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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 22 (1907) - Contents
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    Ms 159, 1907

    Does Sister White Work Miracles?



    Portions of this manuscript are published in 18MR 372-373.

    Does Sister White work Miracles? No, no.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 1

    The question is asked, Has Sister White ever worked miracles? Never, never. I have had the honor of praying for the sick most earnestly and laying my hands upon them in the name of the Lord. But it was the Holy Spirit of God that worked the miracles, and not the human agency.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 2

    It is not possible for me to describe all the cases now. They are not few. The multiplied instances have been all through my experience. I have prayed for the sick and they were raised up, often from a hopeless condition. Some cases were wonderful. No human agencies work miracles, but the Holy Spirit has, in answer to prayer, raised me up from severe illness and once brought me back from death—brought me to life.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 3

    Sister White has prayed for many sick persons and they have been healed. There have been many, so very many healed, for whom my husband and I have prayed, laying our hands upon them, and they were healed and glorified God. But I did not work the miracle; I called upon One who was the miracle worker, and He had answered my prayer in a remarkable manner. The light of His Spirit has filled the room, and some have been prostrated by the power of God, losing their strength. But their hearts and lips were filled with praise to God.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 4


    [Written on back of same manuscript:]

    I have had an interview with Dr. ______ from Washington, but I do not know what position we can, as a people, take. Our brother presents to me that they are starting up to build sanitariums in many places, but the conference is not responsible for the support of these sanitariums. If they are at all like the one conducted in a worldly manner, as the sanitarium in Boulder, they should be dealt with and not allow any similar thing to transpire here, as is represented to me in various lines [as to] the way that sanitarium is conducted.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 5

    Such an example given to the world is similar to the working out [of] plans that men have set in operation. That is not a correct sanitarium to represent the work that needs to be done in our world. It is similar to the evils existing before the Flood.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 6

    Not one shall enter heaven who has decided to ignore the truth and righteousness to follow their own imagination of their evil hearts. All who see the necessity of having the new life formed within, to be like Christ in character, will have to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints, even them who shall live godly in Christ Jesus.22LtMs, Ms 159, 1907, par. 7

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