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March 12, 1896
“The Good Shepherd” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
“I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.1
Christ occupies a multitude of relations to His people. He is “The Everlasting Father,” yet He is our Brother. So He is not only the Good Shepherd, but He is also the door into the sheepfold, and even the fold itself. Every good thing is found in Him.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.2
The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep; and He gives it not in vain, as is indicated by the parable in Luke 15:3-7. “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.3
This teaches that the lost sheep will certainly be found, which means that God’s people will be saved; for His sheep are His people. “O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” Psalm 95:6, 7.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.4
When the heathen Canaanitish woman besought Jesus to heal her daughter He said, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24. Yet He listened to her prayer, and healed her daughter, thus showing that that poor Gentile was one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. She was one whom He came to save.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.5
Further assurance is found in these words of Christ: “All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.” John 6:37-39.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.6
He will therefore surely find all of His own, and He will keep all that He finds; for He says further: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.” John 10:27-29. Surely, then, the “little flock” need not fear, even though the devil does go about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 161.7
But the Lord said, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” John 10:16. Some people quote this text to justify the numerous divisions in the professed church of Christ; but they certainly do not read it thoughtfully. It is true that the Lord has other sheep-sheep that are wandering in the desert, and that are even in the jaws of a lion. But He will gather them, for His mission is to the lost, and then there will be “one fold, and one Shepherd.” Unity is the perfection of God’s plan. His desire for His people is “that they all may be one.” John 17:21. It is only “in the unity of the faith” that they come “unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.1
There is but one fold, although the sheep are scattered in many places. The church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:21, 23), and “there is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 5:4-6.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.2
Are not all men on the earth the lost sheep of the house of Israel? No; for all the sheep are to be saved; and but few men will be saved, compared with the multitudes that have lived on earth. See Matthew 7:13, 14. At the last day mankind will be found divided into two classes, the sheep and the goats,-and they will be separated, the one from the other. “And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matthew 25:31-41.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.3
Then did not Christ die for all? Most certainly; for the Scriptures so declare. And He does not arbitrarily divide mankind into two classes-sheep and goats. Men themselves make that division; the Lord only separates the two classes when He comes. Each individual has it wholly in his own power to decide in which of the two classes He will be. A very few words more will show how this is.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.4
Read these verses in the tenth chapter of John. Verse 4: “And when He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them, and the sheep follow Him; for they know His voice.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.5
Verse 16: “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.6
Verse 27: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.7
There you have the whole story. Anyone who hears the voice of Jesus, and follows Him, is His sheep. To hear is to obey. The Word of God is the test. They who, when it comes to them, reject it, in whole or in part, or straightway begin to contradict it, or to attempt to pervert it from its plain sense, or to excuse themselves for not obeying it, are marking themselves as goats. The sheep hear the voice, and follow it. No matter where they are, nor how wholly lost they are, if they hear indeed, then they are sheep, and their salvation is as sure as God’s existence. “Incline your ear, and come unto Me; hear, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3. “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” “We are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.8
“Human Wolves” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
Impossible as it may seem, it is certified on good authority that the adoption of children by wolves is not merely an ancient myth, but that instances have actually occurred. A writer in the Badminton Magazine tells of the carrying off of native infants in India, and their occasional adoption into the wolf family. How any of the children thus captured escape being devoured, is of course a matter of conjecture; but the interesting and instructive feature of the case is the after result. The writer says:-PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.9
Some of these poor waifs have been recovered after spending ten or more years in the fellowship of wolves, and though wild and savage at first, have in time become tractable in some degree. They are rarely seen to stand upright, unless to look around, and they gnaw bones in the manner of a dog, holding one end between the forearms and hands, while snarling and snapping at anybody who approaches too near. The wolf-child has little except its outward form to show that it is a human being with a soul. It is a fearful and terrible thing, and hard to understand, that the mere fact of a child’s complete isolation from its own kind should bring it to such a state of absolute degradation. Of course, they speak no language, though some in time have learned to make known their wants by a few signs. When first taken they fear the approach of adults, and, if possible, will slink out of sight; but should a child of their size, or smaller, come near, they will growl, and even snap and bite at it.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.10
The same results would be seen if it were the child of the most cultured family in the world. Why?-Because the hearts of all men are fashioned alike, and all naturally tend to evil. Hatred, wrath, variance, strife, uncleaness, etc., are natural to every human being. The Apostle Paul, writing to Titus, said, “We ourselves were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.” Titus 3:3.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.11
In other words, the unregenerate human nature is very wolfish. Let any child be left utterly destitute of training, and the wolfish disposition will surely develop. Whatever good traits anybody possesses are the result, either directly or indirectly, of the grace of God. “Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.12
All this only emphasises the necessity of the early, careful, and continuous training of children in the right way. Two declarations of the sure Word of God should ever be present in the minds of parents, as a warning and an encouragement: “A child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is told he will not depart from it.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.13
“The Unpardonable Sin” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
The Unpardonable Sin.-Faith is the only means of salvation. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven the one who believes, for “with the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” But he who refuses to believe shuts himself off from life and righteousness. In short, the unpardonable sin is the sin that rejects pardon.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 162.14
“Items of Interest” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
-Queen Victoria owns ?400,000 worth of china.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.1
-English shipbuilders have orders from Japan for five new warships.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.2
-Central America has a little war on hand between factions in Nicaragua.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.3
-The best corks come from Algeria. There are 2,500,000 acres of cork forests in that country.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.4
-More eyes must be damaged or lost than most people suppose. Two million glass eyes are manufactured every year in Germany and Switzerland.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.5
-Desultory fighting is still going on in Cuba. The insurgents are avoiding general engagements, and are expecting the wet season, with its fevers, to be a formidable ally.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.6
-Possibly the largest experimental orchard of apples in the world is owned by Benjamin Buckman, of Farmingdale, Illinois. His collection embraces over 550 named varieties.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.7
-It is said that China and Russia have an understanding by which Russia secures full use of Chinese harbours and arsenals in return for money lent and aid rendered in making terms with Japan last year.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.8
-By means of the new ray of light Berlin surgeons the other day located a piece of needle in a woman’s hand, which had been in the hand for two months. The photograph showed it plainly, and it was extacted.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.9
-The Japanese Government has just placed orders for 18,000 machine-made watches to be distributed among the officers and men who distinguished themselves in the late war. The watches are to take the place of medals.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.10
-This year is the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the potato into England, and also of tobacco. In 1506 Sir Walter Raleigh first brought potatoes and tobacco from America to England. For some time potatoes were it luxury of the rich alone, costing 2s. per lb.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.11
-A member of the Royal Geological Society shows that no less than 20,000,000 square miles of the earth’s surface yet remain unexplored. The largest unexplored area is in Africa, 6,500,000 square miles, but even North America contains 1,500,000 square miles of virgin territory.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.12
-Germany has 856 naval officers and 18,830 sailors; Austria, 611 officers and 11,897 sailors; Great Britain, 2,379 officers and 51,995 sailors; the United States, 1,031 officers and 11,000 sailors France, 2,020 officers and 42,205 sailors; Italy, 800 officers and 33,415 sailors; and Russia, 1,249 officers and 38,000 sailors.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.13
-Owing to the overwhelming defeat of the Italian troops in Abyssinia last week the Italian Government has trouble on hand at home. Discontent always brewing in Italy, is manifesting itself in hostile demonstrations. There is a strong movement against the monarchy, and in Sicily the people are ready to revolt. Italy is paying a heavy price for glory in Africa, and has so far failed to get the glory.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 174.14
“Back Page” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
A friend in India sends us an Indian paper of recent date, from which it appears that the Roman Catholics are especially active just now in sending missionaries to that country.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.1
The number of papers devoted to the cause in which PRESENT TRUTH is engaged, is increasing. An edition of Tidens Tecken, of Stockholm, is now published in Helsingfors, Finland. A paper has also been started in Mexico.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.2
It is stated that the recent defeat of the Italians in Abyssinia is already lowering the prestige of all Europeans on the African continent. This is why all the Powers are anxious that Italy should ultimately win, no matter at what sacrifice of men and money.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.3
Owing to the increase of betting and gambling an influentially signed appeal has been addressed to the nation on the subject, declaring that the evil “is assuming the proportions of a grave social and national peril,” affecting every class of society.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.4
There is little question but that Italy has no rightful claim to Abyssinia, and there seems to be no question that the possession of it would be no benefit to her, but rather a damage. Yet there is quite a general agreement that the “honour” of Italy demands that she now continue the war of aggression until a free people are finally despoiled of their territory. That is the National and International idea of “honour.” Can anybody claim that a nation, any more than a man, with such an idea is Christian?PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.5
Ever since Malta became a Crown colony the Roman Church has controlled the local authorities to maintain her declaration that all marriages not celebrated by the Church are invalid. It has long been a subject of agitation and inquiry, and at last the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has decided that marriages by other than the priests of the Roman Church should be considered legally valid in Malta.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.6
The Times’ correspondent reports the visit of Bishop Wilkinson to the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg, as the representative of the Bishop of London, bearing a message of good will from the English to the Russian Church. This is how he exhibited the cordial feeling:-PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.7
Bishop Wilkinson in Convocation robes, with his episcopal staff, knelt in prayer at the altar and kissed the holy image of the Saviour with which he was blessed by the Metropolitan Paliadius. The Bishop also did reverence to the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky, and at parting exchanged kisses three times with the Metropolitan.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.8
The old Sunday law of Charles II. is now and then revived in various parts of the country to satisfy some person’s idea of making his fellows religious. The following is sent us by a correspondent, who took it from an Ilfracombe paper:-PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.9
At Sevenoaks, Mary Livett, widow, who gets her living by keeping a small sweets-shop, was summoned for selling sweets, nuts, and other articles on the Lord’s Day, “the same not being a work of necessity.” It was proved that on Sunday, January 12th, a defendant had sold things to children, and a fine of 1s. with 9s. costs was imposed. Defendant, who said she was unable to pay, was allowed a week.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.10
This is a fair sample of the inhumanity, to say nothing of the religion, of religious laws. It shows, too, that the old law has life, and only waits for the old sentiment to become more general in order to have far more general application.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.11
“An era of colossal naval in addition to huge military forces looms out before the world,” says the Chronicle, “thus ending for a long time the generous dreams of those who, half a century ago, believed that the war-drum would soon throb no longer, and that the battle-flags would be furled.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.12
More and more clearly it is being shown how small the world has become. Questions and controversies that agitate Europe spring from the most unexpected quarters of the world. Now it is Venezuela, then the Transvaal, and again Abyssinia, that suddenly spring upon Europe the gravest crises. It is no longer the cock-pit of Europe, of which we used to read, but of the whole world. “The nations are angry.”PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.13
“The Eastern Question” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
The Eastern Question.-The two following numbers on this subject will deal more particularly with the situation in Turkey, as observed by the writer during a recent visit. As the articles which have now appeared (last week and this) make a complete presentation, though brief, of the scriptural side of the question, we are preparing to reprint them from the standing type in the form of a 16-page tract, large size, which will be ready in a few days. Illustrated. Price, 1d. The question is one of the deepest importance, and we know our friends will be glad to call attention to it by giving this tract a wide circulation.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.14
“In Samoa” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
In Samoa.-One of the medical missionaries sent by our society to the South Seas makes the following report, in appealing for increased facilities in Samoa:-PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.15
We began medical work November 15, and by December 31 had given over eleven hundred treatments, filled forty-five teeth, extracted thirty-two, made several plates, and performed seven surgical operations. People are coming to us from islands seventy miles away. What can we do with them? They cannot stay out-of-doors, and if they could, we could not treat them there.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.16
“Not Accidental” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
Not Accidental.-Among the treasures of King Pempeh brought to London are many symbols of the Ashanti fetish worship. A newspaper says:-PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.17
Another interesting trophy is an incense cup of pure gold, which has been made in exactly the same form as those used in Roman Catholic churches, with roses and thistles around the bowl.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.18
It is only another instance of the similarity between Catholic and pagan rites, so common in the East that the dullest observer can see that it is no accidental similarity. When the “falling away” came the Catholic Church copied the rites of the heathen to win converts.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.19
“Established Religion” The Present Truth, 12, 11.
Established Religion.-We believe thoroughly in the establishment of religion. The only way, however, in which the religion of Christ can be established is declared by the Apostle Paul in Romans 3:31, “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.” This is the establishment of the Protestant religion, too; for the whole controversy between Protestantism and the Papacy is whether God’s government and law is supreme or whether the Papacy has power to change the law of the Most High, as it has “thought” to do. Daniel 7:25. The Gospel calls upon all men to accept the righteousness of God as by faith established.PTUK March 12, 1896, page 176.20