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Let us notice a few of the inconsistent positions to which people are driven by not taking a Bible view in regard to the Sanctuary. Assuming that the earth or the land of Palestine is the Sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days, to admit that they had ended would involve a positive failure of the word of God; for no portion of the earth has yet been cleansed. But to admit that God’s Word has failed would not do: what was to be done? To extricate themselves from this dilemma has been the great object of all those who have found themselves thus situated; hence the incessant effort to prolong the days and place their termination yet future. As one of the many results of this we may mention more especially the recent movement on time. This new-time theory assigns for the termination of the 2300 days, the year 1854 Jewish time, and assumes as the date of their commencement, the grant to Nehemiah in the 20th of Artaxerxes. In the former part of this Tract we saw that there was nothing granted to Nehemiah which could be called a decree; and the only reasonable period from which to date was from the decree given to Ezra B. C. 457. Would they take a scriptural view of the Sanctuary, there would be no necessity of embracing such inconsistencies as we meet with in this theory. But aside from their chronological reckoning, there are other points which we call in question. Admitting, even, that the days do end as they declare, will the Lord then come? There is no such promise. “Then shall the SANCTUARY be cleansed!” They assume that the Lord will then appear; but there is no scripture for such an expectation. There is no evidence in the Word of God that the earth or the land of Palestine is the Sanctuary; yet they assume these points also. Let them show their proof for such a position.TTHDS 29.2
But there are others, and among these we may mention the Advent Herald, who have found themselves driven into an extremely embarrassing position on this question. The Herald has from time to time, in years past, furnished unanswerable proof for the true dates of the prophetic periods, and also for the connection between the 70 weeks and the 2300 days. It has regarded it as the “position of our opponents” to deny this connection. It has claimed that “this involves one of the great questions which constitutes the main pillars of our system of interpretation, so far as prophetic times are concerned;” and it has admitted that “if this connection does not exist, the whole system is shaken to its foundation.” But rejecting the scriptural exposition of the Sanctuary, the Herald has been unable to account for the passing of the time in 1844; and as a last resort to solve the mystery, it has taken the “position of our [their] opponents,” and denied the connection between the 70 weeks and the 2300 days. The arguments produced in 1844 for their connection were unanswerable: they are unanswerable still: the Herald itself cannot disprove the testimony; yet it has denied the point, acknowledging that its only reason for so doing was the passing of the time.TTHDS 30.1
Having thus yielded one of the strong points of the original Advent faith, the way is opened for another step in this work of apostasy. The special signs of the Advent in the sun, moon and stars are next called in question as being fulfillments of prophecy, or precursors of the great day of God. On what the Herald now bases its faith for the soon coming of the Lord, if indeed it has any such faith, we are unable to determine. It will not admit the premises of the new time. It presents unobjectionable vindications of the true date of the 70 weeks, but will not admit the termination of the 2300 days in the past, because the event which it expected, did not then transpire. It therefore rashly tears asunder the two periods, and so finds itself standing on nothing. It cannot now present its readers with a harmonious system of truth on this great question. It cannot furnish them with a well-grounded consistent position. We cannot therefore be so much surprised to see so many of its prominent men embracing the new-time teachings for if the consistency of two such positions will admit of degrees of comparison, we must confess, we think the new time has the advantage.TTHDS 31.1
Great and momentous is that work which the world’s High Priest is now consummating before the ark of God in heaven. Whether men know it or not, they have an interest there. The last great act in the plan of salvation is being accomplished; and the last messenger announcing that mercy yet lingers, is fulfilling his mission. All that could be done for sinful, rebellious man, has been done. Life has been freely offered. The Son of God has died to make an atonement for their transgression. Yet a few more days will he plead his blood in the Sanctuary in their behalf, ere the work is forever finished. But there is soon to come “a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.” There is soon to go forth a decree, “He which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still.” Sin, which for nearly six thousand years has triumphed over a fallen world, shall have an end, together with its author, and the workers of iniquity. And when he who sitteth upon the throne, shall “make all things new;” when he shall make the earth, restored, to blossom as the rose; then with “the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, will he beautify the place of his Sanctuary;” then “the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads;” then will “the tabernacle of God be with men, and he will dwell with them:” his “Sanctuary will be in their midst forevermore.”TTHDS 32.1