On the right side of the Chart are seen four angels, the first one flying through heaven and three times repeating the word Woe! and the three others following, each with a trumpet to his lips; while the events to transpire under the sounding of two of them are represented by two horsemen, in different attitudes and actions. The angel that cries Woe, is described in Revelation 8:13; and the three that follow are a part of the series of seven trumpets brought to view in Revelation 8 and 9. They are called war trumpets, because to each of these is attached a woe. It is after four of the seven trumpets had sounded that an angel was seen and heard flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “WOE! WOE! WOE! to the inhabiters of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound.” Revelation 8:13.KPC 42.3