June 22, 1888
“The Upper Columbia Camp-meeting” The Signs of the Times 14, 24, pp. 375, 376.
THIS meeting was held at Dayton, Washington Territory, in a beautiful grove on the skirts of the town. The Touchet Creek flows along one side of the grounds, giving abundance of excellent water fresh from the mountains. There were two hundred and fifty-six campers within the grounds.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.1
Prosperity has attended the labors put forth in this Conference the past year, nearly a hundred additions having been made to the membership. Four new churches were received into the Conference. The tithes for the year amounted to $3,000. Three years ago the membership was one hundred and eighty, now it is three hundred and forty-nine, which shows an average increase of about ninety a year. Then the tithes were but $1,100, now they are $3,000, which shows an average increase of $333 a year, though the past year the increase was about $700. The growth of the Sabbath-school and the Tract and Missionary Society and their work have likewise been prosperous. Territorially this is one of the very largest Conferences in the United States, embracing all Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.2
Considering the large territory and the widely distributed membership, the attendance at the camp-meeting was very good. But the attendance upon the meetings, of those who were in the camp, was of the very best. We never saw before so general an attendance of all the campers, at all the meetings. There was no straggling. From the first meeting till the last it seemed that all on the grounds were in their places promptly at all the meetings, whether business meetings or devotional. With this oneness of mind in the work and the worship there came a spirit of devotion, which was richly blessed of the Lord.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.3
In the preaching, the minds of the speakers were led out to dwell largely upon the great love of God to men, and that rest and freedom which the Saviour only can give, and the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ. And great grace was upon all. The Lord gave great freedom in the preaching of his word, and the impressions made by it were deep and lasting. Souls were set free from sin, and showed their gratitude in thanksgivings and praises aloud. The worn ones had their strength renewed; the discouraged were lifted up and strengthened in the faith; and sinners were converted. The meetings only grew in interest, and deepened in religious influence, from the beginning to the close. While we with the held of the Lord watered others we were watered ourselves, our own souls were greatly refreshed. We love to tell the story of Jesus and his love.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.4
The attendance from the outside was excellent. Every evening the large tent was crowded full, while many stood around it, and the closest attention was paid by all to the word spoken. For the benefit of these the preaching was upon the Papacy and its fast-forming image. The truth was most favorably received, and those who heard openly expressed their wish that the meetings might continue longer—some wished they might continue a month. The Third Angel’s Message is not a living issue, as never before, and there is nothing that can arouse the people like the plain preaching of it.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.5
Brother E. M. Morrison was present from the Pacific Press, to work up the canvassing interests in the Conference, and succeeded in arousing an earnest purpose and a zeal in this important branch of work, which we are sure will be seen in a much wider circulation of our books in this part of the country.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.6
The school has proved a success. The past year has been only the second of its existence. A new building 30x45 feet was erected last year, yet additional room has to be provided to meet the necessities of the school the coming year. The school question was quite thoroughly canvassed, and the Conference cheerfully resolved to conform to the educational plans recommended by the General Conference. Elder Colcord started East immediately after the camp-meeting, and will attend the teachers’ institute to be held in Battle Creek the latter part of June.SITI June 22, 1888, page 375.7
The brethren adopted the plan recommended by the General Conference for the support of foreign missions, and as the matter was quite fully set before them, and understandingly entered into, we believe that the plan of weekly donations will be faithfully carried into action.SITI June 22, 1888, page 376.1
Monday afternoon, June 4, eighteen persons were baptized in the beautiful stream that flows by the camp-ground. Tuesday, June 5, was the last day of the meeting, and its hours were largely employed in closing up the business of the difference organizations. At 3 P.M., after a short sermon, a praise meeting was held. It was a most precious season. The Spirit of the Lord came in abundantly, and all rejoiced in the Lord. Dear Brother Decker, the president of the Conference, was greatly blessed.SITI June 22, 1888, page 376.2
With a sermon Tuesday night on the subject of the true relation which civil government bears to religion, or the worship of God, the meeting closed. Wednesday morning before daylight we left the grounds for the North Pacific camp-meeting, and many of the brethren departed for their homes. And thus closed what was unanimously declared to be the best camp-meeting ever held in the Upper Columbia Conference, and by most declared to be the best they ever attended anywhere.SITI June 22, 1888, page 376.3
Brother Decker and his corps of fellow-laborers all go to their work with hearts full of courage and good cheer in the Lord; and we are glad to believe that this good meeting is but a token of what God is willing to do, and will do, for the dear souls in the Upper Columbia Conference. There are three ordained ministers—Elders H. W. Decker, D. T. Fero, and J. W. Scoles—and four licentiates, engaged in active labors in the field, besides Elder G. W. Colcord, who is in charge of the Conference school.SITI June 22, 1888, page 376.4