Precisely Church Schools.
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Precisely Church Schools.
“The present situation, therefore, is that professedly these Catholic Church schools are government schools; though they are precisely the same Catholic Church schools that they were before, with their priests, nuns, and all; and all in their church and religious garb.USCS 2.2
“The original situation was so manifestly a union of church and state that it could not decently be maintained any longer; and the administration in 1889 decided ‘to divorce the government absolutely’ from this acknowledged union with the church. That purpose has been steadily pursued ever since, but has not yet been accomplished, for it is still the same union of church and state that it was then. Indeed, the union is closer now than it was then. This present issue of the effort to accomplish absolutely that intended and perfectly proper divorcement.USCS 2.3
“Twenty-two years ago next July 24, from his place in the Senate, Senator Dawes, as chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, said that the original situation of which this to-day is an incident—the original of this union of church and state—was created by the Catholic Bureau of Missions in this city, which, he said, had then ‘been on the ground here for the last five years, pushing Catholic schools upon the government.’USCS 2.4