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EGW Extras
“It will be seen by the doings of the General Conference published this week, that the committee appointed to receive testimony concerning Eld. James White, are invited to extend the time to receive such testimonies for two months from date. We therefore issue this special notice, that the attention of all concerned may be again called to it, and that his defamers may bring forward their testimony or be left without excuse. Be it understood, then, by all concerned, that two months from the date of this paper are granted for further responses to the resolutions passed by the Battle Creek church, and published in Review No. 18.”VBCJW 8.4
The resolutions calling for complaints on the matter in hand, if any had any to make, were here again presented, and the notice concluded as follows:VBCJW 8.5
“The case at present stands thus: Accusations and charges received, none. Fervent and unqualified testimonials in Bro. White’s favor, seventy-four. The matter might justly be closed up here, and the case decided according to these facts, as ample time and notice have been given: but that none may have even an imaginary shadow of ground to claim that haste or unfairness is used in this matter, the time is extended as above noticed. At the end of the time specified the matter will be closed up, and the committee report as instructed. In behalf of the committee. U. SMITH, Chairman.”VBCJW 8.6
Two months and a half have elapsed since the time of the above notice, to the present time of writing, Aug. 11, 1863, and still no attempts have been made to sustain charges against Bro. white, or justify complaints. Consequently nothing has been given the committee to do in the line of investigating said complaints or charges. In obedience to instructions to “prepare for publication the substance of the responses received,” they can therefore only present some of the testimonials in his behalf, to represent the feelings of those toward him who are of the day, not of the night, and who do not fear to come to the light lest their deeds should be made manifest.VBCJW 9.1