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    Man’s Life Depends on the Food which he Eats

    Let us come back again to first principles. We live by eating. This is self-evident. If a man does not eat, he becomes weak, and if he persists in fasting, or if he cannot take nourishment, he dies. The strength that a man has from food already eaten will enable him to continue for some time without taking more, although it gradually diminishes: and sometimes God keeps up a man’s strength for a long period without food, as in the cases of Elijah and Moses: but nevertheless the fact remains that God has ordained that men must live by eating the food which He has provided for them. A man’s power to think, as well as to act, comes from the food that he eats. It is a fact patent to everybody, that our physical, mental, and spiritual power has a direct relation to our eating. Let a man but refuse utterly to eat, and he will very soon have no power of any kind whatever.EVCO 249.2

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