February 17, 1898
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EGW Extras
February 17, 1898
“One” The Present Truth 14, 7, p. 98.
“ONE shall chase a thousand.” If you are a Christian, the Lord intends that you shall have more influence for good than a thousand other people can have for evil. He intends that you shall have more influence over a thousand worldlings and sinners than a thousand such can have over you.PTUK February 17, 1898, page 98.1
What a disappointment to the Lord, then, what a grief to the angels, and what a satisfaction to Satan, it is, when a professed Christian—one who bears the name of the Lord, and stands under the ensign of the Mighty One of Israel—yields to the influence of worldlings and sinners because; they are many, and he is one!PTUK February 17, 1898, page 98.2
Ah! when that is done, it shows that the heart is not loyal to the Lord. It shows that there is in the heart really a love for the world and a willingness to fellowship sin; and the name of the Lord is dishonoured, and ensign is disgraced, by the Christian profession of such people And if you arc excusing yourself from genuine Christian faithfulness by the plea that you are alone while there are many sinners around, that is what is really the matter,—at heart you are disloyal to their Lord and a sympathiser with the enemy.PTUK February 17, 1898, page 98.3
Put it all away. Stand up like a true and loyal soldier. Fix your heart upon the Lord to be loyal to Him, though not; another soul on earth is so. Then though you be but one, yet you will have more influence over a thousand than the thousands can have over you. Remember, it is “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.” “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”PTUK February 17, 1898, page 98.4