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June 15, 1899
“The Debt Forgiven” The Present Truth 15, 24.
When the Saviour taught His disciples how to pray, He put into their mouths the words, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” Matthew 6:12. It is clear from this that God does not hold anything against man. If He did, Christ would not have taught us to make such a request.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 369.1
It is this truth, too seldom apprehended, which makes the message of the Gospel “tidings of great joy to all people.” If only it were believed, it would lift every cloud that overhangs this life, and cause the hearts of men to sing for joy.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 369.2
Every sin is committed against God. The Lamb of God bears the sin of the world. David confessed, “Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done, this evil in Thy sight.” Psalm 51:4. Men realise that they are sinful in His sight, and that there is enmity in their own hearts. They judge God by themselves, and count Him “an hard man.” It seems to them that God has nothing but stern condemnation for them, and they avoid His Word, because they fear its reproof.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 369.3
But God is love, He feels the gap which men make between themselves and Him, and His one desire is to draw all to Himself. When Adam sinned, he sought from God, though he needed Divine help more than ever. God looked at His need, and sought out the trembling sinner, not to embitter his life with reproaches, but to bring the comforting promise of a Saviour who should recover what Adam had lost, and restore all things.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 369.4
Ever since that time, sinful men have thought to hide from God, as though He were pursuing them in His wrath, but it was His goodness and mercy that followed them every day of their lives. Still God sends His messengers into all the world, not to condemn, but to speak the glad tidings to every creature.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 369.5
And what is the message that the ambassadors bear? Theirs is a ministry, not of reproach, but of reconciliation. They declare that God was in Christ, reconciling sinners to Himself, “not imputing their trespasses unto them,” and through them He beseeches all to be reconciled to Him. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. Since every sin is against God, if He does not impute sin, no one else can.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.1
“Not imputing their trespasses unto them.” Truly this is a message meet to be sounded in the ears of every sinful, discouraged creature. All have wished at same time in their lives that the miserable record of the past might be blotted out, as though it had never been, and they could start afresh. This is the very thing that the Gospel brings to men. The old debt is freely forgiven. They are clear with God, and can come to Him with confidence, for all that stood between them and Him is taken out of the way. He has destroyed the enmity, and asks simply that men will acknowledge that He does indeed love them, and be reconciled to Him.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.2
If, after this, men die in their sins, it is their own fault entirely. God does not impute sin to them, but they choose to impute it to themselves by deciding to still bear it when God has set them free. It is not the sins of their lives that condemn men, but the fact that, with the chance of getting rid of the sins, they prefer to retain them. “This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.3
God challenges all men to declare one thing which He might have done for His people that He has not done in them. Isaiah 5. He gives every advantage that the weakest can ask for. He declares the past to be disposed of, imputing nothing to men. In place of the sin which He takes away, He bestows His own righteousness, and imparts His own power, for the Gospel is the power of God. He takes away all the old things, and makes all things new, creating a clean heart. His angels are commissioned to minister to the heirs of salvation, and His Spirit is given without measure. He does for all exceeding abundantly above all that they can ask or think. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.4
“The Power Ever Present” The Present Truth 15, 24.
Through a very small wire a powerful current of electricity can be transmitted, provided the proper connections are made. So the timid, trembling soul, when his humanity is linked with Divinity can be the medium through which Christ is manifested to the world.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.5
And by the way, one unacquainted with the nature of electricity might think that it had but recently come into existence, since it has been so short a time since its utility has been recognised. Not so. There was just as much electricity a thousand years ago as there is now; and there is just as much in the forests of Central Africa as here, only it isn't utilised; it has not been harnessed, as it were, to do man's bidding. So it is with the Spirit of God, the energising power of creation. It is throbbing all around us, and God desires that through us it may be a current of life to the dying everywhere. More willing than earthly parents are to give good gifts to their children, is our Heavenly Father to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. Then since it awaits our demand and reception, why not receive it?PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.6
“A Devouring Fire” The Present Truth 15, 24.
After Saul was slain, the Philistines thought to do away also with David, who was anointed king in his stead; but when they attempted it, they were smitten; and in the record (1 Chronicles 14:11), David says: “God hath broken in upon mine enemies by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters; therefore, they called the name of that place Baal-perazim,” which means, literally, breaking forth.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.7
In Isaiah 28:21, this incident is made mention of by the prophet to show the manner of Christ's coming. “For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.8
For many centuries God has been hidden from the children of men; yes not wholly, for He has revealed Himself and His workings to the people in messages of salvation. But His hiding will not be for ever. There will come a time when He “shall rise up as in mount Perazim,”-burst upon an astonished world in all His glory. “As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” That will be His coming the “second time without sin unto salvation;” when He will come in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God. But this vengeance is not against the individual, as such, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.” Men are destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming,-His glory that is about Him as a consuming fire,-because they are inseparably connected with ungodliness and unrighteousness. There are others who will “dwell with everlasting burnings,” and the reason that they can dwell there is because in them is no ungodliness nor unrighteousness.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 370.9
It is a comforting thought, that though the “day of the Lord's fierce anger” is “near, even at the door,” yet we need not be of them who cry for the rocks and mountains to “fall upon us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” Having made the Lord our refuge, and the Most High our habitation, we can with joy look up and say, “Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.1
“The Gospel of Isaiah. Waiting to Be Gracious. Isaiah 30:15-38” The Present Truth 15, 24.
15. Verily thus saith the Lord Jehovah, the
Holy One of Israel;
By turning from your ways, and by abiding
quiet, ye shall be saved;
In silence, and in pious confidence, shall be
your strength;
But ye would not hearken.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.2
16. And ye said: Nay, but on horses will we flee;
Therefore shall ye be put to flight;
And on swift coursers will we ride;
Therefore shall they be swift, that pursue you.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.3
17. One thousand, at the rebuke of one;
At the rebuke of five, ten thousand of you
shall flee;
Till ye be left as a standard on the summit of
a mountain;
And as a beacon on a high hill.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.4
18. Yet for this shall Jehovah wait to show favour
unto you;
Even for this shall He expect in silence, that
He may have mercy upon you:
(For Jehovah is a God of Judgment;
Blessed are all they that trust in Him);PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.5
19. When a holy people shall dwell in Sion;
When in Jerusalem thou shalt implore Him
with weeping:
At the voice of thy cry He shall be abundantly
gracious unto thee;
No sooner shall He hear, than He shall
answer thee.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.6
20. Though Jehovah hath given you the bread of
distress, and the water of affliction;
Yet the timely rain shall no more be re-
But thine eyes shall behold the timely rain.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.7
21. And thine ears shall hear the word prompting
thee behind,
Saying, This is the way; walk ye in it;
Turn not aside, to the right, or to the left.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.8
22. And ye shall treat as defiled the covering of
your idols of silver;
And the clothing of your molten images of
Thou shalt cast them away like a polluted
Thou shalt say unto them, Be gone from me.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.9
23. And He shall give rain for thy seed,
With which thou shalt sow the ground;
And bread of the produce of the ground;
And it shall be abundant and plenteous.
Then shall thy cattle feed in large past-
ure;PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.10
24. And the oxen, and the young asses, that till
the ground,
Shall eat well-fermented maslin,
Winnowed with the van and the sieve.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.11
25. And on every lofty mountain,
And on every high hill,
Shall be disparting rills, and streams of
In the day of the great slaughter, when the
mighty fall.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.12
26. And the light of the moon shall be as the
light of the meridian sun;
And the light of the meridian sun shall be
In the day when Jehovah shall bind up the
breach of His people;
And shall heal the wound, which His stroke
hath inflicted.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.13
27. Lo, the name of Jehovah cometh from afar;
His wrath burneth, and the flame rageth
His lips are filled with indignation;
And His tongue is as a consuming fire.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.14
28. His Spirit is like a torrent overflowing;
It shall reach to the middle of the neck;
He cometh to toss the nations with the van of
And there shall be a bridle, to lead them
astray, in the jaws of the people.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.15
29. Ye shall utter a song, as in the night when
the feast is solemnly proclaimed;
With joy of heart, as when one marcheth to
the sound of the pipe;
To go to the mountain of Jehovah, to the
Rock of Israel.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.16
30. And Jehovah shall cause His glorious voice
to be heard,
And the lighting down of His arm to be
With wrath indignant, and a flame of con-
suming fire;
With a violent storm, and rushing showers,
and hailstones.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.17
31. By the voice of Jehovah shall the Assyrian be
beaten down;
He, that was ready to smite with his staff.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.18
32. And it shall be, that wherever shall pass the
rod of correction,
Which Jehovah shall lay heavily upon him;
It shall be accomplished with tabrets and
And with fierce battles shall He fight against
them.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.19
33. For Tophet is ordained of old;
Even the same for the king is prepared;
He hath made it deep; He hath made it
A fiery pyre, and abundance of fuel;
And the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of
sulphur shall kindle it.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.20
Although the selection of Scripture for study is rather long, we need not become confused by it. Do not expect to understand every expression in it at first. There are very few parts of the Bible where we cannot find things that are hard to be understood, even when the general matter is very plain. In all such cases work in the line of least resistance. Do not spend time working backwards; that is, do not begin at the end and try to work to the beginning. In studying the Scriptures, always seize first upon that which is evident at first sight, such as simple promises. These will lead you gently along to the understanding of that which is not so obvious. Remember that the cross of Christ is the revelation of God to man, and that therefore it is through the promises that we are to understand all His sayings and dealings. Our previous study of Isaiah has shown us that it applies to us as well as to the men who lived when it was written; therefore we must study it for our own personal benefit. If in any lesson we perceive one truth that is new to us, or one new setting of truth, which will lighten our pathway, and make it easier for us to lay hold of Divine strength and to overcome, we are doing well. Sometimes we shall be able to find many such things.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 371.21
For the sake of the connection we take in one verse that was in the preceding lesson. The fifteenth verse should be so firmly fixed in the mind of every one that it can never be forgotten. “In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Resting in the Lord! What strength it affords. All power is then exerted in our behalf. “The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:24-26.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.1
“But ye were not willing.” That was the case with Israel of old, and it is largely the case now. We show our heathenism by our unwillingness to trust the Lord. By fearing to trust the Lord, and thinking that in this case we must use our own skill to help us out of the difficulty, we show that we regard ourselves as gods, greater than the God of heaven.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.2
“But ye said, No, for we will flee upon horses; therefore shall ye flee.” A horse is swift, and promises well as a means of escape from danger. For those who trust Him, God prepares a table in the presence of their enemies (Psalm 23:5), where they can quietly sit down and eat while the enemy rages and spends its strength in vain: but people mostly become frightened at the roaring of the adversary, and fly from their place of protection. They think that there is greater safety in flight than in trusting the Lord. What is the consequence?-“Therefore shall ye be put to flight.” Certainly; that is what we have planned for; and if we are put to flight, there will surely be some one pursuing, and they that pursue will be swift. We plan for defeat instead of victory.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.3
Notice the contrast between those who trust the Lord and those who try to “fight their own battles.” God's promise to Israel was that if they trusted in Him, and kept His commandments, one man should chase a thousand, and two should put ten thousand to flight. See Deuteronomy 32:30; Joshua 23:10. But what a change takes place when God is forsaken. Then “one thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one;” and at the rebuke of five ten thousand shall flee. The case is exactly reversed. Mind that it needs only a threat to make them flee when they do not trust in the Lord. “The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.4
And now comes a most unexpected and gracious promise. It is unexpected, because it is so entirely unlike human nature, and therefore it is all the more gracious. After recounting the stubbornness of the people, how they have said, “Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from among us,” and have refused to rely on Him, choosing rather their own way, the Lord says, “Therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you; for the Lord is a God of judgment; blessed are all they that wait for Him.” Why will the Lord wait to be gracious?-Because the people have been rebellious. The meaning of the word rendered “wait,” is “to long for,” “to desire;” and the statement is that although the people have rejected Him, there is nothing He is more anxious for than to do them a kindness. “The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3. Was there ever a more perfect example of unselfish love? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. Human love is selfish; people love for the pleasure that they derive from the object of their affection, and usually cease to love when they are slighted or neglected. With God it is entirely different. He loves, in order that He may give pleasure to the objects of His affections, and He finds His pleasure in the happiness which His love imparts to the loved ones. Hatred and abuse only call out greater manifestations of His everlasting, unchangeable love. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. He knows the mortal disease from which sinners are suffering, and He longs with all His infinite soul to deliver them from it. Was anything ever more wondrously gracious!PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.5
“Oh, hope of every contrite heart!
Oh, joy of all the meek!
To those who fall, how kind Thou art!
How good to those who seek!PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.6
“And those who find Thee, find a bliss
Nor tongue nor pen can show;
The love of Jesus, what it is,
None but His loved ones know.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.7
If we grasp this one truth it will be a most profitable lesson for us. To know the love of Jesus, which is but the manifestation of the love of God, is to know the wisdom of eternity. But let us remember that to know it means to make a practical application of it. We must accept it in order to know it. And acceptance of the love of God does not mean mere selfish enjoyment of its blessings. There is no selfishness in the love of God, and therefore nobody can selfishly enjoy it. The acceptance of it drives out selfishness. If we indeed receive the love of God, then the hatefulness of others, instead of making us cold and hard towards them, will but increase our desire to do them kindness. You say that that is not natural, and that no man can do it. No, it is not natural, but it is spiritual; and it is not possible for any human nature to manifest such love; the only way it can be done is by having the love of God shed abroad in our hearts; and this is done by the Holy Spirit, that is so freely given to all who are willing to receive. Shall we not learn this lesson of Divine love?PTUK June 15, 1899, page 372.8
Why does the Lord show such marvelous loving kindness and mercy?-Because “the Lord is a God of judgment.” You thought that justice and judgment meant punishment? Oh no, not necessarily. Justice and judgment are the foundation of God's throne, and His throne is a throne of grace. God is just in that He is the justifier of them that believe in Jesus. Romans 3:26. That is a declaration of His righteousness, for God rests His claim to righteousness on the fact that He is faithful to forgive sins, and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.1
“He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry.” The Lord is looking for opportunities to do good. “He delighteth in mercy.” Micah 7:19. He is hearkening to hear what His people will say to Him. Malachi 3:16. “No sooner shall He hear, than He shall answer thee.” He bends down to earth, anxiously waiting to hear some cry. So intently does He listen that not only does He hear the faintest whisper, but the first impulse to call upon Him reaches His heart. He knows the thoughts and intents of the heart, and responds to them. He is not like the unjust judge, who must be importuned and besieged before he would grant the righteous request. See Luke 18:1-8. God is a God of judgment, and is not unjust; therefore He hears and avenges speedily. Surely we have every encouragement that could possibly be given, to call on the Lord, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.2
This chapter abounds in gracious promises. Although we have had affliction as the necessary result of our own waywardness, yet our teachers shall not be removed from us, but our eyes shall see them. The Lord will not leave us to wander in ignorance of the way, but our ears shall hear a word behind us, saying, “This is the way; walk ye in it.” How strange it is that we are so apt to think that timely warning and instruction are a hardship instead of a blessing! “It is not in man that walketh to direct his step,” therefore we do well to pray, “O Lord correct me, but with judgment.” Jeremiah 10:23, 24.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.3
In verse 20 we have an excellent illustration of the blessings of various translations of the Bible, instead of only one. All the languages of earth are only fragments of the perfect language of heaven. The blight of the curse is upon everything, so that even if we had all the languages combined we should still have only an imperfect reproduction of the original language. God's thoughts are not as our thoughts, but are very deep, and higher than the heavens. Is it then impossible for us to understand the Word of God, because we have only one of the many imperfect languages at our command?-No, not by any means. It would be impossible for us to understand it, even though we were master of them all, if we were left to our own wisdom; but the Holy Spirit is given us, in order that we may know the things that are freely given us of God. 1 Corinthians 2:12. Nevertheless we are to make use of every means that God has placed in our reach, and among these is a knowledge of various languages, or the use of various translations into the one tongue that we understand. So in this instance we learn much from the fact that whereas in one translation we have the word “teachers,” in another we have the word “rain” for the same thing.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.4
There is no contradiction in this, no lack of harmony; for the fact is that the Hebrew word is correctly rendered both “teacher” and “rain.” This is not because of the poverty of the language, but rather because of its richness, each word being so comprehensive. There is a lesson to be learned from it: a teacher is to be one who refreshes his pupils, as the rain refreshes the earth. There is no teacher like God (Job 36:22), for He is the fountain of living waters (Jeremiah 2:13), “a place of broad rivers and streams” (Isaiah 33:21), and is “as the dew unto Israel.” Hosea 14:5. God pours showers upon him that is thirsty, and on the dry ground floods, even His Holy Spirit, which is the water of life. Isaiah 44:3; John 7:37-39. Therefore those who believe shall send forth streams of living water. Christ, the greatest of teachers, knows how to refresh the weary with a word. “Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of My mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, My speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass; because I will publish the name of the Lord; ascribe ye greatness unto our God.” Deuteronomy 32:1-3.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.5
Gracious are the promises of God, and everlasting and infinite is His love; yet that does not mean that wickedness will be allowed to continue for ever. “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished.” Those who persist in doing evil according to the hardness of their own impenitent hearts, are but treasuring up to themselves wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to every man according to his works. Romans 2:4-6. But in the visitation of punishment, there is no change in God. He is still the same God of love. “His mercy endureth for ever.” The destruction of the wicked is only the natural, inevitable result of the rejection of the infinite love of Him whose favour is life. Take notice that it is the breath of God that kindles the fires of Gehenna. “He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked,” yet “righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins, and faithfulness the girdle of His reins.” Isaiah 11:4, 5. That breath which destroys the wicked, is the breath of life,-the very same breath which is now given to all mankind, wicked as well as righteous, and without which there would be no life on earth. How then can it be that it will finally consume the wicked?-Simply because they will not accept it for what it is. Not recognising God in the air that they breathe, they do not allow it to do the work for them which God designs, namely, to remove all iniquity from them. The breath of God is at work every moment in all the earth, consuming impurity, and making it possible for men to live. Every where and all the time God is showing us for what purpose breath is given: it is to purify and cleanse, and give life. Then when men identify themselves with vileness and sin, it is inevitable that they should be consumed by that which would be their life, if they were willing. “Our God is a consuming fire.” The very same fire that purifies the gold burns up the dross. Everything therefore depends upon how we stand related to God. Shall we receive Him as our life indeed, by allowing Him to redeem us from all iniquity, or shall He be to us the devouring fire? “Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.6
Tophet was a part of the valley of the son of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, where the abominations of the heathen had been practiced, and where the Jews also practiced them when they apostatised. It was here that they made their children to pass through fire. See 2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 7:31. It was thus regarded as an accursed spot, and was the place for burning up the refuse matter of the city. From this comes the word “Gehenna” in Mark 9:45, 47, and elsewhere. See margin of R.V. The word simply means, “valley of Hinnom.” When Jesus spoke of it as the place where the wicked should receive their punishment, the Jews would well understand that it meant utter destruction-the place where the unrighteous should be stubble, and should be burnt up “root and branch.” Malachi 4:1. And it was not a mere figure of speech, either, for it is in that very place that the wicked will be gathered when the fire comes down from God out of heaven, and devours them. Revelation 20:9. God does not speak at random, but means what He says.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 373.7
“Deciding for the Right” The Present Truth 15, 24.
What men lack in these days more than anything else is decision of character for the right. The world is not getting better, as many say; but rather is becoming worse and worse. Why? Certainly not because the people do not know the right for never has it been made more plain; but it is because while knowing the right, they haven't the moral backbone to do it.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 374.1
There are many people who want to do right, and desire to be right; but when they see that it means the sacrifice of some cherished idol, the loss of some friendship or the giving up of some worldly prospect, they hesitate, and hesitation generally ends in a decision on the wrong side.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 374.2
There are others who content themselves with letting some one else be their conscience. In a crisis, they wait till they see how some one in whom they have confidence speaks, and then they agree with him. They are like a man who can only walk with the aid of crutches. If the crutches are removed, and he tries to take a step, he falls to the ground. So with those who have always made some one else their moral prop; when they have to act and speak for themselves, they are without strength of character, and are always found on the wrong side. God wants men who will stand firmly for the right, though the heavens fall. Such men He can use as He used Daniel, and Joseph and Noah, and through them He will carry forward His work in the earth.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 374.3
“The Divine Teacher” The Present Truth 15, 24.
In spite of all the attention bestowed on the best methods of education for several years past teachers cannot hit upon the right principles. Mr. Bryce, in an address a delivered to the Teachers Guild, uttered a note of warning against the danger of making physical science too prominent. He declared that too much of this produced “a dry, gritty and unfertile type of mind, which was a menace to future generations.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.1
The one thing which will solve the problem of right education is the recognition of the fact that He who made the mind is alone able to guide it on correct lines. The important question is whether God is available as an educator, and this He has promised to be to whoever will receive Him as such. “It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God.” Christ applied these words to those who would allow themselves to be drawn to Him. John 6:44, 45.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.2
There is no teacher like God. Job 36:22. The entire universe constitutes His school, and every created thing in it is an object lesson. Job 12:7-9. He Himself is truth, and the fear of Him is the beginning of wisdom. Therefore this is the first thing the little ones should learn, “Come, ye children, hearken unto Me. I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” Psalm 34:11. It is the Spirit of Christ that speaks in this Psalm. 1 Peter 1:11. David says of himself, “O God, Thou hast taught me from my youth.” Psalm 71:17.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.3
Everything in the universe reveals Christ and consists in Him. Romans 1:20. Colossians 1:17. To deal only with the facts, which abound on every hand, apart from their, connection with God, is to miss the true lesson of the facts, and refuse their guidance to the knowledge of the Creator. Such incomplete study can only develop “a dry, gritty, unfertile type of mind.” It is worse than useless. No man can learn any truth except as the Spirit of God is able to put it into his mind, and this same Spirit, if allowed to do so, will lead the recipient into all truth. Therefore it is the only educational factor of the slightest value.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.4
Yet how few seek education for themselves and their children from God! What does it avail to study history if one does not become acquainted with the most sublime character that ever lived? What will it profit a man to learn the scientific name of every manifestation of force, if he does not learn to take hold of the power of God unto salvation? How often we read of college graduates, whose acquaintance with the “law of gravity” has not sufficed to save them from “gravitating” to the gutter, drawn down by the unresisted attraction of fleshly lusts. What is musical culture worth that does not help to qualify a man for a place in the choir which will sing the song of Moses and the Lamb?PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.5
In the Word of God, studied as His message to men and the key of His marvellous works, we have sufficient to make every man perfect, prepared for every duty of life (2 Timothy 3:16, 17), and able to take his place in the very beat of society. Acts 20:32. If parents would only educate the children whom God has given them in the lessons of the Book which He has given them, the results would be perfectly satisfactory. They would be sure of their living, at least (Matthew 6:33), and in this respect alone they would occupy a better position than large numbers of university graduates. Godliness is the only thing that has a sure promise of the life that now is. 1 Timothy 4:8.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.6
Then make the knowledge of God the first thing in the education of children, whatever else they map have to leave unlearned. Remember it is God who must do the teaching, so let the children come direct to His Word and works. None will have eternal life who have not been thus educated, for it is written of New Jerusalem, “the mother of us all,” “all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 377.7
“Little Folks. The Tree of Life” The Present Truth 15, 24.
We have talked together often of how everything in nature is teaching us something of the One who made it,-of Jesus the Creator of all things, who lives and reveals Himself to us in every one of His works.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.1
I hope you will remember what we learned in the Spring about the seed; that Jesus is the true Seed from which the whole creation springs, the beginning of all things, and the end, for everything in the whole creation of God is just the unfolding of His wonderful life. In Him all fulness dwells, and “the fulness of the whole earth is His glory.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.2
Now let us see how He is teaching us this lesson in the trees that we now see around us covered with fresh green leaves, and many of them with sweet, fragrant blossoms, the promise of fruit and seed for the harvest.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.3
Think of the thousands of these little leaves, and what it is that keeps them so fresh and green. It is the sap, the lifeblood of the tree, running through the twig upon which they grow, that carries life to them. If you take a leaf from the twig you will find that it will soon lose its fresh green appearance, and wither and dry up.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.4
Suppose, then, that we break off the whole twig; would it and the leaves continue to live? No; for the twig, like the leaf, depends for its life upon something else, and this life is carried to it through the branch.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.5
But the branch, like the twig, is only the channel for the life which flows through it, and it does not have life in itself. Remember what Jesus said about the branches of the vine, and this is just as true of every kind of branch: “The branch cannot bear fruit of itself,” because it has no life of itself.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.6
Every part of the tree depends upon the tree from which it springs for its life, and if separated from the tree is nothing at all, for it soon withers and crumbles into dust. The largest bough as well as the tiniest leaf is nothing if nut away from the tree; it depends just as much as the little leaf, on the tree from which it has its beginning, for its life.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.7
The water that the roots suck up from the earth becomes the sap or blood of the tree and circulates all through it, carrying the life of God to every branch and twig and leaf. For we have learned that all the water in the world is God's own life poured out upon it, to give life to all His works.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.8
See, now, what this is teaching us of Jesus, and how we are joined to Him, and depend upon Him for all things. The Word of God teaches us that Jesus is “The Tree of Life.” This wonderful Tree of Life fills heaven and earth, and its branches spread out into all God's great universe. Every living thing in the universe part of this wondrous Tree of Life. Nothing has any life of its own, the life of Jesus flows into all things, giving life and power. As the sap circulates through the tree, His life throughout all the world, and carries Iife to everything in it.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.9
We take in the life of Jesus in our food, drink it in the water, breathe it in the air, and receive it in the life-giving sunlight. As the leaf and the branch live in the tree and by the life of the tree, so “in Him we live, and move, and have our being,” and so does everything that lives and moves, as much the tiny insect and frail blossom, as all the great works of His hands.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.10
“That delicate forest flower,
With scented breath, and took so like a smile,
Seems, as it issues from the shapeless mould,
An emanation of the indwelling Life,
A visible token of the upholding Love,
That are the soul of this wide universe.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.11
All things spring from Jesus, as the leaves and branches from the tree, and all depend on Him each moment for their life.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.12
But, dear children, there are so many who will not believe this, who think that they have life in themselves that will last for ever. And so they will have nothing to do with Jesus, who is their life, and the Giver of every good gift that they have.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.13
But what would happen to the leaf, the twig, or the branch, if it refused to be joined to the tree from which it gets its life? It must perish, and being good for nothing, be destroyed. And this is just what must happen to all who will not have Jesus to be their life; there is no other life, and so there is nothing for them but death and destruction.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 378.14
Jesus now gives life to all, to those who do not love Him, as well as to those who do; He makes His sun to shine upon the evil and on the good, and sends rain upon the just and on the unjust.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 379.1
But when He comes there will be a separation, a cutting off from the Tree of Life of all who will not have Jesus to be their Saviour and their life, and like the withered and dead branches of a tree, these will be destroyed. But all those who love and choose Jesus will abide for ever rooted in Him, and bearing precious fruit to His glory.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 379.2
“Jottings” The Present Truth 15, 24.
-Spain and America have now formally resumed their diplomatic relations.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.1
-The West India humming-bird weighs only twenty grains.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.2
-A London omnibus earns on an average 44s. per day from passengers, and 1s. per day from advertisers.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.3
-The entire population of Porto Rico is being vaccinated by order of the United States military authorities.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.4
-Grasshoppers grow to their greatest size in South America, where they grow to a length of five inches, and their wings spread ten inches.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.5
-Since the beginning of this century no fewer than fifty-two volcanic islands have risen out of the sea. Nineteen have disappeared, and ten are now inhabited.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.6
-In 1861 there were only 17 monasteries and 58 convents in England and Wales; new, according to statistics, there are 248 religious houses for men and 498 for women.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.7
-A general strike has occurred at the great gun factories and engineering works of Creusot. 4,000 men have already come out. Work is reported as at a complete standstill.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.8
-A party of Essex farmers has been touring in Holland, studying agriculture and the way to make the most of poor land. They expect that the help thus gained will aid them in Essex.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.9
-Chief Chemist Wiley, of the United States Department of Agriculture, in an official Bulletin, states that fully ninety per cent. of the articles of food and drink manufactured in that country are adulterated to a greater or less extent.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.10
-The United States has determined to continue military operations the Philippines during the rainy season. The troops have suffered heavily from the heat, and the fighting has been very severe. Fresh reinforcements are to be furnished.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.11
-A railway is to be constructed from Acre to Damascus. The Thames Ironworks, under contract with the railway company, has takdn over the enterprise. The first section of the line from Acre and Haifa to the River Jordan will be opened within a year.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.12
-A grant of ?80,000 has been voted by the House of Commons to Lord Kitchener for his successful campaign against the Khallia. A number voted against the grant because the dead body of the Mabdi had been dug up and dishonoured, a protest which recalls the Saviour's observation on straining at gnats when swallowing a camel.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.13
-President Kruger and Sir Alfred Milner, representing the Transvaal and England, have met in conference at Bloemfontein with a view to settling the points in dispute between the two countries, but have been unable to come to terms. The Boers want to be independent of England, and the Government will not consider this for a moment.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.14
-American courts have lately been giving lessons on the lynching business. A South Carolina jury has assessed damages on a county where a lynching took place. A Kentucky jury has given a verdict of 650,000 damages against members of a baud of “white caps” that undertook to drive out the negroes. An Indiana court has held the sheriff of a county with his bandsman liable for damages to the heirs of a victim of the mob, from whom the sheriff failed to protect him.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.15
-Germany has bought from Spain the remnants of her colonies consisting of the Caroline and Ladrone islands. The prioce is fixed at about a million sterling.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.16
-As an indication of how some American cities have increased in size, Chicago in 1850 had, according to the census taken, a population of 60; now it has over 2,000,000 inhabitants.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.17
-A vessel bound for Gothenburg had to put into port on the way owing to a leak. On inspection it was found that the ship's copper bottom had been pierced by a sword-fish. Part of the sword was found embedded in a five-inch plank.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.18
-Serious complications have arisen in Cuba, there being an open quarrel between General Gomez and Governor General Brooke. The complaint of the Cubans is “that they are being brow-beaten by the Americans, who daily tighten their grip upon them.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.19
-The Dreyfus case seems at last to be nearing its end. The Court of Appeal has quashed his condemnation and ordered a fresh courtmartial. Esterhazy has confessed that it was he who wrote the documents which led to the condemnation of General Dreyfus. The former is to be prosecuted, also several others who were concerned in the case, and who must have known that the charges were based on forgeries.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.20
-The French President was made the object of a violent and organised attack at a Paris race meeting, on the part of members of some ancient families. Several arrests were made, and seditious clubs have been suppressed. Desperate attempts are being made by agitators to make leaders of Major Marchand, and other popular Frenchmen, with a view to unseating the President, but, so far, no one can be induced to head an insurrection.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.21
-The Peace Conference is showing itself friendly to the idea of arbitration, and several preparatory clauses have been adopted. If the Powers could approach a declaration of war with the same calmness that the Peace delegates can consider abstract theories, all would be well, but the value of the Conference remains to be proved, under conditions of intense strain and warlike excitement. The political history of the world is largely made up of broken treaties.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.22
-Statisticians who have collected the figures of the cost of late wars, for use at the Peace Conference, give the following: the Crimean war, ?840,000,000; the Italian war of 1858, ?50,000; 000; the Austro-Prussian war, ?66,000,004 the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, ?506,690,000 and the Russo-Turkish war, ?258,000,000, a total of over ?1,200,000,000 for five great European wars. The American Civil war cost ?1,000,000,000 and ?200,000,000 in loss of property.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.23
-The Russian calendar is now twelve days ahead of the rest of the world; and if she should continue her present calendar, next year will be a leap year there, and not in the rest of the world, which will add a day there, making Russia thirteen days ahead. The Russian Council of State, however, has consented to reform the calendar, beginning with next year. This will be done the same as was done in 1552 by the rest of Europe by simply dating back the twelve days they are ahead.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.24
-The demand for hot rolls on Sunday morning in the West End is leading to an increase of Sunday baking, and the County Council is being appealed to to take action in the matter, under an Act, by which informers are paid three shillings for reporting breaches of the law. It must be a bad law that has to call meanness to its aid, but every law that men make on religious matters is bad. When men set up a sabbath of their own, they have to protect it by works of their own, and both are alike wicked.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 382.25
“Back Page” The Present Truth 15, 24.
“The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” Are our hearts aglow to see Him as He is? Remember that without holiness, “no man shall see the Lord.” This means a daily consecration, a constant recognition that we are not our own. Are we willing to make the surrender? Life and death are set before us, and we must choose this day whom we will serve.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.1
David said, “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” This is the secret of Christian living. Where this is not done, there will be failure. The wise man says, “A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.” If those who are quick-tempered would only hide God's tender words in their hearts, and so have them ready for use when tempted, many heart-aches and sad memories would be saved. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.2
So many people have the idea that they cannot work for the Lord unless they are officially appointed by some organisation. This is a wrong idea. A man or woman who has tasted the sweets of the pardoning love of Christ, cannot but tell of it to others. When the Saviour left this earth, He gave “to every man his work.” That means that there is something definite for every Christian to do in the Master's vineyard. The earnest inquiry of all, made direct to the Master, should be, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” When the answer is received, that work should be done unto the Lord with heart and soul.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.3
If any have been in doubt whether the “Christian Science,” of which so much has been heard of late, is either Christian or science, their doubts may now be set at rest. A colonial Q. C., who has been lecturing for the movement, said last week at Queen's Hall,PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.4
It is time that the world should see what the work of Christian Science is! It is the Second Coming of the Christ, doing the work that He did, healing the sick, raising the halt and lame, giving sight to the blind!PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.5
Now put beside these the words of Christ and it becomes clear that in “Christian Science,” falsely so called, we have one of the deceptions of the last days.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.6
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.7
These words dispose of any argument which may be drawn from the large number of fashionable people who attend the meetings of “Christian Scientists,” and accept their doctrines. The warning of the Saviour goes on to show how infinitely far from the truth is their blasphemous claim to fulfil the promise of His second coming.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.8
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:28-27.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.9
“The Gentiles and Sabbath-Keeping” The Present Truth 15, 24.
One of the most common objections raised to the observance of the Sabbath of Jehovah is the claim that nowhere in the Bible is it made obligatory on the Gentiles.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.10
Now there is a very great misapprehension among many people, who seem to think that there is such a thing as a Gentile Christian, and that they are subject to entirely different laws from what Jewish Christians were. All such should know that Gentiles, as such, have no part whatever in God, or Christ, or the kingdom of God. See Ephesians 2:11, 12.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.11
All true Christians are the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:28, 29, God has visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name, but that is in fulfilment of His promise that He would build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen down. See Acts 15:14-18. The only word of God that we have is the Bible that was committed to the Jews, and written for the most part by Jews, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The great advantage that the Jews had was that the law was committed to them. See Romans 3:1, 2. Salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22. And Christ, as the Son of David, is King of the Jews. Therefore, whoever thinks to excuse himself for breaking the Sabbath, by claiming that he is a Gentile, thereby simply declares his separation from Christ.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.12
Call to mind that Abraham himself was of the Gentiles-a heathen by birth. (See Joshua 24:2), so that the whole Jewish nation became such only through obedience to God and faith in Jesus Christ. And when they lost their faith in Christ, and their obedience to the law, then they ceased to be Jews in the sight of God. But the Gentiles who keep the law are counted as the true Israel. See Romans 2:25-29.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.13
The Bible does, however, mention Sabbath-keeping in connection with the Gentiles, who are “strangers from the commonwealth of Israel.” God says: “Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve Him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants, every one that keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of My covenant; even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer.” Isaiah 56:6, 7. Gentiles, as Gentiles, cannot keep the Sabbath, neither can they be saved; but they are commanded to keep the Sabbath, even as God “commandeth all men everywhere to repent;” and they who do this will cease to be Gentiles.PTUK June 15, 1899, page 384.14