by the truth; and the great Master Builder, the Lord of the temple, is now hewing and polishing them, and fitting them for their respective places in the spiritual temple. When completed, this temple will be perfect in all its parts, the admiration of angels and of men; for its Builder and Maker is God.16SDA Bible Commentary 2:1029.OHC 165.2
The care shown in the building of the temple is a lesson to us regarding the care that we are to show in our character building. No cheap material was to be used. No haphazard work was to be done in matching the different parts. Piece must fit piece perfectly. Just as God's temple was, so must His church be. Into their character building His people are to bring no worthless timbers, no careless, indifferent work.17SDA Bible Commentary 2:1030.OHC 165.3
Now we are in the workshop of God, and the process is going on in these hours of probation to fit us for the glorious temple. We cannot now be indifferent, and negligent, and careless, and refuse to depart from sin, ... and expect to become pure and holy and fashioned in character after the similitude of a palace.... Now is the day of preparation; now is the time when we can have our defects removed.18Letter 60, 1886.OHC 165.4
A stone that does not shine is worthless. That which constitutes the value of our churches is not dead, lusterless stones, but living stones, stones that catch the bright beams from the Chief Cornerstone, even the Sun of Righteousness.19SDA Bible Commentary 6:1116.OHC 165.5