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September 18, 1890
“An Excellent Doom” The American Sentinel 5, 37, pp. 289, 290.
UNDER the heading of, “A Crime against Liberalism,” some time ago, the Inter-Ocean criticised the decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, on the Bible in the public schools, which is as clear a case of begging the question as could be, and is as full of sophistry as an egg is full of meat. The third sentence in the article bewails the unfortunate condition of the children of Wisconsin, after this sort:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.1
That the school children of Wisconsin should be doomed, by a decree of the Supreme Court, to learn nothing of the most marvelous literature extant, seems incredible.AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.2
To be sure, what a dreadful doom it is indeed, that the Roman Catholic children, in the State of Wisconsin, shall not be compelled to listen to Protestant prayers, and to take part in Protestant forms of worship, and to listen to the reading of the Protestant Bible in Protestant ways! What a dreadful doom that the children of Jewish parents shall not be compelled to worship as God, one whom they believe to be not God at all! What a dreadful doom it is that the children of unbelievers in the State of Wisconsin shall not be compelled to receive the doctrine and submit to the forms of the Protestant denominations, who think that in themselves is absorbed all the merits and virtues of Christianity. And how dreadful, above all, is the doom of all the people of Wisconsin, that they shall not be compelled to pay money for the support of the religious views of a few self-righteous “Protestants.” We rather think that the people of Wisconsin will survive the terrors of this dreadful doom.AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.3
We agree with the Inter-Ocean that the Bible contains the most marvelous literature extant; but that a Supreme Court of any State should, according to the Constitution of that State, protect people from being compelled to listen to the reading of that literature is certainly the right thing to do; and that such a proceeding should seem incredible to the Inter-Ocean, does not speak very highly of the sense of justice, of right, and of American principles entertained by that paper. And that such a paper should soberly set forth any such idea as that this decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin should doom the school children of that State to learn nothing of the Bible, speaks a good deal less for the spirit of fairness and logical discernment that ought to characterize such a paper. The decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin no more dooms the children of that State to learn nothing of the Bible, than it dooms them to learn nothing of how to hoe corn. Every man, woman, and child, in the State of Wisconsin, is at perfect liberty to learn all that may be learned of this most marvelous literature extant, and the Inter-Ocean knows it.AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.4
Likewise, under this decision, no man nor woman nor child, in the State of Wisconsin, can be compelled to pay for the reading of that literature nor to listen to its being read; and why should the Inter-Ocean demand that it should be otherwise?AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.5
Again says the Inter-Ocean:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.6
It is as needful that he [the child] should know who Christ was and what he said, as it is that he should know who Columbus was and what he did.AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.7
Yes it is a good deal more needful. It is as much more needful as that Christ is more than Columbus was; and as what Christ said, is of much more weight and importance than what Columbus ever did. But it does not follow that because a thing is essential that therefore the State must teach it. The very fact that it is so much more needful that the child should know who Christ was and what he said, that is the very reason why it is impossible for the State to teach these things. The State cannot do it. How can the State teach who Christ was? What facilities has the State for knowing who he was, that it shall decide this question and teach it with authority? That is a large question. It has been the question of the ages. It began when he was here. “Whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am?” But it is not enough that we know who men say that he is, or was; but the question is, Who is lie? Will the Inter-Ocean tell who Christ is? and will that paper go so far as to say that what it says Christ is shall be taught to everybody in the State of Illinois, or anywhere else at public expense or by State authority? But from the article in the Inter-Ocean it would seem that it proposes that who Christ is and what he said, shall be taught to the children in school, in the same manner as the question of who Columbus was and what he did. If that be the purpose of the Inter-Ocean, then no Christian could ever consent to any such teaching. To put Christ and what he said, in such a place and to teach it in such a way as that, is to deny who Christ really is, and to undo all the force of what he said.AMS September 18, 1890, page 289.8
Again we quote:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.1
Nor does the act of teaching the history of Christ necessitate the teaching of his divinity. We tell the scholar what the motives of Columbus were, we leave him to judge of the wisdom of the motive.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.2
Well suppose the public school teacher undertakes to tell children in school what the motive of Christ was in coming to the world, and leaves the children to judge of that motive, as they would judge of the motives of Columbus, what is that but to teach them to sit in judgment upon the Lord? What is it in fact but the teaching of downright infidelity? When the motive of Christ is set before children or men, it is not his intention at all that they shall judge of that motive. It is that they shall believe it and make it a part of their lives, and that to neglect to do so is to imperil the eternal destiny of their souls. Any man can judge of the motives of Columbus with no danger whatever. A child may judge of the motives of Columbus as he pleases, and think of them as he chooses, and it cannot effect him in the least; but neither man nor child can do such a thing with the motives of Jesus Christ, without injury to himself both in this life and the life to come. And that the Inter-Ocean should set forth such a proposition leads us seriously to doubt whether it truly believes in the motive of Christ as it really is, or whether it judges his motive as it does those of Columbus or any other explorer.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.3
We should like to see the Inter-Ocean attempt to carry out its own statement and give us an example of the act of teaching the history of Christ without teaching his divinity. The first question would be, who was he? The only answer is that he is “the Christ the Son of the living God.” But that declares his divinity. Again, when he was born what was he to be called? “Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.” And that also teaches his divinity. And again, “They shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” That is his name because that is what he is. And the history goes on following him round about Judea, as he went healing the sick, restoring the demoniac, making the lame to walk, and the blind to see, stilling the tempest, and raising the dead. And all these things teach his divinity. The history goes on to say that he was crucified, and that that even happened amid such surroundings that the centurion who commanded the soldiers declared, “Verily, this man was the Son of God.” And that teaches his divinity. The history goes on to say that he arose from the dead, and was seen of his disciples, and the people in crowds; that his disciples touched him, and ate with him, and associated with him for a period of forty days after they had seen him crucified, and dead upon the cross, and buried in the sepulchre. And then that he ascended up into heaven, and that there he sits at the right hand of the throne of God. And all that teaches his divinity.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.4
In fact every particular and every item in the life of the Saviour from the manger in Bethlehem until his ascension, teaches nothing else than the divinity of Christ. The history cannot be mentioned without teaching that divinity, and any proposition to the contrary is in itself conclusive proof that the one making the statement does not believe in his divinity. And because this history is the history of his divinity, because the words of Christ are the words of “God with us,” this is the reason why the words are to be believed, and not judged when they are taught. It is not for man to judge God; it is not for the sinner to sit in judgment upon his Saviour. As this is to be believed, and as the understanding of it is wholly of faith, and as the record is witnessed to faith by the spirit of God,—for this reason it is impossible for any governmental power on earth to teach either the history or the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Christ himself committed that work to the Church, and any church that consents that the State may ever perform that work, allows that she herself has lost the power to do it. And any State that proposes to do such a thing, simply pro-poses to rob the Church of its prerogative and to usurp that which never can belong to the State, because Christ never committed it to the State.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.5
If men would believe Christ more and judge him less, there would be far less demand that the State shall teach religion.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.6
And if men would believe the Bible more, and judge it and interpret it less, there would be very little heard of any question of the Bible in the public schools. Then people would have enough confidence in the Bible, and in its divine author, to trust it to maintain its own cause, without demanding that it be bolstered up by such a pillar of sand as is the State in such a place.AMS September 18, 1890, page 290.7
“‘Bible Readings for the Home Circle’” The American Sentinel 5, 37, pp. 291, 292.
THIS is the title of a book which we find denounced by the American Sabbath Union, in the “Pearl of Days” column of the Mail and Express, of May 9. The denunciation of this “dangerous” thing was written by Rev. James S. Mott, one of the Vice-Presidents of the American Sabbath Union; indorsed by the Rev. J. H. Knowles, Secretary of the Union, and printed in the “Pearl of Days,” the organ of the Union. Therefore it is strictly official. Speaking of the title of the book, Mr. Mott says:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.1
Such is the winning title of a book which is being pushed throughout our country with all the energy that the book canvasser can exercise. And yet we have never examined a work in which a good title has been employed in a more uncandid way to inculcate pestiferous doctrines. We should be led to expect a volume of devotional articles, and such presentation of divine truth as is currently accepted by evangelical churches.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.2
Indeed! Is it true then that nothing can be properly presented in this country as Bible doctrine, or as from the Bible, except it be such a presentation of divine truth as is “currently accepted by the evangelical churches?” In other words, is only that divine truth which is currently accepted by evangelical churches? Are the evangelical churches the divinely appointed interpreters of the Bible in all that it means? Has it come to this that whatever of the Bible or about the Bible is printed and distributed that is not accepted by the evangelical churches, must be denounced as “dangerous” and “pestiferous?” Mr. Mott says:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.3
The preface declares “we let the sacred volume stand as its own witness, massing its testimony on the various subjects presented.”AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.4
When we had read this blast of the American Sabbath Union, we sent and got a copy of the book, as doubtless most people will do who see it, and the very first place we opened, we found the following on “The New Birth,” page 117:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.5
1. What is the natural condition of the human family?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.6
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.7
2. Who alone will be permitted to see God?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.9
3. Can man, by his own exertions alone, change his condition?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.10
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” Jeremiah 13:23.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.11
4. How, then, can one be brought to God?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.12
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.13
Turning back just two leaves we find the heading, “Repentance,” under which we have this:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.14
1. To whom is repentance to be preached?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.15
“And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations.” Luke 24:47.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.16
2. Who are called to repentance?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.17
“I come not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.18
3. How is one to know he is a sinner?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.19
“By the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:20.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.20
4. Is this a universal rule?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.21
“We have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin.” Verse 9.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.22
5. How are sinners convinced of sin?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.23
“But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.” James 2:9.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.24
6. What part does the Holy Spirit act in this work?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.25
“For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come he will reprove the world of sin.” John 16:7, 8, 13, 14.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.26
7. What will be the inquiry of those who are thus convicted?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.27
“Men and brethren what shall we do?” Acts 2:47.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.28
8. What reply should always be returned to this inquiry?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.29
“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Verse 38.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.30
Under the heading, “The Divinity of Christ,” we find this, page 255:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.31
1. How does the great Apostle speak of the Lord Jesus?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.32
“God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in tile world, received up into glory.” 1 Timothy 3:16.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.33
2. How does Christ himself speak of his relation to the Father?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.34
“I and my Father are one.” John 10:30.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.35
3. How does he show what he means by being “one with the Father”?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.36
“And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are.” John 17:11, 12.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.37
4. Did Christ exist before he was manifested in the flesh?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.38
“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” Verse 5.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.39
5. How came he in the world as a Saviour?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.40
“And the angel said unto them, fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is barn this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10, 11.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.41
Under the heading, “Importance of Prayer,” we find the following, page 324:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.42
1. What is the Scripture injunction in regard to prayer?AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.43
“I would there that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or doubting.” 1 Timothy 2:8.AMS September 18, 1890, page 291.44
2. What is the promise to those who ask and seek for the things they need?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.1
“Everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall he opened.” Matthew 7:8.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.2
3. How does the Saviour illustrate the willingness of Heaven to grant favors to those who ask?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.3
“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Verse 11.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.4
Another under the heading of, “The Poor and Our Duty Toward Them,” gives this, page 349:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.5
1. How long will the Church have poor people in its midst?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.6
“For ye have the poor always with you.” Matthew 26:11.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.7
2. What ought one to do for the poor? and how often?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.8
“For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good.” Mark 14:7.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.9
3. What promises are made to those who consider the poor?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.10
“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth; and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” Psalm 41:1-3.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.11
4. When one gives to the poor, how does the Lord consider the act?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.12
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.13
Each of the readings noticed here is much longer than the parts which we have quoted, but we have printed enough to show how the book is made up. The whole book of six hundred pages is filled with readings in this same order. A question is asked, and then the scripture itself is printed which answers the question. There are one hundred and sixty-four different readings, which taken altogether cover nearly every subject treated of in the Bible, so that anybody who will buy the book and study it through, will have a much better idea of the Bible than lie could have by reading the Bible through; because each reading is upon a particular subject, and the different passages of the Scripture that speak upon that subject and make it plain, are printed in that reading, so that when you study the reading you know what the Bible says on that subject.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.14
Thus, from an examination of the book, we are prepared to say it is one of the best books for the study of the Bible that was ever printed. And the American Sabbath Union in condemning it, just as surely condemns the use of the Bible as a popular study.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.15
We have been shown by a canvasser for the book, testimonials from secretaries of the Young Men’s Christian Association, pastors of the Baptist Church, the Congregationalist Church, the Methodist Church, the Christian Church, and officers of the Society of Christian Endeavor, all strongly recommending it as an excellent book, and one of the very best helps in preparation for Christian Endeavor exercises, Young Men’s Christian Association work, and church work generally. And we think their recommendations are wise.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.16
Yet, in the face of all this, the American Sabbath Union says of the book:—AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.17
When it knocks at our door with the pleasant face of, “Bible Readings for the Home Circle,” we must meet that smile with a frown.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.18
When the American Sabbath Union thus shows itself ready to denounce, and meet with a frown, books made up as nearly wholly from the Bible as could possibly be without printing the Bible alone, just because in some things it happens not to suit the American Sabbath Union, how long would it be if they had the power, before the people would be compelled to believe the Bible just as these self-appointed censors do, or else be denounced or frowned upon as this innocent book is by the Union?AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.19
Yes, indeed! Such is “the winning title” of the book, and by examination we find that the book is as winning as the title. And we hope that every one who sees this, or who saw that which the American Sabbath Union said about the book, will look up a canvasser and get a copy of the book and read it as closely as we have read it.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.20
As the American Sabbath Union says that the book “is being pushed throughout our country with all the energy that the book canvasser can exercise,” it ought not to be very hard for individuals to find one of these canvassers and get a copy of the book.AMS September 18, 1890, page 292.21