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    FIELDON, ILLS., JAN. 10, 1864

    Dear Sister Ellen: We received your very kind and welcome letter last evening. The sad news it contained was not unexpected to us, as we had seen a notice in the Review of dear Henry’ sickness and death. Truly, as you say, you have been deeply afflicted in the loss of your dear son, who helped largely to make the light and sunshine of your household. We deeply feel to sympathize with you in this sad bereavement. May the Lord comfort and strengthen you in this bereavement, and sanctify it to your present and everlasting good. I can hardly realize that he who a few weeks since wrote us such a beautiful letter, is now sleeping silently in his last quiet sleep. Asleep in Jesus, shut away from the cares and temptations of this poor life, soon, very soon, to come forth at the voice of God, clothed with immortal beauty, to die no more; but to enjoy life, everlasting life, in the kingdom of God. Oh! the hope of the glorious resurrection, how it buoys up the spirits which would otherwise sink. When our hearts are well nigh bursting at the thought of near and dear ones hid from our sight, we find consolation in that Bible doctrine, Jesus died and rose again triumphant, and that he has the keys of death and the grave, and will soon unlock the prison-house of the just.APYO 87.2

    When I heard of the death of dear Henry, my mind was carried back to the time when I carried him in my arms through the streets of Boston, a little laughing, black-eyed babe. When grown almost to manhood, he is torn from you and laid away. How short our time is!APYO 88.1

    “The grave is near the cradle seen,
    How swift the moments pass between.”
    Sarah B. Belden.
    APYO 88.2

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