June 6, 1898
“‘That Ye May Know’” The Bible Echo 13, 23, p. 179.
“REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.... The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.”BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.1
“Hallow My Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.”BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.2
Note, the Scripture does not say only that the Sabbath is a sign that He is the Lord God; it says the Sabbath is a sign, “that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.” There is a difference between His being the Lord and men’s knowing that He is the Lord. Thee is a difference between men’s knowing that He is the Lord and knowing that He is their Lord.BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.3
God is the Lord, whether men know it or not. He would still be the Lord, and always the Lord, though not a man on the earth ever knew it. The Sabbath is not a sign only that He is the Lord, but that men may know that He is the Lord. Men might know that the Lord is somebody else’s God. Many of the idolatrous kings and nations in old time knew, by personal calamity and sad experience, that the Lord was another people’s God; but they did not know that He was their God. The Sabbath is not a sign by which men may know that the Lord is somebody else’s God, but that they may know that the Lord is their God.BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.4
There are many people who do not know that the Lord is God: and many more who do not know that He is their God. Yet there is no need whatever of this: for God has given to them—to all the world—a sign by which all men may know that He, the Lord, is their God: “Hallow My Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.”BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.5
This is true, whether men believe it or not. By not believing it, they simply shut themselves off from the blessed knowledge. And when they do that, God is clear, and they are without excuse. God wants every soul to know that the Lord is his God. And in the Sabbath the Lord has given a sign by which all men may know this. All that is needed is that they hallow the Sabbath, and they will know it. And “the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.” A. T. JONES.BEST June 6, 1898, page 179.6