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    May 23, 1899

    “Editorial” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 76, 21, p. 328.

    THERE is one very important thing that was learned by the people of God in ancient times, that has not yet been learned by the people of God of to-day; that is, the whole congregation at once repenting, confessing, and separating themselves from all iniquity.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.1

    Even though only a few persons, or even only one, had actually sinned, yet the whole congregation felt it, considered themselves involved, as indeed they really were, and repented and confessed and separated themselves just as if all had actually sinned. And whether it were a matter of sin in their own day, or in preceding generations, it was all the same.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.2

    Again and again this occurred in the history of the people of God of old time; and in every instance when they had done so, the Lord wrought most wonderfully for them. And all this is written for our learning, and for our admonition.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.3

    All this is simply the old-time illustration of the prayer of Christ for us, “That they all may be one;” and of that description of the true unity of the church, “that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.” 1 Corinthians 12:25, 26.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.4

    Let the people of God of to-day in every congregation, organization, and institution,—even the whole body together,—study and learn this principle, and act according to it, and God will work for Israel to-day as wondrously as he did in any time of old.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.5

    For at that time it was written, and it is forever true, and the truth of it was demonstrated whenever Israel really did act together, that one shall “chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.6

    When one chases a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, what will three do? what will four do? Yes, what will fifty thousand do? what will one hundred thousand do? what will one hundred and forty-four thousand do?ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.7

    Take the ratio of one chasing a thousand, and two ten thousand, and expand that ratio. It will be carried only a few figures before the result will be past all human comprehension. And the further it is carried, the further it is beyond all human comprehension.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.8

    Yet that simply illustrates the working of God with his people when they are really united; when they are one in repenting and confessing sins which individually the great mass of them did not actually commit, as heartily as they are one in shouting a victory in which the great mass of them did not have a share in actually winning.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.9

    The prayer of Christ that his people “all may be one,” is for unity such as exists between the Father and the Son, a unity that is forever and in all things. Then God will be manifest always and in all things with that people, in ways that are beyond all human comprehension; and the world will know that God did send Jesus, and has loved these, his people, as he loved Jesus. John 17:21-23.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.10

    “National Apostasy” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 76, 21, pp. 328, 329.

    IT has come to pass that all who speak or write in opposition to the work of expansion and the march of imperialism that are being conducted on the part of the United States, are at once charged with treason.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.1

    Yet the basis of this opposition, the only document appealed to by those who oppose, is the Declaration of Independence. The principles of the Declaration of Independence, as they plainly read in that document, compose the only philosophy of government that is advocated by these opposers. And the Declaration of Independence expresses the fundament principles of this nation.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.2

    It has therefore actually come to pass that the maintenance of the fundamental principles of the nation is held by the nation to be treason against the nation!!ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.3

    That presents a most singular situation, a most incongruous thing; for in strict truth, it is the truest patriotism and supreme loyalty, to stand in unswerving adherence to the principles of the government to which a person belongs. Yet here is an order of things in which open repudiation of the fundamental principles of the nation is lauded as patriotism, while strict adherence to the fundamental principles of the nation is denounced as treason! What a contradiction, what a perversion of things, that is! Plainly this is nothing short of national apostasy; for how could complete national apostasy be more plainly shown than in a nation’s holding as traitors those who steadfastly maintain the fundamental principles of the nation?ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.4

    But, it is said, “These people antagonize the government; this lends aid and comfort to the enemies of the nation, and so the conduct of these people is treasonable.” Such a claim does not escape the difficulty. National apostasy is still the condition; for how could national apostasy be more plainly shown than in a nation’s taking such a course that those who maintain the fundamental principles of the nation must, in so doing, “antagonize the government,” and incur the charge of treason?ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.5

    And national apostasy complete is shown in the Scripture relating to this nation. The beast which symbolizes this nation has “two horns like a lamb,” yet he speaks “as a dragon.” In spite of the lamblike representations, he requires of the people that they shall make “an image to the beast,“—”the first beast” (Revelation 13),—and requires that all shall worship the beast and receive his mark, or else have all rights taken away, and at last even be killed. This itself betokens national apostasy.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.6

    “The first beast” is the papacy. The image to the beast is an image of the papacy. The papacy is the union of church and state. The two horns like a lamb represent the two great characteristics of this nation,—Protestantism and republicanism,—both of which are directly antagonistic to a union of church and state. And for the union of church and state to be made in this nation is just as incongruous with the fundamental principles of the nation, as the speaking as a dragon is incongruous with the characteristics of a lamb. Thus the whole idea is suggestive of national apostasy from characteristic principles.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.7

    The image of the beast is the image of the papacy. The papacy is the union of church and state. And mark this: In this original union of church and state which made the papacy, the church was an apostate church, and the state was an apostate state. That state was formerly a republic, which had apostatized into an imperial monarchy, which had become a military despotism.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.8

    Before Rome became imperial, she was republican. Before there was an emperor, a Cesar, who governed, the government was “the senate and people of Rome.” It was altogether by the government of the people—the senate and people, the republic—that the conquests were made by which Rome became imperial,—no longer in truth, a government of the people; but a government by one man supported by the army. It was the state composed of this apostasy of a republic into imperialism,—it was such a state with which the apostate church united; and this made the papacy, “the first beast.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.9

    Now when, in the prophecy, the image of the beast is to be made, it is said “to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast.” This shows that it is a government of the people where the image is made. And it is said to them that they shall make a union of church and state. This shows that this is all done in a place where at first there was no union of church and state. That is true of the United States at its formation, and is not true of any other nation that was ever on the earth.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.10

    These things show that the nation is first a republic, and that this nation is the one where these things are at last done. But these things can not be done in a true republic. These things are positively antagonistic to the principles of a true republic. For these things to be done in a country professing to be a republic, there must be an apostasy from the principles of a true republic.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.11

    Now that all this is the truth, and not speculation, is confirmed by the book of Daniel. And this is where comes in the special value of the book of Daniel on the subject of the United States in prophecy. In Daniel 7 there are four great beasts, which represent four great successive kingdoms, or powers, in the earth. The fourth one was “diverse from all... that were before it.” These four were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, and Rome. And Rome was diverse from all before it, in that it was a republic. It was while it was a republic, that Rome “devoured, break in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet.” And in Daniel 8:24, 25, of this same power even while it was a republic, it is written that “his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power,” that “through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand,” and “by peace shall destroy many.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.12

    Last year in these columns we showed, from the history, just what was this crafty, peaceful destroying policy; and how his power became mighty, but not by his own power. By the history we showed that Rome, being a republic, a government of the people, made high pretentions to liberty, and to the love of liberty only for the sake of liberty; that for this reason Rome pretended to love and desire liberty for other peoples; that the little states of Greece were struggling against monarchies, that they might themselves be free, and be republics. Solely from love of liberty for the sake only of liberty, and for the sake of humanity, Rome sent her armies and navies across seas to fight the battles and win the causes of those other peoples, only to set them free from oppressive powers, to enjoy the blessings of liberty, of which Rome was the conservator in the world. And then when the battles were fought, the victories won, and the peoples delivered, those peoples WERE NOT FREE. They were more bound and more hopeless than ever because of Rome’s greater power than that of the former oppressors. And to-day no man can intelligibly read that history of the Republic of Rome before any audience in the United States, without that audience seeing the Republic of the United States perfectly outlined up to date.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.13

    Now a point particularly to be considered is that this history of the Republic of Rome was sketched in the book of Daniel three hundred and seventy years before it occurred; and then that sketch was closed up and sealed, not for three hundred and seventy years, not till 168 B.C. and onward; BUT for twenty-four hundred years, till “the time of the end.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 328.14

    Why was that sketch of the Roman Republic written, and then closed up and sealed until a time two thousand years after that republic had failed as a republic, and had become imperial?—It was because at this time, “the time of the end,” there would be another republic that would go over the same course as did that republic,—would apostatize from republicanism into imperialism, and then would become the tool of an apostate church in a union in the very image of the papacy, which was made by such a union with that apostate republic. And as the union hastened, and actually wrought, the ruin of that apostate republic, so will this union hasten and cause the ruin of this now so far apostate republic. And this sketch of the former was written then, and closed up and sealed until now, so that they that be wise may understand what to do to escape the evil and the ruin that will come, and even not hastens,—a ruin that will come as surely as came the ruin of that former one.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.1

    Accordingly, fifteen years ago, by the Spirit of prophecy it was written that this nation would yet “repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government,” and that this “national apostasy will be followed by national ruin.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.2

    This national apostasy is proceeding daily before the eyes of all the people; and as national apostasy progresses, national ruin hastens. And with this national ruin, comes complete and final ruin of all. Who is ready? Who is warning the people? “Get ready, get ready, get ready.” This is present truth.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.3

    “Ought Not Christians to Keep the Sabbath?” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald 76, 21, p. 329.

    ONE of the grounds upon which Mr. Torrey opposes the Sabbath of the Lord, and argues that Christians ought not to keep it, he sets forth in what he calls “an unanswerable proposition,” thus: “The Sabbath as a law is a distinctly Jewish institution.” And he makes this claim upon the ground that the ten commandments, of which the Sabbath commandment is one, are prefaced with the words, “I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.1

    The trouble with Mr. Torrey in this matter is that in this preface there is a beautiful view of the gospel, which he has not yet received.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.2

    This law of ten commandments which, preface and all, was spoken by the Lord at Sinai, is perfect. When he had spoken it, all was said that can be said, and “he added no more.” Deuteronomy 5:22; Ecclesiastes 12:13, margin. This law, preface and all, is “holy, and just, and good.” Romans 7:12.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.3

    God is Spirit. And this law, preface and all, being altogether of God, is, therefore, altogether spiritual. Accordingly the Egypt referred to is spiritual Egypt; and the bondage referred to is spiritual Egypt; and the bondage referred to is spiritual bondage, for there is in the Scriptures definitely a spiritual Egypt. Revelation 11:8.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.4

    Spiritually, then, what is Egypt? Read this: “By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.5

    Here we have “affliction with the people of God,” set over against “the pleasures of sin;” and “the reproach of Christ” set over against “the treasures in Egypt;” thus:—ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.6

    Affliction with the people of God. Pleasures of sin.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.7

    Reproach of Christ. Treasures in Egypt.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.8

    This shows “affliction with the people of God,” and “the reproach of Christ,” to be synonymous; and “the pleasures of sin,” and “the treasures in Egypt,” to be likewise synonymous. It also plainly shows “sin” and “Egypt” to be synonymous. Spiritual Egypt, therefore, is the realm of sin. Therefore this beginning of the law of God as spoken by the Lord from heaven, simply says, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the realm of sin, out of the bondage of sin.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.9

    Mr. Torrey claims that he and other Christians are not to observe this law; but the only basis which that claim can have is that he and other Christians have not been brought out of Egypt. But not to have been brought out of Egypt is to be yet in the realm and bondage of sin. And, not being delivered from the realm and bondage of sin, being still in Egypt, they can not observe this law; for it is only those who have been brought out of Egypt, who have been completely delivered from the realm and bondage of sin, that can keep this holy, just, good, and spiritual law.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.10

    Now all this is not mere argument, for effect or advantage; it is perfect truth; for when Israel was yet in Egypt, the word came to Pharaoh, “Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first-born: and I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me.” To serve the Lord is to do his will, it is to keep his law. Exodus 16:4. Israel had to be delivered from Egypt before they could serve the Lord, before they could keep his law; they must be delivered that they might serve him, that they might keep his law; and when he had delivered them, he said: “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” etc., etc. And in this, from that day till this one, the Lord has been doing his very best to have all people learn that it is impossible for anybody to observe his law, impossible for anybody to serve him, who has not been delivered from the realm and bondage of sin.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.11

    Israel of old was called God’s son, even his first-born, and God called him out of Egypt. And when God’s son indeed, his first-born, his only begotten Son, came into this world to deliver all from the realm and bondage of sin, that little child, God’s first-born, was, at the direction of the Lord, taken into Egypt, and was brought out again, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, OUT OF EGYPT HAVE I CALLED MY SON.” Matthew 2:11-15. Thus in the life of Christ, which is for all mankind, God has fixed it forever that the Egypt of his law, the Egypt of the ten commandments, is spiritual Egypt; that spiritual Egypt is sin; and that every soul must be delivered from Egypt, from the realm and bondage of sin, before he can possibly serve the Lord, before he can walk in the Lord’s law.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.12

    Is Mr. Torrey a son of God, in truth? It is so only because he has been called out of Egypt; for it is written, “Out of Egypt have I called my son.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.13

    Are Christians sons of God, in truth? It is so only because they have been called out of Egypt; for it is written, “Out of Egypt have I called my son.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.14

    Having been called out of Egypt, that he may serve the Lord, will Mr. Torrey now refuse to serve the Lord? will he refuse to walk in the law of the Lord? Having been called out of Egypt, that they may serve the Lord, shall Christians refuse to serve the Lord, to walk in his law? and will Mr. Torrey teach them so? If so, it can be only because they “in their hearts turned back again into Egypt” (Acts 7:39); and in so doing, they will certainly fall in the wilderness.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.15

    It is the vital truth of the gospel which from God is written, “Israel is my son,” “Out of Egypt have I called my son;” that this is done that Israel may serve the Lord by walking in his law; and that the Sabbath of the Lord, the seventh day, is the Lord’s own chosen test to Israel, whether they will walk in his law or no. Exodus 4:22, 23; Matthew 2:15; Exodus 16:4, 27-31; Hebrews 4:1-9.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.16

    Mr. Torrey insists that the law of ten commandments, with the Sabbath, is only for Israel. Let it be so; but that Israel is only spiritual Israel, because that law is only a spiritual law. For “they are not all Israel, which are of Israel, neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children, but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” “Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.17

    “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Romans 9:6-8; Galatians 4:28, 29.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.18

    Mr. Torrey lays it down as an indisputable proposition, that the Sabbath is only for the Jews. Let it be so. The Sabbath is only spiritual; the law of which it is a part, is only spiritual; and the Jews, for whom the Sabbath is, are only spiritual Jews. Hebrews 3:7 to 4:9. And so it is written “He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew, which is one outwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” Romans 2:28, 29.ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.19

    “Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first-born.” “Out of Egypt have I called my son.” “And I say unto thee, Let my son go that he may serve me.” “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.... Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.... The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.”ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.20

    Therefore ought NOT Christians to keep the Sabbath?ARSH May 23, 1899, page 329.21

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