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    October 23, 1902

    “The California Camp-Meeting” Pacific Union Recorder, 2, 6, pp. 4, 5.


    The camp-meeting and conference at Fresno, September 30 to October 12, proved to be a missionary meeting throughout. From the president’s address at the beginning, until the second ordination service at the very close of the meeting, the keynote was “Foreign fields,” “The gospel in all the world as a witness to all nations, that the end may come.”PUR October 23, 1902, page 4.1

    The detailed report of the proceedings will show this more fully. Space will be taken here only to state that eighteen of the workers of the California Conference accepted the call to other fields. Five thousand dollars, and at least thirteen and one-third per cent of the income of the conference in the coming year, and the support of every worker of the conference sent by the conference to foreign fields, was unanimously voted by the whole congregation. About a hundred and ninety dollars was freely donated by those present from their own pockets to send a 40x60 tent to Elder Andross in England. More than a hundred dollars was donated in a Sunday afternoon collection for the work in the South; and nearly seven hundred dollars was given to the material fund of “Object Lessons.” In other words, all calls and donations were for the general work, none for the local.PUR October 23, 1902, page 4.2

    The workers who go abroad are: Brother and Sister J. S. Harmon, to Ontario, Canada East; Brother and Sister Schaeffer and Brother Douglass, to the South: Brother and Sister McCord, and Brother and Sister Castle, and Brother Walter Halliday, to England; Brother and Sister Albrecht, to Germany; Brethren Walter and Frank Bond, to England on the way to Spain; Brother A. S. Marchus, to England on the way to Natal, South Africa; Brother F. Dewitt Gauterau, to France; Brother D. A. Parsons, to Ireland, and Dr. Keem, to China.PUR October 23, 1902, page 4.3

    Brethren McCord, Douglass, Gauterau, Parsons, and Schaeffer, were ordained to the gospel ministry, unto which they go forth.PUR October 23, 1902, page 5.1

    With such a spirit prevailing throughout, it was only the sure consequence that the meeting should be unanimously pronounced by those present the best that they ever attended. There were present persons who had attended twenty-four annual camp-meetings in different parts of the country, and these with praise and thanksgiving declared this meeting to be the best that they ever saw.PUR October 23, 1902, page 5.2

    It was remarked that this was the smallest state camp-meeting that there had been in California for a good many years. This is doubtless true as to actual numbers; but measured by its missionary results, it was certainly by far the largest camp-meeting ever held in California, if not the largest ever held in the world.PUR October 23, 1902, page 5.3

    And for it all we all thank and praise the Lord.PUR October 23, 1902, page 5.4

    Alonzo T. Jones.PUR October 23, 1902, page 5.5

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