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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906) - Contents
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    Ms 51, 1906




    Portions of this manuscript are published in 4MR 92.

    What does conversion mean? Can we comprehend it? He who is truly converted is imbued with the Spirit of Christ. He is ready to make any sacrifice for the service of the Master. He has been bought with a price, and he is to withhold no power of his being from this service. All that he has and is belongs to the Lord. “Ye are not your own; for ye have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are His.” [1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.] Reason, knowledge, property, time—all belong to the Lord. He who refuses to give all to God is robbing his Creator and making himself a rebel. Every Christian is to regard himself as part of the cross. He is to throw his influence on the side of Christ, doing all in his power to carry forward the great plan instituted as the only hope for the salvation of human beings. His character is to be a reproduction of the character of the Redeemer.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 1

    With his reason quickened, purified, sanctified, the one who accepts Christ is to bear a heart-stirring message. In spirit, in word, in deed, he is to represent the Saviour. Whatever his work, he is to be under the control of the Governor of the universe. However high his position, he is to remember that there is One under whose jurisdiction all earthly rulers must come.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 2

    Those who consent to be controlled by the will of God, those who yield to the influences of His Spirit, are preparing to make known to the world the power of His grace, to demonstrate the excellence of His law. The gospel of Christ is above all human philosophy. Under its influence selfishness is seen to be a disease that kills spirituality. Conversions need to take place among those who have received great light, and they will take place among them when the King’s highway is cleared. Let no human plans be followed. The Lord God omnipotent must have a much larger place in the lives of His people than has been given Him in the past. He is the wonderful Counsellor, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 3

    The message comes to me: “Say to My people, Let God have room to work. My people need to be aroused to the true situation. They have developed traits of character that make it impossible for God to work through them.”21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 4

    He who has been transformed into the likeness of Christ, he who cherishes the spirit of the great missionary Worker is filled with a desire to bear the tidings of salvation to the regions beyond, to those who know not the Saviour. To the work of soul-saving, he consecrates time and strength, means and influence. He uses every jot of his ability in an effort to win souls to Christ. The sacrifice made on the cross of Calvary is the motive that inspires him to put forth untiring efforts and to show unflagging zeal. His determination is: “I will not fail nor become discouraged.” [See Isaiah 42:4.] By his consistent life he draws those around him to the Saviour, showing that man may become a partaker of the divine nature. When man becomes a co-worker with God, through faith in Jesus Christ, the human mold fades before the divine resemblance. He of whom this is true does a work which God can approve in the highest terms, saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” [Matthew 25:21.] His work is not an uncertain one, but a work that will abide through the eternal ages. It results bear the divine test.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 5

    A Call to Loyalty

    Let the rulers of the world remember that there is a God who ruleth in the heavens and who doeth according to His own will. Let them remember that it is the light shining from the cross of Calvary that gives them opportunity to repent and be converted. Let them remember that God is the source of all true wisdom, and that it is for their present and eternal good to learn of Him who gave His only begotten Son to die, in order that human beings might have everlasting life. Let them remember that for man to make laws contrary to the laws of heaven, and to try to compel his fellow men to obey these laws, is an insult that God cannot pass over. He who chooses to place himself in opposition to the God who rules in the heavens, and to disregard the word spoken by Jehovah, must meet God over His broken law. He will be called upon to answer for the souls he has deceived; for he had his Bible, and he could have known that he was acting the part of a traitor.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 6

    Today men are trampling upon the fourth commandment, the only precept in the Decalogue which points out who the true and living God is. They are placing Jehovah below the man of sin, who has instituted a rival sabbath and is seeking to compel its observance. The Lord will punish men for their disloyalty. They have caused others to feel at ease in transgression. They have believed and taught a lie, and they will receive punishment with the first great rebel, who is the originator of all the wickedness and violence that have cursed the world.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 7

    Men may hide their evil purposes, but cause will always be followed by effect. God’s laws, obeyed, would bring men into harmony with the principles of heaven. The light of the world would shine forth amidst the moral darkness. Truth would triumph; the glory of God would be revealed.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 8

    A disregard of God’s law brings discord, violence, crime, war, and bloodshed. It has made the world a vast lazar house. It has led men to defy God, to take leave of reason, to try to control the minds of their fellow men.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 9

    The unions that are being formed all over the world will never qualify men for the rule of the Prince of peace; for in them every one is striving for the mastery, seeking for the highest place. History is being repeated. Men have a burning desire to rule men. But they are not willing to be ruled by the Governor of the universe. They have never laid aside their quarrelsome traits of character, their desire to be first. The enemy takes possession of their minds and works out through them his own purposes.21LtMs, Ms 51, 1906, par. 10

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