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    July 7, 1897

    “Papal Lutheranism” American Sentinel 12, 28.

    E. J. Waggoner

    “Present Truth.” (London, Eng.)

    The Norwegian constitution has had an article to this effect:-AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.1

    The Evangelical-Lutheran Religion is and condemns the Public Religion of the State. The citizens, who profess the same, are obliged to see that their children are educated in it. Jesuits, and orders of monks and nuns are not to be tolerated.AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.2

    The other day the Norwegian Storthing discussed an amendment proposing to expunge the last clause. The debate resulted in striking out all of the clause save the declaration that Jesuits are not to be tolerated. As these pioneers of Rome are accustomed to working in secret the clause will not shut them out. The pity of it is that the Storthing did not see that the first clauses only establish a papal system under another name.AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.3

    Wherever the Lutheran Church is established, as in Scandinavia and Germany, it differs very little in the spirit from the Roman Church. The Word which Luther preached was the power of the Reformation. In harmony with the Gospel, Luther declared:-AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.4

    It is by the Word that we must fight; by the Word overturn and destroy what has been established by violence. I am unwilling to employ force against the superstitious and unbelieving. Let him who believes approach. Let him who believes not stand aloof. None ought to be constrained. Liberty is of the essence of faith.AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.5

    After the initial victory of the Reformation had been won by the power of the Word, Luther was persuaded to depart somewhat from these principles, and the work of reform ceased in the hands of his followers. Religion was put into a creed, and supported by the sword of the prince. So it comes that Lutheranism now is not reformed, and is an opponent of the very Gospel by which the great Reformer shook the foundations of the papacy.AMS July 7, 1897, page 420.6

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