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    At the date of the phenomenon just described, at the same hours and minutes, a most wonderful sight around the sun was observed in the state of New York. The New York papers gave a description of it which follows. The picture of it is on page 79. The account of it reads as follows:—LDT 81.3

    “An unusual and beautiful solar phenomenon was visible in this city for about two hours this morning. The sun appeared to be surrounded by several rings of different shapes and centers. Two rings, with the sun nearly in their centers, appeared and intersected each other at two opposite points. The inner circumferences of the rings within the points of intersection were dark, but beyond the points of intersection they were luminous. Several other circles and arcs of circles appeared, with the sun either in their circumference or near one side. Under the sun was the appearance of an inverted rainbow. The phenomenon was exceedingly curious and interesting, and needs the description of a scientific observer to give a proper and adequate delineation of it. We trust that some one competent to do so will submit to the public such a description. The appearance is very unusual in this latitude.... One of the same character was seen at Jackson, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1824. The Millerites, we understand, regard the phenomenon as a sign of the end of all things.”LDT 81.4

    And why not? The Lord has said that when the great day of the Lord is drawing near, He will show “wonders in the heavens,” and “signs in the sun.” Faith in God leads His people to say: “These are things the Lord said should come, and here they are, fulfilling His word. Surely, the great day of the Lord is nearing.”LDT 82.1

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