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    Paul’s Afflictions Do Not Restrict the Gospel

    How did Christianity gain a footing where it seemed impossible? Paul believed his imprisonment helped give him success in winning converts from Nero’s household. He assured the Philippians, “I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12).4TC 238.5

    When the Christian churches first learned that Paul would visit Rome, they looked forward to the gospel’s triumph in that city. Wouldn’t this champion of the faith succeed in winning souls even in the metropolis of the world? But Paul had gone to Rome as a prisoner. How great was their disappointment! Human expectations had failed, but not the plans of God. As a captive, Paul broke the chains that held many people in the slavery of sin. His cheerfulness during his long, unjust imprisonment, his courage and faith, were a continual sermon. His example spurred Christians on to greater energy as spokesmen for the cause, and when his usefulness seemed cut off, then it was that he gathered a harvest for Christ in fields from which he seemed completely excluded.4TC 238.6

    Before the close of two years’ imprisonment, Paul was able to say, “It has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ” (Philippians 1:13). Among those who sent greetings to the Philippians he mentions “those who are of Caesar’s household” (Philippians 4:22).4TC 239.1

    Christians who show patience in grief and suffering, who meet even death with the calmness of an unshaken faith, may accomplish more for the gospel than they could have by a long life of faithful work. Often the mysterious circumstances that our shortsighted vision would mourn turn out to be something God designed to accomplish a work that otherwise would never be done.4TC 239.2

    God never sets aside Christ’s true witnesses. In health and sickness, in life and death, He still uses them. When the servants of Christ have been persecuted because Satan hates them, when they have been thrown into prison or dragged to the executioner’s scaffold, it was so that truth could gain a greater victory. People who had been in doubt were convinced of the faith of Christ and took their stand for Him. From the ashes of martyrs, a harvest for God has sprung up.4TC 239.3

    The apostle might have argued that it would be useless to call the servants of Nero to repentance and faith in Christ when they faced such huge obstacles. Even if they became convinced of the truth, how could they obey it? But in faith Paul presented the gospel to these people, and some decided to obey at any cost. They would accept the light and trust God to help them let it shine out to others.4TC 239.4

    After their conversion they still stayed in Caesar’s household. They did not feel free to leave their post of duty because their surroundings were no longer friendly. The truth had found them there, and that is where they remained, testifying of their new faith’s transforming power.4TC 239.5

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