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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 61, 1878

    White, W. C.

    Denison, Texas

    December 11, 1878

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Son Willie:

    We are having the most beautiful weather. It is clear sunshine. Yesterday we sent to Sherman, ten miles, to get Sister Bahler’s furniture. We got [a] nice bedstead, bureau, washstand, and bureau delivered at the house for $29. All solid walnut. This we consider just as cheap as can be gotten at Battle Creek.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 1

    We cannot get good butter here. Now if you could get nice prepared butter of Sister Godsmark or Evans, send us at least ten pounds when Brother King comes. The butter here is the strongest stuff you ever saw. Cows are not at all like the eastern cows, give but little milk.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 2

    Send me a bag of clover top. What think you of pecans? You did not mention whether you had received them. Brother King has another trunk full. You may sell them or use them as you please. We paid one dollar and a half for the last; the first were one dollar and a quarter.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 3

    Have you sent the goods I designed to have sent to Samuel Foss, West Minot, Maine? If you have not sent it, don’t send till you hear from me. Why not mention some of these things in your next. Did you send letter to inform them that you sent the goods, if you have sent them? If Sister Booth is coming, I want to know it; if not, I want Mary Smith Abbey, if I can have her two months. Please write particulars. Our boxes have not yet arrived. We expect them today. The bill has come. We are waiting to get into our new pleasant room. Went in day before yesterday, but it felt so cold. Went out again. Dare not go in yet. The last coat was put on last Thursday. It ought to be dry for then. Weather has been dry and pleasant with the exception [of] one rain. We have no clouds or fog. This is, I think, an excellent climate. If people will only take care of themselves, this climate would be better, far better, than the climate of California. We slept last night with windows and doors open all night, and then I could not have but a pair of blankets over me. The soil is sandy, and we can ride anywhere as soon as it stops raining. The rain only improves the roads.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 4

    I have been greatly broken up, but I now venture into this newly plastered room and shall not go out of it unless I have evidence my health will suffer by so doing. I have so many cases on my mind to write that I am greatly perplexed and anxious. You must all excuse me if you do not hear a word from me, for I improve every moment I can. I ride out some for my own good as well as for Father’s benefit.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 5

    N.B. Please send that copy of testimony that was written for Switzerland in reference to Elder Andrews. We will copy and send you copy at once before Elder Andrews wants it. Now in reference to your going back with Elder A., go to God, Willie and Mary. Find out your duty for yourselves of Him and then follow the indications of His providence. He will guide the meek in judgment. He will teach the willing and obedient His way. You must obtain an experience for yourselves. The Lord will hear your prayer. He will answer your petitions. May the Lord bless you is our prayer.3LtMs, Lt 61, 1878, par. 6


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