“Lost Confidence Restored” (183-190)
1. What special resolution was passed at the 1869 General Conference regarding Elder James White? (183)
SHM-SG 22.1
2. What divine interposition came just as it looked like the Health Reform Institute would be closed? (185)
SHM-SG 22.2
3. What further plans were made by Elder White to assure successful financial operation of the Health Institute? (185)
SHM-SG 22.3
4. On December 10, 1871, Ellen White was given a vision in which she “was again shown that the __________________ is one branch of the great __________________ which is to fit a people for the __________________ of the Lord. It is as closely connected with the __________________ message as the hand is with the body.” (188)SHM-SG 22.4
5. Ellen White clearly contrasts Adventist health institutions with others: “Most institutions of the kind are established upon different __________________ and are __________________, making it their object to meet the __________________ half way and to so shape their course that they will receive the greatest _____________ and the most __________________. . . . The __________________ at Battle Creek is established upon firm __________________ principles.” (189)SHM-SG 22.5
6. In 1871 Ellen White could list several evidences of God’s blessing upon the health work. Give five of these. (190)
SHM-SG 22.6