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EGW Extras
April 1, 1841
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ about the year 1843, and of his personal reign of 1000 years, first published in 1833. By Wm. Miller.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.1
Prefatory Remarks
The writer does not claim the title of a Theologian, nor of infallibility. He presents himself in common with other writers on the same, or other subjects of like import, to be tried by the infallible touchstone of Divine truth. In order that the reader may have a clue to my manner of studying the prophecies, by which I have come to the following result, I have thought proper to give some of the rules of interpretation which I have adopted.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.2
Prophetical Scripture is mostly communicated to us by figures, and highly and richly adorned metaphors; by which I mean, figures, such as, beasts, birds, air or wind, water, fire, candlesticks, lamps, mountains, islands, etc., represent things prophecied of—such as kingdoms, warriors, principles, people, judgments, churches, profession, larger and smaller governments, etc. It is metaphorical, also, as showing some peculiar quality of the thing prophecied of—by the most prominent feature of the figure, as the face of a Lion, shows the boldness and power of the people or church spoken of. The face of an ox—subjection and submission. The face of a man—independent, proud and avaricious. The face of an eagle—clear sighted, proneness to flee to the wilderness, away from the haunts of men. Therefore, almost all the figures used in prophecy have a literal and metaphorical meaning; as beasts denote literally a kingdom, so metaphorically, good or bad, as the case may be, to be understood by the particular subject in connection. To understand the literal meaning of figures used in prophecy, I have pursued the following method—for example, take the word “beast” follow the word through all the prophets, and you will find in Daniel 7:17, it is explained to mean “kings or kingdoms.” Again, I find the word “bird or fowl,” and in Isaiah 46:11, it is, used meaning a conqueror or warrior, to wit, Cyrus. Also in Ezekiel 39:1-9, denotes armies or conquerors.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.3
I find the word “air or wind” used as in Revelation 9:2. and 16:17. To understand which, I turn to Ephesians 2:2, and learn that it is used to denote the theories of worldly men, or vain philosophy, see also Ephesians 4:14. Again, the word “water, waters, or rivers,” are used. I trace the words and find an explanation in Revelation 17:15, it means “people, multitude, nations.” “Rivers” of course mean the people or nation living on the river; as for instance Revelation 16:12. “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the waters thereof were dried up.” Which, if I may be permitted to paraphrase I would read thus; Upon the Turkish nation; or Ottoman Government, and the people thereof were dried up, or diminished. As prophesy is a language, somewhat different from other parts of Scripture, the events foretold are not all told by one prophet. And yet there is a perfect chain. They interweave their prophecies in such a manner that you take away one, and a link will be wanting. This will be evident to any one, who will take the pains of comparing scripture expressions of a similar kind, as for example, see Daniel 12:1. Matthew 24:21, Isaiah 47:8, Zephaniah 2:15, Revelation 18:7. There was no book ever written, that has such a general connection as the Bible. And yet it is like a great store-house, filled with all the precious commodities that heart could wish, thrown in promiscuously, and the biblical student must select and bring together every part of the subject he wishes to investigate, and then let every word have its proper bearing, and have no contradiction, and your theory will be correct. Truth is one undeviating path, that grows brighter and brighter the farther we pursue it. It needs no plausible arguments, nor pompous dress to make it more bright, for the more simple and naked the fact, the stronger the truth appears, Let it be noticed, also, that God has in sundry times and by different figures revealed himself to his prophets, and the same events in divers ways, as in the 2nd, 7th, and 8th chapters of Daniel, likewise in all the other prophets, especially to John in Revelation. And all those visions or prophecies must be concentrated and brought together, which have reference to the point, or subject which we wish to investigate, and when we have them all combined, and let every word and sentence have its proper signification and force in the grand whole, and the theory, or system, as I have before said, will be correct.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.4
I have likewise noticed, that in those events or prophecies which have been fulfilled, and which are beyond a doubt accomplished, every word, and every particular has had an exact, and almost in every instance, a literal fulfilment. And that no two events has ever happened, that I have ever been able to learn, that can exactly apply to the same prophecy. Take for instance the prophecies concerning the birth, and passion or crucifixion of our Savior, and although millions have suffered martyrdom in as cruel a man, yet we can never find another, that all the circumstances will exactly agree with the death of Christ, or the prophecies concerning this sufferings. Again, take the prophecies, which have universally been admitted, by protestants, at least to apply to Cyrus, Alexander, Julius Ceasar, and the church of Rome, and I have never been able to trace even a resemblance to the prophecies in question in any historical events except the true ones. If this is true, may we not suppose that the unfulfilled prophecies in their accomplishments will be equally as evident and literal? There are two important points to which prophecy seems to centre, the first coming of Christ, the promulgation of the gospel, and setting up his visible kingdom. The next point, to which the ardent faith and pious hope of the tried and tempted child of God centres, is the second coming of our dear Redeemer, the complete redemption from sin, the justification and glorification of his saints, and the destruction of the wicked, and mystical babylon, the abomination of the whole earth. His first coming was as a man, his human nature being only visible; his second coming will be as God, his divinity and power being most visible; he comes first, like the “first man of the earth, earthy;” his second coming is “the Lord from heaven.” His first coming was literally according to the prophecies. And so may we safely infer will be his second appearance, according to the Scriptures. At his advent—his fore-runner was spoken of, “one crying in the wilderness;” the manner of his birth, “a child born of a virgin;” the place; where, “Bethlehem;” the time of his death, “seventy weeks;” for what he should suffer, “to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for inquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness,” etc. The star that appeared, the stripes he received, the miricles he performed, the tauntings of his foes, was all literally fulfilled. Then why not suppose, that all the prophecies concerning his second appearance will be as literally accomplished as the former? Can any show a single reason why it will not? If this be true, we can obtain much light, by reading his holy word, observing the manner of his second coming, “suddenly, in the clouds, with power and great glory, on a great while throne,” as the “ancient of days.” Likewise, what he will come to do, “send his angels and gather his elect, raise the dead, they that are his at his corning, chain satan a thousand years, destroy the wicked, who destroy the earth, glorify his people, with his own glory, cleanse and purify his church, present her to the Father without spot or wrinkle, live and reign with his people, on the “new heavens and new earth,” which he will create, the form of the old having passed away.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.5
The time when these things shall take place is also, specified “unto 2300 days, (years,) then shall the sanctuary be justified.” The signs of the times, are also noticed in the Scriptures, after the anti-christian beast has reigned her “time, times and a half,” after the two witnesses have prophecied, “a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackloth,” after the church captivity in the wilderness, “forty two months,” after the “Gospel should be preached in all the world for a witness, then shall the end come.” When there is a time of trouble such as never was before; when the kings of the East shall come up to battle, when the city of the nations shall be divided into three parts, when the church of Christ is in its Laodicean state; when the seventh seal opens, the seventh vial is poured out, the seventh trumpet sounds, then will the mystery of God be finished and we shall be brought to the last point, his second coming.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.6
Again, prophecy is sometimes typical, that is, partially fulfilled in one event, but completely only in the last. Such was the prophecy concerning Isaac, partly fulfilled in him, wholly so in Christ; likewise the prophecies concerning the Jewish captivity in Babylon, and their return, are only partly accomplished in the history of those event; the description of those things in the prophets, are so august and magnificent, that if only applicable to the Jews’ return, the exposition would be weak, inefficient and barren. Therefore, I humbly believe, that the exact fulfilment can only be looked for in the captivity of the church, destruction of mystical Babylon, and final glorification of the saints in the new Jerusalem state.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.7
There is, also, in the 24th chapter of Matthew, many things prophetical which were not accomplished at the destruction of Jerusalem; such as the coming of the Son of man in the clouds, the gathering his elect from the four winds of heaven, his taking one, and leaving another etc., show that there is a double meaning in this prophecy, and that it will not all be literally fulfilled until the end of the world. Also the transfiguration of Christ on the mount, prophecied of by Christ himself eight days before, is noticed by Peter as being a type or figure of his second coming. Who that has read the prophecies, will not acknowledge the great agreement between the Old Testament prophet and new? Almost every prophecy spoken by Christ and his apostles may be found in the Old Testament in part, and represented by figures, which were familiar to the writers and readers of those times. The foregoing rules are the principal keys by which I have attempted to unlock the prophecies of Daniel and John, and to give the time when we may look for the fulfilment, and the mystery of God to be finished.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.8
If I have erred, I hope others may fee where, and shun the danger. I have no desire to mislead any, but my principal aim is to excite others more able than myself to investigate the subject. The time is at hand that will try my views on this point, and if it should prove different from what I expect, and from what I do now most sincerely believe; then will I, if my life is preserved, be willing, I hope, to confess my folly to all who may read these pages; I have had great distrust of myself; but the word of God will be accomplished, not one jot or little of his word will fail. In studying the word I have endeavored to divest myself of all prepossessed opinions, which I had heretofore adopted without special reference to the word of God. I have a longing and anxious desire for that wisdom which is from God. I have daily made this subject a matter of prayer for more than fourteen years. I have often felt my weakness, and wish I could feel it more. I have endeavored to adopt no opinions hastily, until they were well matured, and well supported by Bible proof. I have felt satisfied only when I had Scripture evidence, or facts well attested. I have never dared, knowingly, go one step beyond revelation, fearing I might have too much of self. I do most solemnly believe that assiduity, patience, perseverance and prayer, assisted by the grace of God, will overcome more obstacles than all the learning one man could obtain without these, to understand the Bible. And yet of how great help would erudition be accompanied with the before-mentioned graces, for Daniel says, “the wise shall understand.”—Which wisdom may you obtain, my dear reader, is the earnest prayer of your humble servant, WILLIAM MILLER.HST April 1, 1841, page 1.9
1. Although he was a defender of the doctrines of grace, as expressed in the articles of the Church of England; and, as to Church Discipline, was of Congregational Principles, which he looked on as most agreeable to the word of God and the rights of the Christian Church; yet he was very extensive in his Charity, being desirous to receive all whom Christ receives to the “Kingdom of God,” viz. All who fear God and work righteousness, all who do not abet errors, and indulge practices inconsistent with the Christian life. And being of such a charitable and good temper, he must needs be an enemy to all persecution, as he was. He thought that a good subject and good neighbor had a right to life and the comforts of it, let his opinion in religion be what it will. He early imbibed this opinion, grew strong in it, left it behind him, and to the last was an encourager of manly religion, without any bitter spirit common to this party and that faction.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.1
2. As it is well known that Dr. Mathew was well acquainted with the Sacred Prophecies, on which he formerly wrote and printed his thoughts, so it may not be amiss to inform my readers, that, in several things relating to the prophecies, he saw cause to alter his mind; particularly concerning the Second Coming of Christ, the conflagration, the new Heavens and new earth, and the calling of the Jews.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.2
I will here write those sentiments of there things of which the Dr. just before he died, had a firm belief, from a strict enquiry, long study, and much prayer; and, as near as I can, I will express his sentiments in his own words in the following assertions.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.3
1. The Second Coming of the Lord will be at and for the destruction of the man of sin and the extinction of the Roman monarchy under the Papal form of it. He thought that, although wise men have interpreted our Savior’s coming in the clouds of heaven and the brightness of his appearance as if it meant any thing besides His personal coming, herein they spoke foolishly and unaccountably. For as their interpretations leave us destitute of any proof that our Lord will ever come at all, so they go very far towards a trespass on the third commandment.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.4
2. The conflagration described by the Oracles of God in strong terms, and which we are warned of by the month of all the prophets; this conflagration will be at the second coming of the Lord. To make Petrine Conflagration signify no more than the laying of Jerusalem and her daughters in ashes: and to make the new Heavens and the new earth signify no more than the church state of the Gospel—these are shameful hallucinations. And as for the new earth, before the arrival of which no man can reasonably expect happy times for the church of God upon earth, it is the greatest absurdity to say that it will take place before the Petrine Conflagrations; and there is no prospect of arguing to any purpose with such as can talk so very ridiculously.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.5
3. Upon the conflagration the glorious God will create new heavens and a new earth. In the upper part of our atmosphere, where will be the new heavens, there will be the Holy City which God hath prepared for his people. This Holy City will be inhabited by the raised saints, attending on our Savior there and receiving the inconceivable recompenses for all their services and sufferings for Him. The new earth will be a Paradise, prepared for another people, and full of the goodness of the Lord.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.6
4. It is impossible to find any inhabitants for the new earth, but a set of people that shall escape the conflagration. It is a thing plainly revealed unto us, that our descending Redeemer, while yet at a further distance than he will overcome, when he sets fire to the earth, will, by his Almighty Voice, raise the dead, whom he intends for blessedness, so bring them to him as to bring them with him; as he is going on in his nearer approaches with his illustrious retinue to give order for the tremendous fire, He will hear the cries of his chosen, called and faithful ones; and he will send his angels to do for them as once for Elijah; those hundred and forty four thousand servants of God, and walkers with Him, that have the mark of God upon them, when the destroyers are going to hurt the earth, shall be caught up to meet the Lord, and with Him they shall be in safety, while they shall see the earth flaming under them. These are they who shall return to the new earth, possess it, and people it; these shall soon multiply into mighty nations upon it.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.7
5. The process of judgment on the sheep and goats, in the twenty-fifth chapter of Mathew has not one of the raised from the dead concerned in it; but it is a quick division and decision made by our Lord among the Christians who cry for mercy, when they see the fire of God ready to seize upon them, determining who shall be caught up to meet the Lord, and who shall be left to the perdition of ungodly men in the flames before them; and there shall not one ungodly man be left living in the world.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.8
6. The raised saints in the new heavens will not marry nor be given in marriage, but be equal with the angels; the changed saints on the new earth will build houses and inhabit them, plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them, and will have an offspring that will be with them the blessed of the Lord; and if blessed, then sinless and deathless: The sacred Scriptures have expressly declared this difference between them.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.9
7. While the holy people on the new earth shall be circumstanced like Adam and Eve in Paradise, in a pure and spotless manner living unto God; the raised saints, being somewhat more angelically circumstanced, will be sent from time to time down from the new heavens unto them to be their teachers and rulers, and have power over nations, and the will of God will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This dispensation will continue at least for a thousand years. Whether the translations from the new earth to the new heaven will be successively during the thousand years, or altogether after it, has not been discovered.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.10
8. The new heavens, in conjunction with the new earth, under the influence of it, is that heavenly country which the patriarchs looked for. When the great God promised them that he would be their God and bless them, they understood it of his bringing them into this deathless and sinless world. They who expect the rest promised for the church of God upon earth to be found any where but in the new earth, and they who expect any happy times for the church in a world that hath death and sin in it; these do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the kingdom of God.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.11
9. Such a conversion of the Israelitish nation with a return to their ancient seats in Palestine, as many excellent persons in latter years (and among the rest himself,) have been persuaded of: he now thought inconsistent with the coming of the Lord and the burning of the world at the fall of antichrist, before which fall no one imagines that conversion. And indeed, how is it consistent with the deep sleep in which the diluvium ignis must, as that of water did, surprise the world? The holy people of the prophecies are found among the Gentiles; the furrogate Israel. The New Testament seems to have done with a carnal Israel; the eleventh chapter of Romans is greatly misunderstood, where we find all Israel saved by a filling up of the Gentiles which we mis-translate the fulness of the Gentiles. The prophecies of the Old Testament that seem to have an aspect upon such a nation, are either already accomplished unto that nation in the return from the Chaldean captivity; or they belong to that holy people whom a succession to the piety of the patriarchs will render what our Bible has taught us, to call them the Israel of God; but the final fulfilment of them will be in the world to come, or the new heavens and the new earth, where God will dwell with men and be their God. Of what advantage to the kingdom of God can the conversion of the Jewish nation be, any more than the conversion of any other nation, except, we should suppose, to remain upon the Jewish nation after their conversion, something to distinguish them from the rest of the Christian believers? Now, to, suppose ibis, would it not be to build a partition wall that our Savior has demolished and abolished, which a Christian, one would think, would no sooner go to do than to rebuild the fallen walls of Jericho.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.12
10. By all just and fair computation, the twelve hundred and sixty years allowed for the papal empire must be near, if not quite expired. By consequence the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five years, which being the time of the end, when Daniel, with every good man, is to rise and stand in his lot, are not likely to extend beyond the present century. And for ought any man alive can say, the midnight cry may be heard before to-morrow morning. Those awful things, which our Lord foretold as the signs of his coming, have been all actually exhibited and fulfilled; we have had them all in all the terrors of them, and a stupid world has not understood them.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.13
The Doctor was very much displeased with those who, proposing rather to carp than to search, think they have at once routed all hopes to understand the Scriptures, and secured an unintelligible obscurity and ambiguity to the divine oracles, only by demanding, with an air of contempt, where will you find Gog and Magog? They are not ordinarily capable of receiving a rational answer till they have more seriously thought on what is to arrive a thousand years before the rising of Gog and Magog. Suppose (what indeed the Doctor would not allow) the question to be unanswerable; he would then ask, is there no question concerning the raised bodies of the faithful which these people will confess cannot yet be answered? And yet, continued he, they will not renounce the faith of the Resurrection. The Doctor used to say, I will also ask you one thing, which if you tell me, I will in likewise tell you: the bodies of the raised, shall they be furnished with teeth or not? Or I will only ask, Where will you find the nations over which the raised saints (or the overcomers) are to have powers? Tell me that, and I will tell you where to find Gog and Magog.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.14
And as for those who think it improbable or incredible, that so dreadful a thing as a conflagration should be ordered for such an evil world as this; they will do well to think on the evil of sin and to remember the antediluvian world had as many fine buildings, cities, and artificers in it as this, and probably more people than, there are in ours. No more than eight persons were saved oat of the destruction which a flood of water brought upon that world; whereas there will be a great number, God knows how many thousands, saved out of the fiery flood which we have to look for.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.15
Thus I have given a brief account of Dr. Mather’s sentiments concerning the sacred prophecies; I have been the more concise, because I hope I shall procure a publication of his other works on the prophecies, which will give the world a more ample account of his views.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.16
“Pause, then, for a moment, and contemplate, with the eye of faith, or if you have no faith, with the eye of imagination, this tremendous scene.—Look at that point, far away in the ethereal regions, where the gradually lessening form of our Savior disappeared from the gaze of his disciples, when he ascended to heaven. In that point see an uncommon, but faint and undefined brightness, just beginning to appear. It has caught the roving eye of yon careless gazer, and excited his curiosity. He points it out to a second, and a third. A little circle soon collects, and various are the conjectures which they form respecting it. Similar circles are formed, and similar objections made, in a thousand different parts of the world. But conjecture is soon to give place to certainty—awful, appalling, overwhelming certainty. While they gaze, the appearance, which had excited their curiosity, rapidly approaches, and still more rapidly brightens. Some begin to suspect what it may prove; but no one dares to give utterance to his suspicions. Meanwhile the light of the sun begins to fade before a brightness superior to his own. Thousands see their shadows cast in a new direction, and thousands of hitherto careless eyes look up at once, to discover the cause. Full clearly they see it; and now new hopes and fears begin to agitate their breasts. The afflicted and persecuted servants of Christ begin to hope, that the predicted, long-expected day of their deliverance is arrived. The wicked, the careless, the unbelieving begin to fear, that the Bible is about to prove no idle tale. And now fiery shapes, moving like streams of lightning, begin to appear indistinctly amidst the bright dazzling cloud, which conies rushing down, as on the wings of a whirlwind. At length it reaches its destined place. It pauses; then, suddenly unfolding, discloses at once a great white throne, where sits, starry resplendent, in all the glories of the Godhead, the man Christ Jesus. Every eye sees him, every heart knows him.HST April 1, 1841, page 2.17
Too well do the wretched, unprepared inhabitants of earth now know what to expect; and one universal shriek of anguish and despair rises up to heaen, and is echoed back to earth. But louder, far louder than the universal cry, now sounds the last trumpet; and far above them all, is heard the voice of the Omnipotent, summoning the dead to arise and come to judgment. New terrors now assail the living: on every side, nay, under their very feet, the earth heaves as in convulsions; graves open, and the dead come forth; while, at the same moment, a change, equivalent to that occasioned by death, is effected by Almighty power on the bodies of the living. Their mortal bodies put on immortality, and are thus prepared to sustain a weight of glory or of wretchedness, which flesh and blood could not endure. Meanwhile, legions of angels are seen, darting from pole to pole, gathering together the faithful servants of Christ from the four winds of heaven, and bearing them aloft to meet the Lord in the air, where he causes them to be placed at his own right hand, preparatory to the sentence which is to award to them everlasting life.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.1
Christian, if you would gain more and greater victories over the world than you have ever done, bring this scene often before the eye of your mind, and gaze upon it, till you become blind to all earthly glory. He who gazes long at the sun becomes unsusceptible of impressions from inferior luminaries; and be who looks much at the Sun of Righteousness, will be little affected by any alluring object which the world can exhibit.”HST April 1, 1841, page 3.2
Dear Sir,—I had written you two months ago, to thank you and other kind friends and brethren, through you, for the varied expressions of your love. To my extreme regret, however, that letter was not forwarded as I expected it would have been—a disappointment which I feel the more keenly as the friend through whom I received your favors was not, in the Providence of God. permitted to return, and his letters of explanation to you and others likewise detained till too late to serve their purpose.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.3
I have, however, received, by post, numbers 15, 17, 18, (wanting 16,) of the “Signs of the Times,” and thank God that although the Atlantic rolls between us, you allow me to speak in, your native land, and to tell to your friends the truths with which the God of grace has gladdened my own heart. It will be my endeavor to promote, in return, all Christian intercourse between the friends in America who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, and those in this country, having fellowship with them in this,—the hope of the gospel. And although I know some little of the difficulties which practically arise, preventing persons even accustomed to writing from regularly supplying well-digested statements of the truths which they know, and the power of which they feel, it will give me pleasure if I can persuade any such in this country to lend you their aid in the important and responsible work which you have undertaken.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.4
For myself, I must be allowed to say, that the little leisure which my business allows for the more congenial occupation of authorship, I require in the meantime for a work on the continued obligation of the Seventh Day, as the Christian Sabbath, which I am preparing for the press. If acceptable, I would, however, be glad, to furnish you with notes of a course of Lectures on Pprophetic Subjects, which I have delivered here. The Notes are indeed very imperfect, but they were preserved as the basis of a volume designed for the press, and embrace many points not fully discussed in any of the works which I have already published. As Lectures, they possess, in some degree, an advantage which much of what I have previously written greatly want—express practical application of the subjects. Without this application indeed, nothing is gained. The value of any truth to an individual consists entirely in the influence which it exercises over the inner being of the man. And although it is true that where a truth is really received, it will practically influence the mind, yet it is of importance to keep this before us in dealing with Christians whose judgments are convinced that “the Lord is at hand.”HST April 1, 1841, page 3.5
The fierce opposition which has been given here, and from the “Signs of the Times,” I can observe in America, also, has rendered necessary an almost exclusive dealing with arguments, which, however necessary, is less favorable in this respect. I am happy, indeed to notice, that of the great point of practical utility the brethren in America do not lose sight, and I trust that the conviction of the approach of our dear Savior’s advent may work effectually to the preparing of his church for the solemn meeting. There is much that requires renovation before it can be said of those at the beginning, that “they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” The events of the day intimate trouble to be hear, and the increase of wickedness leads us to apprehend that the persecutor’s power may soon be exercised against the church of Christ, in forms more appalling than the scoffer’s sneer. The word of God gives abundant reason for the conclusion, that if the coming catastrophe of the world’s overthrow be like that which overtook the antediluvian world, so also will the moral condition of society be akin to what it then was. But while we mourn, for the world’s sake, the increase of ungodliness, we have also some reason for consolation that to Daniel it was revealed that at “the time of the end,” in or about which period our lot seems to be cast, “many shall be purified and made while, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickely, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:10. The contrast is marked—the wicked increase in their wickedness, and become eminently so; those on the other hand, who know the Lord, are made to separate more entirely from the world, they “shall be purified and made white.” Comparatively, this number may be small; but it ought to comfort and encourage us that it is not absolutely so. The Spirit of God here testifies that “many shall be purified;” the matter is certain, it “shall” be so; and the purifying is of no very imperfect nature, for they shall be “made white.”—“and tried.” For the trial, then, which is before us, we need all the preparation which the word of God is fitted to impart—all the consolation the prospect of final glory can minister—need all knowledge of the progressive steps through which the church of Christ has to be led to that glory, which divine revelation has furnished.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.6
It is with the hope that they might in a measure contribute to some of these ends that I offer my imperfect notes of Lectures, in some cases probably too full, in others, perhaps, very meagre. I may also warn you that you may expect in them much with which, at present at least, you do not harmonize. So much, indeed, do I apprehend this to be the case, that it is only the fact of your giving such scope in your work to contributors differing in many points from the faith you avow, that emboldens me to make my present offer. Among the matters of apprehended disagreement, I may note not only the Restoration of the Jews to the land of promise, and the Indians as the descendants of Israel, but that I also wholly question the legitimacy of understanding the days to mean years in prophetic time, thus seeking to sap even the foundation on which Mr. Miller builds his view of Christ’s Return in 1843. As I endeavour generally to give the ground of my convictions, and entreat that they be received by others no further than the evidence warrants, I leave it with you to determine whether or not they will be suitable for your pages. I may add, that as the Lectures have been delivered here, and as the preparation for them was made with reference to the state of feeling in this country, they may be the less adapted for a distant land in which, doubtless, points of difference will exist in the forms which truth assumes in the mind, as well as those in which error appears.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.7
With Christian affection, I am, Dear Sir,
Yours in the hope of the gospel.
35 Argyll Arcade,
Glasgow, Jan. 28, 1810.
Extract of a letter from an Orthodox Minister, in Maine. to his Brother in Boston. B. Jan. 25th, 1841.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.8
Dear Brother: What a world of change! what vicisitudes! and what unexpected events! There are revolutions, not only in the political, but also in the moral world! and there are revolutions, too, in opinion, and who is not subject to them? as light breaks in upon the mind, and truth begins to unfold itself, how differently do we see, and how differently do we act. But what does this abrupt exordium mean? methinks you ask, why all this? Since you visited here, in the summer, my mind has undergone an entire revolution, in many important points of scripture, I now see, feel, and think differently from what I formerly did, and who would have believed it! I thought I was steadfast before, I was, and should have been so still (I mean in the way I had been taught) had not the providence of God brought me to a more thorough study of his word. Do not understand me as being wavering and doubling the faith; I am, I trust, as firm a believer in the great doctrine of scripture, as I ever have been, nay more so. Every day I see more clearly the beauty, and symetry, and eternity of truth, and I bless God for the giving of that truth, and the visitation of his grace, that has brought me to a saving acquaintance with that truth. But my mind has been changed, with regard to the order of certain events, recorded in scripture. I once believed in the temporal reign of the church, on the earth, and after that the coming of Christ. I now am convinced that opinion was erroneous, after months of protracted study and humble fervent prayer, my mind has been led to view the subject differently. I now believe the world will go on very much as it is at present, only wickedness will develope itself, more and more, till the Messiah will make his personal and glorious appearing in the Heavens, to ransom his saints, and to punish all the workers of iniquity. Then will the church be united to the Lord in marriage, then the first resurrection, and Christ will reign with his saints here on the earth, a thousand years: after that the wicked will come up and assault the camp of the aints, and they will be destroyed forever. Daniel 7:8, 9, and 10, vs. also 21, and 22, vs. also see in the parable of the wheat and tares, in the parable of the ten virgins, and the ten talents, also 9 chap. of Revelation from 15 to 18, vs. and in short the whole book expresses the order of events, as they shall occur.HST April 1, 1841, page 3.9
I have been astonished, to find how exactly the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles agree in this representation, their universal representation, so far as I can understand them, is, that Christ will come and take the wicked world by surprise, and summon them before him to judgment, while multitudes are tauntingly asking where is the promise of his coming? he will make his own glorious appearing in the heavens, the dead saints will be raised, their vile bodies will be changed, the wicked, without mercy, will be driven down to the bottomless pit and with satan, their leader, will be confined a thousand years. The exact time of the events, I know not, though I am constrained to say, they are “nigh, even at the doors;” it seems to me the world is preparing for the final catastrophe, and methinks I see preparations, making in the (moral) heavens for the descent of the son of man, and his shining host to the earth.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.1
O blessed hour! O glorious morn!
When shall I wake to see my Lord.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.2
I have read every thing relating to the prophecies, that I could obtain, both for and against this opinion, but more especially the scriptures of truth. I have learnt this much, to place no confidence in the opinion of any one man, or set of men, however eminent or learned, until I have proved them by the Bible. It is this bowing down to great names, this leaning on the opinions of others, that causes so much blindness, and leads so many astray. I must confess, that for one, I have yielded the right of private judgment, and have not thought and judged for myself, but thanks to God, my mind seems to be asserting its own independence, and my judgment its own sovereignty! I cannot now take for granted what other men say, but must think and investigate for myself. I have been told that I must not look into the book of Revelations, that it is deep, and we must not pry into deep things, but with all deference to the opinions of those persons, I must dissent from them.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.3
The Revelation of John, I take to be a Revelation indeed! But what kind of a Revelation is that, which nobody can understand? It is not a Revelation, but a mystery. And though I speak with all reverence, God would be imposing upon men if he claimed to make a revelation of his mind, and will, and no one could understand it. The truth is, this Book is nothing but a history of the church, commencing its rise from the overthrow of Judaism, and terminating in the New Jerusalem. It is written in symbolical language! And to understand the Book, we must understand the symbols and the Book becomes plain. But how shall these symbols be understood? I answer, by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, who wrote in symbolical language, has taken care, somewhere in the Bible to explain his own symbols. Let him become his own interpreter, and the Bible becomes plain, and the inquiring mind will he lead into the truth. But if we rely on great names, and read commentaries, and neglect the Bible, we may be sure to be kept in the dark. But if we take the scriptures as subsidiaries and come first and last to the study of Gods word, filled with a right spirit, I verily believe he will lead us into his own truth. This he has promised to do, and I see no reason why we cannot take him at his word. But God has been dishonoured in the way that too many of us have studied the Bible, we have sought more to know what man has written upon it, than to enquire of the Holy Ghost his own meaning. O, when will men learn to trust no longer in themselves, but to come to the study of the Holy Books, with that docility which is becoming them and which is honorable to God.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.4
Some here believe in the near approach of the son of man, others oppose, but the minds of many are in an enquiring state, and I think open to conviction. But when he comes, he will find many tauntingly asking, where is the promise of his coming. It seems to me the Bible teaches very plainly that the world goes on very similar to what it now is till the great reckoning day, then will the glorious kingdom of Christ be ushered in and the saints will reign with him forever even forever and ever, that is, through eternity.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.5
But the doctrine of the temporal Milleniam stands in the way. It is hard for those who have been so long delighted with it to relinquish it. But truth must and will prevail, and the wise will understand. The Lord prepare us for his coming and have mercy on those who are out of the ark of safety.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.6
The Pope. The present Pope of Rome bears the title of George XVI., and he stands 250 on the list of the occupants of St. Peter’s chair. He was born on the 18th of September, 1765; and consequently is verging on eighty-five years of age. He is somewhat celebrated for his literary talents. He was elected on the 21st of February, 1831, and invested with the tiara in four days afterwards.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.7
Catholicism. By the annual “compt render” of the French Society for the “Propagation of the faith,” it appears $63,582 were expended in sustaining Roman Catholic missions in the United States, in 1839.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.8
Removal. The Office of the “Signs of the Times” will be removed, on the first of April, to 107 Hanover Street, next door to Hancock School House. The Subscriber will attend to all business relating to the “Signs of the Times,” at his new store,HST April 1, 1841, page 4.9
which being in a more central part of the city, he hopes will be found more convenient for the transaction of business than at his former store.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.10
He will keep for sale, as above, all the books on the Second Advent published in this country.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.11
He also keeps every variety of BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONARY.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.12
New Volume—Free Discussion—Character And Object of this Paper
In commencing a new volume of the “Signs of the Times,” we have no new promises, or professions to make to our numerous readers, other than, that, we shall pursue the same free, and independent course.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.13
We shall continue to give both sides of the great question of the advent; and give to each an equal share of room But as our sheet is small, we shall not publish extended articles on either side, unless their merits in our judgment, justify it. Our correspondents, therefore, will divide their articles, when long, as will best suit themselves; or we must do it at our discretion. It should not be forgotten by our correspondents that the great object of our paper is, to exert a moral and religious influence. It is not only to impart light on the living oracles, but to nourish and cherish all the christian graces. Not only to make us wise, but good. If this object is lost sight of by any of our correspondents; although we are disposed to tolerate the utmost freedom of discussion, yet we cannot consent to be instrumental in disseminating mere party bickerings, and strife about words, which gender strife and confusion among the people of God, rather than godly edifying.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.14
Our paper is chiefly sustained by the pious of all denominations. And while we seek to please no party, or favor any sect, as such; we do feel under the strongest obligations to all, to feed them with the “bread of life;” and to aid them in a thorough preparation to meet our shortly expected King. This can be done only by the faithful illustration of the vital truths of the Gospel; and the enforcement of the self-denying duties of the Cross.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.15
We have the pleasure to assure our subscribed that brethren Miller, Litch, Ward, Jones, Labagh, and others, will contribute to their edification, as regular writers, during the year. Our readers need no other assurance of the general interest and excellence of its future contents.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.16
In addition to these, however, we have the pleasure to introduce Bro. James A. Begg, of Glasgow, Scotland; (a distinguished writer on the prophecies,) as a regular correspondent. Besides, we hope to hear from other distinguished writers from across the water. We have also received a rich collection of works on the prophecies, by various writers in Europe, from which we shall enrich our columns with interesting extracts.HST April 1, 1841, page 4.17
Lectures At The Marlboro’ Chapel. Mr. Miller closed his course of 16 Lectures at the Marlboro’ Chapel, Friday evening March 12th. The house was well filled, and the audiences were very solemn and attentive. The saints were much encouraged and strengthened. The skeptical, and the wicked of every class were aroused from their slumbers. Some few were converted; others are seeking, and we have no doubt but hundreds will hereafter date their conviction of sin, and belief of the truth, from these lectures.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.1
At the close, on the eve of the 12th, Mr. Miller briefly reviewed “Dowling’s Reply to Miller.” He showed very clearly, that Mr. Dowling had misrepresented his views, and had made some statement, (materially affecting the whole argument) glaringly false. It is to be hoped that Mr. D. will make some explanation of this matter. Our columns are at his service.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.2
Brother Miller closed a course of lectures in Fairhaven, Mass. the 19th inst. The effect has been powerful. More hereafter. He commenced in New Bedford the 20th ult.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.3
Lectures in Providence, R. I. Mr. Miller will commence his Lectures in Providence on Saturday evening, the 27th inst.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.4
He will commence in Lowell, April 8th.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.5
James A. Begg. The letter from Bro. Begg of Glasgow, in another part of this paper, will be read with interest. It is an introduction only, to future articles. We hope to enrich our columns with tin productions of his pen frequently during the year. Bro. Begg may be assured that the notes of Lecture on the prophecies, (to which he refers in his letter, will be very acceptable. We hope to hear from him often. It will also be regarded as a great favor, by up, and the friends of the cause in this country, to hear from Messers Anderson, Cuninghame and other distinguished friends of the cause in Europe. Our columns are open, and at their service. Let them speak to the American church.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.6
Mr. Miller’s First Work on the “Second Coming of Christ.” We have commenced the publition of this work, and shall continue it regularly until it is finished. It will give our readers a clear view of Mr. Miller’s theory.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.7
Cotton Matrer, D. D. We commend this comparatively ancient document to the attention of the modern church and ministry. There are some things in it to which we object. Yet in the main it is sound doctrine.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.8
Dr. Payson. Read the extract. His description of the coming of Christ is exactly in accordance with Mr. Miller’s views. Will the “Puritan” ridicule this, also?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.9
The General Conference. The design of holding the Conference in New York City, in May next, has been given up. The Committee have been invited to appoint a session to be holden in Lowell, in the month of June next. We shall be happy to hear from all the members of the committee on the subject.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.10
Did you see that notice to subscribers? Did you read it? Have you complied with it?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.11
The importance of a systematic study of the Holy Bible has induced this attempt to present a series of lessons, with questions appended, for the purpose of enlisting a deeper interest in Biblical studies among the readers of this paper. If, as Paul declares, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable,” they are most certainly worthy of our diligent and prayerful study. It is deeply to be regretted that amidst the bustle of life, the Bible should be so grossly neglected as it is at the present day, even by the great mass of professors of religion. How exceeding few feel the force of the declaration, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”HST April 1, 1841, page 5.12
If it were duly felt, should we not, to say the least, find half as much time daily, for the study of the Scriptures, as we do to participate in our daily bread? Yet it is to be feared vast numbers who profess to be the friends of Christ, do not find half as much as that for this holy work. And even when they do take up the Holy book and spend a moment in its perusal, how slight the attention given to the Word, and how faint the impression the truths of God make upon their minds.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.13
1. It is designed, in these lessons, to select some of the most interesting subjects relating to the kingdom of God, and arrange them in connection with such questions as will be likely to arrest the attention of the student, and fix it on the subject so as to secure a careful and full investigation.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.14
2. Another object aimed at, is to promote mutual investigation of scripture truths. The advantages of this are many, and too obvious to need repetition here.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.15
3. We shall consider “The nature of the kingdom of God” as the grand key for opening and understanding the Scriptures. This is the point on which expositors generally have stumbled. And confused ideas here have destroyed the beautiful symmetry of The Divine Word. They have generally called the Universal and everlasting kingdom of God predicted by the prophets as the gospel dispensation, or as a prediction of a long and happy period of the triumph of Christian principle, before the second coming of the Savior. To learn the truth on this subject will be one important point with us.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.16
4. The questions are designed to open the subject, but not to be so copious as to sepersede the necessity of deep reflection and research. The answers to the questions will, for the most part, be readily perceived in the text, or as plain inference from it; but some of them will be designedly left obsure to exercise the judgment of the student, and to induce a more extensive examination of the Bible, or other works where the anwer may be found.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.17
5. The lessons will be of service to families who are not in a situation to attend a larger class; such will find it to be both an interesting and profitable employment of an evening in a week, at least, to sit down together for the mutual study of the Bible. But where it can be done, there should be neighborhood, village, or town classes formed. Let some one, who feels interested in the cause, begin, appoint an hour for meeting, and give a general invitation to attend the class. And let no one be discouraged if not more than two or three should be induced to unite. Perseverance will gain the object. If proper efforts are used, the number will increase.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.18
6. Always begin the exercises of the class with prayer, and under a deep sense of dependance on God—remembering that His word can only be profitably and well understood, by the assistance of that Spirit by which it was at first inspired.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.19
LESSON I.—The Kingdom of God on Earth
Daniel 2. Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel’s Interpretation.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.20
Ver. 1. In what year did the events of this chapter happen? Who was Nebuchadnezzar? What, happened to him? What was the effect?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.21
Ver. 2. What did he command?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.22
Ver. 3, 4. What did the king say to them? What was their answer?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.23
Ver. 5, 6. What did the king say?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.24
Ver. 7. What did they answer again?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.25
Ver. 8, 9. How did the king answer them?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.26
Ver. 10, 11. How did the Chaldeans reply? Who did they say could show it?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.27
Ver. 12, 13. What did the king decree? Who else did they seek to slay?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.28
Ver. 14, 15. How did Daniel answer? What did he enquire?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.29
Ver. 16. What did Daniel then do? What did he promise?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.30
Ver. 17, 18. To whom did Daniel then go? What did he request of them? What important trait in Daniel’s character is here exhibited? Is it worthy of universal imitation?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.31
Ver. 19-23. What was the result of their prayers? How was the thing revealed to Daniel? To whom did he ascribe the glory? Had we ought to imitate him in this particular?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.32
Ver. 24, 25. To whom did Daniel then go? What did Arioch do and say?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.33
Ver. 26, 27. What did the king enquire of Daniel? What was his answer?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.34
Ver. 28. Who did he say revealeth secrets? What did he make known to the king?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.35
Ver. 31-35. What was the subject of the dream? What was the character of the image? What the substance of his head? What of his breast and arms? What of his belly and thighs? What of his legs and feet? What was the origin of the stone? What did the stone do? What was the effect of the blow? What became of the stone?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.36
Ver. 36. What did Daniel say in this verse? What would he tell?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.37
Ver. 37, 38. What did he say to the king? Who had given him his kingdom? What was its extent? What part of the image represented this kingdom? Was this kingdom an universal monarchy?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.38
Ver. 39. What should rise after this kingdom? What comparison was it to bear to the first? What kingdom succeded the Babylonian or Chaldean kingdom? Daniel 5:28, 30, 31. What was the third kingdom to be? What the extent of its dominion? What part of the image represented the second kingdoms? What the third? What kingdom succeeded the Medes and Persians? 1 Maccabes i. 1—6HST April 1, 1841, page 5.39
Ver. 40. What was to follow the brass? By what part of the image was it represented? What was this fourth kingdom to do? What kingdom had universal dominion at the birth of Christ? Luke 2:1. Does the Roman power yet exist? 1The following from Zion’s Herald will explain this point. Popery. The Presbyterian advances the opinion that popery is destined to triumph again over the world before the millennium, slay the witnesses, and through a period of three years have full prevalence, after which it will be destroyed. We have no favor for hypothetical expositions of the Prophecies, but the signs of the times favor much the apprehensons of the editor; Romanism seems to be simultaneously rising into strength in all quarters of the world.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.40
Ver. 41-43. What was the composition of the feet and toes? What did this signify? What should be in the kingdom in this divided form? With what should they mix themselves? What should they not do? What is meant by the seed of men? 2“The seed of men,” sanities the Barbarous nations who conquered Europe and constituted the ten toes of the image. The papal Roman power continued the existence of the non kingdom of Rome; but the ten kings gave their power to the beast, embraced the papal religion, and were under the domination of the pope both in temporals and spirituals. Thus the iron of Romanism, of Popery, mingled with the Barberous conquerors of Rome. What is signified by “they shall not cleave,” etc? 3“Shall not cleave.” Although the kingdoms were thus minified with the Roman power, they have ever remained distinct from it. At times have favored Popery, and at others warred against it.HST April 1, 1841, page 5.41
Ver. 44, 45. When was the God of heaven to set up a kingdom? What should it do? How long was it to stand? By what means was the way for its establishment to be prepared? What did the prophet say God had made known to the king?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.42
Miscellaneous Questions. How many kingdoms were predicted to appear before the establishment of the kingdom of God? Have they appeared? In the time of which of these kingdoms do we live? In what part of the fourth, the whole kingdom of iron, or its divided and clayey state? If so, must we not speedily look for the kingdom of God?HST April 1, 1841, page 5.43
We now approach the greatest difficulty which meets us in relation to these two witnesses, viz. to designate the power which puts them to Death. “When they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, Revelation 11:7. etc. Who is this Beast, and whence does he come, are questions on which we shall probably be found as much at variance with the commonly received opinion, as we have been in relation to the two witnesses themselves. We therefore submit our view with diference to the judgment of those better skilled in Apocalyptic interpretation, while we assign the reasons of our dissent from that which generally prevails.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.1
Regarding the whole of Revelation 11. as an unfulfilled Prophecy, (which we think there is sufficient internal evidence) the Beast there spoken of is also a power (we think) yet to arise, which shall be more wicked and oppressive than any that has ever yet wasted the church of Christ. Of such a power, the last form that Anti-Christ shall assume before his destruction, we have frequent mention made in various parts of sacred scripture. Let us briefly notice the several forms under which Antichrist is exhibited in the book of Revelation and then determine if possible to which of these, the Beast that slays the two witnesses belongs. The first repsentation we have in this book of this Great opponent of Christ, and his church, is in chap. 12. He is there exhibited in the hidious features of a great Red Dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns, and seven crowns on his head, standing ready to devour the man child which the woman, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and in pain to be delivered, was about to bring forth. This Beast, by common consent, is acknowledged to be the Roman power in its pagan state, under which Christ was born and which waged such long and cruel wars against him and his cause. The second exhibition of Antichrist is given in Chap. 13. A Beast there arises out of the sea, having 7 heads and ten horns, and ten crowns on the horns, and on the heads names of Blasphemy. This we understood to be Rome overrun by the Nothern Barbarians, and the Empire divided into ten Kingdoms. The sovereign power no longer residing at Rome, but in the Kingdoms, the crowns are represented as being on the horns, though the desolations produced by these barbarians throughout Europe, was very detrimental to Christianity. Yet a union was soon formed between these invaders, and the conquered Romans, by which, while they retained their conquest, and their seperate estates, or the civil Kingdoms they had established, they were yet brought under one head, and became subject to new authority residing at Rome, which is described in verse 11 as another Beast coming up out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb, but spake as a dragon, and exercising all the power of the first Beast before him etc. vide, Revelation 13:12-18. This is generally admitted to be Popery, or Rome in its Papal state, and is the second form of Antichrist mentioned in Revelation, the third and last form we have in Revelation 17:3. A scarlet coloured Beast, full of names of Blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns, but no crowns, neither heads nor horns. On this Beast the woman declared to be in verse 5. “Babylon the great the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth” is represented as sitting, verse 3. That this woman is Popery, is admitted on all hands. But who is the Beast on which she sits? Not Popery too, for Popery does not make war upon itself And destroy itself, but the angel, who in verse 7 promises to interpret the “mystery of the woman and of the Beast that carrieth her, which hath seven heads and ten horns, declares in verse 16 that the ten horns which thou sawest upon the Beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire, for God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill His will, and to agree and give their Kingdoms unto the Beast, until the words of God be fulfilled. Is it not perfectly evident, then, that this Beast, this last form of Antichrist, is entirely distinct from the preceding form, viz, the Papal, which it destroys?HST April 1, 1841, page 6.2
From the description given of this Beast, we further conclude that it is a power yet to arise. In Revelation 17:8, 10-13, we read, the Beast that thou sawest, was, and is not, and yet is, even he is the eighth, and is of the seventh, and the ten horns receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast. Now many of the civil powers of Europe, which have acknowledged the authority of the Papal See, have submitted to its domination for centuries, and those which have renounced her authority, have withdrawn from her communion as peacably as they could, not attempting to eat her flesh, nor burn her with fire, but praying for her conversion. The Protestant governments of Europe, with their present views, manifest no disposition to commit such violence upon her, and certainly the Papal government do not. The ten horns of the Beast, described in Revelation 12:3, never united with the great red Dragon, or Rome Pagan, to destroy Popery, for Popery was not then in existence. The ten horns of the Beast, described in Revelation 13:1. which are the ten Kingdoms founded by the Northern Barbarians, viz. Britian, France, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, Naples, Lombardy, Ravenna, and Rome, the last three of which were “plucked up by the little horn,” described in Daniel 7:8. that is, were seized upon by the Popes, and governed as the states of the church under the civil administration; those Kingdoms (all of which are yet in existence) never made war upon Popery, for they were all founded before Popery arose, and they all afterward submitted to the spiritual despotism, which it set up. It follows, then, that the scarlet coloured Beast, which with its ten horns shall hate the Harlot and burn her with fire, has not yet arisen, for the territory he must occupy is yet chiefly in the possession of Rome Papal.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.3
Now there is one particular in which this scarlet coloured Beast, on which the woman sitteth, agrees, with the Beast of Revelation 11. which slays the witnesses, they both ascend from the bottomless pit, compare Revelation 11:7. Revelation 17:8. Does not this seem to indicate that they are the same. The Beast of Revelation 13:1. with seven heads and ten horns, and crowns on the horns came out of the sea. The Beast of Revelation 13:11, with two horns like a lamb, but spake like a Dragon, came out of the earth, but this scarlet coloured Beast, on which the woman sitteth, and which finally destroys her, ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, as does the Beast which slayeth the two witnesses, the reader will therefore judge whether there is not a strong probability that they are one and the same.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.4
It is somewhat remarkable that the Beast which slays the two witnesses, is introduced in Revelation 11:7. without any description whatever of his character. It is merely said, when the two witnesses shall have finished their testimony, the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit, shall slay, etc not a beast shall ascend, having such and such an appearance. This is remarkable because all the other Beasts mentioned in Revelation 12:3. 13:1-3, 11-15, as we have already seen, are particularly described, and the omission can only be accounted for, on the ground that a particular description was to be given of him afterwards, which is given, Revelation 17:3, 11, 13, thus identifying the slayer of these witnesses as the scarlet colored Beast which destroys Popery.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.5
If to this we add, that the slaying of the two witnesses, and the destruction of Popery are both represented as taking place near the time of the end, or the close of the present dispensation, (vide Revelation 11:13, 18, compare Revelation 19:1, 7, the evidence is increased, that the Beast out of the bottomless pit, which slayeth the witnesses, is identical with the scarlet coloured Beast, which makes desolate the Harlot, and burns her with fire. Concerning this Beast, this last form of Antichrist, we will now shew our opinion, feeling at the same time that any explanation of a prophecy yet unfulfilled should be given with great humility, and be received with much allowance. From the seven heads of this Beast, we conclude that his seat, or Capitol, will again be in Rome, Revelation 17:9. From the ten horns, that his authority will extend over the chief part of Europe, as the ten horns of the two former beasts did. From his scarlet color, that he will be blood thirsty and blood shedding. From his names of blasphemy, that he will be daringly impious, and most God-defying, seeking to destroy all the institutions of religion, both Christian and Jewish, that he will “magnify himself against every god, and speak marvellous things against the God of gods,” that he will claim divine honours for himself, and after his attack upon and capture of Jerusalem, where the witnesses are by him slain, he will literally (as Paul declares in 2 Thessalonians 2:4,) “sit in the Temple of God, rebuilt by the Jews, shewing himself that he is God,” and thus, by way of eminence, be “the man of sin,” and “that wicked,” verse 8, whom the Lord will destroy by the brightness of his coming, yea more, that he will be a very incarnation of the Devil. Satan entering into him, as he did into the heart of Judas, and directing all his movements. Is this a mere fancy? Hear the solemn warning of the Prophecy itself. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea, for the Devil is come down unto you having, great power, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. We know that satan declared to Christ, when he took him up into an exceding high mountain, and showed him all the Kingdoms of the world, that all this power will I give unto thee and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will, I give it. While this declaration of satan is generally set down for a falsehood, yet the inspired writers themselves declare as much. Paul asserts that he is the god of this world, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, and the Dragon of Revelation 12:3, who sought to devour the man-child, is declared in verse 9, to be that old serpent, called the Devil and satan, which deceiveth the whole world. Now if this scarlet colored Beast, this last form of Anti-Christ, this “man of sin,” that makes desolate the harlot, and slays the two witnesses, be one entirely animated with the spirit, and full of the malice of the Devil, then we understand why he is said to ascend out of the bottomless pit. In the vision which John had, he appeared to him as satan coming out of his own place.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.6
If it be asked, why our translators have rendered the Greek word abussos (from which has come our English word abyss, into the expression, “Bottomless pit,” we can only justify the translation on the following ground, viz. that the earth is a hollow sphere. From the extent of its circumference, the diameter is reckoned at about 8000 miles. Now we allow 100 miles in depth for the surface, we will have a vacuum of more than 7000 miles remaining, a vast abyss! Sufficiently capacious to contain all the wicked that shall be turned into hell, and the nations that forget God. This immense cavern, this circular hollow, in consequence of the rotation of the earth on its axis, is also continually revolving, and is therefore strictly by speaking a bottomless pit, or a pit without a bottom, for a circular hollow in a revolving state has neither top nor bottom, neither van be fixed while the rotary motion continues. This pit without a bottom (out of which the Boast ascends, and into which satan is again cast, Revelation 20:3,) being identified with the lake of fire, into which the Beast and false Prophet are. Compare Revelation 19:20, with 20:10, seems to teach the startling doctrine, that the place of future torment is within this globe. Independant of the evidence which Nature herself, in her volcanic erruptions, affords, that a fire “that is not quenched” burns within the globe, several passages of sacred scripture seen directly to teach the same solemn truth. Hell is represented as beneath us, and within the earth,. Amos 9:2, though they dig into hell then shall my hand take them. Numbers 16:32, 33. The earth opened and swallowed Korah and his company, and they went down alive into the pit, (Hebrew Sheol, Dutch, Latin, Spanish, Italian, translated hell. English, pit,) what pit? the bottomless pit, unto which all the wicked shall be finally cast. Solemn thought! that this awful place is so near our present abode that we walk over it every day, sleep over it every night, and that the earth has only to part asunder under our feet to reveal its horrors to us. But if any prefer to interpret the expression “bottomless pit” as a figure rather than in this literal manner, let them beware, lest figuring it out of a locality, they destroy the place in which satan is to be cast, when a seal is set upon him that he deceive the nations no longer.HST April 1, 1841, page 6.7
But to return from this digression, we ask whether there are not many evidences that a new form of Anti-Christ is now arising in the very territory over which Rome Pagan formerly, and Rome Papal now holds the sway? Are there not indications that Europe is in a state of transition from nominal Christianity to Infidelity. The neologism of Germany, the rationalism of Geneva, the socialism of England, the Infidelity of France, the libertinism and free thinking of all the nations, even those formerly most bigotedly devoted to the Roman hierarchy, as Spam and Portugal, give evidence that the principles of Christianity, whether Protestant or Papal, are fast losing their hold upon the public mind. In fact the Pope dare not trust himself in the hands of his own subjects, but has to rely on Austrian bayonets to maintain his civil supremacy in the states of the church.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.1
Every popular outbreak, in which the people demand an increase of civil privileges, diminishes the authority of the Romish Priesthood. The progress of liberal principles, works death to Romanism. Could this progress advance in a silent and peaceable manner, no fearful consequences would ensue, but being met at every step with opposition from the Romish church, it is not surprising that there is a growing hostility to that church, which, like a stream confined within narrow limits, by dams and embankments, presently arises in its fulness above all obstructions, and sweeps away the barriers which were reared to fix its bounds. Let us not forget the horrible scenes that the French Revolution presented at the close of the last century, when the Beast about to arise first shewed his head and grinning teeth, and gave to Popery a specimen of what he would do when his full form was perfected. The, influences which led to those horrible excesses, have-not ceased to exist in Europe, but have, we fear, ever since been silently extending and gaining strength, so that were a demagogue soon to arise, proclaiming liberty throughout Europe, and inviting the multitude groaning under both civil and ecclesiastical despotism, to arise and shake off these yokes and assert their freedom from all control, the scenes of Paris, it is to be feared, would be reacted throughout all the cities of the continent. We are fully aware that our religious journals often present an entirely different picture of the prospects of christianity in Europe, and are fond of expressing the hope that the Evangelical efforts employed in the different countries are preparing the way for a purer state of the church. Would to God there were ground for such a hope, and that counter influences more numerous and powerful were not at work leading to a very different result. It is always pleasant to contemplate the future through such a medium as will present a bright prospect, but the opinions expressed under such circumstances are apt to proceed rather from our wishes than our convictions. But let us not shut our eyes to the real state of Europe, to its religious and moral condition. The principles of Infidelity are so openly advocated in many leading journals, both literary, and political, as to lead many judicious observers to express their fears that ere long the question will be, shall christianity, under any form, be longer tolerated, and its decision will be referred to the sword.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.2
Finally, it is worthy of our serious enquiry, whether the repose which the church at present enjoys be not that deceitful calm which sometimes precedes a violent tempest, and which overtakes men generally in an unexpected and unprepared moment. The word of God declare that when the church begins to indulge in the pleasing prospects of ease and tranquility, or to cry “peace and safety,” then sudden destruction cometh upon her as upon a woman with child, and she shall not escape.” Is it not the duty, therefore of the Watchman of Zion to give increasing study, to the prophetic word of God, and observe more diligently the signs of the times. And when they learn from the former that the Lord has a controversy with all the nations of the earth, that his controversy began with his own chosen people, 1 Peter 4:17, and that when they shall have drank at his hand, the cup of his fury, it shall be given to the Gentiles, who shall be made to drink it (vide Isaiah 51:17-23. Jeremiah 25:15, 30,) and from the latter that the day of the Jews’ calamities seems to be drawing to a close, inasmuch as they are obtaining deliverance from the oppressions under which they have groaned in different parts of the earth, and the way is opening for their restoration to their own land, will they not conclude, that as God has been faithful in executing to the utmost his threatened judgments upon the seed of his ancient friend, so he will not fail to inflict on all their oppressors and all his enemies everywhere all the wrath which they have treasured up for themselves against the day of his wrath; we invite particular attention to the last references of Isaiah and Jeremiah, above, as expressing this solemn truth in the clearest and most unequivocal manner, and conclude by expressing the hope that the reader will not take our word for any thing that we have written, but like the noble Bereans, search the scriptures to see whether these things are so. J. P. L.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.3
miller and the prophecies, once more.—The ignorance of the true character of Mr. Miller which extensively prevails, in consequence of the malignant misrepresentations, which have been industriously circulated concerning him, and the injustice which we, among others, have involuntarily and ignorantly done him, together with the interesting and extraordinary incidents in his life, induce us to add a few words in this place relating to this remarkable man. We last year spoke of Mr. Miller’s interpretation of the scripture (from the misrepresentations we had heard of him) as being a great hoar, or imposition upon the people. In our paper of February 10, we did justice in part only. We now intend to complete the amende honorable due to his name.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.4
William Miller was born in Pittsfield, Mass., February 15, 1782, of course he is 50 years of age. When four years old his father moved to Hampton, Washington county, N. Y., where he has lived to the present time, except a few years in the western part of Vermont. His means of obtaining a common school education were less than were usually enjoyed, yet he improved them to the best advantage, acquired an early thirst for knowledge, and was favored with the means of gratifying his fondness for reading, when quite young, by having access to the libraries of several distinguished men in the neighborhood. Few men have a more thorough or correct knowledge of history or of scripture.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.5
Mr. Miller wishing to understand thoroughly everything he read, often asked the ministers to explain dark passages of scripture, but seldom received satisfactory answers. He was told that such passages were incapable of explanation. In consequence of which, at the age of 22, he became a Deist or disbeliever in the truth of Revelation. He thought an all-wise and just God would never make a revelation of his will which nobody could understand, and then punish his creatures for disbelieving it. There were fifty Deists in the small town in which he lived. Mr. Miller continued to be a Deist twelve years, but always had a prevailing belief in a future state. He is a plain farmer. In the late war he received a Captain’s commission, and served two years, in which time he became thoroughly disgusted with what he saw of public life. He was afterwards Sheriff of Rutland county, Vt. In 1816 he became convinced of the truth of the Bible. The study of the scriptures became his delight and his employment. The prophecies especially engaged his attentionHST April 1, 1841, page 7.6
Mr. Miller is naturally possessed of a strong, vigorous, intelligent mind, and a remarkably retentive memory; and having for twenty-five years devoted his whole attention to the study of the Bible, he cannot only repeat almost any passage, bnt name the exact place, book, chapter and verse, where it can be found. Having also an extensive knowledge of history, he can readily refer to past events, in which the prophecies have been fulfilled. With these resources at his command, he is intrenched as in a strong fort, and becomes a formidable foe to attack. The clergy, aware of this, are careful not to approach him, but fire their small guns at a distance. The means they employ, misrepresentation and slander, are cowardly and malignant. They represent him as a wild, ignorant fanatic, going about to impose on the public, by alarming the ignorant, and robbing them of their money. They shut their pulpits against him, and warn their people to avoid him, as they would a place of immoral resort. In fact, they accuse him of using language as near to indecency as he dares to go, and that his discourses are made up of pompous rant and declamation, and vulgar wit. These accusations are so glaringly false—so diametrically opposite to the truth, that all who have ever heard him would see at once the falsehood of such accusations. Mr. Miller is a man of no ostentation, parade, or pretence. In his manner and appearance throughout, he is humble, modest, simple, and sincere, depending on facts and scripture alone. Yet he is often eloquent, without appearing to know it.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.7
We have never been an advocate or defender of Mr. Miller or his doctrine, but we like to see truth and fairness used in argument. We have not been able as yet to determine for ourselves as to the correctness of his views or intepretation of Daniel’s vision, relating to the second corning of Christ. We have considered the coming of Christ predicted as spiritual, upon the hearts of men, and not personal, and that the millenium was to take place in this world. Mr. Miller adduces many scripture passages in support of his views’ But whether his interpretation as to the nature of Christ’s appearance be correct or not, the time appears to have been accurately calculated. He has published his calculations of time, which appears to be plain and undeniable.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.8
Mr. Miller published a small work on the prophecies ten or eleven years ago, which brought him into public notice. About eight years since, he was invited into a town, near where he lived, to lecture or expound the scripture, in the absence of the minister, which he did with great effect. A powerful revival of religion was the immediate consequence. Since then he has been continually applied to, and almost continually employed in the same way, and with similar effect, without pay. His lecturing appears to have been attended with powerful effect everywhere. He has been the instrument of more conversions to Christianity, especially from Deism, than any other man now living in these parts. He has read Voltaire, Hume, Paine, Ethan Allen, and made himself familiar with the arguments of Deists, and knows how to refute thorn. He is a regular member of a Baptist church in good standing, uniformly, exemplary, amiable and unblemished in his walk, and deserving the respect and love of every Christian. Lynn Record.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.9
Religious Excitement in Philadelphia. This Quaker city at the present time is the sent of a religious war. Dr. Moriarty, a distinguished Catholic Divine, is preaching to crowded houses, and is said to have converted upwards of three hundred to the Catholic faith. His success has aroused the Rev. Mr. Chambers, and others, who have been successful in converting many to the Protestant faith. At a lecture against “Romanism,” a few evenings since, there was some disturbance, but the coolness of the lecturer soon put a stop to it.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.10
Fall of the Turkish Empire. Mr. Editor,—We noticed a communication in the 21st No. of your paper, over the signature of S.. in which the writer fully pursuades himself that the Ottoman Empire virtually ceased to hold the rank of a Sovereign and independant nation on the 11th day of August, 1840. We are aware that the time allotted for the sounding of the fifth and sixth trumpet; embracing a period of 541 years 15 days; and commencing July 27, 1299 would seem, at the first glance, to have ended at that time. But, upon reflection, it will be found that such is not the fact. The time adjusted by the Julian Rule will allow 3 days 11 hours 31 minutes 12 seconds to be added to the time at which that period would have terminated had the Julian year been exact. Accordingly, the above correction will carry it forward into the 15th day of August, 1840; as will readily be seen on trial. Then, and not till then, will the above period, 541 years 15 days terminate, if commenced July 27th, 1299. The hour of the day it commenced being unknown, it cannot be ascertained at what hour it terminated. Clio.HST April 1, 1841, page 7.11
The editor of the “Watchman,” has at length condescended to notice the doctrine of the second coming of Christ, as explained by Mr. Miller.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.1
The Baptist churches who have shown Mr. Miller any respect, by patronizing his lectures, are very seriously admonished of their folly. It would seem that in his estimation the people were not capable of judging what would be for their good; or if they are, that they are very selfish in seeking to know the truth, of which they are denied by their own ministers. No credit is given for honesty, or love of the truth, or desire to know present duty. If they invite Mr. Miller to lecture with them for the best and holiest of purposes, and from the “best possible motives too; why: they must be charged with selfishness. “O it is to build up the church!” It is to get up a revival. It is to draw promiscuous crowds to their meeting houses, etc.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.2
The conduct of Mr. Crowell in this case, strongly reminds us of one recorded in John 6:47-49. “But this people who knoweth not the law, are cursed.” How the independent laity of the Baptist churches will receive these lessons remains to be seen.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.3
The article is a sort of preface to an extract from “Dowling’s Reply to Miller.” We will briefly notice a few things.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.4
I. Is the subject of the “end of the world,” an “Idle Curiosity?” If so, why did Christ so often speak concerning the “END OF THE WORLD?” The “Watchman” says:HST April 1, 1841, page 8.5
“It is a lamentable fact that mankind generally are far more interested in questions of idle curiosity, than those of real and practical importance, and it is still more to be lamented that even Christians should be more or less tinctured with the same feeling. This inconsistency can be charitably overlooked as one of the foibles incident to humanity, when excited in reference to small matters, but when little puny mortals undertake to pry into the purpose of the Maker and Proprietor of the universe, it is suitable that their mischievous propensity should receive a just rebuke.”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.6
See Matthew 13:40, 49; 24:14, 33, 38, 39; John 16:8; Matthew 28:20.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.7
Again. If looking for the “end of this world.” be an “IDLE CURIOSITY;” then why did the apostles so often refer to this subject; illustrate it, and admonish the early disciples to keep it in mind, and to be in readiness to meet it?HST April 1, 1841, page 8.8
See Acts 17:31; 24:25; Romans 2:1-6; 8:22, 23; Philippians 3:20, 21; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:13-18; 5:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; 2:1; 1 Timothy 6:14, 15, 2 Timothy 4:1, 8; Titus 2:11-13; James 5:7-10; 1 Peter 4:5-7; 5:2-1; 2 Peter 1:12-19; 3:10-14; 1 John 2:18, 28; 3:2, 3; Jude 14-21.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.9
Again, he says:HST April 1, 1841, page 8.10
2. “Some of our readers may have wondered why we have not before this taken some notice of the doings of an individual who has been scattering abroad in this vicinity his peculiar views of the second coming of Christ.”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.11
We do not wonder at all that men who stand “in high places,” should pass by “little puny mortals;” especially those who like the ancient servants of God, are searching the Scriptures to know something of the glory that is to be revealed at “the revelation of Jesus Christ.”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.12
See 1 Peter 1:10-13.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.13
Again;HST April 1, 1841, page 8.14
3. “The truth is, after examining his book, and listening to his harrangues till we had reason to believe that we had obtained a fair specimen of the man, we regarded the whole as such a palpable tissue of false glosses and blunders, that we could not believe any refutation of them would be necessary in such a community as this.”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.15
We cannot believe he has either candidly heard Mr. Miller, or examined his works. If he had he would have written a very different article. His article shows the most consummate ignorance of Mr. Miller and his views.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.16
If there are “false glosses and blunders,” in Mr. Miller’s expositions, why is it that he does not in charity to the people expose them fairly; and give the people a more correct view? He is mistaken in supposing that in such a “community as this,”—a “refutation of them is unnecessary.” He is also mistaken, if he supposes that he can satisfy the people with sweeping denunciations.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.17
4. “Of the piety of this individual we say nothing: we only speak of his manner of interpreting and applying Scripture, which to us was painful in the extreme.”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.18
Why was it “painful in the extreme.” To the primitive Christians the doctrine of “Christ’s second coming,” was a “blessed hope.” And they comforted one another “with these words;” or this doctrine. “Of Mr. M’s piety he has nothing to say.” But his “mischievous propensity should receive a just rebuke.!!”HST April 1, 1841, page 8.19
5 Some of our churches seem to have been carried away with the notion that they must hear what every lecturer or theorist has to say, even though his starting point contradicts first principles. Others seem to suppose that although a man teaches a great deal of error, yet that they can make use of his theory to call people together, and of his pious and solemn exhortations to convert them. They seem to regard it as a fine affair to get up a rush of all sorts of people to their meeting-house, from any motive, with the hope that the little truth which they hear will prevail over the greater portion of error, and that some of them may be converted. To say nothing of the improbability of such a result on philosophic principles, nor of its disastrous results in practice, it appears to us too much like “doing evil that good may come.” When churches find it necessary to resort to such means to revive attention to religion among them, it gives reason to fear that either they have left their first love, or that they have wandered far from first principles. It begets painful suspicions that the church as a body are not willing to labor and prey for the conversion of sinners, and to set that holy and unblamebly example before the world, which as a living epistle forms such an uuanswerable argument for the religion which they profess. It is an error to suppose that such churches have need to send for some revival preacher, or singulrr theorist, to bring them up; their duty is at once to “repent and do the first works,” and the more outward prosperity they have, and the greater crowd they draw while in their worldly and backslidden state, the worse it will be for all concerned.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.20
In this extract, the “laity,” or the churches who patronise Mr. Miller, are accused of selfishness. To what extent this charge may be true, in churches with whom we have no particular acquaintance, we know not; but so far as we are acquainted, we know the charge of ‘novelty’ & selfishness is incorrect. That souls are saved, and that the churches are quickened under Mr. Miller’s labors is true; but that the churches have selfish and unworthy motives in procuring his labors we think is false.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.21
6 “As the manifold errors of the individual in question have been well exposed by an excellent friend, in a work entitled “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” we advise all our readers who take sufficient interest in the subject, to obtain that work. They will require nothing more to set their minds at rest on this subject, so far as this individual is concerned, though we think their time may be more profitable employed in prayerfully studying the Scriptures and their own hearts; and in doing good to others, than in reading or hearing either.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.22
He recommends “Dowlings Reply to Miller,” as a refutation of the “manifold errors,” of Mr. M. We recommend Mr. Miller’s “Brief Review” of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” which will at least show the “Manifold” misrepresentations that Mr. D. has made of Mr. Miller’s theory. It may be found in Miller’s Views, page 182.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.23
Persons receiving this number, who are not subscribers, we hope will read it and subscibe. See. conditions below. If they do not wish to take it, send it to “Signs of the Times,” Boston, Mass.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.25
Our City Subscribers may pay their annual subscription to MR. SPENCER RUSSELL, the carrier, who is authorised to collect money for this paper, or they can pay at the Office, 107 Hanover St.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.26
The back numbers of volume I. for which we advertised except 21, are supplied. 6 cents will be paid for a few more copies. We can now supply to subrcribers a few full sets of vol. I.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.27
Persons at a distance wishing to obtain Mr “Miller’s Lectures,” or his “Life and Views,” can have them mailed to any part of the U.S. We have had some copies stiched for the purpose, and will send them for 37 1-2 cts. per. copy; or three copies for a dollar.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.28
Theory of Types—Bible Reader—J. Litch, and others, in our next.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.29
Brought over, $392,200 Cash for Reports, 50,00 $442,00
Is published on the 1st and 15th of each month, at the Bookstore of MOSES A. DOW, 107 Hanover st. next door to Hancock School H use.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.30
Terms.—One Dollar a year, payable in advance. 6 copies for five dollars, 13 copies for ten dollars. All communications should be directed to the Editor, post paid.HST April 1, 1841, page 8.31