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    My friend does not advocate that the penalty of the Sabbath is still binding. Let him show how the penalty can be abolished and the law still remain in force.DSQ63 39.1

    He quotes authors to show that it is very cold in Judea, on Mt. Tabor. Of course the Jews did not live up there.DSQ63 39.2

    He quotes Prof. Hudson. Does Prof. Hudson keep the seventh day? He does not.DSQ63 39.3

    I will repeat again that if he will show that the fourth commandment has been brought into the new covenant, I will give up at once. I should think he might bring a text from the New Testament to prove it, if it is now binding. If he will prove it to be binding now, I will keep it, though it would be hard.DSQ63 39.4

    My friend quotes Matthew 5:17, That Christ came not to destroy the law. True, he came not to destroy it, but to fulfill it. He finished it in its old form, and remodeled it. The ceremonial part is now left out. I do not nay that the ten were abolished and the nine re-enacted. It was like the remodeling of an old constitution. They examine it item by item, and say, This is to be brought into the new one, and that is not. Nine of the commands have been brought over; the fourth was not.DSQ63 39.5

    We refer again to Deuteronomy 5:2, 3. “The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.” If it was not made before it was not binding before. This covenant was the ten commands. Paul calls the old covenant “Carnal ordinance imposed on them till the time of [original illegible].” That which was in force till the reformation, is now no longer in force. Paul in 2 Corinthians 3, has shown us what was abolished. It was the law written on stone. If it is done away, it is not binding now, surely.DSQ63 39.6

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