- Topics
- Christ—One With the Father, January 1
- A Teacher Sent From God, January 2
- Christ Sacrificed Himself for Us, January 3
- Christ Supplies Us With Living Water, January 4
- Christ's Compassion Knew No Limit, January 5
- Changed Into His Image, January 6
- Christ Inspires Souls With Confidence in God, January 7
- By the Eye of Faith Christ Is Present Ever, January 8
- Christ Bridged the Gulf Caused by Sin, January 9
- The Image of the Divine to Shine Through, January 10
- Christ Brought Spiritual and Physical Healing, January 11
- Christ's Words Carried Impelling Power, January 12
- Christ Recognized the Dignity of Humanity, January 13
- Christ Acknowledged the Rights of Everyone, January 14
- Christ Was No Respecter of Persons, January 15
- Christ Our Example in True Courtesy, January 16
- Christ an Example in Social Power, January 17
- All to Reveal Christ's Spirit and Power, January 18
- The Revelation of God's Love in the Cross, January 19
- Christ's Glory Shines on the Thief, January 20
- As Our Example Christ Is All and in All, January 21
- Christ Is the Truth, January 22
- Christ a Perfect Example for All, January 23
- Christ “the Prince of Peace,” January 24
- The Personality of God Revealed in Christ, January 25
- Jesus Is Our Example, January 26
- Jesus Provided a Model of Character, January 27
- Christ Filled His Disciples’ Thoughts, January 28
- Christ Revealed the Riches of Heaven, January 29
- Christ's Followers to Do Greater Works Than He, January 30
- Christ the Channel of Saving Grace, January 31
- A Revelation of God's Will and Character, February 1
- Sinners Brought Into Harmony With the Law, February 2
- God's Law Is the Standard of Character, February 3
- True Followers Obey God's Law, February 4
- God's Law Is Changeless, February 5
- God's Law Is the Law of Love, February 6
- Individual Accountability, February 7
- Christ Came to Magnify His Law, February 8
- How We Magnify the Law, February 9
- The Law, as a Mirror, Reveals Sin, February 10
- The Law of God Versus the Law of Self, February 11
- No Compromise With Evil, February 12
- God Reveals His Justice and Love, February 13
- Truth Must Be Practiced in the Life, February 14
- God's Authority Forever Established, February 15
- Principles That Underlie the Law of God, February 16
- The Standard in the Judgment, February 17
- How We May Keep God's Law, February 18
- The Meaning of God's Law, February 19
- Study Christ's Character and Become Like Him, February 20
- True Charity Will Not Compromise With Evil, February 21
- The Spirituality of the Law, February 22
- The New Covenant Promise, February 23
- God's Law a Hedge Against Evil, February 24
- Every Soul to Be Treated With Respect, February 25
- Christians to Be as Transparent as Sunlight, February 26
- God's Law of Forgiving Love, February 27
- God's Law of Love Perfected in Us, February 28
- Justification by Faith—Our Only Hope, March 1
- The Repentant Sinner Accepted in Christ, March 2
- We Are Complete in Christ, March 3
- Christ's Blood Was Shed to Remit Our Sins, March 4
- Justified Souls Walk in the Light, March 5
- Faith Without Works Is Dead, March 6
- Sanctification Continues as Long as Life Lasts, March 7
- Sanctification Is the Result of Lifelong Obedience, March 8
- More Attention to “The Faith of Jesus,” March 9
- Testing Time Reveals Faith and Love, March 10
- Sanctification Embraces the Entire Being, March 11
- Daniel Stands Firm Whatever the Result, March 12
- Daniel's Life Illustrates Sanctification, March 13
- In the Presence of the Infinite, March 14
- Three Hebrews Display the Power of God, March 15
- How the King Recognized the Son of God, March 16
- God Answers Daniel's Fervent Prayer, March 17
- The Truly Sanctified Feel Unworthy, March 18
- Love Was That of a Repentant Sinner, March 19
- John Learned Well the Lessons Jesus Taught, March 20
- The Contrast Between John and Judas, March 21
- Amazed at God's Love, March 22
- Love Is Shown by Willing Obedience, March 23
- Sanctified by Faith and Obedience, March 24
- Paul Emphasizes Sanctification, March 25
- Beholding Jesus With the Eye of Faith, March 26
- God Works on Plan of Multiplication, March 27
- God's Word the Means of Our Sanctification, March 28
- The Need for Personal Consecration, March 29
- Without Jesus We Can Do Nothing, March 30
- United to Christ, We Obtain His Mind, March 31
- God's Original Plan of Communication, April 1
- Christ Offers the Riches of the Universe, April 2
- Self Is Hidden and Christ Is Revealed, April 3
- What True Surrender to God Involves, April 4
- Christ's Love Is a Satisfying Fountain, April 5
- We Can Bear the Fruits of Righteousness, April 6
- The Word of God Is Strong and Powerful, April 7
- Truth Must Be Stamped Upon the Heart, April 8
- The Light of Scriptures to Be Cherished, April 9
- The Truth Makes Us Free, April 10
- The Impress of Deity Seen in His Word, April 11
- Meeting Satan With Scripture Weapons, April 12
- The Reward of Searching, April 13
- Divine Power Obtained Through Prayer, April 14
- Wait and Watch and Pray, April 15
- Power to Prevail With God and Men, April 16
- Praying Believers Should Encircle the World, April 17
- Prayer Is Appropriate Anytime, Anywhere, April 18
- Faith That Works by Love, April 19
- By Faith All Things Are Ours, April 20
- By Faith Excellence Is Developed, April 21
- Faith Is a Shield for Every Soul, April 22
- Faith Qualifies for Us the Royal Line, April 23
- How to Gain Spiritual Strength, April 24
- The Holy Spirit, Representative of Christ, April 25
- Imbued by the Power of the Holy Spirit, April 26
- We Cannot Use the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Is to Use Us, April 27
- The Holy Spirit, Christ's Special Gift, April 28
- The Effect of Receiving the Spirit, April 29
- We Are to Reveal Christ's Love and Joy, April 30
- The Glorious Tree of Life, May 1
- The Universal Dominion of Law, May 2
- The Laws of Nature Are the Laws of God, May 3
- Glorify God in Our Body and Spirit, May 4
- We Are to Reveal the Principles of Heaven, May 5
- Health Is a Blessing Few Appreciate, May 6
- Nature Honors those Who Obey Her Laws, May 7
- The Importance of Strict Temperance, May 8
- All of the Living Organism Is the Lord's, May 9
- The Relationship Between Flesh and Spirit, May 10
- The Health-giving Value of Outdoor Life, May 11
- Each Youth Must Decide for Himself, May 12
- Exercise Is Indispensable to Health, May 13
- Appropriate Exercise, May 14
- The Wonders of the Human Body, May 15
- Moral Principles Safeguard the Soul, May 16
- Wrong Physical Habits Affect the Brain, May 17
- Life Is a Holy Trust, May 18
- True Religion Promotes Health, May 19
- We Are to Value God's Marvelous Works, May 20
- Power to Think and to Do, May 21
- We Receive the Wisdom of Eternity, May 22
- True Standards of Christian Excellence, May 23
- Wisdom That Fulfills God's Purpose, May 24
- Enlightened to Full Radiance, May 25
- Enjoying Life's Real Pleasures, May 26
- The Highway to Health, May 27
- Mental Culture Gained by Bible Study, May 28
- Aim for Continual Advancement, May 29
- Christians to Move Onward and Upward, May 30
- The Temple of God, May 31
- Eden, the First Home, June 1
- The Influence of a Christian Home, June 2
- An Argument Infidels Cannot Resist, June 3
- Laying Hold of the Mighty One of Heaven, June 4
- Christ Bestows the Graces Needed, June 5
- Christ Eases the Burdens of Parents, June 6
- Parents to Teach Obedience, June 7
- Christ, the Wife and Mother's Strength, June 8
- Fathers to Spend Time With Children, June 9
- Fathers to Lead Children to Religious Light, June 10
- The Work of Both Parents Is Important, June 11
- Children to Develop Well-balanced Characters, June 12
- Father as Priest; Mother as Teacher, June 13
- Ministers to Be Faithful in Family Life, June 14
- Parents to Counsel Their Children, June 15
- Study the Divine Guidebook in Worship, June 16
- The Bible Is the Voice of God to Families, June 17
- Family Worship Not to Be Neglected, June 18
- Early Training of Children Determines Their Future Experience, June 19
- Families to Reflect the Goodness of God, June 20
- Gentleness and Patience in the Home, June 21
- Useful Occupation Better Than Games, June 22
- Teach Children to Be Workers Together With God, June 23
- Family United by Bonds of Love, June 24
- Courtesy Should Reign in the Home, June 25
- Cheerfulness in the Home Promotes Happiness, June 26
- Great Truths Handed Down From Father to Son, June 27
- Abraham's Example as a Father, June 28
- Abraham Obeyed God's Voice, June 29
- Hannah and the Early Life of Samuel, June 30
- God's Church to Reflect His Glory, July 1
- Every True Christian to Be a Light Bearer, July 2
- God Glorified in Human Life, July 3
- Be One, as Christ and the Father Are One, July 4
- Perfect Oneness Will Give Success, July 5
- Prepare to Meet thy God, July 6
- Every Member May Render Service, July 7
- Let Repentant Ones Be Forgiven, July 8
- Awake, and Watch for Souls, July 9
- Church Members Are Blessed to Bless Others, July 10
- God Deals With Us as We Deal With Others, July 11
- God Honors Them That Honor Him, July 12
- The Route to Greater Spiritual Life in the Church, July 13
- The Ten Virgins Represent the Church, July 14
- Two Classes of Watchers, July 15
- The Wise Virgins Let Their Light Shine, July 16
- Revelation of God's Glory in Humanity, July 17
- Reflecting Light From the Sun of Righteousness, July 18
- Christ's Purpose to Sanctify and Cleanse the Church, July 19
- “Be Filled With all the Fulness of God,” July 20
- Holy Spirit's Power Needed in End-time, July 21
- The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit, July 22
- True Religion Needed in the Church Today, July 23
- Christ's Followers to Stand Firmly for the Right, July 24
- Praise to God Has Irresistible Power, July 25
- We have a “More Sure Word of Prophecy,” July 26
- Cherished Evil Must Be Replaced by Christ's Love, July 27
- Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone of the Church, July 28
- Building of God's Temple Goes Forward, July 29
- The Church Will Triumph Over Every Obstacle, July 30
- The Church Does Not Fall, July 31
- Christ's Commendation to the Merciful, August 1
- Jesus Was a Friend to Every Human Being, August 2
- Who Is My Neighbor? August 3
- Follow the True Medical Missionary Worker, August 4
- The World Needs a Revelation of Christ, August 5
- Follow Christ in Service and Self-denial, August 6
- God's Love Enables Us to Impart Light, August 7
- Love, the Ruling Principle of Action, August 8
- Reflect Rays of Light to Others, August 9
- We May Connect a Soul to Heaven, August 10
- Fishers of Men Need the Divine Presence, August 11
- The World Needs Health Principles, August 12
- Reveal the Preciousness of Jesus, August 13
- Present Truth in Love, August 14
- Thousands to Be Warned in the Cities, August 15
- The Fields Are Ready to Harvest, August 16
- Doing God's Will in Warning the Lost, August 17
- Heart Missionaries Are Needed, August 18
- Success Through House-to-house Ministry, August 19
- Acts of Sympathy Open Doors, August 20
- Invite the Youth to Your Homes, August 21
- Youth to Help Youth, August 22
- The Power of Influence, August 23
- Press Close to Those Who Need Help, August 24
- God Calls Young People, August 25
- “Pure Religion” and “My Neighbor” Defined, August 26
- Reaching Out Through Literature Evangelism, August 27
- The Relief of Physical Needs, August 28
- The Ministry of Music, August 29
- The Joy of Service for Christ, August 30
- The Eternal Reward of Reaching Out, August 31
- Be Ready for the Coming of Christ, September 1
- Growing Up Into Christ, September 2
- Our Sufficiency Is in Christ Alone, September 3
- The Greatest in the Kingdom, September 4
- Influence May Bless Thousands, September 5
- Acquiring the Divine Beauty of Meekness, September 6
- Meekness, an Adorning of the Soul, September 7
- An Imperishable Jewel, September 8
- Relieving the World's Misery, September 9
- Choose the Robe Woven in Heaven's Loom, September 10
- The Widow's Mite Measured by Motive, September 11
- Using Riches for the Lord, September 12
- What the Spirit of Liberality Will Do, September 13
- Like Daniel, Be Honest and Upright, September 14
- Strict Integrity to Mark the Christian, September 15
- Living Stones, Aglow With Wondrous Light, September 16
- Obedience, the Fruit of Faith, September 17
- The Ground of Forgiveness, September 18
- Encourage a Spirit of Kindliness, September 19
- Keep Christ in View, September 20
- Jesus Willed Us Peace, September 21
- Discipline Prepares Youth for High Destiny, September 22
- Tender Regard for Elderly Workers, September 23
- When Infirmities Come, Trust in God, September 24
- Cultivate the Talent of Speech, September 25
- Speak Evil of No Man, September 26
- The Joy of Well-chosen Words, September 27
- Pour out Praise and Thanksgiving, September 28
- We Are to Use Our Time Wisely, September 29
- Witnessing by Our Actions, September 30
- True Character Radiates From Within, October 1
- The World Needs People of Noble Character, October 2
- We Are to Reflect Christ's Love, October 3
- God Alone Can Renew the Heart, October 4
- The Highest Evidence of Nobility, October 5
- Self-control Through Christ, October 6
- Keep Your Will on the Lord's Side, October 7
- Daily Prayer, Essential to Growth in Grace, October 8
- Divine Power and Human Effort, October 9
- Christ Puts on Us His Perfection of Character, October 10
- Character Is Power, October 11
- Set Your Mark High, October 12
- We Shall Reap What We Have Sown, October 13
- The Lord Knows All the Thoughts, October 14
- A Daily Revealing of Christ's Presence, October 15
- Jesus Desires That We Become One With Him, October 16
- Treasures of Divine Grace at Our Disposal, October 17
- The Truth of God Refines the Taste, October 18
- The Building Blocks of Noble Characters, October 19
- Transformation of Character Takes Place Here, October 20
- What You Think, You Are, October 21
- Character the Result of Single Acts, October 22
- We Abide in Christ by a Living Faith, October 23
- The Thoughts Must Be Centered Upon God, October 24
- The Science of Christianity, October 25
- Living the Character of Christ, October 26
- The Knowledge of God Is Vital, October 27
- The Necessity of Constant Growth in Grace, October 28
- John's Character Reflected Christ, October 29
- The Disciples Revealed the Love of Christ, October 30
- Contemplating Heavenly Things, October 31
- God's Children to Be Light Bearers, November 1
- Enoch Walked With God, November 2
- A Preacher of Righteousness, November 3
- Noah Stood Like a Rock, November 4
- Noah Proclaimed God's Word With Force, November 5
- Abraham's Unquestioning Obedience, November 6
- Abraham's Unfaltering Faith, November 7
- Joseph Resolves to Be True to God, November 8
- Jochebed's Influence on Moses, November 9
- Moses’ Leadership Inspired Confidence, November 10
- Deborah's Support for Barak, November 11
- Gideon Leads Three Hundred Men to Victory, November 12
- Gideon Shows Courtesy to the Ephraimites, November 13
- Abigail Reveals Unselfishness and Wisdom, November 14
- Abigail's Influence Prevents Tragedy, November 15
- David Learns Through Hardship, November 16
- Solomon Learns From Suffering, November 17
- Elisha Demonstrates Steadfastness, November 18
- Captive Maid Shows Concern for Naaman, November 19
- Isaiah Responds to God's Call, November 20
- John Calls for Repentance, November 21
- Jesus Showed Us How to Live, November 22
- The Enormous Harvest of a Single Act, November 23
- Though Suffering, Paul and Silas Sing, November 24
- Lydia's Hospitality, November 25
- Paul Warns Against “Tradition” and “Philosophy,” November 26
- The Essential Qualification for Service, November 27
- Those Who Return to the Old Paths, November 28
- Revealing the Triumphs of Grace, November 29
- God's People to Reveal Principles, November 30
- God Leads Us to Perfect Trust, December 1
- We Rejoice in Tribulation, December 2
- God Has a Tender Care for His People, December 3
- We Fight Life's Battles in Christ's Strength, December 4
- God Tests Our Loyalty to Him, December 5
- Instead of Murmuring, Let Us Exercise Faith, December 6
- God's Grace Sweetens Every Affliction, December 7
- Whatever Our Trial, Christ Is Near, December 8
- The Value of Pain, December 9
- God Teaches Self-distrust Through Trials, December 10
- Meekness Under Trial, December 11
- Paul's Godly Life had Irresistible Power, December 12
- Peter Strengthened Those Enduring Trial, December 13
- Trials Educate, Purify, and Strengthen, December 14
- John Met Errors Unflinchingly, December 15
- Christ Lifts Us Through Sorrow, December 16
- Love for Jesus Makes Suffering Sweet, December 17
- Affliction Spreads Knowledge of God, December 18
- Watch, and Give Jesus Your Burden, December 19
- Christians to Represent Christ in Every Act, December 20
- The Scriptures Safeguard Against Deception, December 21
- God Works Mightily for His Chosen Ones, December 22
- Wrestling With God to Victory, December 23
- God's People Protected, December 24
- “Glory to God in the Highest,” December 25
- The Redeemed Sing, “Worthy Is the Lamb!” December 26
- The Deliverance of God's People, December 27
- Paul's Triumphant Testimony, December 28
- Our Glorious Destiny, December 29
- The Pure in Heart to Reflect Christ, December 30
- Christians to Reflect the Light of Heaven, December 31
The Effect of Receiving the Spirit, April 29
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 1 Corinthians 2:12.RC 133.1
The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to exalt the Lord alone, and guided the pens of the sacred historians, that the record of the words and works of Christ might be given to the world. Today this Spirit is constantly at work, seeking to draw the attention of men to the great sacrifice made upon the cross of Calvary, to unfold to the world the love of God to man, and to open to the convicted soul the promises of the Scriptures.RC 133.2
It is the Spirit that causes to shine into darkened minds the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness; that makes men's hearts burn within them with an awakened realization of the truths of eternity; that presents before the mind the great standard of righteousness, and convinces of sin, that inspires faith in Him who alone can save from sin; that works to transform character by withdrawing the affections of men from those things that are temporal and perishable, and fixing them upon the eternal inheritance. The Spirit re-creates, refines, and sanctifies human beings, fitting them to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.RC 133.3
When one is fully emptied of self, when every false god is cast out of the soul, the vacuum is filled by the inflowing of the Spirit of Christ. Such a one has the faith that purifies the soul from defilement. He is conformed to the Spirit, and he minds the things of the Spirit. He has no confidence in self. Christ is all and in all. He receives with meekness the truth that is constantly being unfolded, and gives the Lord all the glory, saying, “God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit.” ...RC 133.4
The Spirit that reveals also works in him the fruits of righteousness. Christ is in him, “a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” He is a branch of the True Vine, and bears rich clusters of fruit to the glory of God. What is the character of the fruit borne? The fruit of the Spirit is “love,” not hatred; “joy,” not discontent and mourning; “peace,” not irritation, anxiety, and manufactured trials. It is “longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Galatians 5:22, 23). Those who have this Spirit are earnest workers together with God.... They speak words of solid sense, and from the treasury of the heart bring forth pure, sacred things, after the example of Christ.—Gospel Workers, 286-288.RC 133.5