Be Faithful
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Be Faithful
TUNE — “Be Kind to the Loved Ones at Home.”
O brother, be faithful! soon Jesus will come,
For whom we have waited so long;
Oh! soon we shall enter our glorious home,
And join in the conqueror’s song.
O brother, be faithful! for why should we prove
Unfaithful to him who has shown
Such deep, such unbounded and infinite love—
Who died to redeem us his own.POUS 133.4
O brother, be faithful! the city of gold,
Prepared for the good and the blest,
Is waiting its portals of pearl to unfold,
And welcome thee into thy rest;
Then brother, prove faithful! not long shall we stay,
In weariness here and forlorn;
Time’s dark night of sorrow is wearing away,
We haste to the glorious morn.POUS 133.5
O brother, be faithful! He soon will descend,
Creation’s Omnipotent King,
While legions of angels his chariot attend,
And palm-wreaths of victory bring.
O brother, be faithful! and soon thou shalt hear
Thy Saviour pronounce the glad word,
Well done, faithful servant, thy title is clear
To enter the joy of thy Lord.POUS 134.1
O brother, be faithful! eternity’s years
Shall tell for thy faithfulness now,
When bright smiles of gladness shall scatter thy tears,
And a coronet gleam on thy brow.
O brother, be faithful! the promise is sure,
That waits for the faithful and tried;
To reign with the ransomed, immortal and pure,
And ever with Jesus abide.POUS 134.2