The following historical notes on the tenth chapter of Genesis are the result of the lessons to the students of the Bible and history in Healdsburg College, California, in the winter of 1886-87. One morning a highly esteemed friend, Eld. S. N. Haskell, was present at the recitation as the class was reviewing this subject, and he was so pleased with the view that was thus given that he exacted a promise that a brief sketch of the subject should be written out for publication, that the matter might have a wider circulation. In fulfillment of that promise the following pages are now sent forth. I lay no claim to originality in the results announced. I have simply brought together in this form the results of the research of others. On the next page will be found a list of the authorities consulted. I have made no statement but upon the authority of some one or more of these. In the matter of references, all direct quotations are duly credited at the close of each quotation itself; while for the authority for the general course of the subject, as I have done all the arguing and weighing of arguments, outside of the book, and have put only the conclusions in the book, there are many places in which the result announced in a single sentence is gathered from the study and comparison of perhaps a halfdozen different works, therefore I have thought it better to give a full list of the principal authors consulted than to load down the pages with particular references for each statement. If by this sketch I shall succeed in causing Bible readers to see in the tenth chapter of Genesis something more than a barren list of almost meaningless names, I shall be content. Alonzo T. Jones.POTE 245.1
Oakland, Cal, Sept. 1, 1887.POTE 245.2