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March 3, 1897
General Conference Daily Bulletin,
Terms, 35 Cents for the Session. JACOB NORTH & CO., PRINTERS, LINCOLN, NEB.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.1
General Conference District No. 6. A. J. BREED
DISTRICT NO. 6 is composed of the following State conferences: California (including Nevada), North Pacific, Upper Columbia; besides Montana, Wyoming, and Utah, which are General Conference mission fields, Wyoming having been added to the district during the past year. The district has suffered much from the financial depression that has been resting upon the whole country for the past few years, which has made it difficult to carry on the work as it otherwise might have been done. Much of the territory is rich in mining interests, but many of the mines have been closed; this has thrown hundreds out of employment, causing the desertion of towns, villages, and cities by the most influential of its inhabitants, who have sought homes in other parts of the country. This has made it more difficult to carry on the work of the message; where there were interests springing up it has been impossible to finish the work that had been begun; yet there has been a degree of prosperity attending every effort put forth to advance the work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.2
Since the last General Conference there has been laboring in the district forty-eight ordained ministers, twenty-eight licensed ministers, and thirty-four Bible workers. The amount of funds raised for the support of the work is $150,355.90. It may be summed up as follows: Tithes for the support of the ministry, $105,839.99; first-day offerings, $12,287.59. The Sabbath-schools have raised $13,320.73, of which amount $6,700.56 has been donated to the work in foreign lands. The book sales have amounted to $26,859.03. Twenty persons have been engaged in the canvassing work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.3
There are 159 churches, with 7,065 members, 1,391 having been added to their number the past year. There are 249 Sabbath-schools, with a membership of 5,608. During this biennial year there has been held twenty-three general and local camp-meetings, with an attendance of six thousand, according to the reports made upon the grounds.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.4
The work as represented by the different conferences and mission fields is as follows:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.5
The California Conference has fifty-nine churches, with a membership of 3,680. There are twenty-two ordained ministers, seven licensed preachers, twenty-one Bible workers, and twelve canvassers. The amount of tithes raised for the support of the ministry is $65,289.53. The annual offerings for foreign missions have been $6,832.61. The Sabbath-schools have raised $8,948.49, of which amount $4,300.99 has been donated to the work in foreign fields, making a total of $11,133.60 raised for foreign mission work. There has been an increase in the tithes of $7,856.10; in the membership, 488; but there has been a loss of $5,190.56 in the donations for foreign mission work. Book sales have amounted to $14,649.77. There has been five church buildings erected, and six laborers ordained to the work of the gospel ministry.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 217.6
This Conference comprises the west half of the States of Oregon and Washington, being divided from the eastern portion of the two States by the Cascade range of mountains. The Conference is composed of fifty churches. There are laboring in the conference eight ordained ministers, five licensed preachers, five canvassers, and eight Bible workers. There has been raised in funds to carry on the work, $24,852.85, of which amount $18,750 has been tithes; $3,000 annual offerings, and $950 for first-day offerings. The Sabbath-schools have raised $2,152.85, of which amount $1,301.60 has been donated for the work in foreign lands.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 218.1
There are twenty-three preachers in this conference, and one Bible worker. The tithes for the biennial period have been $14,041.11. From other sources $2,024.26 has been contributed, of which the Sabbath-schools have raised $1,543.46. There has been sent to foreign missions, $766.30. This work has been divided between thirty-three churches, having a membership of 1,300. Six churches have been organized the past year, with another ready to be organized. There are ninety-three Sabbath-schools, having a membership of 1,728.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 218.2
Montana is a General Conference mission field. It has three ordained ministers, two licentiates, two Bible workers, and five canvassers. Several of the students from Walla Walla College spent their vacation in Montana canvassing, with very good results. The book sales for the two years amounted to something more than $4,000. The work in this field is encouraging. It has resulted in bringing one hundred and seventy-five people into the truth since the last General Conference. They already begin to talk of being organized into a conference. The amount of tithes raised is $7,000. The number of churches is eleven, with a membership of two hundred and seventy-five. They have twenty Sabbath-schools, which have raised $595.57, of which $327.92 has been donated to foreign mission work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.1
During the past year the work in Wyoming has been connected with that in Montana, which will add another ordained minister to the force of laborers. Nothing special has been done in Wyoming until the past year, when O. S. Ferren and H. F. Kettring, from Kansas, were recommended by the General Conference to labor there. They immediately entered upon the work, but after a few months Brother Kettring returned to Kansas, leaving Elder Ferren and his family alone. The weather is cold and severe in winter, making it difficult to carry on the work. There are few settlements, yet what has been done, has resulted in bringing twenty-eight into the truth. With those already living there, they form four churches, with a membership of fifty-one. They have paid in tithes $182.01, for foreign missions, $77.83. There are four Sabbath-schools, which have donated $30.67. This has been put into the general fund for the work in foreign lands.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.2
The work has steadily but slowly gone forward to the new State of Utah, until there are four churches, with a membership of one hundred and ninety-three. The tithes amount to $577.34. They have five Sabbath-schools, which are interested in the work in all parts of the field. They have raised for foreign mission work $182.99. Their book sales amount to $350. They held their first camp-meeting the past season, which was quite fully advertised throughout the State. This has brought them to the notice of the people, and has given them a better standing than they have ever had before.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.3
Utah is a hard field. The greater number of its inhabitants are members of the Mormon Church, and quite fully established in their own faith; but the truth is winning its way among them, and if those who are engaged in the work will walk humbly and faithfully before God, he will give success as the result of their efforts.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.4
Besides the regular work of the message that other districts have, this district has the publishing work and the health work, as well as the educational work, to carry on. We have the Pacific Press Publishing Company, the St. Helena Sanitarium, Healdsburg College, and Walla Walla College.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.5
The Pacific Press is fully equipped to carry on lines of publishing work that pertain to the work of the message. It furnishes employment for about one hundred and fifty people. It has had a degree of prosperity during the past two years equal to any time since its establishment in 1874. During the financial strain upon every establishment doing work of any kind, the Pacific Press has enjoyed the blessing of the Lord in its work, and prosperity has attended its efforts.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.6
There is a growing interest in the education work. Healdsburg College has been quite successful in its work. More students have been enrolled the past two years than for some time previous. It is enjoying a better degree of financial support the present year than for several years in the past.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.7
Walla Walla College is owned and controlled by the General Conference. It has had a degree of prosperity since it opened four years ago, equal to any educational institution among us. There have been enrolled the past two years at Walla Walla, 460 students; at Healdsburg, 325; making a total of students attending school in the district 785.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.8
District No. 6 has a population of 2,317,797, which is 361,287 less than the State of Missouri. It has at the present time 6,790 Sabbath-keepers, of which number more than ten per cent. are young people, and have been in school.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.9
This district is a great field for missionary work. Ships come and go from its ports to all parts of the world. Its inhabitants are composed of nearly all nations of the earth. It has missionaries in many foreign lands, and in the islands of the Pacific Ocean; and while we do not look with any degree of satisfaction upon what we have done, yet we can but say it is the Lord’s blessing that has accomplished all that has been done. There is a good degree of courage springing up all over the district, which brings omens of good cheer. We thank the Lord for what has been done, and pray for his guiding Spirit in the work in the future.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.10
Mexico. D. T. JONES
I HAVE asked the chairman what particular line of thought I would better take up in reference to Mexico at the present time, because I have a good many things that I should like to say about Mexico, and about the Spanish-speaking fields; and he suggests that I take up the line that would have special reference to the needs of that field, so that the members of the Conference might be thinking about it; and the committees that have such work in charge might be considering that field, in connection with other fields.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.11
I want to say, in the beginning, that my mind has been very much exercised of late in reference not only to Mexico, but in reference to the countries in which the Spanish language is spoken. The report of Brother Holser shows that nothing has been done in Spain, nothing has been done in Portugal, - which has a language very similar to the Spanish, - and, besides that, there are a great many Spanish-speaking people living on the northern coast of Africa, and in the Philippine and West India Islands; nearly all of South America is settled with Spanish-speaking people, making a total, according to the estimates of those who have studied the question carefully, of about 60,000,000 people that speak the Spanish language, and that speak no other. So, then, considering the wants of the world for the present time, and considering plans for sending the gospel to all the world, we must consider plans for the work of sending the present truth to sixty millions of people that speak the Spanish language, and cannot receive the truth in any other.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.12
We remember that fifty years ago, when this cause began, when they began to talk of printing a paper, and of sending out laborers into different parts of the world, there were about sixty millions of English-speaking people in the world; so that, at the present time, there are just about as many Spanish-speaking people in the world as there were English-speaking people in the world when this work began.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.13
In the beginning it took such men as Elders White, Waggoner, Andrews, Cottrell, and Loughborough, and quite a large corps of other able men to take hold of the English work, to plan, to get out literature, to establish institutions, and to give permanence to the work of God, in English-speaking countries; and they all worked faithfully, and we see the results of their labors to-day. We need some men and women, consecrated workers, who will take right hold of the Spanish work in the manner these took hold of the English work; for to-day we are just in the Spanish work where the brethren were in the English work a little more than fifty years ago. We have not the time before us, however, to make plans, and change plans, making the same mistakes that have sometimes been made in forwarding the English work. The work for the Spanish-speaking people must be done in a shorter time than has been given to it in English-speaking countries.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.14
Those who go out to labor in Spanish-speaking fields have to learn a language, to begin with, before they can do anything for that people. That is not a very small job. What we need for the Spanish-speaking field, what we must have, is men who will give their lives to that work; men who will consecrate their entire abilities to it, and never think of switching off into any other branch; men who will devote from three to five years of hard application to mastering the language; men who will study the people; men who will come into sympathy with the people; men who are willing to make sacrifices - if we are pleased to call them sacrifices - that they may do the work that God has for them to do in this great field. Now we are going to ask this Conference for some such workers as these; and we want to ask for those who have had experience, - men who know what the truth is, and what it is to be established on the principles of truth, and who will stand right on those principles of truth, and build upon those principles of truth, without making mistakes which require years to get over and around. We want to build up right, from the beginning. We want men who have experience, and ability to take up different lines of work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 219.15
Perhaps you would like to know something about the openings that there are, and the conditions of the field, - as to whether the time is ripe for beginning work in the Spanish field at the present time. Well, the demands are such as to justify this Conference in setting apart men who have broad fields here, some men that cannot be taken out without their loss being felt; that is the kind of men we want, - men who are especially indispensable to this field. We don’t want to take men whom you can get along without just as well as not. We want men who have been tried, and have had sufficient experience so that we will know from the beginning just where they are going to stand on every principle that comes up. Nothing else is safe, and nothing else really will fill the bill for such a position and such a work at the present time.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.1
Now, brethren, I believe with all my heart that as the work has been delayed in these Spanish-speaking countries so long, the Lord has been working to bring about special conditions, and special circumstances, favorable to the beginning, and to a rapid progress, of the work in these fields at the present time. What is more reasonable than to suppose, even if we saw no indications of it, that if a large number of people are to be given the present truth in so short a period of time, and it is God’s work, and God has a love for that people just as much as he has for any other nation of the world, - what is more reasonable than to suppose that the truth will be favorably received, and grow in these fields? I believe that we have abundant evidence that God has done this very thing in Spanish fields.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.2
We take Mexico as an example of Spanish-speaking countries. Mexico to-day stands in the lead of Spanish-speaking countries, as to progress, development, and liberality. Spain has been, in a certain sense, dead for years. It is considered a nation that is dropping behind every year of her existence. The countries of Central America are all in a turmoil. Their governments are unstable; they have one president to-day, and another next week, and they are all turned topsy-turvey.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.3
The church has great power. If you read up the history of those countries, you will find that in three, I think, of the South American countries Protestantism is not tolerated at all. In other South American countries Roman Catholicism is the religion of the state, but Protestantism is tolerated. But in Mexico there is a complete separation of church and state, the most complete of any country in the world at the present day.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.4
Allen Moon: “Do they enforce Sunday observance at all?”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.5
No, sir; they don’t enforce anything religious; but they do enforce laws against the church coming out in public demonstrations.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.6
Elder Moon: “Do they tax church property?”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.7
They don’t tax the property that is actually for church purposes. They don’t allow the church to hold any other property than that which is actually used for church purposes. All other property is confiscated. Many of the post offices, and the universities, and the public schools, and the barracks for soldiers, and property used for a great many other purposes, is confiscated church property.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.8
We have the singular coincidence, or example, of a government that is recognized by those visiting Mexico to-day as being made one of the strongest governments in the world, one of the best governments in the world; and a republic, a nation that is recognized as a republic, yet that government is held and administered by less than five per cent. of the population of the country. And the other ninety-five per cent. submit to it, and don’t say a word, don’t lift a finger, don’t expect that they will ever be able to do anything.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.9
The American colony received a visit from the president at Guadalajara last December. After the first interview was over, I had a little conversation with the president, and he treated me cordially. He said he was glad to have Americans come in; that he had done something toward the liberation of Mexico, that he had done all he could do; but he said that the foreign people had come, had helped him, and were helping him; and that he had to look to them largely for the future of Mexico. This same governor told me, in a former talk I had with him, that he looked to these foreigners, and especially to Americans, for the development of the country, by the building up of new institutions, and revolutionizing, renovating the country. That is the way that leading officials in Mexico regard Americans; they are more favorable to them than to other foreigners who come in.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 220.10
Protestants have been working in Mexico for about twenty-five years. They have spread out all over the country more or less, and there are about sixteen thousand Protestants in Mexico at the present time; and it is estimated that there are perhaps about three hundred thousand adherents, that is people who favor Protestantism, and who are more Protestant than anything else, though not members of the church. These Protestants, at first factious, are now uniting on the great principles of the gospel, and manifesting toward each other, and thus to the natives, a brotherly spirit more worthy the name they profess. This spirit of harmony is growing, without, however, any one sacrificing his personal convictions of right, or any peculiar tenets of faith. In fact, the more closely a missionary follows the customs of his church, the more he is respected by his brother missionaries of other denominations.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.1
During my attendance at the general assembly of Protestant missionaries, held in the City of Mexico a few weeks ago, I learned more fully than I could have learned by any other means, the real tenor of sentiment among Protestant missionaries of Mexico. If there was any effort made to criticize another one, the whole assembly rose up and crushed it right down, and said, We are not here for that purpose; we are perfectly willing that each one believe just what he pleases; we will think more of a man for holding to what he believes, and living and teaching what he believes; but we don’t believe in any man being crowded, embarrassed, or crushed, because he does not believe as another does.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.2
In this assembly Seventh-day Adventists were recognized, and received just as fully, and just as freely, as any other denomination in the country. When they talked about the workers in Mexico, they talked about the Baptists, and the Presbyterians, and the Congregationalists, and the Seventh-day Adventists; and brought them all in together in a perfectly brotherly way, recognizing us fully.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.3
I came to this Conference with just one burden, one desire, and that is to ask you to give us some competent laborers for the Spanish-speaking field.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.4
There is one thing which I wish to mention, in reference to a translation of the Bible into the Spanish language, for that is one thing we want you to take into consideration when you consider the matter of sending laborers to Mexico. The matter was up in the general assembly before spoken of. All said, “We must have a revision of the Spanish Bible, or a new translation. There is nothing that is fit to be used in our work. We have been working on here for twenty or twenty-five years, without a proper translation of the Scriptures into that language.” Papers were presented to the assembly, setting forth the need of a translation or revision, and the merits and defects of existing versions. A version recently gotten out by the American Bible Society, and the older Velira version, were thought to be most acceptable, though each of these is defective. A committee, consisting of one member from each board represented in that country, was chosen to take the matter under consideration. The whole assembly felt that it must arrange in some way to procure a version which would be free from the theology of translators, a Bible in the Spanish which would be nothing but the pure words of God, faithfully translated from the originals. This committee came together, prayed over the matter, talked concerning the situation, and then each wrote on a slip of paper just what he thought was the a solution to the difficulty. Let me tell you, brethren, that if some one had stood up and dictated a plan, the plans written on these papers by each individual separately could not have been more nearly the same.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.5
The plan reached was as follows: Each board having workers in Mexico should be requested to appoint a man to work on the advisory committee, and should instruct that man to devote not less than four hours a day to the study of the Bible and making notes upon such points as he thought ought to be changed or revised in this version, and that they should continue this study and work for two years, so as to be sure that the work be thoroughly done; and at the end of that two years they should all come together in one committee or council.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 221.6
In this committee they should compare notes, agree upon a text, and, after agreeing, this text should be submitted to a competent Spanish scholar for grammatical suggestions, after which another text be dealt with in the same manner; and the whole manuscript, when completed, should be turned over to the American Bible Society, who are ready to print the version. So I come with the request that our Foreign Mission Board appoint a man to act on that committee. It is going to take a good man; it is going to take one of the best men that you can provide for us; and it is going to take a man that will carry respect with him, the respect of the other members of the committee, and of all the missionaries in Mexico. It must be a man possessed of learning, tact, and ability.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.1
The opportunity is such that it would develop a strong man for the Spanish work. We need a man that can be able to read manuscript of translations of our works into the Spanish language and be able to detect errors. We need a man that can instruct laborers, who can go from place to place and give people who have come to the truth instruction, that they may go out to labor.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.2
I don’t know of a combination of circumstances that are better qualified to develop a man to become a strong worker in the Spanish-speaking field, than those coming to one on the revision committee. I want to ask you, in the fear and love of God, to look about, and give us the best man you have for this great work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.3
Question. - What are the prospects for the sale of our publications in Mexico, in regard to the prices, etc?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.4
The ordinary Mexican laborer gets from thirty-one to thirty-seven cents a day, silver, equivalent to eighteen or twenty cents in gold. An artisan receives from seventy-five to one hundred cents per day, equivalent to less than forty cents, gold currency, per day. You can readily understand, when you consider that the laborer has to support himself and family by means of this small pittance, that he cannot afford to pay high prices for literature. There is a great demand for literature, and cheap literature sells rapidly. The great need in this line is cheap, good literature, - literature adapted to the peculiar customs and habits of the Spanish-speaking people, - setting forth the principles of present truth.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.5
Educational. 1Remarks on recommendation 1, of the report of Educational Committee.
A THING of life must be permitted to express itself; only dead things can be carved and molded and fixed and kept there. Our attention has been emphatically called in our study of this question, to the fact that there is but one work; and that it is all educational work, while the circumstances give a different mold to each one in his department; and the school work is but one department of this general effort to give the gospel for this time to the people of the world.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.6
And so in presenting these resolutions to the Conference, it is impossible to do anything further than simply to call attention in a general way to the principles. It is no use to lay down any definite application; it is no use to legislate into harmony any one who is not in harmony with these things. It cannot be done any more than you can vote people into the truth or into the church. If they are converted, they are there, and you do not need any voting; you can accept them. If they are not converted, you cannot convert them by vote. It is just so with this matter, and that is the reason why the recommendation is presented in this general form, - that attention may be called anew to these principles, and that those who are engaged in this work are requested to study anew, and to make the effort to apply these principles as they shall have light in their own work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.7
Now, that it is necessary that we should all be educated upon this, not simply those who are here, but the people at large, is well illustrated by the experience which I have had since being here. I have received two letters, one is from a college graduate, who has had experience in teaching; the other is from a mother, who is a representative woman, and who will answer perhaps for many in our different churches. And it was curious to me that they both wrote from different quarters of the country, calling my attention to this thing.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.8
The whole tendency of this time is to disregard the importance of the individual, and to magnify the importance of the mass. In the subject of education that plan has been followed, and one mold, as it were, has been prepared for every student - not absolutely so, but in a general way.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 222.9
Now, my own thought is this: that the individual should be treated as an individual. He stands before God, whether he is young or old; when he is in the school, he is to be treated according to the circumstances in which he is placed, his age, and all that. And the principle is true of us all at any age. We stand before God, to be trained for the heavenly kingdom. The defect is that the image of God has been lost. All other evil consequences follow from that. The case is to be cured on one principle as was presented to us yesterday morning: Restore the image of God in the soul, and that itself will be the cure for all the defects.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.1
But as we begin to look in detail, there are defects in the mental make-up, defects in the power of thinking, defects in judgment, physical defects - not simply deformities, but physical defects - physical weaknesses; and of course above all, and, in a sense, as a cause of all moral defects. Now, it has seemed to me that the individual should be considered with reference to what God wants him to be, and, noticing the defects that exist, noticing what is lacking in his make-up as an individual, that he may meet the idea that God has in that particular person, in view of the talents that he has given to him, that the effort of every teacher should be to open the way, or to assist him to reach God’s remedy for these defects, and that will develop not simply the mind, or simply the body, but will develop the man, will develop the whole being. And the aim will not be to make every one fit the same mold, it will not be expected that every one will be able to meet the same standard, but the ideal for each individual should be the highest point of excellence that he is able to reach, in view of his talents with which God has endowed him, and the opportunities afforded him. God holds us responsible for the light we receive in religious matters. We are responsible, first, in view of the talents we have; second, for the opportunities afforded for the development of those talents.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.2
Sweeping aside the question of technical courses of study, as though a certain length of time spent in the study of certain subjects would educate one, I just turn to the idea of development, the idea of bringing to each individual the remedy that he needs, presented to him in such a way that he can avail himself of it in developing, building up; and if that does not bring to him the technical knowledge of certain branches of study, yet, if he is growing, building up, developing in the right lines toward the ideal that God has in mind for him, it seems to me that that is the best thing that can be done for him. And the test should not be, Have you studied this? have you studied that? have you passed an examination, with a certain per cent., in such subjects? have you a diploma from such a course for such a course? but, What are you? what are you? That should be the constant test. The examination should be the application of God’s ideal for that individual, to him personally. Then his ability to meet that, or his failure to meet that, would decide what he is, and would decide his fitness for God’s work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.3
Now, this calls for an experience on the part of instructors such as is not required to carry on the ordinary and somewhat mechanical routine of book study and recitation. It calls for an adaptation to the work such as is not demanded of one, who even to a considerable degree depends upon what others have laid out, to assign routine lessons, to ask questions merely, and to have answers that may be largely from memory. The purpose to be aimed at is the development of the being, the growth of the being; and this demands the right kind of food, the right kind of conditions, just as plants require certain conditions that they may grow. No human being can make the mind of another human being grow, but he can supply the conditions of growth, and then it will grow. But the great difficulty has been that this has been reversed, and to a lamentably large degree the conditions supplied have been such as to stunt rather than to develop the mind.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.4
Here is something which will bear much thought:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.5
It is not the highest work of education to communicate knowledge merely, but to impart that vitalizing energy which is received from the contact of mind with mind, of soul with soul. It is only life that can beget life.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.6
The significance of that brief sentence after this statement, shows that this is a matter of life. It is not imparting a mechanical round; it is not simply imparting facts; it is begetting life, and only life can beget life. So it is not to impart knowledge merely, but to impart that vitalizing energy which is received from the contact of mind with mind.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.7
Now this thought:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.8
In the educational system [that is, in the time of Christ] there was no place for that personal experience in which the soul learns for itself the power of a “Thus saith the Lord,” and gains that reliance upon the divine word which alone can bring peace and power with God. Busy with the round of forms, students in these schools found no quiet hours in which to commune with God and hear his voice speaking to their hearts. That which the rabbis regarded as superior education was, in reality, the greatest hindrance to true education. It was opposed to all real development. Under their training, the powers of the youth were repressed, and their minds were cramped and narrowed.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 223.9
We have not fully emerged from the principles of education that were in vogue in the Dark Ages. The principle then was that one mind should control another mind, - the submission of one human mind to another. God never intended that one human mind should control another human mind, because the only consequence of such control is evil.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.1
Now, these principles are not narrow in their application. These are the principles that apply in all our organization and work. This is why God has been speaking so decidedly to us with reference to the course that we have been pursuing in all our general work. The principle is the same in the educational work. What God wants is, that the creatures shall be regarded as creatures of life, and given an opportunity for individual growth and development; not to destroy individuality, but every one should be regarded as one of God’s creatures, endowed with life and the power of growth, and no human mind can properly control that mind without stunting, narrowing, and cramping it.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.2
So our present system has not entirely emerged from this idea of stunting the mind rather than supplying the conditions for letting the mind grow.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.3
All this instruction which we have received upon the subject of education, is in this direction, that it should be a thing of life, of growth, of character, and that many of the forms, many of the ceremonies, many of the outward mechanical appliances, should be dispensed with as tending to cramp and narrow, rather than to give the opportunity for development.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.4
The life of this educational work is to be the same that is the life of all - the Spirit of God. And God’s Spirit, when allowed to have its place and do its work, will develop our educational work just as much as it will develop all our work. Give God his place. And this thought that we are studying in our Bible lessons, “I will put my trust in Him,” applies in the school work just as much as in the work of the minister in the field.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.5
following Professor Prescott, said:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.6
I do not want to be first in talking on this subject; but I have a few thoughts that I would like to express as being in direct connection with what has been said. I do not know that I can do better than to give them just now. I am glad for one thing; that is, if we go wrong, the Lord will make us right if we will only let him. I want to read just an expression here to that effect, in regard to our educational work. After reproving, these words came to the teachers:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.7
Teachers, trust in God, and go forward. My grace is sufficient for you, is the assurance of the great Teacher. Catch the inspiration of the words, and never, never talk doubt and unbelief. Be energetic.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.8
Then another quotation which has been a great comfort to me, a great help in our school work since it came out:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.9
Let me tell you [speaking of the time when the Spirit of God manifested itself in power in Battle Creek College] what I know of this heavenly Guest. That heavenly Visitor would have opened the understanding, would have given wisdom and knowledge in all lines of study, that would have been employed to the glory of God.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.10
That is what the Spirit of God would have done; it is what the Spirit of God desires to do. I want to say in this connection in regard to that particular day, which I mentioned once before, when the Lord came in by his Spirit in South Lancaster, and took the school out of our hands, and gave us a day’s work in heart-culture, I am certain that on that day many who were present learned more under God’s teaching than they could learn in a whole year of ordinary instruction; and the effects of that day’s work will be eternal. I believe it is our privilege as teachers to have the presence of God with us continually, every day, and also to know that holy angels are present with us in our work all the time. Thus I believe this work can be carried on to the glory of his name, and every student that comes to the school will be converted, and sent forth to work for God, to carry the third angel’s message to the world.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.11
Mt. Vernon (Ohio) Academy. J. W. LOUGHHEAD
MT. VERNON Academy opened its fourth year with about fifty students in attendance. The number gradually increased, until now the enrollment is one hundred. A few of these have been called away, making the present attendance somewhat less. Of these, however, the majority are in the school for the purpose of gaining an experience and a preparation for the work of God, and hence they are an earnest, faithful class of young people, some of whom will doubtless develop into workers in the near future.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 224.12
These numbers are not as large as in former years, due doubtless to a variety of causes, chief of which are the decision of the Board of Trustees to place the school on a strictly cash basis, and the inability to give as much material assistance in the form of labor as in the past. Because of these reasons, many worthy young people are denied the privileges of the school; but the changes seemed imperative in view of the financial condition of the Academy. It is to be hoped that something can be done to so change the scheme of work as to enable the school to extend its benefits to many who are now denied these privileges, and doubtless some plan looking to this end will be submitted to the Board at the spring meeting. Certainly there is most earnest need for carefully considering a condition which now closes the Academy to some of the most earnest and promising young people of the conference, and every reasonable effort should be made to reach all who are desirous of obtaining a Christian education under circumstances calculated to develop and to foster the purpose to obtain and to use it for the glory of God.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 225.1
The work has moved very harmoniously thus far, and both teachers and students seem united in purpose and in effort to make the year one of success. A good degree of interest is manifested by the students, and all the lines of work are fairly well filled, with the Bible clearly in the lead. Almost all are taking this subject in the regular classes, in addition to which a large class has been formed for topical study, the main points being the distinctive beliefs of our denomination. In this class are many who are taking one or more of the regular classes, and the almost universal sentiment is that there is much good being accomplished.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 225.2
This testimony seems to be borne out in the lives of these students, and we feel that there is great cause for gratitude in view of what the Lord is doing in this particular. No emotional work has been done at any time during the year, but there seems to be more of a taking hold upon God, and a settling down into the fixed purpose to dedicate all to him and his service.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 225.3
The fact of this being one of the smaller schools of the denomination, and made up largely of a younger class of students, makes it impossible to obtain the same results that might reasonably be expected from one of our colleges; and still these facts are not an unmixed evil by any means. On the contrary, this condition is really a source of strength in many ways, and is productive of a marked home feeling, which is intensified by the hearty good will and support given by the church, and especially by those who reside near the Academy, and thus are better able to aid in the work. The condition of the school, together with its location, and the spirit prevailing both in it and in the church, make this a desirable place for obtaining an education; and with the blessing of God, there seems to be no reason why a good work should not be accomplished.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 225.4
General Conference District No. 8. H. P. HOLSER. (February 28, 1897.)
THIS district embraces the European field. Historically, and in fact, this district is the most interesting portion of the gospel field. When we consider the important events that are pending there at the present time, and with what intense interest the action of these governments is now being watched, and the effect that those events are likely to have upon the future, we discover the truth of this statement. In speaking of the size of the field, we must consider the number of souls it contains rather than the number of its square miles. The field covered by Dist. No. 8 includes over four hundred millions of people. In this field there are but sixty laborers, not including canvassers. If we should compare this state of things with America, we should have but one laborer to seven or eight of our States. So you can draw your own conclusions about this being a large mission field. We have only just begun our work in the German field, but I thank the Lord we can say that a good beginning has been made. Not only in Germany, but in Switzerland, in Russia, in Great Britain, in Scandinavia, in Finland, in France, and in Turkey the work is now being carried forward. In these fields we meet many diverse customs and languages, which often impede the progress of the work. At the present time we have publications in twenty-one of the principal European languages, and there are a number of languages in the smaller countries yet to be supplied.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 225.5
The sales of our publications in the Old World have been larger in proportion to the facilities than those in this country. About $66,000 worth of books were sold there the last year. We have in Europe four publishing houses, a small sanitarium, and another in prospect, and three schools in operation. In some particulars the past year has been the best and most prosperous year in the history of our work. The work in the German field is now seven years old. During the past year it has increased its membership to more than one thousand, and its work is extending to other adjacent countries. It is reaching the Polish people, and there are now over sixty members in this nationality. The work is also going to the Livonians, the Lettonians, and to Bohemia. In Finland on the north, the work is gaining ground; and an opening is made in Lapland, and also in the Russian field, in spite of all the opposition and adverse circumstances, the cause is going forward. It is a great offense to the Russian government for a person to leave the Greek Church. Just as soon as any one is suspected of being converted to the truth, and led out in that direction, he is transported to some other part of the empire. But this does not always work evil, for in this way, the truth is being spread abroad. There are three grades of banishment: one is to the banks of the Caspian Sea, north of the Caucasus Mountains; the next is over the mountains, into the borders of Persia; and the third is the Siberian banishment. Banishment to Siberia is also graded, the last and final degree of punishment by banishment being consignment to the mines. By banishment the message is now known in these regions.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.1
We have learned in our experience a valuable lesson in regard to the relation our work should sustain to the state. In the past we have longed for the time to come when our work would assume sufficient proportions so that it would be recognized by the Russian Government, as other Protestant denominations are recognized. But in the providence of God this has never been brought about, and I am thankful to-day that it never has been; for we are more at liberty in our unrecognized condition than we would be if we were working under the supervision of the government. Those who are thus recognized must ask permission to hold meetings, and are continually under government supervision.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.2
Question. - Do you not have to ask permission to hold meetings in Germany?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.3
Answer. - Not exactly. We have to give notice that we are going to hold meetings, though there is no law to prevent our holding meetings after we have given the notice.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.4
Question. - Has not the Russian Holy Synod taken cognizance of your work during the last year?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.5
Answer. - Yes, and they have proscribed our publications in all the empire.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.6
Our most interesting and most profitable experiences have been in the Turkish field. At first the cause there seemed almost hopeless. The obstacles seemed to be insurmountable. The missionaries were from the first opposed to our work, and took pains to talk of and misrepresent it; and some of the brethren felt that we should have a journal in which to answer these misrepresentations. But it was very difficult to establish a journal in that country, and we have now learned that it was in the providence of God that we were prevented from taking such a step. We do not need a journal to defend ourselves from false reports. The word of God to us is, that we should let false reports alone, and that it is our duty to preach the gospel. We may heap coals of fire on the heads of our enemies, and that is the best way in which to answer their attacks.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.7
In no field have there been such remarkable evidences of God’s working upon the minds of people. There have been many remarkable conversions of desperate men. It is the simplicity of the gospel that we need to cultivate. Our work is a simple one, and the more we cherish the simplicity of our principles the greater will be our power for good.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.8
I wish to state how the Lord has worked through our difficulties to establish his own work. Our workers have all fallen into trouble and been imprisoned. As soon as the Armenians discover one of them at work, some one will report him to the magistrate and have him thrown into prison; but our workers have in no instance been kept there long. But by these experiences they have been brought into contact with the Turkish officials. They have been questioned, and thus these officials have been made acquainted with our work, and our attitude toward government. And the commissioner of police has remarked that if all missionaries were like ours, there would be none of these troubles that they are now having. We are chiefly known in that country as Sabbatarians; and when the fact is established that a man is a Sabbatarian, he is soon set at liberty. Thus the Sabbath becomes to us a sign in Turkey.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 226.9
It is against the Turkish law to teach the ten commandments, and one of our brethren being arrested on this charge, the chief of police stated that he was to be released, and that it was a good work. Our people have been treated kindly, and our work is regarded favorably. Indeed, it may be said with truth that our work has not received as ill usage at the hands of the Turkish government as at the hands of the people in this country.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.1
Those who are now calling upon the several powers for protection, are the principal causes of all the difficulties that we have had.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.2
I am not here to plead for the Turks. They are like all other sinners. But they are not so very much worse than other sinners as some are apt to imagine. In many cases we have been granted special privileges. One of our colporters laboring in Armenia, near the southern shore of the Black Sea, supporting himself by selling clothing, and giving Bible readings at the same time, aroused such an interest that he sent for Brother Baharian to come and help him. When the Armenians found out what was being done, trouble was made; but Brother Baharian managed to remain there thirteen days to strengthen and confirm those who had embraced the truth. Immediately after his departure the colporter was arrested and thrown into prison. His case coming before the court at Constantinople, Brother Baharian went to the authorities in his behalf, and they at once ordered his release, stating to Brother Baharian that it would be better for the colporter to leave that country and go to some other part. Brother Baharian replied that the work there was new, and not yet established, and it would be difficult for him to leave the field, whereupon permission was given him to remain; and not only to remain there, but to preach the truth anywhere in that district. Personally, I am thankful for the lessons I have learned in our Turkish experiences in reference to the principles of our work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.3
Our sanitarium at Basel, located in our publishing house, has had a small but encouraging beginning. It has been started on the basis that it is as much a part of the message as anything else. The Lord’s blessing has been upon it thus far. Our health journal in the French language has met with a very favorable reception, and has a circulation of about six thousand. I believe that there is a large field for this important work in these countries.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.4
The present membership of the mission field is forty-five hundred. The work in Great Britain is gaining ground. The efforts put forth during the past year have been successful. The Present Truth has an average circulation of thirteen thousand copies weekly, and many are coming to a knowledge of the truth in reading this medium.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.5
The present resources of the field are just about sufficient to meet the present demands. That is not to say that we do not need help. The extent of the field seems to demand that we should have additional laborers. I do not think that we have studied sufficiently the fact that “the field is the world.”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.6
Question. - Has any appreciable work been done yet in Ireland, Scotland, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal, or Italy?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.7
Answer. - Something is being done in Ireland at the present time, and during the past year the work has gone forward very encouragingly in Holland. We have also made a beginning in France. But in the other countries nothing appreciable has yet been done.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.8
General Conference District No. 3. J. H. MORRISON
FIRST, the district as a whole, and its comparative standing, and then each conference separately.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.9
District No. 3 includes four local conferences, embracing the following territory; viz., Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and the Province of Ontario, which is a part of the Michigan Conference. It has in its limits three hundred and ten organized churches, besides a number of unorganized companies, with a membership of 12,417, showing a gain of thirty churches and 2,600 members since the last General Conference.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.10
The amount of tithe paid during this time was $149,323.91, a loss, when compared with the two preceding years, of $1,149.09; but comparing the year 1896 with 1895, we have a gain of $6,577.41. First-day offerings for the biennial period, $7,198.71; the annual offerings, $15,049.31; Sabbath-school offerings, $9,661.21; other donations, $5,667. Total of all donations and tithe to the general work, $74,702.46. Total tithes and offerings reported, $186,902.30. It is worthy of mention that while there is a loss to the general work during the entire two years as compared with the previous two years, there is a gain, however, of nearly ten thousand dollars during last year over the former year.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 227.11
The number of conference workers in the district is as follows: sixty-four ministers, thirty-two licentiates, sixty Bible workers, eighty-two canvassers.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.1
Thirty-eight meeting-houses were erected. Most of these are very creditable structures, and are an honor to the cause they represent.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.2
The Review has 3,435 subscribers in the district, a gain of 570 during the last three months; and the Signs of the Times 5, 221, a gain the last three months of 2,346. Book sales, $77,875.47.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.3
Twelve camp-meetings have been held in the district during the past two years, and these have been attended by many thousands of people. The spiritual interests of the work in this field seem to be making progress, but not nearly as much as the times demand. Only a slight glance at the history of the past two years is sufficient to show that we have done but little comparatively of what should have been done and what it was our privilege to do. One of our greatest needs aside from spirituality, is well-equipped workers, - men and women who will go out into the world and labor as Christ labored for the betterment of humanity.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.4
Michigan. - This was the first conference organized among Seventh-day Adventists. Its date of organization is Oct. 5, 1861. It is the largest in membership, and has within its borders three of the largest institutions in the denomination.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.5
Its accredited workers number 102, as follows: Ordained ministers, twenty-eight; licensed ministers, twelve; Bible workers, thirty; canvassers, twenty-two.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.6
There are one hundred and forty-three churches, with a membership of 7,000 in this conference, an increase during the past two years of eleven churches and 1,435 members.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.7
The total tithe for the biennial period is $78,979.60, a loss of $3,146.40 for the previous two years; but by comparing the last year with the year before, we have a gain of over four thousand dollars. The first-day, annual, and Sabbath-school offerings, other donations and tithe to the General Conference, amount to $99,907; book sales $25,300; meeting-houses erected, twenty-five. Reviews taken, 2,048, a gain the last three months of 433; Signs, 3,597. Nearly all the leading cities of the State have been entered by our workers.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.8
Ohio. - This conference is thirty-four years old Monday, Feb. 22, 1897. It has sixteen ministers, seven licentiates, twelve Bible workers, besides about forty canvassers. The conference has seventy-one churches, 2,000 members, showing a gain of eleven churches and four hundred and ninety-three members since the last General Conference.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.9
The tithe paid the past two years amounts to $30,006.18, showing a gain of $4,022. First-day, annual, and Sabbath-school offerings and other donations, together with the tithe to the General Conference, amount to $10,164. The book sales during this period are reported at $32,742; Reviews taken amount to six hundred and three copies; and Signs, eight hundred and thirty-nine. Five church buildings were erected. On the whole this conference shows quite a healthy growth since our last General Conference, notwithstanding the financial depression, which we are inclined to think has not fallen so heavily in this field as some others.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.10
Illinois. - This conference was organized June 9, 1871, and has thirty-eight churches and a membership of 1,500, showing an increase of six churches and nearly four hundred members. Its working force consists of nine ordained ministers, seven licensed ministers, ten Bible workers, and thirteen canvassers.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.11
The tithe paid the past two years amounts to nearly $22,000. The first-day, annual, Sabbath-school, and other offerings, and the tithe to the General Conference, amount to $7,250; book sales $23,143.16; churches erected, four; Review subscribers, three hundred and seventy-five; Signs, four hundred and forty-one.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.12
Illinois is one of the best States in the Union, and has a city within its boarders second in population only to New York. The work in Chicago is in a prosperous condition; scarcely a week passes without a number of conversions, and there are numerous accessions to the church each week. In connection with the labor provided by the Conference, a number of lay members are constantly engaged in house-to-house labor, with the results before mentioned.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 228.13
Two church organizations have been effected in this city, and one church building the last two years, so that there are now six well organized churches, and nine Sabbath-schools in this field. But the work is only begun. The branch sanitarium and Workingmen’s Home are doing a noble work. God is blessing marvelously in these enterprises in relieving the necessities of the poor and suffering people, and many of these are receiving the bread of life. Other cities are being entered, and a good work is being accomplished.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.1
Indiana. - This conference is only about fifteen months younger than the Illinois Conference, and has fifty-nine churches, with a membership of 1,917, an increase since the last General Conference of five churches, and three hundred and thirty-seven members.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.2
The conference has eleven ordained ministers, six licensed ministers, ten Bible workers, and fifteen canvassers.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.3
The tithe for the biennial period amounted to $19,102, being $600 more than for the previous two years. All offerings, donations, and tithe to the General Conference amount to $6,986. Total tithe and donations, $26,196.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.4
Book sales amount to $15,351.48; church buildings erected, four; Review subscriptions, four hundred and eleven; Signs, three hundred and forty-four.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.5
Harmony prevails among the workers. This conference, like the others, has had its share of reverses, but has held its own quite well, considering the circumstances.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.6
The District Conference held at Indianapolis, in October, 1895, is worthy of mention. The most important question considered was, “What can be done for our churches?” Many valuable suggestions were made; in putting these into effect, much good has come to the work. A church, to live and prosper, must be a working church. A church is like a family - all its members must work for the common interests, or alienation and final separation will result.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.7
Some of the conferences have established monthly meetings at convenient places, where two or three churches can meet together and seek God, and lay plans for the advancement of the work in their midst. In other places occasionally an exchange of elders is effected, to excellent advantage. This plan has the advantages of a change of talents, and has been highly appreciated in many places. Some of the conferences are utilizing the abilities of laymen who are practical in their make-up, by sending them around among their churches, where there has been but little labor bestowed, to assist the work by teaching and illustrating the best methods of labor on the part of lay members.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.8
On the whole, the work in Dist. No. 3 is onward; and we expect many glorious triumphs for the third angel’s message in this important field.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.9
Tenth Meeting of the Conference
THE tenth meeting of the General Conference convened at 5 P. M., March 1, 1897, with O. A. Olsen in the chair, and W. H. Edwards secretary. Hymn 111 was sung, and the Conference was led in prayer by R. A. Underwood. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.10
The discussion of the revised report of the Committee on Plans and Resolutions, sections three to eight, took the entire time of the meeting. The text of the report reads as follows:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.11
3. That a mission board of nine members, with head-quarters and incorporation in some Atlantic State, be elected to take charge of all mission funds, and all mission fields not included in the three grand divisions mentioned in sec. 2.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.12
4. That Union Conferences be organized in Europe and America as soon as deemed advisable, and that these Union Conferences hold biennial sessions, alternating with the General Conference.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.13
5. That the Executive Committee chosen by the General Conference shall consist of thirteen members, composed of the presidents of the General Conference, the Australasian and European Union Conferences, the superintendents of the six General Conference Districts in the United States, the president of the Mission Board, and three other persons, the president of the General Conference being the chairman of this committee.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.14
6. That, in recognition of the example of the apostles as recorded in the sixth chapter of the Acts, business men be chosen to attend to the business interests of the work, leaving the ministers more free to engage in the ministry of the word.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.15
7. That the election of a Book Committee be discontinued.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.16
8. That this Conference, through its Chair, appoint a committee of five to revise the constitution and by-laws in harmony with this report, and submit it to this Conference for acceptance.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 229.17
That part of section three relating to the incorporation and location of the Foreign Mission Board received careful consideration. It had been proposed at a previous meeting that this matter be wholly left with the General Conference Executive Committee and the Foreign Mission Board to be selected, and an amendment to the report had been offered to that effect; but on being put to vote, it was lost. It was urged that the General Conference in session should take the responsibility of locating the Foreign Mission Board, in harmony with the statement in sec. 3, so far as the section of country was concerned at least.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.1
In the discussion of No. 7, the question was asked that if the Book Committee was discontinued, how would the work that the committee had been doing, be done hereafter. It was explained by W. C. White, that each publishing house at present has a committee of three competent for this work. He further explained that the Book Committee appointed by the General Conference had originated with the idea of unifying our book publishing work, but that all the results expected had not been attained; therefore, it was recommended that this work revert back to the original committees of the publishing houses. He further suggested that these committees be strengthened by an addition of two to the present committees of each house. It was stated that in case of conflict between the different book committees and the authors negotiating with them, appeal could be taken to the General Conference Committee, where all appeals from committees should be taken.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.2
In harmony with resolution 8 the chairman appointed the following Committee on Revision of the Constitution and By-laws of the General Conference: J. H. Morrison, D. T. Jones, S. H. Lane, M. C. Wilcox, E. J. Hibbard.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.3
On motion, the meeting adjourned to 10:30 A. M., March 2, and Elder J. N. Loughborough closed the meeting with a benediction.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.4
Our Schools in the South - An Appeal. W. T. BLAND
THE last field to be entered by our denominational work in this country is the South. This field is an interesting one; it is a peculiar one; but above all is a needy one. So much has been lately written concerning the work in the South, and so recently have special testimonies been sent out relating to the peculiar existing state of affairs there, that it will be unnecessary for me to go into extended details at this time. I do desire, however, to call your attention briefly to the great need of the cause of education in the South.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.5
In order that the situation may be appreciated more fully, I quote from the report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Tennessee for the year 1874, the following words:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.6
“In some of the counties visited there was not a single school, either public or private; nor were there any efforts being made by the citizens to remedy the deficiency.” “It was also estimated that not one-fifth of the entire scholastic population of the State had any means whatever of education.”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.7
The above is from an official report sent out by the Commissioner of Education at Washington during the past year. And when we remember that Tennessee stands first in her schools and educational advantages in the South, what must have been the condition of affairs in some of the less favored States? And when we further remember that the children of that time are the men and women of to-day, do we wonder that there is found superstition, prejudice, and even the spirit of persecution? It is this very fact that makes the South a needy field, and one that should not be lightly passed by.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.8
Public schools in the South are yet in their infancy, and in many sections of the country are not held in high favor. The people, where they can afford to do so, generally prefer to send their children to private schools, while many who are not able to do this, send to none at all. Schools for the whites and blacks, whether public or private, are maintained separately. On account of this requirement of extra expense, the public, or “free schools,” as they are usually termed, only continue from three to four months during the year, and then the work done is often of a very inferior grade.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.9
Here we find a territory of some fifteen million inhabitants, of whom nearly one-half are colored.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.10
Our denominational work is now fairly established. Canvassers, Bible workers, and ministers are entering the field almost weekly, and the stamp of progress is plainly seen.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.11
We have already a sufficient number of young people here to form a large school. Many of these have more than ordinary ability; and with the instruction and training of a good school, they would soon be able to enter the field as valuable workers. At the present rate in which our denomination is growing in the South, both by conversions and from the number of families moving in from the North, a good school becomes a real necessity.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 230.12
At the different camp-meetings held in the South during the past year, much attention was given to the subject of schools and education. It was the unanimous sentiment that there should be two centrally located schools in this district, one for the white people and one for the colored. Besides these, it was strongly recommended that proper persons from the North and elsewhere be encouraged to enter the cities and towns, and open up private schools. To some extent this has already been done, and the results have been good.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 231.1
The General Conference Committee has taken steps toward the establishment of a central school at Huntsville, Ala., for the colored youth. This work is but just begun. You have already heard of its progress and its present needs, as given in other reports. If given the proper support, I see no reason why this institution may not be the means of accomplishing great good among the colored people of the South. But while it is easy to see the need of a school for the colored race, we must not forget that our white youth must be looked after. They are also in need of good school privileges. For three or four years an effort has been made to maintain a school where our young people could be associated with those of like faith, while being educated and fitted for active work in the cause. Although this work has been carried on under exceedingly discouraging and embarrassing circumstances, the results are already being seen and appreciated. But it seems that the time has now come when something more substantial must be done, when these privileges must be extended and advantages increased. We do not ask for an institution that will appear great in the eyes of men, or that will cause the hearts of the indwellers to become proud over it, but we do desire that our young people of the South shall be given a school the surroundings of which will be conducive to the greatest spiritual growth, and whose advantages shall be such as will quickly and thoroughly fit them for effective work in the cause of God.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 231.2
It is my opinion that our schools in the South should be established on the industrial plan; in fact, this idea has been held foremost in the school for the colored people from the very start, and I believe that it is only by carrying out these plans that this school can be made to succeed. There is constantly impressed on the mind of the student the dignity and importance of labor, and the benefits to be derived from it.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 231.3
I have made a careful study of the schools of other denominations in the South, and one thing especially has impressed me very much, - it is that the colored schools are all conducted on the industrial plan, while in scarcely a single white school has this provision been made. It is also very noticeable that although the schools for the negroes are still in their infancy, they are fast outstripping their white neighbors in point of success. I firmly believe that if it is profitable and proper that the colored youth should be taught the dignity and value of labor, none the less carefully should our white children be instilled with the same principles.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 231.4
While I believe that we should not mold our schools after the world or the schools of other denominations, and that our schools should be institutions that will enable the greatest possible number of the young people of our own denomination to receive that education and training that will fit them for effective work in the cause of Christ, yet when we can profit by the experience of other schools, we should be ready and willing to do so. I believe it is possible to make mistakes in planning even for the industrial departments of our schools; at least I believe they have not reached that point where they can profitably adopt the popular idea of manual training. It has been my lot during the past few years to be connected with schools that have had to struggle hard in order to meet expenses, and where it would have been impossible to do so and at the same time erect buildings and put in machinery, that students might be taught the use of tools and the different trades. There has been, however, all along, work that could have been provided that would have proved profitable both to students and schools. If instead of selling off the land belonging to our schools it were cultivated and improved, I believe the returns would be much more satisfactory. Had our schools ten years ago planted orchards and vineyards, and set apart a number of acres of land for gardening, truck-raising, and farming, they would have been much nearer self-supporting to-day than they are.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 231.5
I have recently examined the official reports of a large number of schools in the South, and in almost every instance where industrial work is carried on, that of agriculture, fruit-raising, and gardening has yielded the best results. It is my candid opinion that our schools in the South should look well after these lines of work, and that as soon as possible they should be put on a paying basis. I would not advocate investing in large tracts of land at first. A few acres, highly cultivated, will yield better results both to students and to school than a large number of acres poorly managed. Definite plans, however, should be made at once, and then with proper management I believe we may soon have schools in the South that will be a strength to the denomination, and of which no one need feel ashamed.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.1
In closing, I desire to speak briefly of the school at Graysville, Tenn. This school was first opened in 1892 as a local enterprise, and was conducted with a good degree of success until two years ago, when it was suddenly closed on account of the religious persecution at that time. The school was not opened again until the following fall, and as the confidence had not been fully restored, the attendance was not as good as it had been in the past. About one year ago the school was formally turned over to the General Conference, and is now in the midst of its experimental year.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.2
This has been an exceedingly hard year in the South, on account of the failure of crops and the general financial depression. Notwithstanding all this, we have already enrolled seventy-five students. A spirit of earnestness and consecration prevails that causes much satisfaction to both teachers and friends. I have never seen students seem to appreciate school privileges as they do there. The courses of study and grade of work being done is about the same as that of our other academies. There will be a small graduating class at the close of the present year.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.3
The Academy building will accommodate about one hundred and fifty students, and is sufficiently large for the present; and with a little more work, it can be made fairly convenient and comfortable. That which is most needed now in the line of buildings is a good dormitory or home for the students. We also need at once a team of horses and a wagon, together with the necessary implements for farming, gardening, etc. I very earnestly hope that this Conference will not pass by without giving us the needed help.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.4
On account of the mildness of the climate and the low price of fuel, the actual expenses of the student have been reduced to a minimum, if paid in advance, one hundred dollars covering the expense of board, room, and tuition. Just as soon as possible we hope to be able to provide useful labor to a number of worthy students who are unable to meet the entire amount.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.5
The locations selected for both the Graysville and Oakwood schools are picturesque and healthful. The opportunities for nature study are unexcelled. The Word of God is made the living foundation of all the work. A spirit of union and harmony prevails. Teachers and students are brought daily into a close personal relationship; hence the student gets that personal help from the teacher that it is impossible to secure in a large school. Some text-books are used in the preparation of lessons, but only those that are selected with the greatest care. There are perhaps few places where the church privileges are better, the church and school working in perfect harmony. Students are not only able to enjoy these excellent church privileges, but are given actual experience in conducting missionary societies and Sabbath-school work, so that they may be better able to help in these lines wherever they go.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.6
A practical business course is provided, covering a period of one year, and including Bible study, practical English, business arithmetic, book-keeping, commercial law, short-hand, penmanship, and reading. In all departments of work those branches that are the most practical, that will lead to a closer acquaintance with the Creator, and will enable the student to go forth a trained worker for him, are made of prime importance.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.7
If wisdom and judgment are used in building up our schools in the South, and if they are then properly managed and supported, I know of nothing that will give a greater impetus to the work, or that will result in more lasting good.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.8
Studies in the Book of Hebrews. - No. 11. E. J. WAGGONER. (Monday Afternoon, Feb. 22, 1897.)
Hebrews 3:1-6: Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house. For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house, hath more honor than the house. For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; but Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 232.9
We will spend a few moments in seeing what the text says. Who are we to consider? - Christ, the Apostle, and High Priest of our profession. What was the characteristic of him? - He was faithful. He was as faithful as whom? - As Moses. That was a good recommendation for Moses. To whom was he faithful? - To Him that appointed him. And who was he that appointed him? - God, the Father. And Moses was faithful - where? - In all his house. In whose house? - The house of God. In what capacity was he faithful? - As a servant. Christ was faithful in what capacity? - As a son. Over what? - Over his house. Christ is a son over whose house? - God’s house. Not over his own house, but over God’s house, the same house in which Moses was faithful. In the Revised Version the word “own” is very properly omitted.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.1
Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, and Christ was faithful as a son. Christ was faithful as a son over God’s house, and that house was composed of whom? - Of us, provided what? - Provided we hold fast the confidence, and the rejoicing of the hope, firm unto the end. Very good. Now, what is the prominent thing that we have here before us in these verses? - Faithfulness? Yes; the faithfulness of Christ, that is one thing; another thing is God’s house. How many houses has God?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.2
(Congregation) “One.”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.3
We can settle that, that God has but one house, without our own authority, by seeing what the house of God is. What is the house of God? - The church of God. Where do you find that? - In 1 Timothy 3:15, we find the statement that the house of God is the church of the living God. The house of God is the church of God. What other name have we besides the church, for God’s house? - The body. We have that stated in the first chapter of Ephesians. The church is the body of Christ. How many bodies are there? - One body. This statement is found in the fourth chapter. That being the case, the matter is settled. The house is the church, the church is the body, and there is only one body. Then how many houses? - Only one house; one church. Therefore the house in which Moses was so faithful, is identical with the one in which Christ is faithful. The church in the wilderness is the same church that God has to-day.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.4
In 1 Peter 2:4, 5 we read that, coming to Christ “as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, ye also as living stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” Coming to whom? - To Christ. What is he? - The living stone. You read of that stone in the twenty-eighth of Isaiah: “Behold, I lay in Sion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation.” Not only is he the corner stone, but the whole foundation. “For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid.” And what is that? - Jesus Christ. So the foundation is Christ. Now, coming unto him as unto the living stone, what is wrought for us? - “Ye also as living stones.” What is the nature of the foundation? - It is a live stone. When any one comes and settles down upon that stone, what effect does it have upon him? - It makes him living. Every stone that is put upon that stone becomes living. It partakes of the nature of the foundation. The Life of the foundation comes up into it. “Ye also as living stones, are built up a spiritual house.”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.5
Now turn to the second chapter of Ephesians, and you find the nature of this house. It is a stone house, but such a stone house as you nor I nor any one else ever saw any man build. In Ephesians we have another part of this story:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.6
[Christ] came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 233.7
A household consisting of sons and daughters is often spoken of in the Bible as a house. We speak of the house of David. “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets;” that is the foundation laid by them, “Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” Now notice that as the stones become alive as soon as they are placed upon the living Stone, so the house is alive and grows. In Christ “all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” That is the same thought that we had yesterday - Christ dwelling in our hearts by faith; the reception of the Spirit of God brings Christ into the heart. In promising the Spirit, he says, I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. And so he says in the fourteenth chapter of John, that not only I, but my Father also will come and dwell with that man, and abide with him. So here we have the statement that we are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. What is the habitation of God - what is the place where God dwells? - The temple. The house, or, in other words, the church, the body as a whole, is the temple of God. But in order that it may be so as a whole, what is necessary? What do we have in the third and sixth chapters of First Corinthians? - “Know ye not that ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost?” or, “that ye are the temple of the living God?” So that when these different living stones - the different individuals - becomes thus filled full, then the whole mass of living stones is filled, and the whole thing becomes the temple of God. When does this take place, that is, at what time? Is it in the future that the church is to become the temple of the living God, an habitation of God through the Spirit?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.1
(Voices) It is now.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.2
Are you sure of that? You must not be hasty in that statement. Let us examine. It says, “ye are.” “Ye are builded.” Shall we take it that after the house is built, the Lord will come and look it over, and if it suits him he will move in? - No; he is the foundation; he is there first, and the house is built on him, and in him, and through him, and he is in the house. That is a fact.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.3
Now, if we are all agreed that the house of God, his temple, his church, is for his present habitation, let us see what are the characteristics of God’s house, his temple. In the temple of God, as the prominent feature of it, is the throne of God. God’s throne is in his temple, and the temple itself is a living temple. Here we have the temple of God, a living house, composed of living stones, in which God himself dwells by his Spirit; and you have said that that must be the case now.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.4
Let us turn to the first chapter of Ezekiel, and notice the statements that are there made concerning the throne of God:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.5
Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin’s captivity, the word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was there upon him.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.6
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of fire. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass. And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings. Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward. As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle. Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies. And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.7
Now I behold the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. When those went, those went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above. And under the firmament were their wings straight, the one toward the other: every one had two, which covered on this side, and every one had two, which covered on that side, their bodies. And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings. And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 234.8
And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 235.1
Here, then, we have the best description that human language could frame, of the throne of God. Now, if every one of us, or the whole body, the church, is the temple of God, then of course the throne of God is in his temple. And what kind of a temple is it? - A living house. What is the characteristic of his throne? - It is a living throne, composed of living creatures. It is all alive. From the throne of God comes life, the river of life. That is the source of life, infinite life. The throne of God is life because just the same as when we come to the living foundation we are made alive, so everything that is in God’s presence must be living. His presence gives life, and his throne is a living throne, for his house is a living house.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 235.2
Take the twentieth verse: “Whithersoever the Spirit was to go, they went.” Who went? - The living creatures that form the throne. Whithersoever his Spirit is to go, they go. How long did it take for the order to reach them, and for them to go to this place or that? Does it say anything about any order being given? - No. Then what was it - whithersoever the Spirit was to go, their spirit was to go? How could that be? What does that show us? - That the spirit that was in them was the Spirit of God. There is but one Spirit in the whole. Whithersoever the Spirit was to go, their spirit was to go because the Spirit of life was in them; so that God’s throne is, we may say, alive with his presence, just tingling, active with the presence of his Spirit pervading it all. God thinks, he wishes to go; and instantly he is there; for we must not think of God as shut up to one fixed place - the throne went and came back like a flash of lightning. They went hither and thither; but they turned not when they went; whithersoever the Spirit was to go they went. That is the perfection of motion. That is the perfection of organization.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 235.3
Now what do we have on earth as the most perfect human organization? - A well-drilled army is the most perfect organization on earth. You take the German army, for instance. A man in one place can give the word, can press an electric button, and the whole mass of troops will instantly be in motion. They may be around the barracks, but they will instantly fall into their places, every man in his place, and they will march at the word of command. There you will see them marching like one man, and suddenly they stop; or, they wheel and go in another direction, just as though there was but one man. What causes these different movements? - The word of command. How does it come about that all these men move together as one man? - By organization. Yes; but the drill comes in this: those men there in the ranks have been trained to hold their minds ready to listen to the word of command, so that, when the officer thinks a certain evolution, and puts his thought into a word, and as soon as the word goes out, what does it produce? - It produces that same thought in the mind of each man in the ranks. For some thought must precede the action, so that they think his thought, only it takes an appreciable length of time for his thought to become theirs. But their minds are subordinated to his mind.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 235.4
Now, suppose those soldiers were simply dreaming of their own affairs, some of one thing and some of another, would they have that perfect drill? - No, sir. When a body of men are drilling, their bodies are set; there is a sort of stolidity there, so far as that is concerned. They are simply there as machines, with no business to have any mind at all; the less mind of their own that they have, the better machines they are; and that is all they want to be, so that the mind of the commanding officer will be put into them, and they move. He thinks for them. Just as he thinks, they do. That is the perfection of military drill; that is the most perfect organization that is known.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.1
(Voice) No, sir. The church of Christ is the most perfect organization on earth? Is it not?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.2
The church of Christ is not a human organization. The army is the most perfectly organized thing that the human mind can conceive or bring to perfection. When the word is given, then the next one gives the command to the different parts of that division, and they move all together, perfectly and harmoniously. But it is only a machine, consequently there is no individuality; there is only one mind in the whole army. That is accomplished by hard work, - a hard, arbitrary thing; and after years of that, the fact is seen that the man is useless for anything else - for any other kind of work. He must take orders from somebody else; he is simply a machine. That is the result of one human mind being subject to another human mind.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.3
But here, on the other hand, we have God’s organization, his house, the perfect body. Do we find in it one man’s mind controlling another man’s mind, as in the army? - No. There we have mind acting upon mind; here in this we have, it is true, only one mind, but it is the mind of God, the Spirit of God. “Whither the Spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went,” because the Spirit of life, the Spirit of God was in them. That is the perfect organization. You said that this thing of God dwelling in his temple, in this living house, is a thing not for the future, but for the present time. Do you hold to that still? - Yes. Another question: Do you see any such perfection of organization anywhere on earth where men without drill as in the army, move as one man? - No. What is the conclusion, then?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.4
Let us consider the matter closely. Here are two statements which you yourselves have made: You have said, having read the scriptures as to what the temple of God is, what it is for, - the habitation of God through the Spirit, - that the time is now, has been a long time, of course, when God would dwell in his people in this living house. We have read here what is the characteristic of that temple of God, when God dwells in it, as shown by the movement of his throne, - perfect, spontaneous action, because the Spirit of God was their spirit. They had the same Spirit, his spirit was through them, so that when the Spirit thought, they thought the same thing. Then you have stated, as a second thing, that you never saw on earth any such unity, any such perfection of movement, in any body of people.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.5
(A voice) Were not the apostles thus united at the time of Pentecost?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.6
O, yes; but we have not seen them. What now is the conclusion? - Simply this: That God is not dwelling in this temple in his fullness, or else we are not letting it be built into a temple just as he wants it. I was reading a statement here just after class yesterday, which I will read to you:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.7
To the prophet, the wheel within the wheel, the appearances of living creatures connected with them, all seem intricate and unexplainable. But the hand of infinite wisdom is seen among the wheels, and perfect order is the result of its work. Every wheel works in perfect harmony with every other. I have been shown that human instrumentalities seek after too much power, and try to control the work themselves. They leave the Lord God, the mighty Worker, too much out of their methods and plans, and do not trust everything to him in regard to the advancement of the work.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.8
When is it that we leave God too much out of our plans - under what circumstances? - When we do not trust everything to him.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.9
No one should fancy that he is able to manage these things which belong to the great I AM. God in his providence is preparing a way so that the work may be done by human agents. Then let every man stand at his post of duty, to act his part for this time, and know that God is his Instructor.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.10
Again:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.11
Christ breathed upon his disciples, and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” Christ is represented by his Holy Spirit to-day in every part of his great moral vineyard. He will give the inspiration of his Holy Spirit to all those who are of a contrite spirit. Let there be more dependency upon the efficiency of the Holy Spirit, and far less upon human agencies. I am sorry to say that at least some have not given evidence that they have learned the lesson of meekness and lowliness in the school of Christ. They do not abide in Christ, they have no vital connection with him. They are not directed by the wisdom of Christ, through the impartation of his Holy Spirit. Then I ask you, How can we regard these men as faultless in judgment? They may be in responsible positions, but they are living separate from Christ. They have not the mind of Christ, and do not learn daily of him. Yet in some cases their judgment is trusted, and their counsel is regarded as the wisdom of God.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.12
That means every one who is not thus moved by the divine power.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.13
When human agents choose the will of God, and are conformed to the character of Christ, Jesus acts through their organs and faculties.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.14
There we have exactly the thing we have read here in the Bible. God acts through the organs and faculties of the members of his church, when all are subject to him. Have we had that as yet demonstrated among us? I do not know the heart of any man. I do not say that there have not been many who have let the Lord use their organs and faculties completely; but have we, in this our work, seen Christ in our little experience, acting through the organs and faculties of the mind and body of his people in this way?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 236.15
They put aside all selfish pride, all manifestations of superiority, all arbitrary exactions, and manifest the meekness and lowliness of Christ. It is no more themselves that live and act, but it is Christ that lives and acts through them.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.1
In closing, I would like to ask, What practical use are we going to make of this lesson? What must we seek in order to be God’s perfect temple?GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.2
Healdsburg (Cal.) College. F. W. HOWE
OUR first term of school this year began on September 23. I am glad to report that our work is progressing as satisfactorily as the conditions permit, and that the prospects seem favorable for increased success as fast as we are able to improve on our present plans. While we are gratified with the indications of improvement already attained, there is doubtless room for a much larger improvement yet to be realized. We are especially grateful for the continued excellent physical health of our teachers and of our students. Since the general improvement made in our sanitary conditions preceding the beginning of the last school year, there have been no epidemic maladies in the Home or school, and exceedingly few cases of individual illness. I shall speak later of the spiritual health and the intellectual interests of the school.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.3
As requested, I shall endeavor to make this report comprehensive enough to give an adequate understanding of the present status of our work as compared with previous years. I will begin by stating that our faculty planned this year to conduct a local institute before school began, for the particular purpose of more fully adapting the work of the school to the needs of our territory, and to enlist a better co-operation of our conference ministers and people. We were encouraged to this decision by the fact that the educational interest was very manifest at the general camp-meeting in Alameda, where upward of $1,700 was pledged to the support of the College. At this and the Fresno camp-meeting, and throughout the vacation, the indications of a large attendance were better than in the two preceding years.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.4
The conference committee suggested to the favorable consideration of the trustees and the faculty a new “general course” of study, abolishing any distinctions between the so-called Bible course and the three other courses which had always been taught in the College. A finance committee was also appointed, to devise ways and means of meeting the school expenses for the coming year, as the ordinary income for many years has not sufficed to meet current expenses and the interest on outstanding obligations. As this action had been taken less than one week before the time originally set for the faculty institute, it was thought best to postpone the beginning of the institute from August 30 to September 13, especially as this would give the president of the College an opportunity to attend a part of the Walla Walla institute, which was then in session.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.5
The Healdsburg institute was as successful as could have been expected under the circumstances. The attendance and interest at the various meetings were good. Two sessions were held each day, besides an evening meeting in the church, at which some of the more general subjects were discussed by the ministers present. The most promising result of the institute seemed to be the bringing of ministers, teachers, and patrons into a better understanding of their mutual duties and responsibilities.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.6
During this institute a plan was devised by the joint action of the board of trustees and the conference committee, which puts our local educational work in a unique position in respect to the status and compensation of certain teachers. As the move seems to be an important one, the reasons for which it was adopted will no doubt be interesting. After mature deliberation, the finance committee previously mentioned reached the conclusion that the only way by which the school could be maintained this year was to ask the California Conference to meet the expenses of the teachers’ salaries. As re-arranged on the new basis, six members of the faculty and the business superintendent are, in theory, employed and paid by the California Conference: and others, with the cook, teamster, and matron, (who acts also as preceptress), are employed by the College, and paid from school receipts. The salaries of the latter are practically the same as they have been heretofore. Concerning the salaries of the others, it is impossible yet to say whether they have been changed, since in accordance with the conference plan of auditing the accounts of its employees only at the end of the year, it cannot be known in advance just what each will receive. It seems safe to presume, however, that the amount will not exceed the “penny” for which they originally agreed, as they were formally called to the work only “at the eleventh hour.”GCDB March 3, 1897, page 237.7
Our faculty was not fully organized until two or three days before the institute ended. Under these circumstances it was impossible to issue the new fall announcement which had been promised through the conference paper, sooner than four or five weeks after the school began. The attendance at the beginning was accordingly not so large as it had been in previous years, but larger than might have been expected. It has gradually increased till the present time, when the total enrollment is 165. This is equal to our maximum enrollment of last year during the session of our “special course.” Only thirty-eight of these, however, are in the Home.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 238.1
As to the general character of the students, we are glad to report that it compares favorably with the membership of previous years. Our visiting brethren frequently remark that there seems to be an excellent class of students in attendance. The average age is probably somewhat lower than in previous years. We have in the Home a larger proportion of those who have made no profession of religious experience, though some excellent results have followed the special meetings held during the appointed season of prayer. As teachers, we do not expect to convert the students placed under our care, but seek constantly to do our duty in such a way that the Holy Spirit may work through us in convicting sinners of their need of a Saviour, and winning them to his service. We have seen the most success in quiet, continuous work rather than in confining the work to special times. We hope to have our students so well instructed that when they take a stand for the service of God it will be deliberate and permanent. Since the special prayer season, in addition to the public religious meetings, the Home students and some outside, have held special voluntary meetings for prayer and Christian work; and there seems to be a steady, healthy religious growth that we hope will eventually embrace every member of the school. Once each week we have a special period in the College program usually devoted to some evangelical effort or practical instruction in Christian life. The letters received from the foreign mission secretary are read at this time to the whole school.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 238.2
In regard to their intellectual attainments, I suppose our school is much like others - the students do not enter as well prepared to do College work as we should like, but fully as well prepared as we could expect considering the previous educational history of many of them. We have only ten or twelve this year who entered from high school work, the rest coming from the lower grades of the common schools. Where students come directly from the public schools, they are usually well prepared, as California has an excellent educational system. Many, however, have been out of school from two to six or eight years, and it is always difficult to classify them satisfactorily. With our present force of teachers it is impossible to organize new and special classes for the benefit of every half dozen students who fail to qualify at the beginning of the year. One of the greatest difficulties arises from the fact that many of such students wish to take two or three classes in the Bible, and see little importance in studying anything else but reading and writing. While I think the superlative importance of Bible study cannot be over emphasized, and the importance of other studies may be easily exaggerated, I feel satisfied that there is a way of presenting the subject of education that directly tends to encourage students to enter school in the expectation of being efficiently qualified in a few months for public religious work. Whenever the importance of thorough literary qualifications is presented, it seems to raise a question concerning the speaker’s personal piety and zeal. Such conditions bring a strong pressure upon the teachers to be time-serving and demagogic in his manner of handling the interests of our educational work. The Spirit of the Lord has told us that there has been “too much talking down to the common mind,” the unaspiring mind. This certainly is not “raising the standard,” nor does it tend to educate laborers who shall be better qualified for the work than many have been in the past. I believe we would have more students, and develop more efficient workers, if the importance and necessity of systematic education were more strongly and frequently emphasized at our general meetings. The teacher is always willing to do this, but it is always much more effective if done by the ministry themselves.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 238.3
In regard to our industrial affairs, I am sorry to report that their condition is not so favorable at present as I had hoped they might now be. Our tent shop is not in operation, the printing establishment has been closed on the ground that it does not pay, and it has been recently decided to sell our team, discharge our agriculturist, and rent no more ground for farming purposes. We have been obliged to announce that we can offer no opportunities to any students to pay their way wholly or partially in labor. This does not seem like an encouraging report, and I cannot feel that we are carrying out the light that has been given us on the subject of manual training. It would seem easy, however, to justify all the decisions that have been made if we dwell only upon the difficulties in the way of making this work successful. On the other hand, however, it would seem that with a business superintendent, which the College has never had before, we ought now, if ever, to be prepared to take some advance steps. The construction of a brick oven, which was first proposed last year, has recently been taken under consideration, and there is some prospect that it will soon be undertaken. It is designed to do our College baking more satisfactorily than in the past, and also, if possible, to create a market among our neighbors for wholesome bread and other health foods. We should doubtless be doing much more in the industrial line this year if the conviction were not so strong that we must retrench expenses in every possible way, especially as the school is receiving assistance from the conference.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 239.1
This financial dependence on the Conference is, however, largely nominal, as it is the intention of the trustees to make the receipts of the College pay the salaries of all the teachers and the other expenses if possible. From present indications it seems probable that this can be done as fully as at any time in the past. So far this year the school has been able to meet all its bills in cash. This has usually been the case during the first few months of the year; and should it continue throughout the year, as we hope, it will seem to suggest that the financial condition of the College would be much better than it is if it had had the services of a business superintendent several years ago. Certainly the school now has the open and active support of the conference more apparently than at any time during the last two years, and if this continues, with a wise administration of the educational work, our school will eventually emerge from the embarrassments under which it has labored.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 239.2
What I have said in introducing this report will indicate that we have made a considerable change in our plan of school work. The general nature of this is sufficiently explained in the current announcement which has superseded the courses of study found in the former calendar, and so will not be described here in detail. The most noticeable modification of our work is probably apparent in the plan of teaching Latin and Greek from the Bible only. (The Bible is also used in the Spanish and German classes.) We do not favor the expression sometimes used, of “making the Bible the text-book” in these languages, because we regard the Bible as a text-book only in the “science of salvation.” In any proper technical sense, the Bible cannot be considered as a text-book in language, science, etc., since it does not give any connected systematic statement of the facts to be studied in these branches. But the Bible certainly can be used as a reading book in the ancient languages, as furnishing the language material which is studied for the purpose of discovering the facts and laws of the language. This is what we are trying to do this year. The use of the Bible for this purpose is subject to the disadvantage that neither the Latin nor the Greek of the Bible represents the typical form of those languages; and the teacher does not have the opportunity of grading the difficulties of grammar according to the student’s increasing ability, if the verses of a chapter or the chapters of a book are always taken consecutively.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 239.3
Another serious difficulty arises from the student’s dependence upon our ordinary English version in translating, thus tending to superficial work. But these incidental difficulties would largely disappear whenever we can discover or prepare a text-book of instruction adapted to the use of the Bible in reading. Our work this year has been mostly experimental in this direction, and with such success that we feel prepared to heartily recommend all our other schools to use this plan, at least till the students are able to read the whole Bible readily in Greek or Latin. The most important advantage from this use of the Bible is undoubtedly in disarming the opinion that the study of Greek and Latin necessarily saturates the mind of the student with pagan and immoral ideas.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 239.4
In conclusion, I am led to emphasize the importance of adopting some fixed plan of work for all our schools of the same grade, that shall not be subject to radical changes without notice. Should we discard the prevailing educational standards of the world, it will become a necessity that we should substitute some definite standards of our own. It is difficult to see how we can follow the injunction now, “Do not lower the standard,” when it is not apparent that we have any educational standard upon which there is unanimous agreement. I am referring here to the details of practical school work, - text-books, courses of study, discipline, methods, etc. I am not in favor of adopting plans that cannot be changed, but of making changes only after mature deliberation, and, so far as possible, concert of action between all our schools.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.1
I think I have incidentally, if not directly, complied with the request of the educational secretary to offer any suggestions that might be helpful to our educational work; but I would like the privilege of briefly enumerating the following list by way of recapitulation and further suggestions:-GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.2
1. A uniform series of text-books for all our schools of the same grade.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.3
2. As far as practicable, a uniform course of study for all our schools of the same grade.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.4
3. As far as practicable, a uniform system of industrial training in each school.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.5
4. A general system of instruction by correspondence for field laborers.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.6
5. Concentration of the more advanced lines of study in one or two of our best-equipped schools.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.7
6. Provision for thorough special training of all the teachers for our schools.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.8
7. A general educational journal, devoted mostly to the practical interests of our schools.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.9
The C. B. & Q
DELEGATES and visitors to the Biennial Conference will kindly remember that the Burlington ticket office is on the corner of 10th and O streets, opposite the First National Bank. Any information regarding the return of the delegates cheerfully given. Please call. G. W. BONNELL, G. P. & T. A.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.10
Eleventh Meeting of the Conference
THE eleventh meeting was called at 10:30 A. M., March 2. O. A. Olsen presided. Prayer was offered by H. E. Robinson.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.11
No committees being ready to report, opportunity was given the secretary of the General Conference Association to present some proposed amendments to the by-laws of the Association. These amendments were for the purpose of correcting an inconsistency which exists between sections 2 and 6 of Art. 1 of the by-laws regarding the work of the Executive Committee during the intervals between the sessions of the Board. The proposed amendments were accepted and recommended to the Board of Trustees, which will be elected March 10 in Battle Creek, Mich.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.12
It was voted by the Conference to endorse the actions of the Executive Committee while working under the provisions of section 2, above referred to.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.13
This business being finished, and there still being no committee ready to report, W. C. White, superintendent of district No. 7, was called upon to finish his report concerning that district. An abstract of this report will be given elsewhere.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.14
At the close of Elder White’s address, D. T. Jones asked permission to present some matters relating to the work in Mexico to the Conference; and to give him an opportunity to do so, it was voted to adjourn to five o’clock in the afternoon of the same day.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.15
AT his own request, E. A. Sutherland was relieved from the Committee on Plans and Resolutions of the Educational Society; and the committee was enlarged by the addition of two members. It now stands: I. H. Evans, A. O. Burrill, J. H. Morrison, E. J. Hibbard, R. M. Kilgore.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.16
THE other day we mentioned the peculiar circumstances which prevent our issuing the usual number of the BULLETIN at this present Conference; but from present indications we hope to make up this lack, at least partly, by issuing some numbers of extra size. The BULLETIN of Tuesday contained twenty-four pages, and our present issue contains the same, and we hope to be able to get out other numbers of the same size.GCDB March 3, 1897, page 240.17