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    The Miraculous Fall of Jericho

    Picture: The Miraculous Fall of Jericho1TC 329.1

    This chapter is based on Joshua 5:13-15; 6; 7.

    The Hebrews had entered Canaan but they had not conquered it. It was occupied by a powerful race that stood ready to oppose the invasion of their territory. Their horses and iron battle chariots, their knowledge of the country, and their training in war would give them great advantages. In addition, the country was guarded by “cities great and fortified up to heaven” (Deuteronomy 9:1). In the coming conflict the Israelites could hope for success only in the assurance of a strength that was not their own.1TC 329.2

    The large and wealthy city of Jericho lay just a short distance from their camp at Gilgal. Behind its massive fortifications, this proud city defied the God of Israel. Jericho was especially devoted to Ashtaroth, the goddess of the moon. All of the most vile and degrading aspects of the Canaanite religion were centered here in Jericho. With the fearful results of their sin at Beth Peor fresh on their minds, the people of Israel could look upon this heathen city only with disgust and horror.1TC 330.1

    Joshua saw taking Jericho as the first step in the conquest of Canaan. Leaving the camp to meditate and pray, he saw an impressive armed warrior “with His sword drawn in His hand.” To Joshua’s challenge, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” the answer was given, “As Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” The mysterious stranger was Christ, the Exalted One. Awe-struck, Joshua fell on his face and worshiped. Then he heard the assurance, “I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor,” and he received instruction for capturing the city.1TC 330.2

    In obedience to the divine command, Joshua gathered together the armies of Israel. No assault was to be made—they were simply to walk around the city, carrying the ark of God and blowing trumpets. The ark of God, surrounded by a halo of divine glory, was carried by priests dressed in the special clothing of their sacred calling. The army of Israel followed. This was the procession that circled the doomed city.1TC 330.3

    No sound was heard except for the footsteps of that mighty host and the solemn blast of the trumpets, echoing among the hills and resounding through the streets of Jericho.1TC 330.4

    Amazed and alarmed, the watchmen of the city reported to those in authority. When they saw that mighty assembly marching around their city once each day, with the sacred ark and the attendant priests, the mystery of the scene struck terror to the hearts of priest and people. They inspected their strong defenses again, feeling certain they could successfully resist the most powerful attack. Many laughed at the thought that any harm would come to them through these strange demonstrations. Others were awed as they watched the procession each day. They remembered that the Red Sea had once parted before the Israelites and that a way had just been opened for them through the Jordan river.1TC 330.5

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