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December 21, 1882
“Second Coming of Christ.—Is it Near?” The Signs of the Times, 8, 48.
Not long since a religious journal, in stating some of the things believed by Seventh-day Adventists, said: “The Adventists believe that the coming of Christ will be personal and visible, and may occur at any moment.” The first part of this statement is correct, but as far as Seventh-day Adventists are concerned, the latter part is a mistake. We believe that Christ’s coming will be literal; that he will appear in person in the clouds, with power and glory. In the face of such texts as Acts 1:9-11, and Revelation 1:7, and many others, we cannot believe otherwise. We also believe that his coming is very near; the signs given in Matthew 24 have been fulfilled, and Christ said that when all these things should be seen, we might know that his coming was near, even at the doors, just as surely as the near approach of summer is indicated by the putting forth of leaves in the spring.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.1
While we know that Christ’s coming is near, we are prevented from setting any time for that event, by the statement, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man.” Those who professed to be able to locate the time are assuming the possession of knowledge which God has expressly declared is not revealed to man. Man has a right to search into anything concerning which God has spoken, but he need not concern himself about those things which God has not made known, or has said cannot be known. “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever.” Deuteronomy 29:29.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.2
But although the last prophecy relating to time has long since been fulfilled, there are certain things yet to transpire before the coming of the Lord. By tracing down the lines of prophecy, we can easily tell what yet remains to be accomplished. All the particulars given in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the great image have been fulfilled, except the last; the stone has yet to smite the image on the feet, and grind all to powder. The same is true of Daniel’s vision related in chapter 7. The four kingdoms indicated by the lion, the bear, the goat, and the dreadful and terrible beast, have passed away. The fourth kingdom was divided into ten, and the little horn, the papacy, has come up and run its career of bloodshed, lawlessness, and blasphemy. His dominion has been taken away, “to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” Verse 26. All of that prophecy that now remains to be fulfilled is that the beast should be destroyed, and his body given to the burning flame, and that “the kingdom and dominion and greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High.” The 2300 days of Daniel 8, at the close of which the Sanctuary was to be cleansed, expired in 1844. Nothing of that chapter remains yet to be fulfilled except the great consummation of all things.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.3
As far as these prophecies are concerned, we might look for the coming of Christ at any minute; but there is one point in the line of prophecy, contained in Revelation 12-14, that has not yet been fulfilled. We can easily traced it out. All commentators are agreed that the great dragon of Revelation 12 symbolizes pagan Rome; and the leopard beast to whom “he gave his power and his seat and a great authority” Revelation 13:2, represents Papal Rome. These, as has been seen, have had their day. Then “another beast” “coming up out of the earth.” To those who have carefully traced the prophecy down to this point, the conclusion is irresistible that this beast represents of our own country, the United States of America. For a full and detailed exposition of this prophecy, see “Thoughts on Revelation,” and “The United States in the Light of Prophecy,” published at the office of the SIGNS.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.4
Of this beast it was said that it should make an image to the first beast. This we understand can be done in no other way than by bringing about such a state of things that certain ecclesiastical dogmas shall be upheld, and their observance enforced, by the secular government. This state of things is contemplated by the National Reform Association, which is working for “such a Religious Amendment to the Constitution of the United States as will indicate that this is a Christian nation, and place all Christian laws, institutions, and usages on an undeniably legal basis in the very Charter of the Government.” The enforced observance of Sunday as the Sabbath is the main point hoped for by the adoption of this amendment the prophecy plainly indicates that this will yet be accomplished, and that before the coming of the Lord men will actually be persecuted for rendering obedience to the law of God. The spirit to do this now exists, and the power will not be long delayed. The National Reform Association numbers among its members some of the most influential clergymen, statesmen, and jurists in the land, and its ranks are rapidly filling. The Sunday question is beginning to occupy a prominent place in politics; and although it has met with some rebuffs, these only make its friends the more determined. The gigantic proportions which this matter has assumed within a few years, and especially within the last, show that a few years at most will suffice to bring it to completion. When that takes place, the world will have been fully warned, and the harvest of the earth will be reaped. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43; Revelation 14:9-15.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.5
Here, then, is where we stand. We are not momentarily expecting the coming of the Lord, for something still remains to be done. We cannot be deceived by those who set time, because no one can tell how long it will take for the image to be fully set up. Yet we know that it is just at the door, on the threshold, so that the removing of a very thin barrier will cause it to burst on our sight. We have no time to spend in idle conjectures. A work is given us to do, which we must faithfully perform, with watchfulness and prayer, that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man. E. J. W.SITI December 21, 1882, page 571.6