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General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 - Contents
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    I had supposed that my active part in this course of Bible study ended with the lesson yesterday afternoon; but the brethren have asked me to say a few words at the beginning of the services this evening. I am the more willing to do this since there was handed me last night a copy of the Catholic Mirror of March 2, 1895, which contains an item that puts such an emphasis on the points in our lesson of Sabbath afternoon [the above lesson in the BULLETIN. — Ed.], that it ought to be set before you. This is from a sermon by “Father” Lyons, of St. Benedict’s church, Baltimore, on “Catholic Doctrines Misrepresented.” He is attempting to represent Catholic doctrines so as to make it appear that they are perfectly proper and harmless things. One of these is infallibility; and he illustrates its propriety and harmlessness by creating a parallel in the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the people. Here are the words:—GCB April 1895, page 511.2

    It is strange that a rule which requires a Supreme Court to give final decision on disputed points in our Constitution, should be abused and slandered when employed by the Catholic Church. Citizens and others may read the Constitution; but they are not allowed to interpret it for themselves, but must submit to the interpretation given by the Superior [Supreme (?)] Court. The Bible is the Constitution of the Catholic Church, and while all are exhorted to read this divine Constitution, the interpretation of its true meaning must be left to the Superior Court of the Church founded by Christ. The decision of the Supreme Court is final; the decision of the Superior Court of the Church is final also; and, in virtue of the divine prerogative of inerrancy granted the church, infallible.GCB April 1895, page 511.3

    You can easily see the aim and the bearing of this view. The papacy is interested in having the notion prevail that a decision of the Supreme Court is final, so that through this she may insinuate a false view of her doctrine of infallibility, and then upon that fasten upon the people the true view of her false doctrine of infallibility in all its despotism. It is a deep laid and treacherous scheme. And the National Reformers, the Civic Federationists, the “Christian Endeavorers,” and all the other apostate Protestants who cite the “Christian nation” decision of the Supreme Court as the final authority, are but playing into the hands of the papacy in this evil thing; and so are all people who hold the view of the finality of Supreme Court decisions on constitutional questions. And the great mass of the people are ready to have this pernicious, un-American, and anti-Christian doctrine fastened upon them; but God has put into the world the Third Angel’s Message against this evil thing. O, is it not time to preach that message as never before, and through this very issue, too? Will you awake, and arise, and preach that message to all people as it is, as it should be preached, and as it must be preached to-day? Will you? That is all that I have to say on this point, as I merely wanted to give you the statement, in order that you might see that the points made in the speech Sabbath afternoon are living, present truth.GCB April 1895, page 511.4

    Now as for anything further, I do not see that I should occupy the time. I may say, however, that I have enjoyed this Conference, and especially the Bible studies, as much as any of you, I think. I have learned many new truths from the word; many which I knew before, have been enlarged, made more clear, and more glorious; of all of which I am glad. As for any testimony of personal experience, all that I need to say is that the precious Bible lessons that have been brought forth day by day by the light of the Spirit of God, have been only my daily Christian experience. I need say no more than this.GCB April 1895, page 511.5

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