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The Signs of the Times, vol. 13 - Contents
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    May 5, 1887

    “Healdsburg College Meeting” The Signs of the Times 13, 17, p. 266.

    PURSUANT to the call of the trustees, the fifth annual session of the stockholders of Healdsburg College Corporation convened at the South Hall of Healdsburg College, Monday, April 18, 1887, at 10 A. M., to elect trustees for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other College business.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.1


    The president and secretary being absent the meeting was called to order by the acting president, Elder J. N. Loughborough. Elder A. T. Jones was chosen secretary pro tem. Upon a call for representatives of stock it was found that there were 540 shares represented personally and 859 by proxy, making 1,402 shares present out of the whole number of 2,222 shares issued.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.2

    Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Remarks were made by the chair upon the prosperity that has attended the College and its work during the year. Committees were appoint as follows:—SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.3

    On Resolutions, E. J. Waggoner, A. T. Jones, W. C. Grainger.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.4

    On Nominations, N. C. McClure, E. P. Daniels, W. S. Swayze. Adjourned till 3 o’clock P. M.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.5


    Prayer by Elder McClure. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Additional stock was represented, amounting to 133 shares, making a total of 1,532. Reports of committees were called for. The Committee on Nominations reported, presenting for directors the ensuing year, the names of S. N. Haskell, J. N. Loughborough, W. C. White, John Morrison, S. Brownsberger, Joseph Leininger, and N. C. McClure. Ballots were distributed and 1,414 votes cast for the nominees. They were declared elected.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.6



    Real estate, $31,175.00 Personal property, 13,935.19 Bills receivable, 2,270.83 Accounts receivable, 3,738.90—$51,129.92


    Bills payable, $27,947.50 Accounts payable, 4,173.47 Present worth, 19,008.95—$51,129.92 Worth April 5, 1886, $14,944.45 Received on donations, 45.60 Received on stock, 3,063.00—$18,053.05 Net worth April 1, 1887, 19,008.95 Net gain for the year, $965.90

    The Committee on Resolutions presented the following:—SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.7

    Resolved, That our ....SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.8

    Resolved, That we very much regret that the ill health of Sister Sisley, who came to give instruction in missionary work, would not suffer her to ... that we renew our request to the General Conference to send us a missionary teacher for our school next winter.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.9

    The resolutions were all quite fully discussed. It was remarked by the librarian of the Healdsburg Tract and Missionary Society that the good of the instruction that Sister Sisley was able to give what little time she was at the school, was plainly apparent in the work of the society, and that the loss that the cause on this coast has sustained by her sickness could not be overestimated.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.10

    The resolutions were unanimously adopted. After their adoption, a motion was made that the second resolution be submitted to the congregation. The motion was carried, and the resolution was adopted by a rising vote of the whole house.SITI May 5, 1887, page 266.11

    The meeting then adjourned.
    J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH, Acting Pres.
    A. T. JONES, Sec. pro tem.

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