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    May 1, 1840

    VOL. I. BOSTON, NO. 3

    Joshua V. Himes

    Relating To
    The Second Coming of Christ.

    “The Time is at Hand.”



    Is published on the 1st and 3.1 Wednesday of each month, making twenty-four numbers in a volume; to which a title-page and index will be added.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.1



    One Dollar a yearalways in advance. Persons sending five dollars without expense to the publishers, shall receive six copies; and for ten dollars, thirteen copies to one address. No subscription taken for less than one year.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.2

    Directions.—All communications designed for the Signs of the Times, should be directed, post paid, to the editor, J. V. HIMES, Boston, Mass. All letters on business should be addressed to the publishers, DOW & JACKSON, No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.3

    Back numbers can be sent to those who subscribe soon.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.4


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    “But I will show thee what is noted in the Scripture of truth.”



    The following article was originally designed for Zion’s Herald; but it was rejected and returned to its author. We now give to our readers that portion of it which relates to the points in controversy. The careful and critical reader, will see that Bro. L. has demonstrated his positions. Ed.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.5

    Mr. Editor:—Before I commence, I wish it distinctly understood, that I do not undertake to defend all Mr. Miller’s arguments by which he endeavors to establish the point, that the world will end in 1843: but I will endeavor to maintain the point itself, and hold myself responsible for my own arguments.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.6

    The discussion is on the 8th chap of Daniel.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.7

    That the ram, mentioned in verse 3, is the representative of the Medo Persian Monarchy; the he goat, of verses 5-8th is the representative of the Macedonian empire; that his great horn, represents Alexander the Great; the four horns which arose after the great horn was broken, represent the four kingdoms into which Alexander’s empire was divided after his death; that his empire was divided among four of his generals, viz: Selucus, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Cassander; Selucus possessing Syria, in the North; Lysimachus, Persia in the East; Ptolemy, Egypt, in the South; and Cassander, Macedon or Greece, in the West, are not matters of dispute. So far all commentators are agreed.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.8

    The two points at issue between Smith and Miller, are—HST May 1, 1840, page 17.9

    1. What is meant to be represented by the little horn, in verse 9, which is said to arise out of one of the four former horns? Miller says, Romanism,—Smith, Mohamedism.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.10

    2. When did the 2300 days of verse 14th commence? and when were they to end? Miller says they commenced B. C. 457, and will end in 1843, when Christ will appear the second time, and deliver his people from all their sorrows. Smith says, they began B. C. 481, and were to end 1819, in the destruction of Mohamedism.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.11

    To Mr. Smith’s plan, of interpreting the little horn to mean, Mohamedism, I have two important objections.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.12

    Objection. 1. It is a gross violation of an important rule in interpreting prophetic symbols. The rule is, “Having once clearly fixed the meaning of a prophetic symbol and applied it to a particular case, never change its meaning, to accommodate another passage. If that passage cannot be explained without, let it go unexplained.”(See Faber on the Prophecies) Mr. Smith acknowledges that the little horn in the 7th chapter means Popery. He should then, in accordance with the above rule, have interpreted it the same in the 8th chapter. But in the former he calls it Popery, and in the latter Mohamedism.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.13

    Objection. 2. It is not true that Mohamedism arose, as Mr. Smith asserts it did, out of one of the four horns of Alexander’s empire. He says, “It arose in Mecca, in Arabia, the quarter of the South.” True; “it did arise in Mecca in Arabia. But Mr. Smith ought to know enough of history, to know that Arabia never constituted any part of the dominions either of Alexander the Great, or his successors.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.14

    It is presumed the following testimony will have as much weight as the assertion of Mr. Smith. It is from Bishop Newton’s 1. Diss. on the Prophecies. “Provoked with their contempt, Alexander made vast preparations for their (the Arabs,) utter destruction; but death cut short his purposes. Antigonus, one of his captains and successors, provoked with their depredations, more than once, but to his repeated dishonor, attempted to subdue them.” Scott, in his commentary on Genesis 16:12. asserts the same thing. Nor was Arabia ever conquered. Says Dr. A. Clark, “Sesestris, Cyrus, Pompey, and Trajan all endeavored to conquer Arabia, but in vain. From the beginning to the present day, they have maintained their independency; and God preserves them as a lasting mounument of his providential care, and an incontestible argument of the truth of Divine Revelation.” See commentary on Genesis 16:12.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.15

    Mr. Smith’s argument must therefore fall. For the prophecy expressly declares that the little horn should come out of one of the four former horns of Alexander,s empire. Bat Mohammedism did not rise out of either of those four kingdoms, but out of Arabia.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.16

    Popery came out of Greece, one of the four Kingdom’s of Alexander’s empire. I will now show, (Mr. Smith’s assertion to the contrary notwithstanding,) that Popery did arise out of one of the four horns of Alexander’s empire, and at the very time when it was predicted it should.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.17

    The latter part of chapter 8 is devoted to an explanation by Gabriel, of the vision Daniel had just seen. After explaining what were intended by the ram, goat, great horn, and four notable horns, he goes on to say, verse 23, “And in the latter time of their (the four horns) kingdom, when the transgressors is come to the full, a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power,” etc.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.18

    The fierce countenanced king, of verse 23, is the same as the little horn of verse 9th. The time of his origin is, “The latter time of their (the four horns) kingdom.”HST May 1, 1840, page 17.19

    Thirty years B. C. those four kingdoms had become swallowed up in the Roman empire. But at that time neither Popery nor Mohamedism, had arisen. Those four kingdoms all continued tributary to the Romans for some centuries. But A. D. 330, Constantine the Great removed the seat of government of the Roman empire from Rome to Constantinople; within the bounds of the old Macedonian empire. From that time Christianity was protected by law and the papal hierarchy began to exalt itself. After the death of Constantine, the Roman empire was divided among his three Constantius, Constantine the second, and Constans. Constantius, possessed Greece, and fixed his residence at Constantinople. His brothers shared the rest of the empire between them. Constantius was called the Greek emperor, that kingdom having by this division become independent of the Roman government. In A. D. 353, the whole empire, also, came into the hands of Constantius, the Greek emperor; and the Roman empire in the west, had, in fact become a part of the Greek empire.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.20

    In A. D. 356, the Huns, and other barbarians from the north, began their conquest of the western empire, and between A. D. 356 and 483, they had conquered the whole western empire and set up ten distinct kingdoms, viz: The Huns, Ostrogoths, Visgoths, Franks, Vandals, Sueves, Burgundians, Heruli, Saxons, and Angles, and the Lombards. The Greek empire remained independent; and at the same time, “the transgressors (or the barbarians in the west) had come to the full.” In A. D. 493, those ten kingdoms began to fall. The Heruli, in Italy, were in that year subverted by the Ostrogoths. In. A. D. 533-4, Justinnian, the Greek emperor, conquered the kingdom of the Vandals, in Africa; and about the same time decreed the bishop of Rome head of all the churches. But Rome was at that time in the hands of the Ostrogoths, an Arian power, and the decree could not be carried into effect. In A. D. 536-7-8 Justinnian, by his general, Bellisarias, conquered the Ostrogoths and gained possession of Rome; and thus the way was opened for the Bishop of Rome to establish himself and exercise the authority vested in him. From that time commenced the reign of the popes. Accordingly, in 538, Virgilius, the then reigning Pope, passed an edict requiring the use of holy water for sprinkling those who entered and departed from the churches. The same pontiff also introduced many other superstitious practices, by his own authority; power which had until then been exercised by councils.HST May 1, 1840, page 17.21

    The fall of Popery in 1798, just 1260 years from its establishment, proves beyond successful contradiction, that 538 is the true time for beginning that reign of 1260 years. Popery then did come out of Greece; that is, the clergy did not exercise any civil power until it was conferred on them by Greek emperors; and the bishop of Rome was finally constituted head of all the churches by a Greek emperor; and Rome itself, was conquered and the pope put in possession of it, by the same emperor.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.1

    And this took place, not in the first or former time of their kingdom, that is, before it was conquered by the Romans, B. C. Nor yet, in the last time of their kingdom, that is, after their independence from the Turks. But in the “Latter time” After their deliverance from the Romans, and before their Turkish captivity.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.2

    Were it not, Mr. Editor, that some of your readers may think the space occupied by your humble correspondent might be better improved than by him, in establishing the Divine authenticity of the Holy Scriptures, by showing the fulfilment of Prophecy, he could go on, and show from authentic documents, that it was not by his own power, the pope became mighty, but by the power of others. It could also be proved that after his establishment by Justinnian, in 538, he travelled, in person, from Rome to Constantinople, to arouse the decaying energies of the emperor and gain his assistance in expelling an invading army from his dominions. Also, for about two centuries, he was supported and protected by an Exarch, under the Greek emperor.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.3

    It could also be shown that his temporal power was given him by Pepin, king of France, in 755, when he conquered the Exarch of Ravena, and bestowed it on the pope in perpetual sovreignty.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.4

    Evidence could likewise be produced, that Popery, (Mr. Smith’s assertion to the contrary notwithstanding,) “waxed exceeding great, toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.” In the time of the crusades, part of lesser Asia, all Syria and Palestine were wrested from the infidels by the papists, and the banner of the cross was erected on Mount Zion. In short, every trait in the character of the little horn may be traced in the Papal system. See cut.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.5

    The second point at issue, between Smith and Miller, is in reference to the beginning and end of the 2300 days, of Daniel 8:14. Miller affirms they were to commence B. C. 457, and end with the second coming of Christ, A. D. 1843. While Smith takes the ground that they commenced B. C. 481, and were to end A. D. 1819, with the fall of Mohamedism.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.6

    It has already been shown, that it is not Mohamedism, but Popery, which is the subject of this prophecy; of course Mr. Smith’s argument is at an end. But for argument’s sake I will admit that it may be Mohamedism, which is represented.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.7

    Mr. S. says, “The vision does not intimate when the 2300 days are to begin; that is left to the judgment of the expositor.” That, to say the least, is certainly a very loose way of leaving a matter of so much importance that the Holy Ghost saw it necessary to reveal it at all. He certainly has not proceeded on this principle, in any other case of prophetic numbers. The time, times, and dividing of time, or half a time, of Daniel 7:25, were to begin when ten kingdoms had been set up in the Roman empire, three of those kingdoms had fallen and the saints had been given into the hands of a little horn. The 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel 12:11, 12, were to begin when the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the abomination which maketh desolate had been set up. The five prophetic months of Revelation 9:10, were to begin when the powers (Mohamedan) there predicted, should be united under one leader; “they had a king over them.” If in all other instances the time for beginning is designated by inspiration, it is very strange, if in this place “it is left alone to the judgment of the expositor.”HST May 1, 1840, page 18.8

    But let us see what Mr. Smith’s judgment decided. Why, that as Mohamedism was to arise out of one division (the southern) of the Macedonian empire, the time of the origin of that empire is the time for commencing the 2300 days. That empire, says Mr. S. originated B. C. 481. 2300 years from that time would bring us to A. D. 1819. At that time he confidently expected the prophecy would be fulfilled. He “waited, and the result confirmed (his) expectations.”HST May 1, 1840, page 18.9

    What did he think was foretold in the prophecy? He informs us in the following paragraph. “But one fact shows his (Miller,s) mistake in all this, viz: this number 2300 on which he rests his whole fabric, is found but once in Daniel, or in the whole Bible. And then it is given, not as connected with Popery, as he (Miller) assumes, but with Mohamedism, to tell when the latter shall cease.” The close of Mohamedism was the event foretold in the text, and what Mr. S. expected in 1819. He waited until 1819, and the result confirmed his expectation!! What was the prophecy? “Unto 2300 days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Was that prophecy fulfilled, I ask, in 1819? Let common sense answer. Call the sanctuary what you please, Judea in general, the Jewish people, the Christian church in general, or the Greek church. It is not true in any sense that the sanctuary was then, or is now, cleansed! But he expected Mohamedism to close! And was not disappointed. Twenty years have now passed since 1819, and the mist has not yet fallen from his eyes; and I suppose, he still believes Mohamedism closed in 1819!!! No! Mohamadism has not closed, nor will it, until the time of the harvest, at the end of the world, when the wheat and the tares will be separated, and the beast, (Popery) and the false prophet, (Mohamedism) shall both be cast into the lake of fire.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.10

    I will now endeavor to show, that the time for commencing the 2300 days, is not left to the judgment of the expositor, but fixed by the unerring Spirit. And also, that they extend to the end of the world, or Second Coming of Christ. 1. That the time extends to the 2nd coming of Christ, is evident, from the event which is to take place’ “The Sanctuary shall be cleansed.”HST May 1, 1840, page 18.11

    What is the sanctuary? 1. It signifies the tabernacle built by Moses in the wilderness. Hebrews 9:1, 2. “Then verily, the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made; the first wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shew-bread; which is called the sanctuary.”HST May 1, 1840, page 18.12

    1. It signifies the Christian Church. Hebrews 8:1, 2. “Now of the things we have spoken, this is the sum; we have such an High Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the Heavens; a minister of the sanctuary and the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man.” This latter sanctuary, the Church, is not to be cleansed until the end of the world. Matthew 13:37, 42. We are there taught, that the righteous and tho wicked are to grow, or live together, until the end of the world. Then the Son of Man will send forth his angels and sever the wicked from among the just. “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father.” Reader, weigh this point; and before you call it nonsense, find as strong reasons for so doing, as for calling it a sober fact.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.13

    2. That the 2300 days extend to the second coming of Christ, appears from the manner in which the little horn, which is shownto represent popery, is to be destroyed. Daniel 8:25. “He shall be broken without hand.” That is, he shall be broken not by human interference, or power, but by God himself, or in a supernatural manner.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.14

    In what manner is the papal system to come to its end, as described in other passages of Scripture? Daniel 7th chapter is a prophecy of the papal power, as has been proved in a former number. (See the Herald of Aug. 21.) The papal system as there predicted is to be destroyed at the time of the coming of the Son of man in the clouds of Heaven, to take possession of his universal and everlasting kingdom. The beast is then to be destroyed, and his body given to the burning flame. Paul, also, predicted the same system of abominations in 2 Thessalonians 2nd chap. He taught his brethren, that the day of the Lord would not come until that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. If it be asked how we know the man of sin is the same power as Daniel’s little horn, the answer is because the description is the same in both places; and they both have one end. (See the two accounts collated in Clark’s Com. on 2 Thessalonians 2nd Chap.) In Dan. he is destroyed when the Son of man comes in the clouds of heaven; and in Thess. he is to be consumed by the spirit of his (The Lord’s) mouth, and destroyed by the brightness of his coming.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.15

    3. Once more. It is declared by Gabriel, Daniel 8:17, “At the time of the end shall be the vision.” The time of the end can be shown to extend from the fall of popery, by the French revolution in 1798, to the resurrection, when Daniel will stand in his lot. Gabriel again says, verse 12, “I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation; for at the time appointed (the 2300 days) the end shall be.” The last end of the indignation, when the wicked shall be severed from among the just, shall be at the end of 2300. The next point to be considered, is the time fixed by the spirit of God, for the beginning of the 2300 days.HST May 1, 1840, page 18.16

    The vision seen by Daniel, as recorded in the former part of chap. 8, is explained in the latter part of the chapter. That explanation included the meaning of the emblems; the time when the events should end, viz. “the time of the end;” and the way in which the little horn should ultimately come to his end, viz. “He shall be broken without hand.”HST May 1, 1840, page 19.1

    But after all this explanation, Daniel declared, “I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.” But what parts of the vision were not understood? 1. The meaning of a prophetic day; and 2. The time for commencing the 2300 days. All other parts of the vision had been explained, but to the nature and beginning of the time he had no clue.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.2

    To supply this deficiency Gabriel, was sent the second time. Chap. 9:21. “The man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.”HST May 1, 1840, page 19.3

    1. The mission of Gabriel verse 22. “O Daniel, I am NOW come forth to give thee skill and understanding.” This was the very thing which neither Daniel, nor any one else had in reference to the 2300 days. On this point, therefore, he needed instruction and understanding.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.4

    2. The point to which Gabriel directed his attention, verse 23. “I am come to show thee, for thou art greatly beloved; therefore understand the matter and consider the vision.” What visions was Daniel directed, to understand and consider? Evidently one with which both Daniel and Gabriel were familiar, for it is spoken of as a particular vision which deeply interested his mind. It seems to be the vision shown him at the time of Gabriel’s first appearance to him, verse 21. “The man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning.” That must mean, not his first vision, that is, the vision of four beasts in chap. 7. for there is nothing said of Gabriel’s appearance in that vision; but in the vision of Chapter 8, Gabriel, for the first time, appeared to explain the vision; a vision, to which this revelation in the 9th chapter is a supplement, or key. The vision, then, which Gabriel had in part explained, but which Daniel did not fully understand, must be the one concerning which Gabriel again was sent to give him skill and understanding; and which Daniel was directed to understand and consider.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.5

    The nature and beginning of the 2,300 days were the two points before left in darkness; and they were in this interview to be explained.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.6

    3. The key to the nature and beginning of the time, verse 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision andprophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.7

    The vision Daniel had seen as recorded in the 8th chapter, was, by this representation or prophecy, to be sealed up; that is, confirmed, or made sure.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.8

    The time fixed for the beginning of the 70 weeks, was (see verse 25) the time of “the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem.” It was to end with the cutting off of the Mesiah, the Prince.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.9

    The Jews had three kinds of weeks; 1. A week of seven days; the seventh being the sabbath, or day of rest; 2. A week of seven years, the seventh of which was a year of rest, called a jubilee; 3. A week consisting of seven jubilees, or forty nine years, and the fiftieth year was a great jubilee or year of release, when the servant was free from his master, and every tribe and every family came again in possession of their former estates. The second of these weeks was the one meant in this prophecy; a week of seven years. 7 times 70—490 years, just as many years as there were days in 70 literal weeks of 7 days each.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.10

    The decree for restoring Jerusalem was given in the seventh year of Artaxerxes, king of Persia’s reign. (See Ezra 7th chap.) That was B. C. 457 years. (See chronology in great Bible. Also Clark’s Commentary) Christ was 33 years of age when he was crucified, 33 added to 457—490 years from the going forth of that commandment to Christ’s death. The former vision then was sealed up, or confirmed at the death of Christ: for it was there proved that as many years as there were days in seventy weeks, viz. 490, had elapsed between the commandment of Artaxerxes and the death of Christ. A prophetic day then signifies a year, and the 2300 days began B. C. 457. If we take 457 from 2300 it will leave 1843 years to be fulfilled, after the birth of Christ. In A. D. 1843, therefore, we may expect the sanctuary to be cleansed.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.11

    To begin the time at an earlier date than the commencement of the 70 weeks, is fatal to the truth of the prophecy. Thus, the shakers begin it at the time Daniel saw it, B. C, 553, and end it A. D. 1747, when, according to them, Christ made his second appearance on earth in the person of Ann Lee. But the sanctuary was not then cleansed. Mr. Smith says the time was to commence, B. C. 481, at the rise of the Macedonian empire, and end A. D. 1819. But the sanctuary is not yet cleansed.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.12

    There is no subsequent event from which to date the time, with any show of propriety, except the one fixed on in this article. But here, we have to say the least, strong evidence, that the Holy Ghost intended the time to commence at that period.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.13

    With regard to Mr. Smith, I have believed, and do still, that no man in New England is better acquainted with the subject and prepared to refute Miller’s theory, if it can be done, than he. That he has so grossly failed, is not, I am persuaded, for want of ability to do justice to the subject, but to the obvious badness of his cause. For, as great a failure as he has made, it is by far the best attempt which has ever been made to overthrow the system.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.14



    Brother. Himes,—Your offer to admit into the “Signs of the Times” a discussion of both sides of the question respecting the second coming of Christ, now agitating the public mind, is generous. I will avail my self of it to show what I deem incorrect in Brother Miller’s theory in the chronology of the Apocalyptic trumpets. To aid in this, I shall employ diagrams showing the order of the seals, trumpets, and vials, and the harmony of their chronological numbers. I might add, also, their analogy, symetry, and proportion. Brother M. and myself most cordially meet on one great gospel principle, most unwelcome to the proud heart, and misapprehended by many a pious one, I mean “non-resistance,” of which I “am not ashamed,” nor of any as my brother Servant, embracing it. Such being our mutual views, it will be expected that we conduct in courtesy and kindness a discussion on the coming of Him whose “kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”HST May 1, 1840, page 19.15

    Let us not use carnal weapons. Nor will I complain of severity if my language and sentiments are fairly quoted.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.16

    Brother Miller’s theory of the prophecies of Daniel and John appears to me to place great events out of their real time of taking place, and their proper locality. For instance, in his interpretation of the 14th chapter of Daniel, he applies much which belongs to Antiochus Epiphnes to the Roman power and the papacy, and much which applies to the Mohamedan delusion to the Catholic apostasy and to Boneparte. But I will not go into that farther at present. I design, in this article, to speak principally of the sixth and seventh trumpet, and invite the candid attention of the reader to the diagram on the last page.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.17

    If I mistake not, Mr. Miller takes the wo of the fifth trumpet, 150 years, and adds it to the wo of the sixth trumpet, 391 years, thus making the whole period of the sixth trumpet 541 years, and so calculates its commencment as to end in August, 1840.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.18

    But suppose he leaves the 150 years, the wo of the fifth trumpet where it belongs, and reckons the whole sixth trumpet only the period of its wo, i.e. 391 years, I appeal to the understanding of the render to judge as to the proportions of that system which makes the sixth trumpet at least 391 years, and the seventh, the more important one, only 3 1-2. The seventh, is always the crowning number, and the preceding 6 are only preparatory to the 7.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.19

    After giving to the table on the last page a most severe and close examination, I submit it to the unbiased judgment of the reader to decide the true chronology of the trumpets.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.20

    The extract, below, from my Illustrations, gives my view in brief, of the whole time of the sixth trumpet.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.21




    From A. D. 1281 till “time times and an half” shall be no longer.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.22

    13 And the sixth, angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,HST May 1, 1840, page 19.23

    14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.24

    15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.25

    16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. Revelation 9.HST May 1, 1840, page 19.26

    The four angels were the four Sultanies of the Turks, before their organizing into one empire, the capitals of which were Bagdad, Damascus, Aleppo, and Iconium. These Sultanies were “bound” to their several localities, or territories, near the river Euphrates, for a long time, through the instrumentality of the crusades. But when these wars ceased, and Syria and Egypt were abandoned by the Christians at the latter end of the 13th century, then the four angels, or sultanies near the river Euphrates, “were loosed.” Ortogrul, dying in the year 1288, was succeeded by his son, Othman, who in the year 1299, founded a new empire composed of the remains of the four Turkish sultanies, called to this day, the Ottoman empire. The Turks, like the Saracens, were all horsemen, and the number of their armies of cavalry was immense. The “hour, and a day, and a month, and a year,” verse 15, reckoned as prophetic, would be 391 years and 15 days. The first conquest of the Turks over the Christians took place A. D. 1281, and the last success, by which they extended their dominions, was A. D. 1672, exactly 391 years. Bishop Newton remarks, “If more accurate and authentic histories of the Ottomans were brought to light, and we knew the very day wherein Cutahi was taken, as certainly as we know that wherein Cameniec, was taken, the like exactness might also be found in the fifteen days.” Of the ending of the Ottoman Empire, and the Mohamedan power, we have no prophetic numbers given except in Daniel’s vision of 2300 days. That has been sufficiently discussed in former sections. The wo of this trumpet then ceased, with the conquests of the Turks 1672, but the trumpet will sound till the angel comes down and swears that time, times and a half “shall be no longer.”HST May 1, 1840, page 20.1

    17 And thus I saw horses in the vision, and them that sat on them having breast plates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.2

    18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.3

    19 For their power is in their mouths, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.4

    Here the armor of the Turks and mode of warfare was modified by more modern inventions. The Turks first introduce the use of fire-arms, and we read no more of the “breast plate of steel,” but of fire, “and jacinth and brimstone,” evidently alluding to the use of fire-arms. Those who have been in action testify, that the horses in battle raise their heads to a level with the fire-arms of their riders, when in the act of aiming at their enemies, and that the fire and smoke appear to issue from the mouths of the horses.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.5

    As fire-arms came into use, shields, and beast-plates, and other articles of ancient armor ceased to be worn by warriors. None can fail to notice this coincidence in the description of the Saracens, and the more modern Turkish horsemen. The Turks wear no armor but “fire, and jacinth, and brimstone.” The immense power of conquest with the Turkish armies, all agree, was found to be in the use of fire arms, and the immense cannon which they used in the seige of cities. “The fire, and smoke, and brimstone,” which issued out of the “mouth” of them were found to “do hurt” in a manner hitherto unknown. And like the Saracens, they had “power, to do hurt with their tails.” The same scorpion sting of the Mohamedan faith followed the conquests of the Turks.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.6

    20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood, which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:HST May 1, 1840, page 20.7

    21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.8

    The Saracens were commissioned to torment the “third part of men,” or the Grecian Empire, but not to kill or subdue it.—The Turks were commissioned to kill or subjugate this “third part of men.” It was a political death to the men of the eastern, or Greek Church and Empire, to be so entirely subverted.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.9

    The rest of the men which were not killed, “repented not,” etc. The Greek Church was not reformed by these terrible calamities, of her worship of images, and her spiritual fornication, and sorceries; nor did the Latin Church take warning from the fate of her sister’s downfall.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.10



    “Can ye not discern the signs of the times.”

    BOSTON, MAY 1, 1840.

    Since our last Number was issued, we have received very good encouragement to continue the publication, so far as names are concerned; but we are sorry to say that many seem to forget, or neglect, one item in our terms, (and to us a very important one) that of paying in advance. The trifling sum of one dollar can hardly be felt by individual subscribers, but they will bear in mind that it makes a difference of hundreds of dollars with us, when so many are deficient. Those who wish us to continue to forward the paper to them, will please comply with the terms. Dow & Jackson.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.11



    The following article, containing an abstract of Mr. Miller’s views, has been prepared by him at the particular request of many of his friends. It will be published in Mr. Hayward’s excellent work, on “Religious Creeds and Statistics.”HST May 1, 1840, page 20.12

    My Dear Brother,—You have requested of me my views on religion and my peculiar sentiments wherein I may differ from the sect to which I belong, (regular Baptist.)HST May 1, 1840, page 20.13

    As it respects the obligation of rational beings to God their duty to obey, love and worship him, I agree with them. As it respects our duty to our fellow men, I believe we should agree in theory at least.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.14

    As it respects the character of man in his fallen state, I know not as we should disagree. I believe all men, coming to years of discretion, do, and will disobey God, and this is in some measure owing to corrupted nature by the sin of our parent. I believe God will not condemn us for any pollution in our father, but the soul that sinneth shall die. All pollution of which we may be partakers from the sins of our ancestors, in which we could have no agency, will, and can be washed away in the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, without our agency. But all sins committed by us as rational, intelligent agents, can only be cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, through repentance and faith of the agent. I believe in the salvation of all men who receive the grace of God by repentance and faith in the mediation of Jesus Christ. I believe in the condemnation of all men who reject the gospel and mediation of Christ, and thereby lose the efficacy of the blood and righteousness of our Redeemer, as proffered to us in the gospel. I believe in practical godliness as commanded us in the scriptures, which is our only rule of faith and practice, and they only will be entitled to heaven and future blessedness, who obey and keep the commandments of God as given us in the Bible, which is the word of God. I believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is a spirit, omnipresent, omniscient, having all power, creator, preserver, and self-existent. Being holy, just and beneficent, I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God, having a body in fashion and form like man, divine in his nature, human in his person, godlike in his character and power. He is a savior for sinners, a priest to God, a mediator between God and man, and King in Zion. He will be all to his people, God with us forever. The spirit of the Most High is in him, the power of the Most High is given him, the people of the Most High are purchased by him, the glory of the Most High shall be with him, and the kingdom of the Most High is his on earth.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.15

    I believe the Bible is the revealed will of God to man, and all therein is necessary to be understood by christians in the several ages and circumstances to which they may refer; for instance, what may be understood to-day might not have been necessary to have been understood 1000 years ago. For its object is to reveal things new and old, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished and perfected in every good word and work, for the age in which he lives. I believe it is revealed in the best possible manner for all people in every age and under every circumstance to understand, and that it is to be understood as literal as it can be and make good sense, and that in every case where the language is figurative we must let the Bible explain its own figures. We are in no case allowed to speculate on the scriptures, and suppose things which are not clearly expressed; nor reject things which are plainly taught. I believe all of the prophecies are revealed for to try our faith; and to give us hope, without which we could have no reasonable hope. I believe, that the scriptures do reveal unto us in plain language, that Jesus Christ will appear again on this earth, that he will come in the glory of God, in the clouds of heaven with all his saints and angels, that he will raise the dead bodies of all his saints who have slept, change the bodies of all that are alive on the earth that are his, and both of these living and raised saints will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. There the saints will be judged and presented to the Father without spot or wrinkle. Then the gospel kingdom will be given up to God the Father. Then will the Father give the bride to the Son Jesus Christ, and when the marriage takes place, the church will become the “New Jerusalem,” the “beloved city.” And while this is performing in the air, the earth will be cleansed by fire, the elements will melt with fervent heat, the works of men will be destroyed, the bodies of the wicked will be burned to ashes, the devil and all evil spirits, with the souls and spirits of those who have rejected the gospel, will be banished from the earth, shut up in the pit or place prepared for the devil and his angels, and will not be permitted to vist the earth again until a 1000 years. This is the first resurrection and first judgment. Then Christ and his people will come down from the heavens, or middle air, and live with his saints on the new earth in a new heaven or dispensation forever, even forever and ever. This will be the restitution of the right owners to the earth.HST May 1, 1840, page 20.16

    Then will the promise of God to his Son be accomplished, “I will give him the heathen for his inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession” Then “the whole earth shall be full of his glory.” And then will the holy people take possession of their joint heirship with Christ; and his promise be verified, “the meek shall inherit the earth,” and the kingdom of God will have come, and “his will be done in earth as in heaven.” After a 1000 years shall have passed away, the saints will all be gathered and encamped in the beloved city. The sea, death and hell will give up their dead, they will rise up on the breadths of the earth out of the city, a great company like the sand of the sea shore. The devil will be let loose, to go out and deceive this wicked host. He will tell them of a battle against the saints, the beloved city; he will gather them in the battle around the camp of the saints. But there is no battle, the devil has deceived them. The saints will judge them, the justice of God will drive them from the earth into the lake of fire and brimstone, where they will be tormented day and night, forever and ever. “This is the second death.” After the second resurrection, second judgment, the righteous-will then possess the earth forever.HST May 1, 1840, page 21.1

    I understand the judgment day will be a thousand years long. The righteous are raised and judged in the commencement of that day, the wicked in the end of that day. I believe that the saints will be raised and judged about the year 1843. According to Moses’ prophecy, Leviticus 26, Ezekiel 39, Daniel 2, 7, 8 to 12 chap. Hosea 5:1-3, Rev. the whole book, many other prophets have spoken of these things. Time will soon tell if I am right, and soon he that is righteous will be righteous still,—and he that is filthy will be filthy still. I do most solemnly entreat mankind to make their peace with God, be ready for these things. “The end of all things is at hand.” I do ask my brethren in the gospel ministry, to consider well what they say before they oppose these things. Say not in your hearts, “my Lord delayeth his coming.” Let all do as they would wish they had if it does come, and none will say they have not done right if it does not come. I believe it will come; but if it should not come, then I will wait and look until it does come. Yet I must pray, “come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.”HST May 1, 1840, page 21.2

    This is a synopsis of my views. I give it as a matter of faith. I know of no scripture to contradict any view given in the above sketch. Men’s theories may oppose. The ancients believed in a temporal and personal reign of Christ on earth. The moderns believe in a temporal spiritual reign for a millenium. Both views are wrong—both are too gross and carnal. I believe in a glorious immortal and personal reign of Jesus Christ with all his people on the purified earth forever. I believe the millenium is between the two resurrections, and two judgments. The righteous and the wicked, the just and the unjust. I hope all of the dear friends of Christ will lay by all prejudice and look at, and examine these three views by the only rule and standard, the Bible.HST May 1, 1840, page 21.3

    I remain, as ever, yours,
    Low Hampton, April 11, 1840.



    The Rev. S. Cobb, of Waltham, Mass., recently gave a course of lectures to the Universalist society in that town, and has since published them in the “Christian Freeman,” under the caption of the “Miller Mania.” The following passing notice of them by Bro. Miller, will give the reader some idea of their merit.HST May 1, 1840, page 21.4

    Bro. Himes,

    I have received Cobb’s lectures by your politeness. I think a few such lectures would do good among the followers of Universalism here. For they have been taught here that Christ will never come again to the earth, that his second coming was at Jerusalem. And Cobb has admitted that the “glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,” is yet future. He has also admitted that Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 means a coming that is yet future. Admitting these two passages to apply to the future coming of Christ, and it follows of course, that all Mr. Miller claims may be true, say they; for the passages of like import and expression must have a like meaning. 1st. Take Titus 2:13. “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” Then the text in Hebrews 9:28, must have a similar meaning and the same fulfilment. “As Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him, (looking for, says Paul to Titus) will he appear, (glorius appearing,) the second time (First time was when he was offered. Second time will be when he comes to bless the people and consumate their hopes.) without sin unto salvation.” Where then can his coming to Jerusalem be placed? It cannot be his first, for that was before. It cannot be his second, for that is the one we are looking for, and yet in the future. Can Mr. C. get in between one and two? Try again, my dear Sir, it is a narrow squeeze, try again, you can wrest the Scripture, a desperate cause needs a desperate effort. Again, let Mr. C. compare 1 John 2:28. “And now little children abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” Was this wrote before Jerusalem was destroyed? Be careful, Mr. Cobb, you may yet prove that John was dead before Jerusalem was destroyed, and if so, your theory all goes to the wind. If then, this text from John’s epistle was wrote twenty years after Jerusalem was destroyed, then his appearing must be in the future. And why this caution? “Little children abide in him etc.” How is this, who can be ashamed before him at his coming, if all will be happy and holy? This text does favor my views, surely. “Some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Mr Cobb admits that 1 Thessalonians 4:16, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” is a future coming of Christ. This is admitting the whole ground, for the following verses to the 4th verse of chapter 5. “Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words. But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you: For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape,” must mean the same coming. And three things is plain and obvious. 1. The duty of brethren to comfort one another with talking and preaching this doctrine of Christ’s coming, which Mr. Cobb opposes. 2. That the brethren have no need that he write of the times and seasons, for they very well knew, yes, they perfectly knew, that the day of the Lord would come as a thief in the night, to some, and they would be destroyed, and should not escape. I ask, how did they know this thing? I answer, by Christ’s words. Matthew 24:38-44 “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left, Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch, therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh,” Mark 13:32-37 “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye, therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh; at even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.” Luke 12:35-40 “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the lord, when he cometh, shall find watching; verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye, therefore, ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” By these texts they knew it perfectly. And this proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Christ, in Matt. had reference to a yet future coming, according to Mr. Cobb’s own admission. 3. That those who say “Peace and safety,” are the ones that will be destroyed. And “when they shall say it,” the time is at hand when they shall be destroyed, and that suddenly.HST May 1, 1840, page 21.5

    Here we have a strong evidence that the coming of the Lord, according to Mr. Cobb’s own concession, is near at hand, see “Christian Freeman.” Vol. 1. No. 43, 1. p. 2nd col. “And the accomplishment of the great and glorious purpose of God, in the resurrection of all men from the dead, is also in a few instances called the coming of Christ; as in 1 Thessalonians 4:16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch-angel, and with the trump of God; and the dead shall rise in Christ first.” And who, I enquire, will they rise in next? The Bible says, “And the dead in Christ shall rise first.” But Mr. Cobb can transpose and say, “And the dead shall rise in Christ first.” This wresting of Scripture to suit our own creed, would make even the notorious Whittemore blush; but this is proving 2 Peter 3:16 “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction,” to be fulfilled, and completes Paul’s sign, “For when they shall say, peace and safety, then (at that time) sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, (surely the Universalists are in great trouble) and they shall not escape.” This “great and glorious purpose of God,” is what I am trying to prove. Mr. C. why in so much trouble then? Do you not like to have the “glorious purpose” of God done? Why so much perplexity and distress? The ‘glorious purpose of God’ will be done in earth as in heaven. ‘Ah! yes, Oh!! Oh!!! That is what I am afraid off, said the guilty man,’ you are safe, and you can have no fear, why are you all in such a bluster from the “cosmopolite” down to the veriest blackguard, T. Whittimore.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.1

    Again, In the introduction of his first lecture, Mr. Cobb has tryed to make out that I am governed by some corrupt motive, such as, vainglory, marvellous to deceive, mammon, fanatical, etc. This shows the true character of the man. No man can have an honest motive in writing or giving his views of Scripture. Why not? Because he judges out of his own heart, and from his own conduct. And as he does not pretend to know me personally, of course his judgment must proceed from his knowledge of his own motives, James 4:12, and as such a course was not called for to put down an error, so easily disposed of, as he says; it cannot but satisfy every thinking mind that he had grappled with arguments, too powerful for him to encounter, without the aid of misrepresentation and lying, to prejudice his hearers; and blind their better judgment. This mode of beginning a religious discourse is calculated to destroy all confidence in the man, as a Christian or an honest opponent. Again, His main argument is that all judgment was fulfilled at Jerusalem. And this hobby-horse or mule hatched up between our D. D’s standard authors on the one part, and Universalists, or modern Deists, or scoffers, on the other part, have produced a mule, which will be the means of carrying thousands of the unthinking part of the world to endless ruin. All that Mr. C. does is to bring one of these D. D’s to prove his point, no matter what the Bible may say, one of these will put down all the Bible in the world. They feed on all rotten carcases, and will find themselves in the end where John has placed them. Revelation 22:18, 19, and verses 15. “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” This hobby of the Universalists has been confuted a thousand times: yet they will harp on a broken string their discordant notes, to lull mortals to sleep, and to prevent the lost children of men from hearing the midnight cry, and preparing for judgment. I will confute them once more. Acts 17:30-32 “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: because he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead. And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead some mocked; and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.” This judgment day is at the resurrection, evidently, and this day is appointed, and I am showing the appointed time, Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets,” and I have plainly shown that he has so done it, Phelps, Cambell, Skinner and Whittemore to the contrary notwithstanding.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.2

    Bro. Miller writes, (April 16,) that he was then giving a course of lectures in Low Hampton, where he resides. He says that “the scoffers and Universalists are in trouble, and begin to complain that the people are neglecting their families “etc. On the 21st, he says, “We are enjoying a good time in this place. Last Sabbath 7 were baptized, three of them were my children. Some of the Universalists have forbid their wives and children attending the meetings. But God is at work. Souls are being convicted and converted. Bless his holy name. My next course will be given in Bro. Francis’s church (Orthodox) in Benson, Vt. I shall give a course in Bro. Walter’s church, corner of Broom and Norfolk Sts. in the city of New York, commencing about the 12th of May.”HST May 1, 1840, page 22.3

    The Diagram of the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials, on the last page, by Bro. Cambell, will be reviewed in a future number by Bro. Miller.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.4

    We should esteem it a favor to have an exchange with those Editors to whom this No. is sent.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.5

    Boston. The good work continues to progress in Boston in most of the societies; also in many of the Societies of the neighboring towns.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.6

    Portland. The work of God continues to progress powerfully in that city still. Bro. Fleming Baptized 45 last Sunday.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.7

    The discussion between Mr. Jones and Litch, on the second coming of Christ, will commence in No. 4.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.8

    We hope the friends of the Cause will make all suitable efforts to extend the circulation of the “Signs of the Times.” With a little effort on the part of all the friends, it can be duly sustained.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.9

    We are obliged to omit many valuable communications, for want of room. They shall appear in our next.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.10

    Our subscribers will remember that Post-Masters have the right, and will enclose their subscriptions to us without expense, if they request it. Publishers.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.11



    “And upon the Earth distress of Nations with perplexity.”


    Revelation 16:12-16. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together in a place, called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.12

    The late accounts from Europe and Asia, relating to the unprecedented preparations for war, and particularly the dissensions among the principal nations of Europe, we think very clearly show that the “spirits of devils” has actually gone forth to the kings of the earth to gather them to battle? France is engaged in an expensive war in Africa. England is, or will be very soon at war with China. The Boundary question has assumed so serious an aspect that both England and the U. S. are making formidable preparations for defence. Besides this, the greatest preparations are being made by the Ottoman Porte, and her allies, for the defence of this Empire, against the attacks of the Pacha of Egypt. France has already declared in favor of Egypt, while Russia, England, Prussia and Austria, though divided among themselves, have guaranteed the support of the Porte. The last advices from the East state that the advance of Ibraham Pacha upon Constantinople has become exceedingly probable. Immense masses of Russian troops had been concentrated in the neighborhood of Odessa, arid Russian emissaries were at work in Antolia preparing the inhabitants for a general rising for the protection of the Ottoman Empire.HST May 1, 1840, page 22.13

    The strong probability is, that within the present year, the great battle will commence between those nations. If it does, Constantinople will be the bone of contention, and the principal seat of this war. This will no doubt be the battle of “Armageddon.”HST May 1, 1840, page 22.14

    The following article is from the editor of a New York paper, called the “Brother Jonathan.” He views the condition of the nations as a politician; yet he argues in many points with those who declare similar things from the word of God. Why this agreement? Do politicians discern the “Signs of the Times.” Ed.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.1


    Among the prospective effects of the English war with China, which may now be considered, we suppose, as a settled thing, will be the throwing upon the English market, the cotton raised in India, which has hitherto found a sale or exchange in Canton. That such a train of events will work disastrously at first upon our cotton growers, is not to be denied. There is another matter which will throw the balance of trade still farther against us. The Chinese will undoubtedly make their refusal to admit the “Foreign Barbarians” extend to all nations; and cut off from the Chinese tea, we shall help England consume the Assam. It has recently been discovered that certain districts in India, yield spontaneously, an article of tea quite equal to many Chinese varieties, and when this “Assam tea” becomes attended to as an article of cultivation and commerce, it is not assuming too much to suppose that it may be so produced as to fill up, in a great measure, the gap created by the loss of the Chinese trade in this article.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.2

    It may be urged that China will not shut out Americans from the trade. Perhaps China may not—but John Bull will not carry on the war in such a way as to shut out himself from the trade, and admit all the rest of the world. Trade with China, if carried on, must be conducted in violation of the English blockade, and not improably at the expense of a war with Eugland.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.3

    We have no commercial intercourse with Buenos Ayres, while the French blockade is kept up; we should have none with China, in the event of a war between that country and England. It may again be said that an overland intercourse with Russia would enable the Chinese to make the ports of that country the outlet for their great staple. Here again a difficulty presents itself. Jealousy of Russia has already induced one of the most gigantic military movements of the age, in the first English advance upon the Afghanistan principalities. Russia has retaliated by an attack upon Khiva; and England has answered by a march upon Khelat. In the great game of chess which the two powers are playing in Asia, the Indian princes are used as the men, and their kingdoms as the pawns. It is not to be supposed that the British will let Russia move the Celestial Emperor against them, without cheek-mating him too.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.4

    Come farther west, and the unsettled Turco-Egyptian matter is a very pretty quarrel as it stands, without the aid of the Chinese difficulty. Four jealous powers are ostensibly allied, and covertly playing a game of diplomacy against each other. England and France—a strange coalition when we remember their past history—are more nearly placed in the possition of alliance than any other two nations. Both are jealous of the autocrat of the Russians, and both disposed to check his progress to universal empire. Yet even France and England appear to have some points and opportunity for jealousy which might at any other time ripen into a quarrel; though the present disposition of both countries is for peace with each other. If, as is stated confidently in the New Orleans papers, England is negociating with Mexico for California, it can hardly gratify the French, whose own colonial speculations have been none of the most promising.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.5

    On the whole, the peace which, with the exception of the extinction of the poor Poles as a nation, and the civil war in Spain, has so long reigned in Europe, bids fair now to be hurried to a conclusion by the murder of a Chinese boatman, by a drunken English sailor. Such was in fact the proximate cause of the recent engagement in China, by which 900 of the celestials are stated in the English papers to have perished.—The opium difficulty began the trouble, it is true; but the refusal of Elliott to do what would have been an act of arbitrary cruelty and injustice, produced the catastrophe. The Chinese demand a man for the man killed; the English are unable to identify the murderer, and hence the seizure of the crews of the British vessels which went up to Whampoa, in spite of Elliott’s directions to the contrary.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.6

    After a careful review of the state of things in the old world, it hardly requires the gift of second sight to see in them the indications of a general breaking up of the peaceful relations which now subsist between the nations. In any event, it is the policy of our Government to stand aloof from the quarrel. It is the advantage of our geographical position that we shall not be necessarily drawn in; though indeed, the discontented in Canada may make the occasion one to throw off the dependence upon the mother country. The time is pregnant of great-events; and whatever ability the English court and camp contain, will, we think, have abundant opportunity to become developed during the reign of Queen Victoria. Future historians may refer to it with the pride with which they now quote that of Queen Bess; or in the failure of good counsel, it may be the era of the decline of the British empire from its meridian splendor.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.7

    Could the American patriot bring himself to mere selfish considerations, he would regard a general war in Europe, as among the most propitious events which could occur for this country. Its resources would be developed, both to supply its own wants, in the lack of foreign commodities, and to furnish necessaries to other nations, whose usual resources would be thus intermitted. But the time is passed when human life and happiness were counted to weigh nothing against selfish considerations. War would impede the march of improvement over the world at least a century, while its benefits to the great mass would be uncertain and precarious. Let, however, the event be as it may, the indications are certainly such as make it probable that the divisions of countries on the map of the old world, will this day five years be obsolete.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.8


    A letter from Constantinople, in the London Morning Herald, states that the Shah of Persia had declared war against Turkey, and was actually on his march with a large army in the direction of Bagdad. It was suspected in Constantinople that Mehemet Ali had stimulated and bribed the Shah to this movement.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.9

    There is every reason to believe that there will be a Congress of European monarchs, the ensuing summer, to decide upon the affairs or the East. This will be an important proceeding, and may derange the plans of Egypt and France, and also Russia and Persia.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.10

    Refuge of Scoffers


    “There shall come in the last days scoffers.”

    The following is from the editor of the Trumpet, who is the oracle of the mass of the Universalists in N. England. They speak for themselves. We give them to our readers as evidence of the fulfilment of the Scriptures relating to “scoffers” in the last time. Ed.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.11

    “End of the World in 1843. The distant readers of the ‘Trumpet’ will hardly be able to understand, why we should pay the slightest attention to so wild a vagary, as that which is proclaimed by a certain William Miller, viz. that the world is to be, burned in the year 1843. They will think that the editor is medling with small business, to speak on a subject that is so clearly a deception, or to use a yankeeism, a humbug. Nevertheless, we must inform those who are at a distance, that this imposition prevails to some extent in this vicinity. William Miller is a weak-minded, vain and self-confident old man, who has learned some passages of Scripture by heart; but who, in our judgment, either dishonestly perverts the sacred writings, or is almost totally ignorant of their true sense.—He is, of himself, of small consideration; his name never would have appeared in our columns either for any merit, or demerit, that he has of himself, were it not that certain Societies and clergyman in different parts of New England have seen fit to make a tool of the old man, for the purpose of getting up excitements, and gaining converts for their churches.* * * *HST May 1, 1840, page 23.12

    Miller has been in the vicinity of Boston, some two or three months. He is constantly giving lectures, on his theory, which are attended by immense crowds.—The Meeting-Houses in the city are generally closed against him, except the two chapels occupied by the sect calling themselves Christ-ians. 3A nickname. Ed. of Signs of Times.) Joshua Himes, the pastor, we believe, of one of these Societies, goes the whole figure for Miller. In for a penny, in for a pound, is Joshua’s motto, and so he goes for the whole. He will be as vexed in 1843, if the world is not destroyed, as Jonah was when God refused to destroy Ninevah.—Joshua is very much in need of converts; and he is in hopes to get a good batch out of Miller’s oven. We are afraid some of them will not be more than half baked. P. R. Russell, of Lynn, has also gone into the work, in earnest. He is a full convert to Miller’s theory. Doubtless he is very sincere. We wonder how many converts he will get? He has been anxious for sometime to raise a revival, to get money enough if possible to pay for the new meeting-house, and to finish it.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.13

    But the most astonishing fact is yet to be disclosed.—The Baptist Society in Cambrdgeport had their house open every day last week for Miller, and their clergyman was in the pulpit with him, taking part in the services. We are surprised beyond measure, at this movement. Has the pastor of that Society the slightest faith in Miller’s vagaries? Can it be possible that the deacons of that church have the least faith in such things? We will not however press these questions; they lead to very painful thoughts. That such men as Joshua Himes and P. R. Russell should abet Miller’s imposition, might have been expected. They are fit for such things. We agree with the Rev. Dr. Sharp, in a remark he is said to have made, that Miller’s theory is “all moonshine;” and we are astonished that a truly respectable Society should give the least countenance to such deception.HST May 1, 1840, page 23.14

    Diagram of the Apocalyptical Seals, Trumpets, and Vials
    [Graphic on this page covers from A. D. 70 to the End of the World]
    HST May 1, 1840, page 24.1

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